Logan's Reaper (Soul Reapers) (2 page)

BOOK: Logan's Reaper (Soul Reapers)
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“Oh you should have seen them, they were hot as hell. I mean straight out of a man’s
wet dream. Right, Colton?” Tank was telling the brothers about meeting the Banger sisters.
Why Banger?
Because according to Tank he was going to “bang her.”
I knew it was just an act. Tank was just as affected by Campbell as I was with Logan. I just shook my head and went back to working on the car that was on the lift. I never work Saturdays, but wanted to be here in case Logan took Tank up on his offer. Plus, I noticed their car had seen better days and I wanted to make sure it was running okay. I refused to tell Tank it was a good idea even though he hammered me all morning. He ended up crashing at my place in the spare bedroom, which was pretty much his as he was the only one that had ever slept there. I have no idea why he kept paying rent when he practically lived with me.

“Sounds like Colton lost his game?”
Trigger talking shit again.
I was totally tuned out of their conversation, thinking of how I could get Logan alone. His annoying voice interrupted those thoughts.

, because I haven’t slept with your mama in a while?” I countered and all the guys chuckled.             

“No, because you became the pussy instead of hitting that pussy.” Trigger yelled as he threw a greasy rag at my head.

“Whatever man,” I said, snatching the towel out of the air. “You have no idea.”

“Looks like we are about to find out,”
Knox said, pointing as a yellow Beetle pulled through the shop’s gate at the end of the parking lot with some pop-ass-crap song blaring.

I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22. Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you. You don't know about me but I bet you want too. Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22.”

They pulled up to the bay door
, with the windows down singing at the top of their lungs. I knew I was sporting a shit-eating grin on my face because when I looked over all of the guys wore one. They both jumped out of the car and I gave her a slow once over in her tight jeans and fitted, yellow t-shirt. They looked over the hood at each other and pointed as they sang along. My dick ached for me to step up behind her and bend her over.

It feels like one of those nights, we ditch the whole scene. It feels like one of those nights, we won't be sleeping. It feels like one of those nights, you look like bad news. I gotta have you, I gotta have you.”

turned at that last part and looked straight at me. I could not get a read from her because her jewel-like eyes were covered with oversized shades.
Damn. Is she looking at me when she sang that last part? Fuck I hope she is because we won’t be sleeping.

“I love Taylor Swift,” Logan said as she walked up to me. “
Campbell says that song is my theme song for the next year. “22”, I think it fits.” Her cheeks were a slight pink from singing and her mouth was curved up in a breath taking smile. I could not tell if it went to her eyes, so I reached up to push her sunglasses onto to the top of head. “That’s better,” I breathed, pretending to not be affected by the spark I felt from that simple touch. Her happiness was evident everywhere on her face. The color on her cheeks darkened from my touch but turned red as the guys clapped and hooted at their little performance. I tried to tone down my big ass grin but could not seem to stop now that she was this close. Campbell made a show of it and curtsied as Tank threw an arm around her shoulder on the other side of the car.
Yep, he is not fooling anyone.

“Campbell, Logan, these are the guys. Guys, these lovely ladies are Campbell,” Tank explained giving her a slight squeeze and pointed with this other hand, “and Logan.”

“Hi,” both said together. Each guy introduced themselves with Knox taking Campbell’s hand and kissing it which caused her to giggle and Tank’s jaw to clench but he did not remove his arm. Logan’s light fragrance of pears and mint surrounded me as she gave a little wave at each introduction. I wanted to strip her down to see which scent was where and why.

“So what have you g
als got on tap for today?” I asked in an attempt to get those blue gems back on me.

“Job hunting while the car is here and then heading over to the library for a bit,”
she answered.

, huh?” I could not resist her any longer so I rubbed my hand down her left arm. The spark was back, carrying what felt like a volt of electricity through my entire body. “Yeah, something for Campbell,” she took a step towards me, standing directly in my space.

“Ahem,” and more throat clearing by the fucking peanut gallery. Logan t
ook a quick step back and I saw surprise in her eyes for a brief second before she ducked her head and turned away. “Yeah, right, well we should probably get going and leave you guys to it. Thanks again.” Campbell and Logan met at the back of her car and Campbell threw an arm over Logan’s shoulder whispering in her ear. They both laughed.

“Hey, Logan,” I shouted
as she was halfway to the gate causing her to stop and turn around. “Happy birthday beautiful.” A genuine smile that reached her eyes took hold on her lovely face.

The guys
sang happy birthday to her as Campbell grabbed her hand directing Logan as she walked backwards. When they finished, she blew a kiss in their direction but I ran across the front of her car grabbing it before anyone else. That got me another genuine smile so I winked at her as she turned back around shaking her head. Both girls threw their outside hands up waving them as they exited the gate.

“Damn.” We all just nodded ours heads as we turned into the bay doors to get back to work.


“That was intense Logan,” Campbell said for the third time since leaving the garage.

“Cam, it was harmless. Flirt
ing is good.”
As least with him it is.
“It makes you feel wanted.”

“And who won’t w
ant to be wanted by that blonde haired biker god. Hot damn!” I shook my head at her as we headed into the diner to see if there were any openings.

Two hours later and only one job between
us, Campbell got a text on her prepaid phone from Tank letting us know the car was ready.

“When did he get your number?” I questioned Campbell.

“Last night when I ran out to check the car one last time he was out moving his bike and asked if we were coming and then said we should exchange numbers,” she said excitedly while clapping her hands.

“Just be careful,” I warned.

“Logan, stop worrying,” Campbell tried appeasing me. “I am fine. He is definitely
And you will find a job,” she promised. “We will keep looking. The diner will cover our few expenses for a little while and you will get something really soon, plus we have a little bit of money saved.”

“You’re right. I just need to do some more searching tomorrow. Let’s get the car so we can hit the library.”

“What? Hell no. You have got to feed me first. I. Am. Starving.” Campbell was so dramatic. “FEED ME SEYMOUR!” She yelled as we walked up to the bay doors.

“You hungry,
Sunshine?” Tank asked as he walked out the bay door.

“Sunshine?” she asked.

“You don’t like baby,” he said so matter-of-factly as if everyone knew this fact.
Very interesting.
It appeared that their conversation last night was more detailed then she was letting on.

You’re right,” she acknowledged behind a small smile. A loud bang somewhere in the garage pulled Tank and Campbell back. “I am so hungry and my slave driver of a sister said I have to go to the library,” she said.

“Campbell Eleanor,” I ranted
and she froze.

“Holy shit, I am in trouble,” squealed Campbell
ducking behind Tank, which was not hard considering his six foot three frame.

“Eleanor?” asked
Knox. “After my dad’s grandmother,” Campbell responded.

h, it’s cool. It’s the hunger talking,” Tank said trying to save my sister.

“And talking like
that on her birthday. Damn girl, you’re harsh,” Trigger teased.

peeked out from behind Tank chancing a glance in my direction. When she saw I was looking at her, she stuck out her bottom lip and said, “You know I am just teasing.” I gave her a small smile, never able to stay angry with her, so she ran over and planted a wet lip smack on my cheek. I scrunched up my nose and tried to pull away but her death grip kept me in place.

“Come on
, let me treat ya’ll to lunch for Logan’s birthday,” Tank said diverting my attention back to food.

“Tank, you have already done enough with the car. We are fine,” I explained
pushing Campbell off of me.

“I insist, a quick run to the diner. I won’t take no for an answer.”

“Plus I can try some food so when people ask what’s good I can tell them,” added Campbell nodding her head.

“You got a job?
” Tank asked as he grabbed Campbell’s shoulders turning her towards the gate. “Congrats, Sunshine.” I did a quick scan of the area looking for Colton but came up empty so I reluctantly followed. 



“You really want your little sunshine around these fucking vultures?” I questioned Tank, pointing around the clubhouse and to the few brothers who were hanging around. A few chuckled at my name calling. I stood behind the bar restocking it for tonight’s party that I just found out would have two more guests.

“I don’t plan on letting her out of my sight, jackass. And if you were smart you would glue yourself to Logan and stop all that bullshit you got running in your head. It is obvious that you
dig her and you can tell she’s feelin’ it to. Go with it and see where you end up.”

“Is that what you plan on doing with Campbell?” My interest
spiked as Tank started pacing on the other side of the bar. He ran his hand through his black hair and looked at me with those black, dead eyes, “Once she is eighteen, hell yeah.” He smirked and for an instant his eyes lightened where you could actually tell they were brown.
Wow, never thought I would see that again.

“Fuck!” I yell
ed to no one in particular. “I am too fucking young to be thinking about Logan the way I do. I mean she is so fucking hot and sweet, all smiles and innocence. I mean she was singing some pop shit today and dancing around. That has no place here and you know it.” I rubbed my buzzed head back and forth. “My pop didn’t even take an old lady until he was 28. I got three more years of random pussy and fucking sweet butts whenever and wherever before I have to settle down.”

“Who says you got to be 28? You want to follow
in Wesson’s footsteps? He married your mom who was the biggest bitch anyone had ever met. She hated this life and the club. Got your dad shot twice because of her bullshit. And you want to follow that path? There ain’t a single sweet butt here that you would take as an old lady. And even if you did pick one, you would be picking her because of how she fit in the club or how she didn’t give you shit while she was at home and you were here stepping out on her. Get your head out of your ass. You could have a chance at something here. Do you think I care that we are only 25 and I have met my sunshine? I could give two shits. I never thought there would be light in my world again after everything that has happened. So I am willing to see what comes of it before I completely dismiss it.”

“You done lecturing
?” I turned around so he could not see how much his words hit home. He was right. I did not want any of the current sweet butts as a permanent anything in my life.
But does Logan want this life?
She would have to accept all of me and this club is a large part.
What if she doesn’t want to?
I have never once been rejected by a female and did not plan on starting that shit now.

“Yeah, I’m done. We cool?”

I turned back to face him, lifting my right arm and making a fist, “Always brother,” as we fist bumped.

“When are Wess
on and Whistler getting back?” Tank never called his father pop.

“Probably another week or so,” I answered. “Talked to him earlier while you were escorting two lovely ladies to lunch, and he said they had one more stop to make before heading back here.”

“Good to know. I am heading out to run home and shower. Want to meet at your house to bring them over?”

“Nah, brother.
I am staying here so you just pick them up.” He called out “peace” as he walked out the door, not waiting for me to respond.


Colton’s tongue swirled around my nipple as his hand pulled on the other one. A moan escaped my lips. His leather and musk scent bombarded me as I whimpered from the pleasure pain he was causing within me. I will never forget his smell; all male and danger. It was intoxicating and only added to my desire. He moved between my legs rubbing his jean-clad erection into my sweet spot as I matched his rhythms stroke for stroke. He pulled my shirt over my head trapping my arms above my head. He ground harder into me, panting in my ear, “Leave your arms above your head or else,” in a delicious growl. His mouth moved down to my neck, nibbling, tasting, taking. My body was on fire from his mind-numbing torture. His tongue invaded my mouth as his hands moved down my body, stopping to pinch and pull on my nipples. This brought a moan from deep in my throat that he swallowed in another deep kiss.

I felt my breast
s swell under his manipulations. “More than a handful just like I love,” he whispered across my lips. His tongue’s affection returned to my nipple as his free hand swept down my body to my inner thigh. He traced small circles with his thumb, inching closer and closer to my core. His weight shifted as he got closer to my heat. “Please,” I begged, wanting his touch where I needed it most. I would beg nonstop if it found me any release from my aching core. I lifted my hips willing him to end his torture.

He brushed
the back of his fingers up and down the front of my damp panties. “You are so wet for me,” he moaned, still tweaking my nipple. “Colt, please,” I begged as I pushed my clit harder into his hand. “Patience beautiful,” he breathed as he pushed my panties to the side and penetrated me with one finger. I shuttered as he added a second finger and pushed his thumb against my clit. “Yes,” I moaned unable to stop myself, moving my hips with his hand’s timing. “That’s it beautiful, fuck my fingers.” He added a third and I felt so full, stretched and wet.

buried his face into my neck licking and sucking on my skin. Goose bumps erupted all over my arms and chest. I moaned as his hand picked up speed adding more pressure to my throbbing clit. I dropped my arms and ran my hands over his head enjoying the fuzz from his short hair without thought to his earlier warning. He chuckled in my ear as he whispered, “You’ll pay for that later beautiful.” I was too lost to understand what I had done wrong. My brain too foggy from the pleasure he was building inside of me. My breath picked up, my core tightened and I started moaning as I fell over . . .

“Logan, wake up.” Campbell violently shook me. “You were moaning in your sleep. Were you having a bad dream?”
I opened my eyes to see concern in hers.

I rolled over to avoid her prying eyes. My core ached and I could feel how wet my panties were. “No, Cam.”

“Oh.” The brief pause told me she was putting the pieces together. “So, not a nightmare?” I heard the smile in her question. “Then you were having a good dream, like maybe a fantasy of one Hottie McHotterson?

t quite,” I lied as I turned to push her off the bed. “Why are you in my room?” I asked trying to distract her, sounding as if I was thirteen again.

“Tank is going to be here in 30 minutes to get us for the party. I came to tell you and found you
moaning for your biker god.”

Lord. Just go so I can get ready.” I waved her out of the room.

“About that . . . s
ince we are the same size and I got more clothes out of the last place than you did, I brought you this dress to wear. It matches your eyes.” Campbell handed me one of her favorite blue strapless dresses. It was a baby doll type dress where the entire material covering the chest was an elastic band to hold it up. I loved this dress and Campbell knew it. I wore it once before with cute platform wedges that made the escape with us. “Leave your hair down and if you hurry I can curl it for you.”

“Hey Cam,” I yelled as she was already out the door. “Thanks for this. But what are you going to wear?”

“Number one, it doesn’t matter what I wear because I am fucking hot,” she yelled from her room down the hall, “and number two, my gold halter dress made it with matching sandals so there is a God after all.” She was right. I had to hand it to her; she looked hot in that gold dress. It brought out the gold specks in her eyes.

My earlier dream
was all but forgotten until I took that first step and the brush of my wet panties across my sensitive clit brought it all crashing back.
Yep, I better jump in the shower and relieve that ache.

BOOK: Logan's Reaper (Soul Reapers)
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