Love Rekindled (Candle Light Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Love Rekindled (Candle Light Book 2)
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What was that look?
He wondered before he asked himself why he cared.

She seemed quite comfortable being the girlfriend of a Russian mobster. Another assumption, yes, but he’d been a cop too long not to be able to recognize the type.

His cop instincts wanted him to check them out but… “I’m on vacation. I’m not here to work or end up in a shootout over a girl. They are the feds problem anyway.”

He pushed his glasses back in place, crossed his wrists behind his head and went back on the hunt to find his finale girl.



Out this May,
Twists Of Fate, Dukkha Fate Book#2

Twists of Fate
brings forward their worst enemy- pride. Will Ashat’s old age pride drive a wedge between him and Merilee, and will she ever be able to bear his unforgiving nature against her past indiscretion? Their separation leads to increased danger, and finally a death that will tear their world apart.



“Why didn’t you date him?” My dad asked with a perplexed look on his face.

“I suggested it but it only upset her. He would have been perfect for her.” Ash spoke with a laugh in his voice. I gave him a cut look before I answered my dad.

“I don’t know. He’s just not my type.”

“Steve and Ash are? You are beyond saving.” My dad said shaking his head.

“I’m a rebellious teen dad. My job is to give you sleepless nights and an ulcer.”

“You are excelling at that perfectly. Come on let’s go home.” He turned and headed for his Range Rover.

I followed them but Ash pulled me back. “We aren’t going with them. I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise,” I said with dread, “Please tell me it’s not expensive.”

He laughed and pulled me closer to him, “You made yourself very clear on the price tag of my gifts. I’m giving you an intangible gift.”

“What is it?” I was glad he hadn’t spent any money on me. I kept the diamond pendant tucked away in my shoe box but today I wore it because Maria had insisted on it. I’d worn it twice just to please Ash, but it always felt like an expensive noose around my neck.

“You’ll see,” his face dropped and then he looked behind, over his shoulder. “Someone wants you.” He sounded annoyed. I shifted to look behind him. George was walking towards us.

I laughed. It was amusing seeing Ash so irritated with someone he didn’t know, all because he asked me out. “I should have dated him.”

“That’s not funny,” Ash said harshly.

“Hi George,” I stepped out of Ash’s embrace to talk to him. I was actually surprised he wanted to talk to me at all.

“Hi Lee and Lee’s
boyfriend,” George stressed on the current as he glanced at Ash before he put all his attention on me. Ash didn’t even answer he just stared at George, his face tight and his eyes lethal. I needed to end this chat fast.

“What’s up?”

“I wanted to invite you out. Remember the rain check?”

I heard a rumble roll in Ash’s chest. I shifted to stand in front of him, between him and George. “Sorry, I have plans today.”

“We could go out on another day, maybe this Saturday?”

“She won’t be available.” Ash said between clenched teeth. George gave him an unconcerned stare before he looked back at me with his signature megawatt smile on his face.

“You’re eighteen, play the field a little. You’ll never have that chance if you glue yourself to one guy.”

Ash took a step forward, bumping into me in the process. I reached for his side and put my hand over his clenched fist. George was going to have a bad graduation day if he kept talking.

“George I’m happy being glued to him. We need to leave, and you need to go party. I’ll see you when I see you.”

“If you change your mind you have my number.” He leaned towards me and kissed the edge of my lips. I saw Ash’s free hand shoot up. I caught it, pulling it down before he could grab George’s neck.

“Bye George.” I pushed Ash back as hard as I could, he rocked on his feet but he didn’t move. George turned and left us. I waited until there was a good distance between us before I let go of Ash.

“One day I’ll rip his head off!” He growled.

Time to shift gears.

I drew circles on his chest with my fingers and whispered seductively, “How about you give me my present and we forget all about George?”

Ash’s face relaxed, his lips curved up in a crooked smile. “Let’s go.”

He led me to his car, opened the door and helped me in before he went to his side. We drove for a few miles before he pulled up at the beach. He got out and came round to open the door for me.

A perfect wolf gentleman.

“What are we doing here?” I asked when we finally reached our destination. I was glad I wore jeans and a button down shirt under the gown. If I’d worn the girly dress and high heels Maria had picked out, I would have felt even more uncomfortable if we ended up in the water.

His lips rose in half a smile, “You’ll see.” He took my hand and led me towards the rocks at the far end of the beach.

“I’ve watched this movie before,” I stated taking off my tennis shoes. “The girl always ends up washed up in the morning naked and stabbed a couple of times. Her eyes wide open in terror.” I tied the shoe laces together then hung them over my shoulder, “Would you like to know how it ends?”

Ash laughed, “I’m sure you’ll tell me.”

“They arrest the jealous boyfriend a few days later and give him the death penalty. The electric chair,” I said the last part with a little drama, like when they introduced vampires in the old movies. “But he didn’t even leave the court house jail because during the trial it’s revealed that the man in question is a gay party planner. He hangs himself in his cell using his shirt. ‘Denise and Dennis forever’ written on the wall in blood.”

“I don’t get it and your humor is worrying.” His tone was a little too serious that it made me uncomfortable. I was acting weird again.

“It comes with the background.” I kicked the sand around, “In a disturbing way it’s kind of romantic.” He stopped walking and turned to me with a worried look on his face. “What?”

He pulled me in a tight embrace. I placed my head on his chest. I felt so warm and completely safe there. Moving right now would be a brutal punishment. “Lee I’m sorry about your family.”

I wrapped my arms tighter around his waist, making myself even more comfortable in his embrace. I could fall asleep like this. “It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.”

“It was. I got there too late and now you and Dave are paying for my mistake.” He sounded sad and angry. This wasn’t the time for self-loathing or regrets.

“I’m dealing with it and I’m doing well. I don’t have nightmares anymore. I haven’t been this happy since it happened so stop with the guilt trip and give me my present.”

He smiled but he still looked pained. “I love having you close to me.”

“You’re growing on me too.”


Fate Reborn
Book #1 of the Dukkha Fates Series


Here are a few chapters from
His Paris Affair
. Happy Reading!

Chapter One



Melody got out of the car with uncontained excitement. She still couldn’t believe they pulled it off—gotten Allan to agree to Ruiz and her to travel all over the world assessing and inputting where necessary at all the Red Roses hotels. It had been two months already and they’d been to all the Red Roses worldwide, hosting the opening parties at each one with the crème de la crème of society and building a substantial client list with each one. It was the most fun she’d had in years and having Ruiz with her, only Ruiz, and no hovering overprotective brother plus best friend, was the best part—aside from buying a new evening gown for each event with a matching pair of shoes and purse. She felt like the queen of the ball at each one, especially with decked out Ruiz by her side. He complained about being dressed up like a penguin the first time, but regardless it was clear he enjoyed looking like James Bond and the attention that came with it. Especially, it seemed, in Spain. It surprised her that Ruiz could speak Spanish so fluently and even with that Zorro flair. That’s when she found out he was from Argentina. He barely spoke of his home or himself for that matter. He would clamp up when she pushed for more so she learnt to accept to wait until he fully trusted her and took the little he would reveal.

She was surprised Allan hadn’t already called demanding she go back home or sent someone to chaperon the two of them. She knew he had his reservations about his little virgin sister travelling alone with his new lothario brother-in-law but he had nothing to worry about. Ruiz had been a complete gentleman, to Melody’s complete disappointment. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to be with her; she could tell he was dying to with each kiss and each touch and how he devoured her with his eyes when he thought she wasn’t looking, but for some unknown and annoying reason he wouldn’t make a move on her. Short of her throwing herself at him—and her pride demanded she just couldn’t do that—he was never going to, either. Ladies were chased; they never did the chasing, but she was hoping the state of their celibacy would change with their current surroundings. Paris, the city of love, was their last stop and she was hoping some of its magic would rub on to Ruiz.

“Hey, get inside or you’ll catch a cold,” Ruiz scolded her as he watched the porter unload their bags from the car.

“It’s too beautiful to go inside. Look at how the light bounces off the snow. The ground looks like it’s covered in diamonds!” she awed, scooping some of the snow into her bare hands.

Ruiz brushed the snow out of her hands and began rubbing them between his. “Diamonds that will give you pneumonia. You want to have fun or get laid up in bed with the flu?”

Melody pouted. “Party pooper.”

Ruiz gave her one a rakish smile that always sent her heart galloping. “Fine, we’ll play with the snow in the morning. Right now we both need something substantial to eat and then a good night’s sleep.”

She followed him as he led her by the hand into the hotel. The doorman gave them a slight bow and a short greeting, and so did the employees they passed, which made Melody’s excitement build—they might actually spend more time vacationing than working. The place looked like it was being run smoothly, so they wouldn’t need to do much. Just like the other hotels. She might as well start planning the launch party.
Thank you Matthew!
For the two years Allan had disappeared and Melody had lost interest in the hotels because of it, Matthew truly did hold everything together with the hotels, just like he did with Sinclair Enterprise and her family’s other investments. He even held her together when she wanted to do nothing but crawl in a hole and cry for the months she thought her brother was dead and the following months when he wouldn’t come home until Matthew made him.

The Sinclair’s owed him a lot.
We have to do something big to show our appreciation.

Bonne soirée
Sinclair. I trust you had a great flight,” the concierge greeted them with a smile. Melody was marveled. This late in such a cold evening and she was smiling? Melody wouldn’t have blamed her if she grumbled a little.
would have grumbled a lot and feigned illness to boot!

Bonne soirée
. The flight was fine thank you. Do you have any messages for us?” Ruiz asked, smiling back.

Melody was pinched by a little jealousy. She understood that it would be rude not to smile back but he didn’t need to look so excited to see her! And he spoke French, too!

. From both your brothers. They both say to ‘watch yourself Ruiz.’” She smiled at him like she’d deciphered the message and they now shared a secret. Melody rolled her eyes. She too knew what the message meant. It was what kept Ruiz from seducing her.

Ruiz laughed. “The same message every place. Is the suite ready?”

. The chef has prepared a late supper if you like?”

He groaned with appreciation. “You’re a godsend. Thanks. Would you have it sent up in half an hour?”

Oui monsieur

“Anything else, Mel?” Ruiz asked finally looking at her since they got to the concierge desk.

“Oh, you finally noticed I’m still standing here? No. I’m fine,” she said sweetly, “but I’m sure you have something more to ask her for, like her phone number?”

Ruiz rolled his eyes and laughed turning to the surprised concierge. “Jet lag. Excuse us.
” With her hand still in his he turned around and walked towards the elevators pulling her into a run behind him.

“Ruiz, I don’t need a workout, I’m
jet lagged

Once they were inside, he pulled her into his arms and bent down to kiss her. She turned her head quickly and his lips fell on her cheek.

BOOK: Love Rekindled (Candle Light Book 2)
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