Read Lila's Wolf (Out of Time Book 1) Online

Authors: Sofia Grey

Tags: #Time Travel Romance

Lila's Wolf (Out of Time Book 1) (22 page)

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looked rough, Jared noted, and he remembered the way he’d been treated by the Saxons. He took a quick breath. Lila was safe, and her partner was still here for her. “I’m glad you made it, Lieutenant.” The words nearly choked him, even though he knew it was for the best.

“I wouldn’t have without your intervention. I owe you my life, again. Thank you, Grohl. May I call you Jared? I’m really not sure how to repay you.”

Jared forced a smile. “Lila is safe in her own time, thanks to you. You owe me nothing.”

The orderly finished with his equipment and broke into the awkward conversation. “That’s all for now. I’m removing the restraint.”

Jared felt a tingling sensation across his entire body and he stared at the medic, puzzled.

“You’re not finished yet—you’ll need another treatment later. Try to stay in bed, I’ll be back soon with the doctor,” the orderly said.

The moment the orderly left the room, Jared sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Dizziness assailed him, but he gritted his teeth. “Where am I? Is this the penal colony?”

“No.” A faint smile appeared on Marc’s face. “Your friend Flavius told Lieutenant Commander Ash that you only stayed behind to give Lila time to escape. Your courageous actions may well have saved Commander Fleur’s life, along with ensuring the
were able to complete their mission. Your courage stands for itself. I am assured there are no charges to be faced.” He softened his voice. “You’re a free man, Jared. And I owe you an apology.”

Jared shivered, despite the warmth of the room. Could it be true? Another fear hit him. “What of Kai? I promised to look after her. She’s only a child.”

“Flavius agreed to be her sponsor and took her back to his village. She will live a long and happy life, thanks to you.”

The million-dollar question. He braced himself. “Can I see Lila?”

“I’m sorry, but no.” Marc sounded genuine, and Jared searched his face trying to understand. “When she’s finished at the clinic, her father is moving her to a private facility for her recuperation. He’s specified no visitors.”


Chapter Sixty-Eight


Four weeks. Twenty-eight days with no word from Jared and my father insisting I could have no visitors. He was adamant that my jumping days were over, and the argument between us continued. He wanted me to accept a full time library position. I refused.

My emotional state had been blamed for the ‘confusion’ over Jared’s identity, and my father was keen to avoid any further slurs of that nature. Confining me to a remote rehab-clinic was a temporary measure at best, while he tried to drum some sense into me. The fact that I’d been immobilised for the first two weeks, while my prosthetic was being replaced, didn’t help. The last fortnight had been spent in intensive physiotherapy, but soon I’d be able to leave.

The irony was not lost on me. I knew from the news reports that Jared was not only free but had also received a civil commendation for bravery, while I was effectively locked up. Marc, too, had been decorated for his bravery in the field. My heart swelled with pride for both of them, and then ached some more.

Surely Jared would forgive me for bringing him back through the portal. For not staying there with him. I’d find out soon enough. I’d been forbidden communication with the outside world, but I couldn’t stay here forever. I made my plans with care. First step: get back to New Oxford and find Jared. I’d found him when we were separated by nearly two thousand years.
I can do this
. The second step would be harder. If loving Jared meant giving up my career, it seemed a fair trade. I had to convince him I was serious, and then ask if he’d consider moving to the remote colonies and trying to make a life together. Of course, now Jared had been recognised by the Council, his career might well be going stratospheric. He might no longer want me. Either way, I had to know.

My father was due out for dinner tonight, some Council meeting or other, and that would give me time to pack my bags and stow them outside. I planned to leave early in the morning, while the household was asleep. I could be back in New Oxford by sundown.

Under the guise of feeling unwell, I retired early to my room and loaded up my two bags of essentials. Guilt weighed heavily on me. The shame I’d bring on my family name, the further slur to our reputation, and the hurt I’d cause Marc. He’d been so strong and brave, so gentle with me. I had no doubt he’d make an excellent partner, but not for me.

Unable to sleep, I lay on my bed fully dressed and stared out the window at the night sky. The full moon rose, bright and yellow, and I thought back to Jared’s words.
“Wherever you are, whenever you are, think of me when you see the full moon. Remember our kiss.”
I remembered it. How could I ever forget it?

A knock at the bedroom door jerked me back to the present, and I sat up, and ran my fingers through my hair. It was growing more quickly than I’d expected but was still too short for my liking. “Come,” I called, knowing it had to be my father. I’d heard him return a short while ago. He couldn’t have known about my plans to leave. I’d told nobody. I dug deep and presented an illusion of calm.

“Lila.” My father held a comm-pad in one hand. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but I thought you might be interested to hear what was discussed this evening.”

I sighed inwardly. If this was another worthy-but-dull library position, I’d listen and show some interest, and then ask to have more time to think about it. I produced a polite smile and waited.

He flicked his thumb over the comm-pad and read something. “This is somewhat unorthodox, but under the circumstances,” he paused and glanced up at me, “I thought it worth consideration. I’ve received a commitment request for you.” Oh God, this had to be from Marc. My face heated, even as I tried to stay calm. Father continued. “The Council has given its sanction, and as your father, I strongly advise you to consider the proposal.”

I blinked. Tears pressed the backs of my eyes at the thought of this whole new level of guilt over Marc. Rejecting a formal proposal was not something you did lightly. Why couldn’t he have waited a few days? He might have avoided the humiliation. I steeled myself under my father’s intense scrutiny.

A tired smile crept across his face. “I know we don’t always agree with each other, but I’m hoping we shall now. When the man who saves the life of my only daughter asks to make her a formal commitment, I would hate to refuse him.”

Shame welled up inside me, and I fought to speak clearly, to hide the emotions that tried so hard to escape. “Thank you, Father. I would like some time to consider this.” I had to pause, to regroup. I forced another smile. “May I give my answer tomorrow? This is too important to rush.”

He made no sign of moving. I thought I saw concern in his cool blue eyes. “Surely you would like to know who made this request?”

I knew—I just
—that as soon as he said Marc’s name, I’d break down. I sucked in a jagged breath. “I have some idea and, really, I am tired. Could we please—”

“My child, it’s not every girl whose proposal is ratified by two high-ranking
. I am very proud of you and want you to be comfortable with this match.”

? He had to mean Bran and Lieutenant Commander Ash.

He continued, talking over me when I tried to stop him. “I imagined you would be pleased at the idea of this commitment, but if it doesn’t suit you, I’ll reject it on your behalf.”

I thought about it. Only a coward would hide behind her father like that. It was up to me to tell Marc. I dug my nails into my palms and battled against the tears that threatened. My father had to leave before I embarrassed us both. “Please, Father.” I blinked and swallowed hard. “I will tell Lieutenant Gallagher myself. Tomorrow.”

He stayed in the room. I raged against him inside my head.
, I yelled.
Leave me alone.

“Why would you tell Lieutenant Gallagher? Granted, he’s one of the two who ratified it, but the proposal has come from Jared Grohl.”


Chapter Sixty-Nine


I didn’t see Marc again until the day of the commitment ceremony, a month later. Once I’d told my father an ecstatic
to the proposal, he’d allowed Jared to visit every day, and we’d spent many happy hours planning our life together.

I had to agree to take a year off from jumping, but I had plenty of work to do on the Archives anyway, updating many of the incorrect assumptions that had been made. Jared would work by my side, as always, but now he’d be with me properly. In my bed. In my heart.

The ceremony was short and straightforward. Jared looked strong and fit and happy, smiling as I’ve never seen before. As we left the Council office for the formal celebration lunch, I squeezed his hand. “I need to speak to Marc. I’ll catch you up.”

He nodded, the smile slipping a little. “I know.”

I watched as he walked away, talking to my father, then turned to see Marc staring at me. He wore the
traditional dress uniform and looked so handsome, I thought my heart would break. Dark eyes regarded me, and he nodded toward the rose garden outside. We left in silence. I stared at my shoes.

A few steps along, we found a wooden bench in a patch of sunlight and sat together. With a sigh, Marc turned to face me. “I wanted to speak to you, to apologise for my behaviour.”
? He hurried on. “Out on assignment, it’s easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment, and I may have led you to believe that I would propose a commitment for you.” As I leaped in to speak, he pressed a finger against my lips. “I should know that emotions are not reliable, and I want to be sure you don’t feel any discomfort or obligation from my rash words.”

I was dumbfounded. I’d been tying myself in knots over breaking his heart, and the truth was he’d felt nothing for me. I sat back. His hand dropped to rest on his thigh. I spoke carefully. “I felt concern you may have developed an attachment to me.” I closed my hand over his. “I would have hated to hurt you. While I’m here, I want to thank you for ratifying Jared’s proposal. You have been a good friend.”

His face remained bland, but beneath my hand, I felt his fingers tense and dig into his leg. I smiled at him, a little uncertain. “Even though I won’t be jumping for some time, I’ll still see you at the Archive briefing sessions.”

He snatched his hand away, flexed his fingers, and shoved it in his pocket. “I’m being reassigned. I start training for a new time period tomorrow.”

“What?” I stood up, shocked. “Why? You’re a Dark Age specialist. And you’ve received a commendation. Can’t you ask to stay in the period? Why are they transferring you?”

He gazed into the distance for a long moment, and then fitted his uniform cap and stood, smoothing his jacket before he met my eyes. “Lila.” He hesitated. “I
to be reassigned.” He snapped a sharp salute and marched away, heading for the street. Even though I waited there until I could no longer see him, he never turned around.

Guilt tore at me. I stood there lost in thought, only surfacing again when I felt Jared slip his arm around my waist. “You okay, Lila?”

I buried my face in his chest and felt his arms enclose me, safe and loved. “He’s transferring to another period.” I felt desolate.

“I know. Commander Fleur told me.” He held me tighter. “It’s okay. I think he’s left to give us a chance together. I respect that. He’s an honorable man.”

“He wanted to propose for me. Before he knew I loved you.”

“I know,” he repeated, his breath warm against my ear. He pressed a hot kiss against my temple. “I don’t resent him or feel jealous. Every time I hold you, I will be grateful to him.”

Tears trickled down my cheeks, and I reached up to wipe them away. Jared got there first. “Shall we go and enjoy the celebration lunch?” he asked. “I didn’t tell you earlier, but we’re going away for a few days after this. What they used to call a honeymoon.”

I sniffed and managed a watery smile. “Really? Where?”

“There’s this mountain in Wales, the locals call it Eryri, and tonight is the first night of the full moon. I plan to make love to you under the stars, Lila.”

I threw my arms around his neck and claimed his lips. “I think that sounds perfect.”


About the Author

Romance author Sofia Grey spends her days managing projects in the corporate world and her nights hanging out with wolf shifters and alpha males. She devours pretty much anything in fiction, but she prefers her romances hot and her heroes to have hidden depths. When writing, she enjoys peeling back the layers to expose her characters’ flaws and always makes them work hard for their happy endings.


Coming soon, Clara’s Airman, Book 2 in the Out of Time series.
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