Read Lexington Connection Online

Authors: M. E. Logan

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

Lexington Connection

BOOK: Lexington Connection
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Table of Contents

Copyright © 2013 by M.E. Logan


Bella Books, Inc.

P.O. Box 10543

Tallahassee, FL 32302


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eBook released 2013


Editor: Katherine V. Forrest

Cover designer: Linda Callaghan


ISBN: 978-1-59493-323-3



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About the Author

M.E. Logan has wanted to write all her life, but it wasn’t until retirement that life got out of the way. With all of her life’s varied experiences to draw upon—from charter airlines to universities to high tech—she’s happy telling stories from warm, sunny Florida with two dogs and numerous cats for company.

Chapter One

Nice little place, Diana DeVilbiss thought as she pulled open the heavy wooden door with the glazed glass window and the name “Bungalow” written in Old English stylized script above the door. She stood inside the darkened vestibule, letting her eyes adjust from the bright sunlight. All she wanted was a quick drink, let her day settle and then she’d go back to the hotel.

She’d heard the lawyers at the courthouse mention this place so she thought she’d try it out. She didn’t know what else she was going to do on a Friday night in an unfamiliar town. At least it wasn’t some small burg in the middle of nowhere. Lexington was the second largest city in Kentucky, home of the University of Kentucky, had two horse racing tracks, and drew international attention with annual horse sales and world-class equestrian trials. A lot of money, Diana considered as she took a seat where she could see the door but wouldn’t necessarily be seen herself. It was international money here but money just the same. There were pubs and eateries all through the downtown area and the city was old enough to have more than a few historical spots. Surely she could find something to do over the weekend.

Papa, I don’t know why you’ve got me sitting in on a drug trial for some low-life drug runner, but you ask a favor of your darling daughter and, of course, I will do it. But damn, it’s boring. Would be different if I had an interest in the horses.

The waitress came, took her order, brought her drink, and she began to relax. Things began to look better.
Classy little place here, small, looks like old money, polished wood and brass, almost like the old gentlemen’s club
. When the waitress came back, she commented on it off-handedly, “Quiet little place you have here.”

“Only until seven.”

“Why? What happens then?”

The waitress really looked at her then, saw her. “Tourist?”

“Passing through.”

“All the lawyers hang out here during the day because we’re across from the courthouse.” Diana nodded; she’d understood that. “After six or seven, the gay crowd comes in. Dance floor is downstairs, opens at nine.”

“How nice. Thanks for the info, saves me asking.” She settled back in the seat. Maybe it wouldn’t be just a quick drink after all. Maybe things were looking up.

Another drink, a sandwich from the bar—the last of the late lunch dishes set out for the patrons—and Diana watched the crowd change. The suits filtered out and the casual wear started coming in, some blue jeans, college crowd, young professionals. Her favorite pastime of people watching was hitting big time.

Then Diana saw her. Came in with sunglasses on, but she shed them quickly in the darkened interior. Worn blue jeans, not the ones bought that way for show but the kind that fade from hand rubbing, stretching, daily use, fit like she lived in them every day. White shirt, rolled up sleeves. Tall and lean, dark hair, just to the collar, maybe military. Nice, very nice movement, good balance on her feet. Diana watched her go to the bar, greet the bartender like a regular, get her beer and go sit at the end of the L-shaped bar, her back to the wall. Good spot, she could see everyone come in before they saw her, she could see the whole room. And she did observe the room, watching to see who came in, her eyes following the single women. A Romeo on the make, Diana decided. She had time to kill, she’d sit back and watch and see how this played out. Might be interesting.

Romeo knew lots of the women, indicated by a nod, a lifting the beer to those who knew where she would be sitting and looked for her. Soon Diana realized that she was watching the same women Romeo was; maybe they had the same taste. Of course, such a thing would be noticed, and when she tore her eyes away from one marvelously attractive redhead who had a warm hello for everyone as she came in, Diana felt eyes on her, watching her, taking her in. Diana brazenly returned the compliment, and was gratified to see the response as Romeo picked up her beer, and walked over.

“I don’t believe I’ve seen you around here before.”

Not an original opening line but honest enough. “I’m just passing through.”

“Here for the Blue Grass Stakes?” When Diana simply looked at her with a blank expression, she added, “Horse races?”

Diana shook her head. “Business. I didn’t know anything about the races until I hit town. Made a reasonable hotel hard to find. Had to upgrade.”

“Oh, I bet. Mind if I join you?” She slid in beside Diana. “I’m Jessie.”


“Jessica Ann. Always so hard to fit in the little bitty name spaces so I shortened it.” She said it with a warm smile.

“Well, Jessie, I’m Diana.”

“Ahh, another Princess.”

Diana shook her head.

“Tired of that one, aren’t you?”

Diana nodded.

“So you’re stuck here for the weekend?”

“Pretty much so. Couldn’t wrap it up today so I guess Monday before I can get on the road.”

About that time, the band started downstairs and Diana jumped at the sudden blast. “Damn!” She bit her lip, she didn’t like surprises or to be startled.

Jessie chuckled. “Band kicks in loud to start with. Want to go down and see? I could give you the grand tour.”

“Oh, I bet you could,” Diana laughed in return. She has a nice voice, she thought, warm, nice eyes. Damn, nice isn’t the word for it. Wonder if…Patience, darling, patience.

Patience had its own reward. After a few dances, Diana was more than ready to drag Jessie back to the hotel. She liked the way Jessie moved against her, liked the intensity of her dark eyes. She liked the question, the mystery, the speculation. She began to wonder if all those dance moves could carry over to the bedroom.

She had no question about Jessie’s availability, even if she couldn’t feel the attraction radiate from her. She had seen the glances they got, some a little irritated, some a little puzzled at their contrast. Here Jessie was in jeans and white shirt, and she was still in her heels, hose, business suit. They must make a sight. And Diana, normally wanting to melt into the wall and be invisible, didn’t give a hoot. No one in this town knew her and it was unlikely she would return. Jessie had strong arms around her, she was a comfortable height to fit against, her hand on Diana’s back was firm without being overly possessive, and when she finally bent to Diana’s upturned face, her lips were soft and warm, inviting. It was an invitation Diana decided not to resist.

Diana broke away breathless, meeting the question in Jessie’s dark eyes. “Bedroom eyes,” she murmured, all the time thinking
Where is my head?


“A look my mama told me about that indicated someone was good in bed.”

“We could test it out.”

No, no, no,
Diana’s logic was saying, but every other part of her was pressed against Jessie’s lean, warm body. “That could be interesting. I always like proving theories.” She felt Jessie’s hand slide down to her ass, a little possessive now. Her own hands were stroking that white shirt that covered Jessie’s breasts. She could feel hard little bumps come up. “And if we weren’t sure about the first test, we could repeat?”

Jessie had a nice warm laugh but Diana was more interested in her hands; damn she felt good. “I guess so.” She could imagine those nice strong hands other places.

Jessie slid her arm around Diana and guided her through the crowded dance floor. When they reached the stairwell, which was unexpectedly empty, Jessie pressed her against the wall, her hands on Diana’s ass, kissing her deeply, her tongue exploring Diana’s lips. And Diana welcomed her without hesitation.

This is not good
, Diana thought, thinking of their exposure,
but God, this is wonderful.
She broke away and leaned against Jessie, trying to regain her senses. “I’ve got a hotel room down the block. Great location for testing.”

The night air should have cooled them as they walked around the block and down the street. Diana shivered but it wasn’t from the night air as Jessie took her hand and kept her close. She was conscious of the long strides beside her, those long legs, that marvelously firm body she had felt. This breathing spell and time for second thoughts only made her even more eager to reach her hotel room while she could still concentrate. She quickened her step only to be doubly frustrated when Jessie caught her arm in the hotel stairwell.

“Look,” Jessie said in a ragged voice, “before we get totally carried away, there’s something you need to know.”

“What?” Diana hissed as she pushed Jessie back against the wall.
There’s nothing I need to know.
She ran her hands all over her and slid her leg between those jeans-clad delightful legs. “Are you married?” she demanded. Her blood was already pounding and she ached with wanting.

“No,” Jessie stammered as Diana’s eager hands fumbled at her shirt buttons.

“Steady girl?” Buttons came undone as Diana burrowed against Jessie’s neck.

“No.” Jessie caught Diana’s shoulders. “You?” Then Diana’s hands slid inside her jeans against warm flesh and firm muscles, against wet tightly curled hair. Jessie moaned and gripped Diana tighter.

“No. So what else?”

“Why are we in the stairwell?”                

They stumbled through the door, down the hall to the room. Diana fumbled with the key card, shaking with predatory desire until Jessie jerked it from her hand and slammed it in to unlock the door. They were barely in the door before Jessie had Diana against the wall, her hand wound through Diana’s thick hair. She pulled Diana’s head back and her lips were claiming, possessive.

Diana slid her arms around Jessie, pulling tight against her. She wanted to feel Jessie against her, wanted to feel her weight, wanted. She slid her hands under Jessie’s shirt against warm flesh, one hand going down into the jeans to squeeze her ass, the other hand caressing, stroking the bare breast. This woman had better not be all promise and no delivery.

BOOK: Lexington Connection
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