Read Lethal Bond: Jamie Bond Mysteries Book #3 Online

Authors: Gemma Halliday,Jennifer Fischetto

Tags: #Mystery, #Private Investigators, #Thriller & Suspense, #Cozy, #Literature & Fiction

Lethal Bond: Jamie Bond Mysteries Book #3

BOOK: Lethal Bond: Jamie Bond Mysteries Book #3
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What critics are saying about

Gemma Halliday's books:


"A saucy combination of romance and suspense that is simply irresistible."

Chicago Tribune


"Stylish...nonstop action...guaranteed to keep chick lit and mystery fans happy!"

Publishers' Weekly
, starred review


"Smart, funny and snappy…the perfect beach read!"

Fresh Fiction


"A roller coaster ride full of fun and excitement!"

Romance Reviews Today


"Gemma Halliday writes like a seasoned author leaving the reader hanging on to every word, every clue, every delicious scene of the book. It's a fun and intriguing mystery full of laughs and suspense."

Once Upon A Romance


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Copyright © 2014 by Gemma Halliday



All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.































To my kids—

~ Jennifer


For my Bond Girls, Michelle & Susan.  You ladies rock.

~ Gemma



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I popped another Flamin' Hot Cheeto into my mouth and zoomed in on the office building across the street with my sleek, new binoculars. Waterproof, image stabilizing, and compact enough to toss into my bag, they may have set me back a couple months worth of after-hour cocktails, but since they were a business expense, I could write them off. Plus, they were necessary in my line of work. Up there with my Glock and spy cam brooch.

Luckily for me the building was all concrete and glass. The windows ran from floor to ceiling, and the blinds were up, which meant I had a perfect interior view from my car. Pretty sweet.

I focused on the office dead center on the third floor and waited for another glimpse of the couple. They'd walked off a few minutes ago, and I hoped they'd return before I turned into a pumpkin. My phone said the hour was inching in on eleven. They were busy bees, working overtime, especially on a Sunday night. Didn't anyone take a day off anymore?

Then again, here I was on a stakeout. But my crazy hours were demanded by my cases.

I reached for another deep-fried, smothered in fake cheese, kernel of deliciousness when he walked back into my view. Brushing my fingers off on a napkin on my leg, I steadied the binoculars.

He read a sheet of paper and sat on the edge of his desk. His navy tie was unknotted, the collar of his white button-down loosened, and his blonde hair tousled, as if he'd run his fingers through it one too many times.

Or maybe

The tall, leggy brunette strutted up to him like a cat in heat. She said something that made him look up and grin. Too bad I’d never learned how to read lips. She trailed her finger down his forearm and leaned forward so he had a perfect view of her cleavage. Her boobs nearly popped out of her tight, white blouse. She flaunted her sexuality like a flashing, neon sign. The words "subtle" and "coy" obviously weren't a part of her personal dictionary.

He tilted his head back and laughed. It must've been nice to get that reaction from him.

I would know, considering we'd had a brief thing not even a couple of weeks ago.

Assistant District Attorney Aiden Prince was usually all business. It was one of the reasons it had taken him way too long to lean in for our first kiss. The other reason had been his dead wife. One minute things were hot and heavy in my apartment, and the next night he'd dumped me on my front steps. Okay, so dumped was too harsh a word. He'd said he
to see me but that he just wasn't ready to move on yet. That he felt guilty about dating when his wife had died of breast cancer only a year ago.

I understood. Mostly. Besides, what could I have done? Wrestled him to the ground and demanded he date me? It was hard to compete with a ghost. It hadn't meant he and I were over, but we hadn't been hot and heavy since. More like lukewarm and feather light.

And if his reasoning was true, what the hell was going on in his office right now?

Miranda Valens, Aiden's second chair in the courtroom, flipped her hair off her shoulders in that seductive shampoo commercial sorta way. This woman had cliché flirting 101 perfected. How predictable.

If Aiden fell for that…

He stood up and walked around his desk, settling into his chair—farther away from her.

"Ha," I shouted then glanced around to make sure no one heard me.

We may have been heading toward the tail end of summer, but it was still too warm to sit cooped up. I was smart enough to have the top up on my cherry red Roadster convertible, but the windows were down. The last thing I needed was a concerned person to spot me spying and calling the cops.

When I was certain no one was around, I brought the binoculars back up again.

Miranda had walked around to the other side of his desk and perched herself on the edge. She placed a stockinged foot on his chair, beside his thigh, and arched her back.

I attempted to roll my eyes, but it was a hard feat with the binoculars pressed against them.

Aiden stayed seated and still. He didn't lean forward, touch her, or do anything that suggested he was interested. Not that it mattered. This wasn't why I was spying. If he was suddenly ready to move on, and it was with someone else, that was none of my business. I'd be happy for him.


No, tonight was about a tip I'd received last week that there was corruption in the D.A.'s office. Someone fixing cases for compensation that far outweighed the usual civil servant pension. My intention was to find out how far it extended before it reached Aiden. So every night I've been here, keeping my eye on things, hoping I'd learn who the dirty lawyer was before Aiden got burned.

My cell rang. I reached for it and glanced at the ID. Danny Flynn.

If my relationship with Aiden was complicated, throwing Danny into the mix brought the meaning of the word to a whole new level.

"You were just released from the hospital. Isn't it past your bedtime?" I said into the phone.

His deep, infectious laughter filled my ear. "And hello to you too."

I'd known Danny since I was a gangly fourteen-year-old, when I'd first started posing in bikinis and haute couture for DeLine Model Agency. He was the first photographer who'd filmed me and the only one who'd used a combo of over-the-top comical flirtations and brotherly love to make me feel at ease.

But some time in the last couple of months the brotherly love had morphed into something else. It wasn't what I'd call
love, but I wasn't entirely sure what I felt where Danny was concerned anymore. Something bordering on affection with just the slightest hint of lust.

"The docs say I can't drive for another week, but they want me to go to therapy. Do they expect me to walk?" he asked.

"How dare they. Maybe they expect you to take the bus." I knew what he was after, but teasing him felt like a great distraction. I smiled and lowered the binoculars.

He gasped. "Los Angeles has public transportation?"

"Shocker, right?" Clearly we were both practicing our sarcasm.

"The appointments are from three to four. I have rides there. Mrs. Rosenbaum is dropping me off every day this week."

Mrs. Rosenbaum was his next door neighbor who baked him Bundt cakes and asked him to sit in on weekly games of pinochle when one of her other fond-of-baking, retired friends couldn't make it. She treated Danny like a son, always looking out for him and offering unsolicited advice.

"But she can't pick me up," he continued. "She volunteers at the library."

She also loved books and was always dropping off ones she thought Danny would enjoy from her massive collection. I don't think I ever saw him read a book, but he always graciously had it sitting on his coffee table. The bookmark never moving.

He cleared his throat. "I know you're busy with cheaters and liars and all, but maybe you can find time in your busy schedule to pick up a poor, injured man?"

"Flynn, is that your way of asking for a favor?"


I bit my lip to keep from laughing. "Yes."

"You wound me deeper than a bullet, Bond." While his tone was joking, the words hit just a little too close to home. He had, in fact, taken a bullet. For my father no less. To say I owed him one was a massive understatement.

"Of course I'll pick you up," I promised.

"Great." I could practically see his grin. He'd known all along I'd cave. "Where are you?" he asked. "It sounds like you're outside."

I glanced at a car turning at the intersection. "I'm on a stakeout." One I seriously needed to get back to.

"It's safe, right?"

I smiled at how protective he sounded. "Of course. Besides, I'm almost done. And you need sleep to heal. Good night."

"'Night, Jamie." Something about the way he said my name made my insides go warm and liquid, like a shot of Cuervo.

I clicked off the call and reassumed my position.

Aiden was still seated, and Miranda still trying everything in her arsenal to get closer to him. She leaned forward so much, she was practically in his lap.

My cheeks grew warm, and I suddenly felt weird and uncomfortable. And way too voyeuristic. I was keeping an eye on corruption, not Aiden's potential love life. And clearly the only person with "corrupting" on their minds tonight was Miranda.

I tossed the binoculars onto the passenger seat, feeling an "ick" settle in my stomach that had nothing to do with my Cheeto dinner. I was not a jealous woman. I didn't spy on potential boyfriends. Well, unless it involved payment, but I was not a client. No, this was supposed to be about helping Aiden. Nothing more.

Then why did I feel like I needed a shower?

I turned my key in the ignition and headed home.


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The next morning I stepped into the Bond Agency groggy and in need of a caffeinated I.V. drip. When I'd gotten home the night before, I hadn't been able to force my mind to settle down enough for sleep. I'd tossed and turned for two hours before my weary body won out. This morning it was still tired and fought me every step of the way.

BOOK: Lethal Bond: Jamie Bond Mysteries Book #3
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