Read Lens of Time Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction

Lens of Time (3 page)

BOOK: Lens of Time
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“There is one other possibility.” The aide waited. “They were sent here to deliver something.”

The aide thought about the idea and then said, “I’ll get some of our ships to go to the entry point of those ships and scan the entire path they followed until they were destroyed.”

“That ‘s why I called you here. Make sure the ships can be trusted and let me know what you find.”

The door slid down and the aide crawled away.

• • •

“Sir, we have something irregular happening here.”

Lt. Jensen walked over to the operator’s display and saw a large purple ship appear in the distance. The operator said, “They’ve turned on their scanners and are moving directly at the buoy.”

“Retract the antenna and keep it down for 48 hours.”

• • •

The buoy’s small antenna disappeared. Two hours later the large purple ship passed over the buoy’s location and continued toward the outer system.

Jensen hit his panel, “Sir, I think they’re suspicious and are scanning the entire route followed by the ships that delivered the buoys.”

“Keep me informed on what’s happening.”

“Yes Sir.”

Chapter Three

hat are the numbers?”

“We’ve completed almost 400,000.”

“I was hoping for more.”

“I think this is the best we can do. These ships are not easily built.”

“Have any of our neighbors detected our building efforts?”

“Not yet. As you know, most of the building facilities are underground or under the surface of a moon. I don’t think they’re brave enough yet to enter our territory uninvited.”

“They don’t have to enter. Their scanners will see most everything from outside our borders.”

“They won’t penetrate that far underground. We haven’t put any of the new ships in our lines yet so I think we have some time. Once they show up, that’s when they might take action.”

“Our friends in the other sector appear to have most of their attention.”

“The sector’s leaders are, if nothing else, greedy. If they can take other civilizations without much of a fight, that’s where they will place their attention.”

“Have we heard anything about them uniting against us?”

“The Moget are pushing for it but most just think they’re over reacting.”

“They are our closest neighbor.”

“That’s why everyone is not paying them much attention. They think the Moget are just self-serving in their rants.”

“They still haven’t gotten over the ten thousand ships that disappeared. Most of the sector is not as advanced and hope we do knock them down a level or two.”

“We will have to deal with them eventually. How does the new ship compare to theirs?”

“If we get off the first shot, we’ll win. Their beams are still capable of penetrating the force fields if they can be hit longer than a second.”

“We’ll just have to avoid letting that happen.”

“I think the idea is to hit and fly.”

“Something like that.”

“We’re moving crews to the new ships for training shortly.”

“If we take ships out of the line, it will be noticed.”

“We’re leaving the ships in place with just enough to move them around. Once we reach a million ships, we’ll move them to the line. I hope we have another event to distract the sector before that happens.”

“I’ll contact our friends when that time arrives.”

“I hope they can help.”

“They already have. Even if they don’t, they’ve done more than they should.”

“I’ll keep you informed on our progress.”

• • •

Captain Riebbe sat in the pilot’s chair and Beth turned on the new force field. The bubble appeared only twenty feet away from the small ship’s surface. “Beth what’s the reading?”

Beth looked at her panel and said, “Oh my God.”


“This field is stronger than a main battleship’s force field.”

Riebbe just stared at her.

“I’m serious.”

“How does it do that?”

“The area is tiny compared to what the field normally covers. The strength increases with the square of distance.”

“Are you ready for the trial?”

“What ship are we going to use?”

“The Tampa has volunteered its services.”

“Why can’t this be done by remote control?”

“No remote control signal can make it through the new force field.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“We’ve got to know if this new weapon works before we start modifying all of our attack craft. Just strap in and turn on the oxygen to your suit. They’ve reinforced the cabin.”

“A lot of good that will do!”

“I know. But at least we’re together.”

Beth smiled, “I wouldn’t have it any other way. What speed will we be using?”

“We can’t go faster than six miles a second. Even if it worked at a faster speed, it wouldn’t do us any good. We’d blow past our target and lose the benefit.”

Beth hit her communication panel, “Admiral Anders, we’re starting our approach run.”

“Are you sure the two of you want to do this?”

“Someone has to do it.”

“But why you?”

“Would you order one of your crew to take this risk?”

Kenny sighed, “The field is at full power; good luck.”

Riebbe said, “Modulate the field.”

The force field surrounding the attack craft moved even closer to its hull as the section in front of the small white ship extended a hundred feet and formed a very sharp point. Beth looked at Riebbe, “Field is ready.”

Riebbe hit the thrusters and said, “I love you.” The small white ship accelerated toward the mile long battleship.

Kenny watched and said, “I want this recorded.”

The small ship hit the Tampa’s force field and a huge flash illuminated the ship. Kenny watched and saw the attack craft flying around the Tampa inside the force field. Kenny smiled and said, “It looks like we have our fusion missiles back.”

Riebbe was howling as Beth hugged him. The small ship accelerated and exited the Tampa’s force field.

Kenny laughed and said, “Now you’re showing off.”

Captain Loree Barber looked at Kenny and asked, “Why is this so important?”

“The new attack craft can only hold one of the new reactors due to its size. If we divide the power between its weapons and force field, it is vulnerable to the beams of the Major’s Battleships. By putting all of the reactor’s power into a greatly condensed force field, the attack craft can penetrate their force fields. The attack craft will not have a beam weapon so it needs something to hit the battleships once it penetrates their screen. It can carry fusion missiles and launch them at the ship with nothing to stop them.”

Loree smiled, “This is a significant discovery.”

“More than you know. The Major’s beams will not penetrate the bubble, that’s what we call the new force field, and it can take them on.”

“Is it possible to use the force field on the Tampa?”

“No, it won’t work. The area it has to cover is just too big.”

“I guess those ships will be the Penetrator Craft.”

Kenny smiled, “Loree, that’s exactly what we’ll name them.”

Loree smiled.

• • •

Arvolo sat up from his beach chair and looked out at the ocean. It reminded him of Cuba but it was not the same. The ocean brought him peace and the sunset inspired him. RV thought about writing some poetry or at least a song. Then he remembered, he had no rhythm. Cyanna was walking back from the waves and smiled at him as she drew near. “You’re ready aren’t you?”

“Does it show that much?”

“It does.”

“We’ll never have another honeymoon, my love. I don’t want to shorten this one and deprive you of the memories.”

Cyanna dried her hair with a towel and sat down at his feet, “I’m missing it as well.” She looked out at the ocean and said, “This is beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as a viewport full of stars. Things are happening and the fleet needs you.”

“They need us.”

“That’s nice of you to say but I know the real power here. We’ll leave in the morning.”

RV looked at Cyanna and smiled, “My life is whole again. You are so much a part of me now.”

Cyanna moved into his lap and reclined with him. She put her head on his shoulder and said, “You don’t feel as lumpy.”

RV looked at her with a straight face, “I’m sorry. I’m down to two hundred and fifty four pounds. I’ll try to put them back on if you want.”

Cyanna smiled brightly and said, “Don’t do that. Now I can sit on your lap in the command chair.”

RV looked serious and looked around, “Only after hours.”

Cyanna laughed and kissed him.

RV felt her break the kiss and said, “Will you do that again if I let you push some buttons on the chair.”

Cyanna tried to kiss him again but couldn’t stop laughing.

• • •

“We’ve received a new design from our friends.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a modification of the larger small ship.”

“Show me what it does.” The leader watched the video and sat back in his chair. “How many of those ships do we currently have?”

“Two million.”

“Begin the modifications immediately.”

“They’ve also given us a diagram for a missile that uses fusion power.”

“Show me later. Get moving and make it happen.”

The second moved out of the room and smiled at the possibilities of the new craft.

George and Admiral Owens sat in a room with Captain Mikal Roman. George looked at the handsome, young man and said, “Captain, are you sure you know what you’re volunteering for?”

“Yes Mr. President, I do.”

“This is probably a suicide mission and it’s important to me that you know that going in.”

“There is always the chance of survival, Sir.”

Bob said, “It doesn’t look good this time, Captain. You’re going to take on one of the most advanced Major Battleships you can find and attempt to destroy it. It will not be there alone.”

Mikal smiled, “I’ve always liked performing in front of an audience.”

George shook his head, “This isn’t funny, Captain.”

“With all due respect, Sir, when you lose your sense of humor, you’re holding on too tight. That’s when you make mistakes.”

George looked at Bob and then turned to Mikal, “You understand that your ship will have a self-destruct circuit. You cannot allow it to be captured by the Majors.”

“I understand.”

George looked at Bob again and nodded. Bob said, “Captain Roman, report to Admiral Anders on the Tampa to receive your briefing and the information you’ll need to fly this mission.”

Mikal came to attention and saluted Admiral Owens. Bob returned his salute as he did an about face and left the room. Bob looked at George and said, “Is this really necessary?”

“It is. We must know the new ships capability against our enemy’s most advanced battleships before we commit our full resources in building and modifying them.”

Bob slowly shook his head, “He won’t survive. There’s no way he can escape. Even the new jukebox class battleships are unable to escape their scanners.”

“Don’t diminish his decision. He knows.”

• • •

Kenny was going over fleet reports when Mikal arrived from the command center. “Admiral, Captain Roman has arrived in the landing bay.”

“Send him to the bridge.”

Loree looked at Kenny with raised eyebrows.

“He’s going to M-87 to take on an advanced Major Battleship with one of our new attack craft.”

“How many are going with him?” Kenny stared at Loree and remained silent. “Sir, please don’t tell me he’s going alone.”

“That’s the mission he volunteered to do, Captain.”

“That’s a suicide mission.” Kenny just shrugged.

Mikal entered the bridge and came to attention and saluted, “Captain Mikal Roman reporting, Sir.”

Kenny returned his salute and said, “Come with me Captain. Captain Barber, come with us.”

Kenny walked off the bridge and Mikal nodded to Loree that he would follow her. They followed Kenny to the conference room and he said, “At ease. Take a chair.”

Mikal sat while Loree continued standing. Kenny looked at her and said, “Take a chair, Captain.”

Loree’s face turned red and she sat down. She looked at the handsome attack craft commander and just couldn’t believe that fleet was going to send him to his death. She was surprised when she heard Kenny say, “Admiral Owens has told me about his efforts to persuade you not to accept this mission. I want to also echo his comments and say you should not do this.”

Mikal smiled and said, “Do you remember when you and Admiral Arvolo were ordered to attack a Blue Giant Scout that was three times your tonnage and armed with six times your number of weapons.” Kenny nodded, “Why did you accept that mission?”

“We had to know their capabilities.”

“This mission is really no different from that one except you were ordered to go, right.”

Kenny nodded.

“Why is this any different? Have we become so weak that we will no longer order our sailors into harm’s way? You know we have to know if this new ship can survive against the Major’s best ships. I’m embarrassed that the decision would not be made unless someone volunteered to do it.”

Kenny felt his anger start to rise and said, “We didn’t know that our mission was a suicide mission. We knew nothing about their scouts. We do know about the Major’s advanced battleships. The mission you volunteered to do is a one way trip, Captain and I don’t think you fully realize the risk you’re taking on.”

Loree watched the exchange and was surprised Kenny was trying so hard to dissuade the Captain from going.

Mikal said, “I know exactly what risk I’m facing. But I am not going to order my squadrons to attack the Major’s most advanced ships and hope that my ships are adequate to face them. I’m not doing this for me; I’m doing it for the ninety sailors flying the attack craft in my squadrons. I owe it to them to make sure they have a chance to come back to their families.”

“But you stand no chance of coming back to lead them.”

“I can be replaced by at least ten of the sailors in my wing. I’m not married and have no children. I owe it to them, Sir.”

BOOK: Lens of Time
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