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Authors: Veronica Short

Love Obsessed (14 page)

BOOK: Love Obsessed
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“I need to sit down.” I say. Mum nods, and we go to sit by the table.

“Can I get you anything?”

“Erin,” I say. “I need Erin, and she isn’t here, and she......isn’t here,” I whisper, putting my face in my hands. Erin would know what to do.

“What’s going on?” Mum asks.

I look up at her, ‘I need Erin,’ is all I can say.

Mum looks at me before saying, “Ok.” She gets up and leaves the room, returning moments later with Erin in tow.

I jump up and all but run to her, engulfing her. She makes a sound, and I pull back. That’s when I see her. “What happened!”

“Let’s talk,” she says. We walk outside and sit down on the chair. Mum isn’t far behind with drinks.

“What happened?” I ask more calmly, though I already know.

“Jake,” she whispers. “You were right. I should have listened to you.”

“You should have.”

“Brandon,” Mum says in her motherly tone. I look back to Erin who has her sad puppy look she sometimes gets. I pick her up, place her in my lap, and held her.

“Careful,” Mum says.

“Why?” I ask.

Erin talks into my chest, ‘I have some fractured ribs.”

“And a broken one,” Mum says. If I wasn’t holding onto Erin, I would have jumped up and found him and beat him up.

“It’s ok, though. I’m better.”

“Dad’s dealt with him,” Mum assures me.

“I don’t care if Dad’s dealt with him or not. He has me to deal with now.” I continue to hold Erin close, and Mum leaves us. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was afraid.”

“I should have been the first you called. How long have you been here?”

“A few weeks.”

“Weeks! Erin you should have come home.”

“I didn’t know what to do.”

I tighten my arms around her, “You always have a home with me. We’ll pack up, and you can come home today.” She doesn’t say anything. I take a deep breath. I need to talk to her. “Beth’s pregnant,” I whisper.

Erin’s head shoots up, shaking back and forth. ‘No,’ she whispers. My eyes start to get wet and Erin’s glisten.

“I don’t know what to do. As much as I am an asshole for saying this, I was only seeing her to piss you off, because you were pissing me off. I never wanted... I need you with me, Erin.”

Erin places her hands on my shoulders, nodding, “Have you got proof?”

“Only her word.”

“Ok, I wouldn’t believe her. She was telling everyone that you two were still going out, weeks after you broke up with her. Get proof, and then we’ll go from there.”

“How did you know I broke up with her?”


I smile, “Older brother getting into my business.” We’re silent for a moment. “Don’t tell anyone, please,’ I ask. I am not ready for this to get out.

“Not a word.” Erin kisses my forehead.

“I’m sorry for everything, Erin. I’m so sorry,” I whisper.

“I’m sorry too. Lesson learned.”

“Move back in with me.”

“Definitely.” I pull out the necklace that I have been carrying around with me in my pocket for weeks now, and place it back around Erin’s neck, where it belongs. “Brandon,” she whispers.

No words are needed. She knows that I never want her to hand it back again; that she is still my Erin, no matter what is going on.


Erin is sitting on the bed when I enter the room. I can immediately tell that something is wrong. Brandon’s car is sitting in the drive way, the house is eerie, and if that isn’t enough of a clue, Erin’s belongings are not in the room anymore. “No.” Erin doesn’t move a muscle. She just sits on the bed, looking up at me. “No, Erin.”

“He needs me.”

“I need you!”

“Cole, please.”

I stare at her, run my hands through my hair, and pace the length on the room. “Why?” She doesn’t answer me; just continues to stare at me. “Damnit, Erin. Have you told him?” She shakes her head. “Why not!”

“He’s going through something right now. He’s under a lot of stress.”

“That’s no excuse not to tell him.”

“I will tell him.”

“When?” My voice is coming out chipped now. I’m pissed off that he’s getting her again.

“When things settle down.”

“What things, Erin?”

“I can’t say.” I run my hands through my hair again and squat against the wall, running my hands down my face and rubbing it. I can’t believe this. I hear movement, and then Erin is in front of me, hands on mine. “It’s only for a little while. He knows that we’re talking, and that I won’t stop. He hasn’t asked me too, either.”

“I finally have you, after everything, we’re finally together, and he’s just come in and taken you away from me. I’m sick of always having to battle Brandon for your time.”

Erin’s eyes start to water, “You have me.”

I shake my head, “Not really. You’ll be Brandon’s Erin.”

“No. I’m your Erin.”

“Then why are you moving back in with him?”

“Because he needs me right now, and it’s not forever. It’s just for a little while.” I reach my hand out and pick up the necklace from around her neck. My eyes grow cold, “I’m not comfortable with this. I don’t like it.”

“I’m sorry, but when this is over, I’m all yours... if you still want me.”

I lunge at Erin, engulfing her in a hug, and we crash to the ground, lips locked. “I’ll always want you, honey. Always and forever.”



“What are you doing here?” Beth sneers when she sees me enter the doctor’s clinic with Brandon.

“I’m here for Brandon.”

“Leave her alone, Beth. Let’s get this over with,” Brandon says, squeezing my hand.

“Nice way to talk about your son or daughter. Aren’t you meant to be in New York with Jake?” she directs toward me.

“Change of plans,” I tell her. We take a seat in the waiting room and wait for the doctor to call Beth’s name.

Beth has shown Brandon a positive pregnancy test, and today is the first ultra sound. Her name is called and Beth gets up. Brandon hesitates before he moves.

“Breathe; I’ll be here when you get back. You’re here to confirm the test, and then we’ll go from there.” He’s at a loss for words. Worry and stress are evident in his facial features. He nods and walks to the back.

When he emerges, he envelopes me and cries softly into my shoulder. She’s telling the truth. Beth really is pregnant.


“The dates match up to the time we were together,” Brandon tells me before he downs a shot.

“This isn’t over. We’ll get a paternity test.”

“She is going to hate me if I ask for one.”

“You have to know for sure. You don’t want to be stuck with Beth in your life forever if the baby isn’t yours. Make sure before you make any rush decisions.”

“Mum and Dad are going to be so disappointed in me.”

“They’ll understand.”

“God, I’m going to have to marry her, and agh... What if she wants more kids? I can’t.”

He shakes his head while pouring two more shots, “I don’t love her. I can’t marry someone I don’t love, but if it’s my baby, I’ll have to.” He downs his shot and I down mine. “And what if she doesn’t consent to the test? What then?”

I pour the shots next, my hand shaking slightly. It was a new bottle when we brought it out, but now it’s past half empty. “If she doesn’t consent, we know that she’s hiding something.”

“True. Good point. If she says no, then we know.”


“And if she says yes?” his voice drops. Brandon wants kids, just not yet, and he wants them with the right person; someone he loves.

“Then we wait for the results.”

“And in between?” More shots.

“The results will be in before the baby is due, and babies don’t need anything while in the womb, so.....don’t worry about it... as much as you can’t worry about it anyway.”

Brandon pours the next round, spilling the bottle as he does. “Shit,” he states so seriously it makes me break out laughing. Brandon joins in, too.

“I blame graduation.”

“Stupid graduation,” Brandon confirms.


My phone is ringing at an insane hour. I groan, rolling over to see who it is. “Erin.” I shoot out of bed, “What’s wrong? Where are you?” I start to get dressed and hear giggling. I freeze and listen to her laugh. “Are you drunk?” I ask.

She laughs harder. “I have an idea,” she slurs out. She’s not just drunk; she’s smashed.

“And what’s that?”

“I want to sneak you in here. I miss you, and need you, and... and... Brandon passed out not long ago. Come over.”

I chuckle a bit. “Brandon let you drink until he passed out. That doesn’t sound like him.”

“It was a big day, a hard day. Speaking of hard... come over,” she whispers.

“I shouldn’t have to sneak into my fiancés bedroom.”

“Say it again.”

“I shouldn’t have to sneak into my fiancés bedroom.”

“Not that bit, silly.”

“My fiancé.” I huskily speak. Erin moans and I’m out the door and on my way. When I arrive, the door is unlocked and the apartment is dark. I walk quietly into Erin’s bedroom and spot her on the bed, naked and passed out. She is beautiful. I walk over to her and pick her up, pulling the blankets back before placing her down again. She stirs and then stills again. I undress and climb into bed, pull the blankets up over us, and hold her in my arms.

I start to wake from the best dream. It’s of Erin and me. I moan and move my hands under the sheet finding Erin. I pick the blanket up, and there she is. It wasn’t a dream, but it is a fucking good way to be waked up.

“Erin,” I moan. It feels so good. She moans around me, and I come in her mouth. Erin kisses her way up my body to my lips.

“Morning,” she whispers.

“Morning,” I say, rolling us over so that I’m on top of her. I love being with Erin this way. Aware that her ribs are still healing, I keep my body raised up. I can’t wait until she’s healed.

“Sorry I passed out on you last night.”

“It’s alright. You just made it up to me.”

“Good. That was the aim.”


“I can’t believe that I have to sneak out,” Cole complains as he kisses my ear at the door.

“That’s what you said about sneaking in,” I remind Cole.

“I can’t wait until you move in with me.”

“Soon, honey.”

“I love you.”

“Love you too.” I kiss him, and he leaves. I turn, closing the door behind me, and look at the state of the apartment. It’s a mess, so I get to work cleaning it up. I’m doing the kitchen, remembering the time I saw Brandon and Beth on the bench, and use extra cleaner. I’m scrubbing away when Brandon walks down the hallway. 

“You’re going to take the laminate off, if you keep at it.”

“Well, I just want to make sure that Beth didn’t leave any germs here.”

Brandon goes silent. I look up at him and he quietly curses, “I’m sorry, baby. I...”

“Don’t. It’s ok. Let’s not remember that time in our lives.”

“Deal. You hungry?”



“This is your idea, isn’t it? Brandon trusted me before you came back into his life. You should have left and never returned. Brandon was better without you.” Beth is angry.

“Don’t you dare talk to Erin that way. You want me to be in this baby’s life, but I need to know that it’s mine.”

“I told you it’s yours. Now you want a paternity test.”

“I was stupid for getting with you in the first place. I won’t be stupid again, when it comes to you and believing what you tell me.”

“I didn’t have to tell you about the baby.”

“No, you didn’t, but you have, and now you’re going to consent to the test.”

Beth is silent for a moment, anger flowing off of her. “Fine. I’ll let you know when it’s done.”

“He’ll be there for the test,” I chuck in. “They’ll need his DNA.” She stares at me, what I think is her intimidation stare. It doesn’t work, so she turns and walks away.


“What’s going on over there?” I asked Erin over the phone one night.

“You know that I can’t say.”

“But, it’s me.”

“I’m sorry, but I promised Brandon that I won’t say.”

“But, it’s me you’re talking too.”

“Please don’t ask again, Cole. I can’t tell you.”

That pisses me off, “I need to see you, Erin. Tonight.”

“Ok. I’ll come around.”


I enter Cole’s apartment, and he’s sitting on the couch waiting for me. He doesn’t look happy. “Why did it take you so long to get here?” he asks.

“I had to wait for Brandon...”

BOOK: Love Obsessed
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