Read Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] (6 page)

BOOK: Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9]
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Another squad car pulled up, and they hauled the three from the back room. The first two officers took Tangee’s official statement, telling him he had to go down to the police station in the morning.

“Assholes,” Tangee bit out at them as they pulled away. Not only did the three men try to violate him, but the cops had as well with their unprofessional attitudes.

He hoped they choked on a doughnut.

A dark blue truck screeched to a halt in front of the store, a howl heard coming from it. Oh, shit, he had forgotten the phone. He forgot to tell Loco he was okay. Tangee ran around the counter, bending down and retrieving his cell phone. It was still connected to Loco’s number.

Loco rushed in, grabbing Tangee around the waist and hauling him into his arms. “Baby, I’m so sorry,” Loco apologized into Tangee’s neck. He could feel Loco trembling. He didn’t argue when Loco carried him to his truck and climbed in.

“Please forgive me. I knew you were outnumbered and defenseless, and I left you here.” Loco hugged Tangee to him tightly.

“Loco, you’re going to crush me,” Tangee protested. He pushed against the large man’s chest, trying to breathe again.

“I left you, and you were...where the hell are they?” Loco’s eyes turned crimson, and his canines descended. Rage filled his face.

Tangee knew he had to calm him down and fast.

“They didn’t. Mark saved me in time. The cops just took them

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away.” Tangee ran his hand down the side of Loco’s face. He was still shaking, but his nerves were starting to settle down some since his mate had arrived.

“I heard the conversation. Timber wolves do have exceptional hearing. I didn’t think the police would believe you the way those bastards treated you.” Loco kissed him, relief flooding his face.

“Did you go ninety miles an hour or something? You got here pretty fast.” Tangee laid his head on Loco’s chest, feeling safe and warm now that his man was here. It only confirmed his earlier decision to get out of the city, but what to do with his mom and sister?

Loco looked sheepish. “One hundred.”

“Loco, you could have killed yourself or someone else! Don’t do that again,” Tangee gently chastised him.

“I’ll do it again when I get a phone call like that.” Loco opened the truck door, pulling them out, and back into the store where Mark waited.

Tangee’s nerves were a wreck, but he tried his best to appear calm. If he told either of these men how truly shaken he was, they wouldn’t let the subject go, and that was something Tangee wanted desperately right now. To forget that it had ever happened.

“Thank you. Anything you ever need, you call me and it’s done.

Anything.” Loco man-hugged Mark.

“Just doing what any friend would do.” Mark shrugged. “And you will never have to worry. Your secret’s safe with me.”

“What secret?” Loco eyed him warily.

“Exactly.” Mark smiled at Loco and then turned to Tangee. “Are you going to be okay?”

No, “Yes. Thank you for getting here so fast.” Mark nodded at Tangee then walked out of the store.

“You think he knows?” Tangee whispered to Loco.

“I think so.” Loco had Tangee call the manager and explain to him what had happened and to tell the guy he quit. Loco threatened to toss him into his truck and tie him down if he argued about it.

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“I need to talk to you.” Tangee grabbed his coat and cut the interior lights first, making it known that the store was closed. With the extra key hanging by the register, Tangee locked the door.

“Anything. What is it?” Loco helped him into the truck then sauntered over to his side, sliding in and starting it. “I’ve decided to, you know, be with you.” Tangee had a horrific thought. “Do you still want me?” he added in a rush.

“What do you think? Of course I do. So you’ll move in with me?

I’ve already lined up a new job for you. My friend Cody is half owner of a restaurant and has agreed to give you a try as a waiter. I don’t want you working at all, but I know you want to support your family on your own.” Loco pulled from the lot. “I’ll take you home to pack tonight, rather than in the morning. You’re not spending another minute here.”

“I didn’t say anything to Mark. I need to tell him.” With everything that had happened, Tangee forgot to mention his decision to his long time friends and boss.

“I talked to him awhile ago. He’s in agreement with me. You need to get out of the city.” Loco entwined his hand with Tangee’s, kissing his knuckles as he steered with one hand. It felt unreal that someone like Loco wanted him and not just because they were mates. Anyone could be mates, but Loco acted as though he wanted him. Maybe he didn’t have the worst luck, not with a guy like this sitting next to him.

“About my family. Can we come here once a week and check on them and drop some money off to them? I need to let my mom know I’m moving.” Tangee climbed the steps to his apartment.

“We can come back in a few days. Anything you need.” Loco gave him a gentle smile.

“There you are. I haven’t seen you around in awhile,” Mrs.

Jackson said as she stood in her doorway. He could hear a quiet chuckle coming from Loco. Mrs. Jackson was one of the elderly women who lived in his building and had a need to talk his ear off for what seemed like forever when all he ever wanted to do was get

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inside his apartment and sleep on most days. He guessed this would be the last time he saw her.

“I’ve been working. How is everything?” Tangee wanted to get his packing done but couldn’t be rude. He knew she was lonely and only looking for an ear to chat away with.

“Been good. Doctor says I’m in perfect health for my age. Well, I see you have company.“ She winked at Loco. “I’ll let you go. Make sure you stop by to see me.”

“Good night.” Tangee smiled as he let Loco into his place.

Thank goodness he didn’t have much. Packing sucked. He only had a handful of boxes that he could use. Going over to the closet in the living room, he pulled out a roll of clear tape then went into the kitchen drawer for a marker. He wasn’t sure what he should take and what he could do without. Although Loco had a truck, after working two jobs he was too tired to do a lot of running up and down stairs.

“Gather only what you need. Clothes, pictures, important papers, things like that. The Den has everything else you should need,” Loco said to him.

Well, that solved his dilemma. “I’ll get my stuff from my room.

Be right back.” Tangee went into his closet and grabbed the suitcase that was stored in there. He didn’t have that many clothes. Five pairs of jeans and five T-shirts, underclothes, and socks. He didn’t need much, and most of his money went to support his family.

“That all you have?” Loco asked as he brought the box with Tangee’s personal items in it. “I guess I never noticed you wearing pretty much the same thing all the time.”

“Yep, a guy doesn’t need much. A few stitches of clothes and a roof over his head.” Tangee closed the suitcase and looked around to see if he forgot anything.

He always forgot something.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be back in a few days to turn in your keys and see if there was anything else you may have forgotten.” Loco nudged Tangee toward the door.

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He was thankful his mate knew how exhausted he was.

One trip up the stairs was all he could handle right now after his ordeal. Once the adrenaline rush had worn off, it left him even more tired than usual.

“Then I guess I’m ready.” Tangee was a bit nervous, to say the least, but he knew living here wasn’t safe anymore, and he was starting to physically hurt when he was away from Loco. He would feel an empty hole in his chest with the longing he felt when Loco wasn’t around.

“Then let’s get out of here.” They gathered his things and locked the door.

* * * *

Loco watched his mate doze off on the way home. He still couldn’t get over what had almost happened. The need to go to that police station and kill everyone one of those bastards was riding him hard.

He thanked fate for sending Mark there. Whether the guy knew it or not, Loco owed him the world for saving his mate.

Fate seemed to be smiling on them, so he knew those three punks would get what they deserved. Sooner or later, they were going to mess with the wrong person. Maybe it was lucky that Mark had gotten there first. There would be three dead humans to hide if Loco had been there.


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Chapter Five

It was three in the morning when they finally made it to the Den.

Loco helped Tangee carry his belongings inside.

“I’ll give you the tour tomorrow, or should I say later today. Get some rest.” Loco set his boxes and suitcase by the dresser and showed Tangee where the bathroom was so he could shower.

“I’ll be right out.” Tangee closed the bathroom door and leaned against it. Holy crap, this place was amazing. He was surprised a butler didn’t answer the door downstairs when they came in.

Stripping his clothes off, he regulated the awesome shower that had three shower heads. He stepped under the sprays, once again relieved that Mark had saved him in time.

Pushing the thought away, Tangee scrubbed down quickly then turned the water off and grabbed a towel. Wow, it was heated.

He wrapped it around his waist and stepped from the bathroom.

He saw Loco’s back turned to him. He was putting Tangee’s clothes in the drawer. Tangee dropped the towel and climbed onto the bed on all fours, lowering his shoulders.

“Holy fuck.” Loco growled from behind him.

“Mate me, Loco.” Tangee looked over his shoulder at his mate’s mouth hanging wide open. He needed the connection with Loco, and he needed to erase what had happened.

“Hell yeah.” His mate pulled his clothes off, tossing them over his shoulder as he grabbed the lube and climbed behind him. “Wait.” Loco laid his hand on Tangee’s back. “What if it doesn’t work? Alpha Maverick wasn’t able to find anything out.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll always belong to only you.” Tangee wiggled
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his hips, waiting for Loco to take him and trying not to think of the possibility that the claiming may not work.

“Always, love.” Loco lubed his fingers, circling them around Tangee’s hole.

Tangee began to tremble when Loco’s lips began to explore his back with his tongue. He could feel Loco’s finger slowly enter him, and Tangee’s head fell back onto his shoulders. His canines lengthened as his eyes shifted. Tangee’s mouth fell open, the room bathed in crimson as Loco took him to another realm. One filled with erotic pleasure and naughty delights.

Tangee no longer had control over his body. It had a mind of its own, gyrating and dancing to Loco’s touch. Tangee’s hands started walking up the bed on their own, grabbing the headboard as his ass swayed back and forth.

“You like that, don’t you, baby.” Loco’s voice was low and deep, adding to Tangee’s euphoric state.

“Ah, ah, ah.” Tangee panted softly when Loco dipped down and sucked at his anus, his wrist spinning as his fingers massaged his channel.

“I’m gonna fucking eat you alive.” Loco pulled his hand free and grabbed Tangee’s hips, lifting him off of the mattress as he licked and sucked Tangee with mastery.

“Do it, do it. Damn, don’t stop. Yes, yes, yes, suck my ass.” The words flew out of his mouth, no structure to them, just lust-filled words his brain felt the need to shove out of his mouth.

Loco licked a path from asshole to balls, making Tangee squeal with shock and approval.

He actually fucking

“Talk to me, Tangee.” Loco voice broke with huskiness. “Just go with it, baby.”

“I want to feel you fucking me. Fill my ass with your cock, Silver,” Tangee shouted to the walls.

Loco lowered him to the bed, grabbing the lube from the drawer.


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Tangee gasped when Loco picked him up and flipped him to his back in one swift move, and with one hand.

That turned him the hell on,

“Pull your legs back, babe.” Loco snapped the lid open and slicked his cock. Tangee was mesmerized by the sight. His head fell back, concentrating on the lines in the ceiling. If he didn’t, his body was going to go up in flames.

Tangee became boneless, allowing Loco to position him. “This isn’t going to do.”

“What do you mean?”

Loco got off the bed, holding his hand out to Tangee. He took it, wondering what was going on. Loco led him to the middle of the room and then stopped. Loco grabbed him and lifted him up, Tangee wrapping his legs around Loco’s waist.

“Have patience. You’ll see.” Loco smiled when Tangee’s forehead creased. Loco reached beneath Tangee, lining his cock up, and then sunk in, balls deep. “Hold on.” Tangee held on tighter as Loco crossed the room and hit the button on the CD player. What was he doing?

“Ever fuck and dance at the same time?” Tangee’s eyes widened as he shook his head.

“I’ll show you how it’s done.” Loco winked at him. Bruno Mars began to sing “Grenade.” Loco danced like he was in a nightclub, his legs moving around, and Tangee laughed as he bounced up and down on Loco’s cock. It repeatedly thrust in and out of his ass.

“Where in the hell did you learn this move? I

“Come on, baby. Let’s burn this carpet up.” Loco snapped his fingers, and he spun around, popping his hip to the side. Tangee leaned back and laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.

He had to say one thing, dancing and fucking was well worth it, and only for the well coordinated. Loco grabbed Tangee’s hips, hitching his as he danced. His lips hovered close to Tangee’s, his eyes filled with devilishness and desire. Loco pulled Tangee up an inch
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and then thrust his hips forward, driving his cock deep.

“I can ride you. Go ahead and dance.” Tangee grinned and moaned at the same time.

BOOK: Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9]
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