Learning to Trust: Changing Places (2 page)

BOOK: Learning to Trust: Changing Places
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"You didn't meet
, did you?" His expression was cold.

I felt my legs weakening at once. I dropped to the chair as if it was intentional.
Get yourself together, Marisa.
?" I asked. "Why the hell would I see that scumbag?"
What did he know about the real

"Are you sure?"
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"Yes! You really think I'd go see him?"

"He's always after our secrets
—and he's smart
I'd hate for you to wind up involved with such a loser.
I won't say anything...

" I said. "I didn't see
and that's that." I felt a lot better after he continued with the whole
former partner
business. That was obviously the image that
was trying to portray.

"Relax!" He kissed my cheek. "I was just teasing. Don't sweat it."

"Yeah, it's just the dog thing," I said.

"Sure. Losing a pet is no good." As usual, he looked at his cell phone and then prepared to leave. "I've got to be on my way though. I'll see you later."

I gave him an awkward wave and turned back to my desk. There were piles and piles of manifests. As I'd noticed before, some items vanished during the week and were replaced by the final shipment days. It was suspicious—this was probably exactly where illegal transactions were taking place—but I didn't know how far I should dig into it here since Frederic had already noticed my snooping the first time. I would have to give it some thought.

By the end of the day, I didn't want to leave. I was nervous about facing Roland, nervous that he somehow tracked me.
claimed that the metal detector would have picked up any chips that could have been implanted under my skin to track my whereabouts, but still I was weary. There was no choice, however. The car awaited me.

I shut off the lights in my office and headed outside. As usual, my
was there. I climbed inside and once again braced myself to head directly back into Roland's world.
When I arrived in the driveway, there was a silver BMW parked there, one that I hadn't seen before. Honestly, Roland knew so many people that it was nearly impossible to keep track of them.

When I stepped onto the porch, a bald man in a leather jacket stepped out and walked past me like I wasn't even there. He hopped in his sports car and drove off before I had even
This was my big moment, the time when the show really began.

"Who was that?" I asked as I walked in. Roland was standing there in the living room in actual clothes for the first time since the big company event.
As usual, he didn't look surprised to see me.

"Curious, are we?" he asked. "That's my friend Lukas." He crept toward me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"How do you even keep track of all of them?"
Oh shit, my heart was pounding
. This was all so normal, but now that I knew what I knew, I felt like I was on stage in front of half of the world.
Stay cool.

"Pet, you're a little worked up, aren't you? Relax." Roland spun me around and started to massage my shoulders, his hands expertly kneading away all of the tension I was holding there.

"Oh my god," I remarked. "That feels so nice."
It felt like betrayal—but it felt

"Busy day today, pet? They say you're doing well at the office."

"They? Who is
?" I felt my heart start to flutter again and so I took a deep breath.

"My! You are worked up." His hands glided down my back, rubbing in circles that made me further appreciate his prowess.
They started to wander toward the front of me. "I think I know what you need." His
erection pressed against my butt.

"But Roland," I w
hined. I was freshly conflicted. M
, I didn't want to do any of this, but the gre
ater good required that I did—t
emporarily, at least.
"Right now? I just got home."

"Is something the matter, pet? Usually you're so

Damnit! He was right.
If I was going to ensure that he didn't suspect anything, I'd have to maintain business as usual. I was so tense because I was trying not to get aroused, trying so hard to not fall under his spell. His fingers were sliding under the elastic waistband of my panties and crawling
against the soft curls o
n my mound. I knew exactly where this was headed.

And then he was stroking my clit and I was purring, my cares melting away as if I'd never experienced a thing.
Maybe I wouldn't really have to try

"You can't fool me," he said, his breath tickling against the nape of my neck. He kissed me there several times as his fingers eased into my wetness.
By that point, it wasn't just wetness—
it was a
wet heat
, moisture that was
His body started to inch me toward the couch, the location that satisfied his apparent requirement of

Roland stayed behind me the whole time, a fact I appreciated because it meant I wasn't looking him in the eyes. His breath started to come quicker as he bent me forward onto the cushions and pulled down my skirt with the fingers that were previously inside of me. "God, this ass," he remarked. He took my panties away like they were something that annoyed him, an unnecessary obstacle that was keeping him from his prize.
He kissed each cheek with admiration, delicately peppering that soft flesh with a dollop of saliva

From beneath, he slid his fingers into me again, ensuring that he brushed against my throbbing clit with each in and out motion. I was pulsing against his hand, my nerves firing with excitement as my body craved him. All of my previous inhibitions were lost in the m
oment as desire clouded my mind like a drug. Sometimes I worried that I might overdose on

I heard that unmistakable sound of Roland unzipping his pants and then the
as the metal button struck the floor. His hardened length crept between my ass checks as he
proceeded to tempt me, to make me beg for it. "You remember this couch, pet? The first time I fucked you here?"

"Yes," I whined. I could feel those tiny twitches in his erection every time his heart beat. His hand pressed into the space between my shoulder blades and forced me against the couch until I was lined up with his cock.

"You were so
back then," he said. "So
." He lightly caressed my ass with his other hand—such a gentle and thoughtful move—and then penetrated me all at once. I let out a gasp that was muffled by the couch. "Oh god," he remarked. "Such a sweet little pussy."

He felt so big, bigger than usual for no obvious reason—perhaps it was just because there was a tinge of aggression in his movements. I cried out as his hips started to swing, our juices coalescing inside of me. "Yet, pet," he moaned, "you've learned so much now."

Roland slammed into me with relentless fervor, the sound of his thighs slapping my backside almost as loud as the continuous groans he produced. In a way
I felt like he was forcing me to relive our introduction, our
of the relationship. I had originally slept with him only because I sought to advance my career, a vulnerable woman in a very vulnerable position. Now when we did this, it was like we couldn't resist, our bodies screaming until we finally gave in.

I was pressed against the couch, continuing to tell my secrets directly to the cushions. Saliva pooled beneath my lips. "Now you understand my world," he
cried out, "and I'm
deep in yours too.
The words sent chills up my spine. He was completely in control.

Every thrust shook me
like an earthquake
. The walls of my pussy clenched around him, tightening as if
it would
entice him
to go
even deeper into my womb.
This was the very thing that I had been so frightened about after meeting with
—and now I could barely think straight.

"I took you, pet," I growled. "I made you mine! I showed you things you'd never experienced before." Every word was accentuated by a thrust, like it was the only way he could speak to me. I was quickly approaching bliss, my climax so close now. My fingers clenched the cushions around me for support. Roland just kept going faster and faster.

"God, I fucked you right here, right
," he said. "You were in a trance." The sounds of sex filled the room. I couldn't last much longer. He angled his body forward and shoved me even harder against the couch with his hands. And with that, he started to explore even deeper. I lost it.

"Roland!" I screamed, my words simultaneously begging for mercy
for him to ravage me. Time became a blur as my senses were overwhelmed. My whole cheek was moist from saliva now. I kept screaming out repeatedly as he had his way with me.

His cock began twitching inside of me and then I felt him tense up like he'd suddenly been filled with electricity. "
Yes!" he shouted
There was nothing I could have done about it anyway.
Cum shot into me in huge
bursts, his back arching every time he released it. It kept the fire burning inside of me until he was spent. His climaxes were something I'd learned to love very much. They were so visceral
, so unrefined and raw

Roland collapsed onto my clothed back after he was finished, his orgasm seeming to outlast mine by mere seconds. He kept me there at that angle, still embedded deeply inside of me, like he was still holding the reins. "You know, I didn't trust you one bit when you came here," he said. "I thought you were undercover for
I thought you came here to end all of this...

Sickness swelled inside of me
, a blackness that I swore was oozing right out of my pores
. If he could have seen my face in that moment, he would have seen a look of terror that would have given me away in an instant.
What the hell?

"Roland, what are you talking about?"

"I thought someone sent you in here. I tested you. I
r will," he said.

I had a reason for my heartbeat to be so high. I had no idea where he was going with this. Did he know about my meeting with
? Was this just random? "I'm not—"

"Pet, I know far more than you think I do." His voice had taken on a far more sinister tone. I was more frightened than I'd ever been in my life, his erection still inside me, his weight keeping me against the couch like I was a prisoner. I fought not to reveal myself, to blurt out some lie that would confuse him
—and me—
even more.

"Roland, I—"
I really believed that I was about to wind up dead somehow, right here in this room.

"I'm ready to bring you inside, pet. You're the only one that's made it this far. However, that requires a test of loyalty. If you succeed, you'll truly be by my side."

I let out a massive sigh that would have been a dead giveaway in any other situation. "Wow, Roland, that's such an honor," I said softly. He pulled out and sat down next to me on the couch.
Suddenly, I could see the
light at the end of the tunnel—
I would get the information
needed. It felt like it was set in stone now
He was lessening my fears.

"Soon," he said. He kissed my cheek and then stood up. "An Irish coffee?" he asked. "Like old times?"

"Absolutely," I said.
Despite his sudden intensity, Roland was being sweet again.

He smiled and walked into the kitchen. I let out another enormous sigh and pulled up my panties.

I sat there and suddenly
recalled an event from my past that seemed painfully relevant, even more so because I had
happened to say
the lie about my family dog dying earlier.

Growing up, my
had done his best with gifts for my mom, sometimes enlisting the help of his mother to decide on what to get
I didn't remember it
—I was maybe
-years-old at the time—
but our dog died and it really affected my mom. So
for my
s birthday
the following
my dad decided to go out of his
way to do something
for her—he would
surprise her with a puppy, and her cute little daughter would present it to her.

BOOK: Learning to Trust: Changing Places
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