Lost Alpha: Collection (bbw werewolf/shifter romance) (9 page)

BOOK: Lost Alpha: Collection (bbw werewolf/shifter romance)
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Paige felt her heart fall a little. She knew it excited the girls to see their mother; it was rare that they did. Tammy Faye had left Billy for an oilfield worker that wasn’t even from Oklahoma, instead he lived in Wichita. Turns out he was a meth-addict and Billy quickly got custody of the girls. After that Tammy Faye bounced from man to man, never leaving Wichita and never affording to see her girls.

That’s why Billy was upset,
Paige thought.
He’s not going to have the girls on Christmas.

“That’s great, pretty girl,” Paige said, forcing a smile. “I hope you have lots of fun.”

“Oh we will,” Lily said with a smile. “Hey isn’t that your old boyfriend out front?”

She turned and looked through the store’s front windows, seeing Randy’s big ass truck parked across three spots. He jumped out, with the woman from yesterday in tow. She was screaming and pointing at the store while Randy huffed and puffed. He had a large bandage on his nose from where she punched him.

“Stay inside,” Paige said, jumping up and heading for the front door.

“Paige….” Duncan started to say.

“It’s fine,” Paige said.

Surely he wouldn’t start shit with me here,
she thought.
Besides I can kick that skinny bitch’s ass.

Randy had never been violent with her, but she’d seen him try to start plenty of other fights when he thought someone had disrespected him. She had ended up in a fight with another woman more than once thanks to Randy’s mouth.

She walked through the front door, facing Randy and his whore. “What do you want Randy? I thought things were pretty clear yesterday.”

“You broke my nose, you bitch,” Randy said, his face contorting in anger.

“I think it’s an improvement,” she said, her eyes darting back and forth between Randy and the woman.

“You think I’m going to let that slide?” Randy asked, balling his fists up and stepping forward.

“Yeah get her, babe!” the woman screamed. She looked even more like white trash in her clothes. She was wearing an American Flag t-shirt and cut-off jean shorts, very classy.

“Who the hell are you?’ Paige demanded, turning towards the woman.

“I’m Erica, his main squeeze now,” she said. “He was going to tell you about us nicely, but you had to come down and put your fat nose where it don’t belong.”

“So you left me for this whore?’ Paige asked, turning back to Randy.

“You fucking bitch,” he said, lunging forward for Paige.

Without thinking about it Paige ducked under his grab and ran forward, finding herself in the middle of the parking lot. Now Randy and Erica were between her and the store.

she thought.

Randy turned and marched towards her again. She tried to run for the side of the store, wanting to get around to the back. She could see the hill behind the store and the road leading to her trailer, but it all became a blur as she felt her hair being pulled.

Her fat ex-boyfriend was faster than he looked. He had run up behind her as she tried to make her escape and grabbed her by the hair, pulling it tight.

She could feel tears forming in her eyes as he nearly ripped her entire scalp off. The pain was unbearable.

“Listen here you fat whore,” he said. “Nobody puts their fucking hands on Randy Wilkerson and gets away with it. Ya hear?”

He flung her forward, knocking her to the ground. She felt the air go out of her as her chest slammed into the concrete parking lot. She rolled over, pain radiating through her whole body as she looked up at Randy who was standing over her.

“Yeah baby!” Erica screamed. “Stomp a mud hole in that fat bitch!”

Randy’s lips curled into an evil smile as he lifted one boot off the ground, preparing to bring it down somewhere on Paige’s body. He never got the chance as a huge blur flew over Paige, slamming into Randy and taking him to the ground.


Chapter 3


Travis started to remove his shirt, considering shifting into wolf and tearing the man limb from limb. Luckily the human side of his brain realized what a bad idea this would be in such a public setting.

As he drew nearer he saw the man throw Paige to the ground. Travis’ vision began to blur as his anger intensified. A vampire and wererats had taken away his pack; he wasn’t going to allow this man to harm the only thing he had left.

When he was about ten feet from the man Travis leapt with superhuman agility and dove right into the man, knocking him to the ground. The man was pretty large and strong, for a human, but Travis was bigger and stronger.

Travis stood up off the man, allowing him to come to his feet. He wanted this piece of human trash to see the face of the alpha he had pissed off.

“Who the fuck are you?” the man demanded, stumbling to his feet.

“Kick his ass too baby!” he heard the shrill woman yell.

“Your worst nightmare, fat boy,” Travis said, his lips curling into a snarl.

“I’ll fuck you up too!” the man yelled, swinging at Travis. He easily caught the slow human’s fist, crushing it in his hand. The man screamed in pain and dropped to one knee as several bones shattered in his hand.

“This is going to be painful,” he said to the man.

Travis let go of the man’s fist and then stomped down on his raised knee, hearing the satisfied crunch of breaking bone as his boot drove into the man’s kneecap.

“Oh god!” the man screamed, falling to the ground completely and trying to turtle up.

Travis knelt beside him, whispering in his ear. “You should have never touched my mate. You’re going to pay for that with your life.”

The man just whimpered in response. Travis cocked his fist back, ready to rain blows down onto the man’s face and head until he died.

“Stop Paige!” he heard her brother yell. “For the love of God, stop!”

He stood up, leaving the wounded man to cry on the ground. He turned to see Paige with a handful of the skinny woman’s hair, ramming her head repeatedly into the door of the man’s truck. She had lost it, attacking the woman with all her might.

She would make a mighty fine warrior if she was a wolf,
Travis thought.
She’ll make a strong mother for our pups.

Her brother finally interjected himself physically, pulling her away from the woman who was now bleeding all over the concrete parking lot. The smell of blood stung at Travis’ nostrils and excited the wolf inside him.

“Paige, that’s enough!” Billy yelled, holding her tight. “She’s done. They’re both done.”

Paige burst into tears, burying her face in her brother’s chest. Her sobbing gripped at Travis’ protective instincts and he rushed forward, putting an arm around her.

“It’s ok,” Travis said, trying to sound soothing. “It’s all over.”

Paige turned to him, burying her face in his large chest and continuing her crying. She tried to get words out in between hard sobs. “Thank….you….for…not…leaving….me…”

“I’m here for you now and forever,” Travis whispered to her. His words only made her grip tighten.

“It’s not quite over yet,” Billy said.

Travis turned to see a black and white police car come roaring into the parking lot, screeching to a halt in front of the injured man.

“Let me handle this,” Billy said, turning to Travis. “You two just stand out of the way.”

Travis nodded in agreement. He didn’t like any other males around his female, but her brother was no threat and might even prove to be an ally.

“I thought you had left,” Paige said after Billy walked away to talk to the deputy. 

“I did,” Travis said. “You asked me to leave.”

“You pissed me off,” Paige said, pulling away and looking at him. “I’m still mad at you for the things you said.”

“I understand,” Travis said. “We can discuss these things later. I will say I have a lot to learn about human society.”

“Yeah you do,” Paige said, rolling her eyes. “Where were you? How did you know I was in trouble?”

“I was in the woods behind your house looking for clues,” he said. “When nothing fruitful came of my search I decided to return and talk to you. You weren’t home so I began to head for the store, then I saw you in trouble.”

“I’m glad you were around,” she said. “What did you do to Randy?”

“Randy? That is your ex-boyfriend?” Travis asked.

“Yes,” she said.

“Then that must be his new mate,” he said, pointing to the unconscious woman on the ground.

“That’s the whore,” she said.

“Why did you attack her?” he asked. 

“The bitch was screaming and yelling and this is all her fault,” Paige said, her face turning red again. “She was egging him on to hurt me. She obviously can’t fight her own battles, so I taught her a thing or two about messing with me.”

“Very good,” Travis said, a smile creeping across his face. “You were fierce. I can’t imagine how you would react if someone came between you and your pups.”

“Babies,” Paige said, looking up at him. “I know Jacob had to have taught you enough about human society to know that we don’t call them pups.”

Travis did know that. He actually knew a lot about human society, he just didn’t know how to interact with humans. He wasn’t aware using some of his wolf terms would upset them.

Before he could say anything else to Paige he felt a sharp tap on his shoulder. He turned to find Billy standing beside him.

“Deputy Owens wants to talk with you both,” Billy said. “I told him you did it in self-defense. He’s an old friend so we should be ok. Don’t say anything dumb Paige.”

“It’s not me you should be worried about,” Paige said, pushing past Travis and walking up to the deputy. He was a man of average height with a muscular build and a strong jaw. Travis could feel the confidence radiating off of this man. If humans had alpha males then this man was most definitely one of them. Normally Travis wouldn’t care, because he was an alpha wolf, much higher than any human, but he had to remember himself when interacting with these humans. He was about to cause a whole lot of trouble in this town when he found the wererats and he didn’t need this man breathing down his neck.

“So your brother tells me this was your ex-boyfriend?” he asked Paige, glancing up at Travis with hard, determined eyes.

“That’s right,” Paige said, her eyes remaining locked with the deputy.

“And you two had some sort of falling out?”

“I caught him cheating on me yesterday. I was angry so I punched him in the face and left.”

“And that was the end of it yesterday?” the deputy asked, scribbling on a notebook he had in his hand.

“Yes, I left and came home,” she said. “My friend Travis came over to console me.”

“And how come I’ve never seen you before, big boy?” Deputy Owens asked, turning to Travis.

“I don’t come around often,” Travis said, trying to sound submissive. He knew he had to be that way with this one to avoid any conflict, but it was hard for an alpha to act like that. He wanted to throw the deputy to the ground and stand over him, proving to him who the strongest here was. Unfortunately, humans didn’t interact with one another that way. Jacob didn’t either, but Travis still had his wolf instinct to show him the way.

“Where are you from?” Deputy Owens asked. “You one of those Lockhart boys I’ve never met?”

“No sir,” Travis said. He knew this was a way humans addressed one another when being respectful: Jacob would demand to be called sir when he was angry with the children.

“Where are you from then?”

“Bowshot,” Travis said.

Deputy Owens’ eyes grew wide before narrowing. “I didn’t know anyone lived out there besides that old man Jacob. Are you related to him?”

“That’s his father,” Paige quickly interjected. “They had a big fight, so Travis is going to be staying with me for a little while.”

“Well let’s not have any more incidents like this one,” Deputy Owens said. “I know they attacked you, but you can kill somebody. You’re a big boy. I’m going to call an ambulance to get these two out of here. If they press charges there’s nothing I can do, but my report will reflect that it was self-defense and that you were attacked first.”

“Thank you, Deputy Owens,” Paige said.

“No problem,” he said. He looked past Paige, a smile forming on his face. “Hey Billy! Save me a burger?”

“You got it!” Billy said, walking back into the store.

“Are you hungry?” Paige asked.

“Always,” Travis said.

“Let’s get some meat in you,” she said, interlocking her arm with Travis’ and leading him back towards the store.

He knew she was still angry with him, but he was happy she was willing to talk it out with him.

Humans are strange,
Travis thought as they walked across the parking lot.
They don’t let the strongest rule and they want to talk about every problem. I will not get used to that.


Chapter 4


Paige felt strangely at ease around Travis now. She now thought their fight may have been a bit silly, he was a werewolf that hasn’t been around humans in sixteen years. Anything he learned about human society came from books or the teachings of an even older werewolf. Of course he wouldn’t know how to act around humans. Of course he wouldn’t know what was improper to say.

He’s like a lump of clay,
she thought.
One I can mold into a decent boyfriend.

She liked that idea; Randy was a ready formed asshole. She only stayed with him because he lived in the city and was all she could find. At one time she thought she might love him, but his general attitude was too much to handle. Yet she remained with him, settling for whatever was in front of her.

Of course if I stay with Travis I’ll be stuck here in Wounded Bow forever,
she thought.
He came to my rescue though, he cares about me.

She pushed those thoughts from her mind; it was way too early to be thinking about the future. Besides Travis was still on his quest for revenge, who knew where that would lead?

Travis was a huge departure from Randy, who instigated fights and never had her back. Maybe his arrogance was worth it for the protection and care he would heap upon her. Still, she couldn’t have him looking down on her or her family because they happened to be born human. They had a lot to talk about, she knew that much.

BOOK: Lost Alpha: Collection (bbw werewolf/shifter romance)
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