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Authors: P.G. Forte

Let Me Count The Ways (27 page)

BOOK: Let Me Count The Ways
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A soft laugh rumbled out of his chest. “Wrong. I don’t
how old you are. There’s a difference, you know. Besides, to me, you’ll always be ageless. Ageless and beautiful, just the way a star is supposed to be.”

I sighed a little as I thought about that. “I was never a very big star, you know.”

His arms felt good wrapped around me, solid, comforting, secure; and his voice was deep and gentle and warm. “Oh, no?”

I shook my head him and nestled closer. “Not really.”

I knew that had been important to me once, but, for the life of me, I couldn’t remember why that was. And I really couldn’t make myself care. Especially not when Mike hugged me tighter and whispered softly, “You were to me. You still are. To me, you’ll always be the brightest star that ever shone.”

The End

About the Author:

Erotic romance author PG Forte writes Hot Fiction for Women--
‘cause it’s not just girls who wanna have fun!

Her sexy, whimsical tales, where anything can happen and anyone can fall in love, will make you laugh, make you shiver, make you sweat, make you smile and always leave you with a happy ending.

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BOOK: Let Me Count The Ways
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