Licks and Promises (Texas Threesome Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Licks and Promises (Texas Threesome Book 2)
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When he looked at his lovers again, they were kissing, sharing his essence as he and Posy had shared Loren’s.

Regaining his breath, he panted, “Best. Poker game. Ever.”

* * * * *

Loren finished coating Posy’s bare back with sunblock and tossed the tube to the sand. He’d gone back inside the suite to fetch the lotion, towels and bottles of water for each.

Posy gathered her hair over her shoulder and began to braid it. He loved watching her fingers work. Whether she was typing a customer letter or
sliding her fingers over Alex’s bronzed skin, she added a grace most women could never dream of owning.

“You really gambled to win the money for this trip?”

“Was no big deal. And totally worth it.” Alex hitched a knee up so his flat foot rested on the towel. It was impossible not to admire the lines of his body.

Posy uncapped her water and with the flick of her wrist, doused Alex’s midsection. He bar
ely flinched at the cold spray, but his abs jerked with laughter.

“No big deal? What if you’d lost that money?”

A grand wasn’t much in most people’s opinions, but to a fledgling company, every penny was counted.

“I’m surprised you didn’t see that we’d withdrawn money from the account,” Loren said.

“I went to check the account at the end of the day, but the site was down for updates.” She shook her finger at Alex. “You’re lucky.”

He shielded his eyes from the sun, his mouth tightening.
“We couldn’t reach you by phone. What were you doing?”

“I was out with Jane. Shopping, dinner then drinks. I haven’t spent much time with her since…”

Loren wrapped his fingers around her ankle. “Since you became the center of our universe?”

Her smile didn’t hold a single dark cloud of remorse. She started to say something, but Alex’s cell vibrated
in his jeans lying several feet away. He twisted to the side and grabbed for the denim.

On the third vibration, he picked up the call.

“Bill Dunham. How the hell are ya?”

Loren exchanged a look with Posy. Bill was one of their only repeat customers so far, and he had friends aplenty.

Alex listened for a long moment, his face too blank to read.

“I’m mighty sorry about the confusion on the delivery date of that new saddle. Yes, I understand you need it for the rodeo in Houston. The stitching is almost completed.”

Loren dragged in a deep breath and held it. Posy raked her fingers through the sand, feeling Alex’s tension to the marrow of her bones.

He pushed out his air in a rush. “Listen, I apologize. We were under the impression you didn’t need the saddle for three
more weeks. We aren’t going to be able to finish up this week. We’re not in the country.”

Loren gave her an “oh hell” stare. They couldn’t afford to piss off such a good customer, but it was damn near impossible to finish the saddle in
Bill’s time frame even if they’d been in the workshop.

Alex continued, “We’ll be back in Texas in four more days. Then we’ll need at least a week to finish
the saddle.” He suddenly launched to his feet and turned away from Loren and Posy.

She studied the lines of his back, racking her brain for a way to make Bill happy.
She placed a hand on Loren’s arm. “Do you know of anyone who could step in and finish that saddle? Your brother?”

Loren’s brother had
learned to work leather from their father too. But when he’d been offered a place in the company, he’d declined and gone off on his own to try his hand at guiding hunts in Colorado.

Staring at the hole Posy had dug in the sand out of
worry, he shook his head. “He’s probably high in the mountains right now. He goes up for weeks during this time of year with the idea he’ll be snowed in. He won’t be able to make it to Texas any more than we can.”

“Damn,” she said softly.

Alex ended the call but didn’t turn around. His shoulders slumped. “Shit,” he said at last.

When he finally shuffled a few steps to his towel and collapsed into a cross-legged position, Posy saw the true torment of a business owner.

“Bill’s already recommended one customer to us, another good rodeo guy. Between him and the number of people seeing our saddles on Bill’s horses in Houston, we can’t afford to let him down. But goddamn if I know how to fix this.” He tossed his phone in a perfect arc. It landed in the sand, standing straight up.

One thing was certain—they couldn’t afford new phones. Posy crawled across the ground and retrieved it.

“Where was the mix-up?” Loren asked, his voice neutral as if to keep Alex from exploding.

“No idea. Posy, that invoice had a clear date on it, right?”

“Of course.” She just didn’t know what that date was. She flipped through the file of her mind, trying to recall what she’d written as a delivery date. It surely wasn’t this week, not with her cowboys out of town for the convention. The error
to be on her end. She was the only one to touch the invoice besides where Bill had signed it.

“And that date was…?”

She squirmed under Alex’s unhappy gaze. “I’m not sure. I’m sorry, I wish I did. I don’t have any way of knowing what it says from here.”

“This is a crap-load of—”

The cell vibrated. Alex reached for it, but it was closer to Posy. A glance at the screen sent her stomach plummeting.

Heart a wild animal in her chest, she answered.
“Falls Creek Custom Saddlery.”

“Bill Dunham here.”

“Well how’s my favorite customer? What a lucky girl I am—sitting here on a tropical beach and getting calls from you.”

He cut her off,
his voice less tense. “Three weeks will be fine. I’ve got another saddle to use this week.”

Relief made her fingertips tingle, but she shrank under Alex’s and Loren’s questioning gazes. Holding up a finger, she tried to relax her features to convey all was well.

“That’s great! We can’t wait to complete this order for you, but we’re glad you worked it out.”

“I’m sure I misread that delivery date, Posy. Don’t worry about a thing until you’re back in Texas. Now go and enjoy yourself.” Judging by
Bill’s tone, he knew exactly who she was sitting on the beach with.

Grinning, s
he ended the call on an upbeat note. Alex grabbed her. His eyes loomed close, and she memorized the sparks there before he crushed his lips to hers.

Tipping her into the sand, he c
overed her breast with a heavy palm while performing tongue moves that could be its own rodeo event.

Loren’s warm breath on her inner thigh made her twitch in anticipation. “You’re so damn good at your job,” he said from between her legs.

She squeezed her eyes shut against the thought of his tongue inches from her needy folds. Floundering around, she attempted to tangle her fingers in his hair. The salty scents of ocean and man filled her head as Alex cradled her jaw and roped her heart even more with her kisses.

When Alex broke off, he stared deep into her eyes. “The business would be lost without you.”

Loren traced a hot path with his tongue, up, up, right to her swollen bud. A single flick ripped a throaty cry from her. “
be lost without you.”

Posy didn’t surface for a very long time.


Chapter Six


After a few hours in the sun, Alex and Loren rolled up their jeans, and flanking Posy, strolled down the main beach to a building with a thatched roof. Fragrant smoke drifted on the breeze.

“Damn, that hog smells good,” Loren said.

Posy giggled. “I doubt they call it a hog here.”

Alex hadn’t bothered with a shirt, and sweat zigzagged down his spine. He reached around Posy and smacked Loren’s shoulder. “Shed of hat and boots, and he’s still a Texan.”

Loren’s slow, lazy wink made promises Alex couldn’t wait to collect on. “Takes one to know one.”

“I like my men rough and ready,” Alex shot.

A quiet moan left Posy. She loved when they got physical around her. Knowing they had a beautiful and eager audience only pushed Alex to give Loren his all.


They reached the octagonal hut. The wet bar ran the length of one side, and Loren shouldered his way between couples. With a hand on Posy’s back, Alex guided her into the shade. She sighed with pleasure.

“Feels good to get out of the sun a bit.”

He studied the tip of her nose and the tops of her breasts peeking from the string bikini. “You’re getting a bit pink. I think we’d better find some inside activities.” He waggled his brows.

musical laugh drew several stares from the men eating lunch and drinking. Alex blocked her from their view, guiding her to a weathered table in a quiet area of the hut.

When Alex took his seat beside her, the legs of his chair wobbled against the uneven wood floor. He stared down at the spindly legs. “These chairs aren’t made for a guy with meat on his bones.”

As Posy took in his body on the finer chair, amusement plucked at the corner of her mouth. Damn, when had she started picking up Loren’s habit of smiling crookedly? Need spiked in Alex’s groin.

The movement behind his fly didn’t go unnoticed. Posy’s eyes danced. “Good thing you’re wearing jeans and not a tiny bathing bottom like some of these guys.”

He nudged his growing cock into a better position. “I’d never stay in one of those banana hammocks with you around, sweetheart.”

She tossed her head with laughter, her dark braid slithering over her shoulder. Alex clamped his hand around it. In his palm, it was like a living thing—part of the woman he couldn’t get enough of.

“Oooh, umbrella drink!” Posy reached for the cup brimming with shaved ice, fruit slices and a tiny pink umbrella.

“Only the
girliest drink for our girl.” Loren passed Alex a rum and cola before taking the other chair around the table. “Shit, this chair isn’t gonna hold.”

Alex chuckled and brought the cold, fizzy alcohol to his lips. A single sip was a vacation all in itself. God, he hadn’t realized how much he needed this escape. For months he’d been so focused on making saddles and finding new customers, he’d ignored how tense he was.

Only when touching his lovers did he escape. Being with them in this setting meant he could really unwind.

He sipped half his drink.

Posy leaned in. “You two have admirers.”

Loren looked around, and his chair creaked. “Don’t much care for admirers, especially when this chair is about to bust under my weight.”

“It’s all that
” Posy said in a dreamy voice.

Alex glanced around. Sure enough, two pretty women wearing skimpy bikinis leaned against the support post of the hut. One ran her tongue around her straw, and Alex looked away.

“I can’t blame them for noticing you two.” Posy didn’t sound a bit affected by the woman’s blatant flirtation. She leaned back in her seat and stuck her own straw between her plump lips.

When she puckered around the straw, Alex’s whole body resonated with
want. His cock stiffened more.

Loren angled his mouth close to Alex’s ear. “I’ll take care of your not-so-little problem after we eat.”

His low voice fanned Alex’s desire more. He didn’t often let Loren fuck him, preferring to be deep in his lover’s body, but right now he wanted nothing else.

Posy slurped the last of her drink and then started to eat the pineapple garnish. “Half the people under this roof are aware of you two.”

Alex looked over his shoulder. Sure enough, not only were the two women staring but more than a few couples and men.

Nibbling the pineapple, Posy’s eyes grew bright. “I don’t know about you, but this is the best vacation I’ve ever had.”

Loren straightened. “Yeah? Would you have ever chosen Belize?”

“Probably not, but I love it here.” She smiled as she gazed over the pristine sand running up to the turquoise water.

“Maybe we should retire here,” Alex said, finishing his drink. Both of his lovers looked at him hard. “What? You think I want to work forever?”

“You love the business,” Loren said.

“Of course I do. I get to be my own boss while doing a creative job I love.”

“You have a boss,” Loren said quietly. His lips were too close, and Alex couldn’t resist what he offered. He leaned close and bit Loren’s lower lip.

Posy moaned. “Damn, watching you is like having a private porno movie. C’mon, let’s get some of that ‘hog’ so we can go back to the room.”

Alex withdrew from Loren’s space. Loren licked his lip, his eyes hooded. To keep himself from attacking his lover right there for everyone to see, Alex stood. The three of them went to the small buffet and loaded their plates with seasoned pork and cold salads made with rice and vegetables.

After Alex had poked at his salad with his fork a few times, he realized it wasn’t rice. “What is that?”

Posy fizzed with mirth.


Loren snorted and pressed a fist to his full mouth, trying not to rocket food across the table. Laughing, Posy scooped some of the salad on her fork and held it out to Alex. He stared at it, mistrusting anything that he’d never heard of.

“Quinoa,” Posy said it as keen-
wah, her ruby lips making him think very bad things.

The fork made a pass by his face, and
she gave him an expectant look. He opened. When the cold salad hit his tongue, he squinched his face, prepared for the worst. But it was surprisingly good. The quinoa was flavored by the grilled vegetables and not weird at all.

“See? I told you to trust me.”

He did trust her—both of them. They had to realize that.

He kissed her ripe lips, tasting pineapple and mango she’d half-filled her plate with.
While they ate they talked about Bill Dunham’s saddle and some of the contacts made at the convention.

Since they hadn’t done much communicating in the past few days, Posy related work news and recapped the shitty weather conditions.

“We picked a perfect place to escape the cold,” Alex said.

“You probably will never hear yourself say that about Texas again,” Loren added. It got cold, but nothing like this week.

Posy covered her stomach with a groan. “I’m stuffed.”

“I’m not.” Alex raised his brows at Loren, who grinned, eyes crinkling.

Jumping to her feet, Posy said, “I feel a nap coming on.”

* * * * *

Posy loved being a watcher. She lounged against the plush pillows, staring at the dips and swells of her lovers’ bodies. As soon as they’d closed the door behind them, Alex and Loren had been locked together.

Hands, tongues, cocks rubbing.
Their sun-kissed skin gleaming with perspiration.

Her nipples ached, and she rubbed them through her bikini top.
Each hardened and an invisible string between her pussy and breasts seemed to stretch.

Loren had Alex
flat on his back, something that didn’t often happen. Their mouths met with primal abandon. Together they didn’t have to hold back as they did with her—just played hard.

Their hips worked against each other, sealed so tightly she almost couldn’t see them rubbing erections.

A quiet moan broke from her, and they swung their heads her way. “Want in on this, baby?” Loren drawled.

I want to watch.” Her breathless reply was all the convincing they needed. Loren plunged his tongue into Alex’s mouth. Their cheeks hollowed as they pulled on each other’s tongues.

Alex reached between them. Loren rolled to the side slightly, giving Posy a perfect view of Alex’s tanned fingers locked around both cocks. They bucked frantically for a few seconds. Then Loren tore from the kiss—and Alex’s touch.

He grabbed Alex’s knees and pressed them up and back. Her breathing grew rougher. She hadn’t witnessed this act very many times, but she could see it every day and not get enough.

Loren ran his tongue over Alex’s balls and went right for his ass. The intimate kiss drew a groan from Alex. He craned to watch. Posy’s pussy pulsated, and her own pucker flexed. She wanted Loren’s tongue there—then Alex’s cock.

She pushed her bikini top down to her waist and eased her fingers into her bottoms. Each slick revolution of her finger over her clit was background music to what she was seeing.

Loren licked Alex until animalistic noises left him. When he lifted his head and sucked Alex’s balls, all three of them moaned.

“Sit on his face, baby,” Loren grated out.

Alex reached up for her, and she moved into a position over his face, facing Loren. Alex latched onto her clit. She cried out, totally blissed. While Loren lapped Alex’s ass again, Alex stroked his cock.

Posy was in a position to lean over and suck that glistening head into her mouth, but she wanted to watch instead.

Loren nuzzled the length, and Alex tapped it lightly off his lover’s cheek.
With a snake of his tongue, Loren gathered the cream oozing from the tip.

Hot need built in Posy’s core
. Alex dipped his tongue into her channel.

Loren worked his tongue into Alex’s backside
while he fondled Loren’s shaft. The way the mattress moved was evidence that the three of them were riding the edge.

When Loren pushed onto his knees and snapped a condom in place, Alex’s tongue slowed on Posy’s sensitive flesh. As Loren readied his lover with a bit of lube, she held Loren’s gaze.

Slowly he pushed into Alex.

Alex’s sharp intake of breath sent Posy out of control. She ground her pussy against his lips. He performed a
tongue-flip over her clit that almost undid her and, at that moment, Loren filled Alex. Completely.

All three of them stilled.
Cords stood out on Loren’s throat, testimony to his effort to keep from moving. Alex’s cock head was purple and weeping with juices.

“Move,” he rumbled against Posy.

Loren withdrew an inch then slid back home. The bed rocked, all three of them bound in raw passion.

Driving deeper, Loren grabbed Alex’s cock and smoothed a thumb over the head. Posy’s pussy flooded.

Jerking her hips, she took full advantage of her lover’s tongue. Riding him higher and higher.

Come erupted from Alex. The white streams spilled over Loren’s fingers. Posy’s body clenched hard—and she was flying. Her inner walls contracted madly even as Alex pummeled her clit with his tongue.

The rhythm changed. Loren’s ab muscles tightened and she knew he was close. She rocked to her own orgasm as Loren’s face contorted with ecstasy.

* * * * *

“Hello, this is Justin calling about your leather shipment. I’m waiting outside the warehouse
, but no one is around.”

Loren looked to his lovers, who were sprawled facedown on towels. Their nude bodies shone with the fresh coat of sunblock Loren had spread on them.

“I’m going to hand the phone to Posy.
Just a minute, Justin.”

Alex’s eyes flared wide, and Posy pressed a palm to her chest. Loren covered the cell with his greasy hand and told Posy
why he was calling.

Wait, I called him two days ago and left a message with his wife about not delivering this week. Dammit, their wires must have crossed,” she whispered.

Loren passed her the phone
, and she wiped it on the corner of her towel before saying in her sunny way, “Hi, Justin.”

Alex propped himself on his forearms as if ready to jump up and leave straight for home.

“I’m sorry no one is there this week. Didn’t you get the new delivery date from Ann?”

With only the soft crash of waves and a few wheeling birds
in the distance, Justin’s voice projected clearly through the cell. “Would I be standing outside the warehouse if that were the case?”

Hell, now the vendor was pissed off. Posy folded her arms over her nudity.
Loren’s heart jumped. For her, sitting on the beach without a stitch on while conducting business was probably one of the more uncomfortable moments of her life.

He grabbed a towel and slung it over her shoulders. She shot him a grateful look and twined the towel around her bare torso.

BOOK: Licks and Promises (Texas Threesome Book 2)
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