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Authors: Riann C. Miller

Tags: #General Fiction

Living With Regret (34 page)

BOOK: Living With Regret
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“No!” I watch the soft-spoken woman wince at my mother’s crazy behavior. “Sweetheart, we should take the Mercedes. I had it detailed for tonight.”

My father, who for the most part tolerates my mother’s rude behavior, seems miffed at how she is acting. “My Jag is out front, Leeta. Like you said, we’re already running late. There’s no reason to take your car. Now let’s go.”

My mother is shocked stupid, apparent by her gaping mouth and wide eyes. She almost looks like she has seen a ghost. My father gives her a solid push on her back then my parents and Marcus quickly head out the front door. I stay in the same spot on the sofa, closely watching the woman we have been left with. She’s smiling at the two of us, almost like she is happier to stay here with us than go out with my parents.

“The time change is really messing up Kate’s sleeping schedule, but I bet she’ll be up from her nap any minute. What do you boys want to do when she gets up?”

I turn my head slowly toward my older brother Tanner and see he is just as uncertain of what to say as I am. I’m only eight years old, but I don’t remember my parents ever asking me what I want to do. As the two of us sit here not saying a word, I hear a little voice coming from a monitor.

“Just like I thought, Kate is awake. Stay here and I’ll be right back.”

Mandy pops up then takes off up the stairs, leaving both Tanner and I confused in her wake. I’ve never seen a person that acts concerned and caring before, which has my guard up.

“She seems...nice.” I live in a world where people come and go, and the ones that stick around aren’t usually nice unless they want something. I look over at Tanner, who seems just as unsure of this woman as I am, but I’m brought out of my thoughts when I hear her voice again.

“Okay, boys, I want you to meet my baby girl. This is Kate.” I can hear the pride in her voice as I turn away from Tanner and back toward Mandy. She’s once again smiling, only this time she’s carrying a little girl on her hip. A mass of blonde, wavy hair covers most of her shoulder while the girl keeps her face tucked tight against her mother. “She’s not quite awake yet,” Mandy says in a singsong voice as she slowly rocks the little girl back and forth. Maybe Mandy is genuinely nice, or at least it’s starting to appear that way. I watch as she starts softly singing a song that I can’t quite make out.

With her smile still in place, she looks down at her little girl. “Kate, can you say hello?”

My eyes stay locked on the little girl as she slowly lifts her head. When her eyes find mine, I feel a jolt through my whole body. Her eyes look like emeralds—a shade of green I’ve never seen on a person before.

“Her eyes...” I mumble as I feel my heartbeat thumping inside my chest.

“Kate’s eyes are very beautiful, but then again, I love everything about my little girl.” Man-dy’s eyes dance back and forth between Tanner and myself, like she’s waiting for one of us to say something.

“Well, what do you want to do? Play a board game? Go swimming? Are you two hungry? We can have an early dinner.”

Without thinking, I blurt out, “Why are you being nice to us?” Mandy pauses for a mo-ment, her beautiful smile fading into a frown.

“Why wouldn’t I be nice to you?”

My eyes unconsciously narrow at her question, but Tanner speaks up to answer her. “Be-cause people aren’t nice unless they want something.”

Mandy’s eyes slowly drift shut. When they open again, I can see the fire in them. “Where I’m from, we’re nice to everyone because you treat others how you want to be treated. I’m nice to you because I expect you to treat me the same way.” Neither Tanner nor I say a word in re-turn. That’s definitely not how life works here.

“Maybe next summer you boys can come spend time in Colorado and we can get to know you better.”

Mandy’s warm smile returns, and at this point I’m positive I will go anywhere this lady asks me to. “Let me go get you guys a snack and then we’ll go swimming. Can you boys watch Kate for me while I grab something from the kitchen?”

Mandy kisses the little green-eyed girl on the forehead before placing her in a chair across from us then walks off.

I look over at Tanner, but like normal, he’s staring off, lost somewhere in his own head while he avoids our surroundings. I sneak another look at the little girl only to find her closely watching me. My heart speeds up again while I draw in a deep breath of air. I’m doing my best to shake off the strange feeling I have as I tear my eyes away from hers. Looking at her is the same as looking directly at the sun. It’s hard to do for more than a few seconds. I lean my head against the back of the couch and close my eyes. While I’m doing everything in my power to avoid looking at this little girl, she hops down out of her chair and climbs up next to me. I didn’t know this until she slips her small hand into mine and gives mine a firm squeeze.

I want to pull back. I meant to pull back, but her touch is soothing in a way I didn’t know was possible. My heart continues to beat against my chest as my mind starts to relax. I’m sit-ting here staring down at our connected hands when I hear her start to hum the same tune her mother had just a few moments ago.

When I finally gain the courage to look up, I find those emerald eyes burning into mine, but it’s the way Kate is smiling at me that I know I’ll never forget. Like maybe...just maybe, I matter to someone.

BOOK: Living With Regret
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