Read Love Takes Time (Christian Romance) Online

Authors: Kaci Hart

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Christian, #Religious, #Faith, #Inspirational, #Spirituality, #Love Inspired, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Hearts Desire, #Clean & Wholesome, #Stanton Falls, #Series, #Investment Banker, #Dance Student, #Lifestyle Changes, #New York City

Love Takes Time (Christian Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Love Takes Time (Christian Romance)
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That’s unfortunate.  You’ve got to go one day if you can.  I mean,
you are named after the team.  I bet your dad would be completely
surprised if you took him to watch them play a match one day.”


don’t know who’d be more surprised, him when he goes or me when I win a trip
there on The Price is Right.  Either that or the lottery otherwise dear
old dad better just be happy with a nice steak dinner.  Actually, with the
way things get sometimes, any steak dinner might be more like it.”   


with money always seemed to think that it was just as easy for those without as
much of it to get up and do whatever they wanted in life.  It was amazing
to her how someone that seemed so down to earth one minute could just as
quickly seem out of touch with reality.  Or maybe he wasn’t.  He was
very in touch with reality but it was his own, not hers.  The things he
did in his reality were fairy tales and fantasies. In hers she was a struggling
dance student.


spoke up again.


might be true but still it’d probably be nice.  I like the sport too but
I’ve never been out of the states to see a game.  I mean I have been to
London before.  My mother is actually from England but I’ve never been to
a sporting event there.  The closest was that I went to a match down in
Florida one time.  One of my newer clients just got ownership in a team so
after talking stocks and bonds for a bit, he insisted that my buddy and I join
him for one of the matches.  Needless to say, you don’t say no
big, new business.”


leaned back in his seat as he spoke. His movement caused him to get close
enough to her that she could smell his cologne tickle her nose once
again.  It was crisp, energizing, and fit him perfectly.  When she
looked into his eyes now that he was into what he was saying, she could see
just how excited he was.  The way he sat back and spoke, he could have
been talking about working at a fast food restaurant and it would have sounded
like the most interesting job in the world.  Of course if she was right,
then she thought his job was anything but exciting.


you trade financials?”


wouldn’t say that really.  It’s a part of what I do but to just call it
that wouldn’t quite encompass it all.  I guess the best way to explain is
that I handle a variety of investment and cash flow options for firms, large
and small.  Mainly larger ones though.  I work with them to diversify
capital, locate investment opportunities and . . .”


playful roll of her eyes worked as he stopped and smiled at her before finally




couldn’t help but pour on the sarcasm.


Nothing at all.  Keep going.  That always happens to me when I hear
something this exciting.”  She covered her mouth and pretended to release
an exaggerated yawn as she talked through it.  “No seriously, I’m


I’m completely boring you aren’t I.”


wouldn’t say boring.  It’s just that . . . I mean come on. 
Stocks and bonds?  I’m sorry, you seem so excited about it but-”


apologize.  There is no need to.  In fact, I prefer when people are
honest.   In my position, you can probably imagine that people tell
me whatever they think I want to hear a lot so what you just said was
refreshing to say the least.  To tell you the truth, I think that what I
do is rather boring as well at times.  I mean I am proud of what I do and
I guess that’s the only thing that makes me enjoy it so much.  What about
you?  What’s the passion that keeps you up at night?”


a dance student.  I don’t know if I’d call it a passion but it’s
definitely something that I really enjoy doing.  As a matter of fact, as
we speak, a handsome former stranger is dropping me off at a very important


for the compliment.”


you!  I was talking about your driver, but you’ll pass.”


I’ll pass the message along to him for sure.  Dance is nice though. 
I’ve never been coordinated enough to be able to dance too well.  Maybe I
can get you to give me a lesson some time.”


was no fool.  She’d gotten that line from many of guys before but none of
them were him at all.  He certainly had the build to be a good dancer so
she wouldn’t be surprised if he was much better than he let on.  Of
course, if he was serious then his timing couldn’t be better. 


Mr. Chatham, it’s funny you say that.  I was
actually hoping to start giving dance lessons as a way to help cover some of
the costs of school anyway.  Schools that focus on the arts can actually
be as expensive as a regular college you know, so I’ve got a lot of lessons to
give.  We will just have to set something up in the future.”


that case, I am going to need your number.”


can’t believe this.  If he isn’t serious about the dance lessons, then he
likes me and if he is serious about the dance lessons, then I can start making
some extra money.  Win-win for me!


was ready to rattle her number off for him when he reached into his pocket and
before he could do anything, it started to ring.  Chelsea saw him frown
when he looked at her.   


have to take this call.  One second.”


watched as he spoke to the person on the other end of the line.  


. . . 
I know that I’m late.  Things
happened this morning but tell my father that I’m not more than five minutes
away.  Thanks.  Oh, before you go, did you get the overseas account
profile for Mr.
? . . . I understand.
 Keep trying then and when you get through to him call me and let me
know.  It’s paramount that we have it . . . Uh huh . . . Exactly . . .”


already knew that they had reached her stop right before he got the phone
call.  She had to go and soon.  She looked down at the time on her
phone, hoping he would get the hint.  Apparently he did but couldn’t stop
what he was doing as he looked up from his phone and put up his index finger
asking her to wait one more minute.  Unfortunately for her, it was a
minute she didn’t have to spare.  It was a miracle that she’d made it just
in time but if she didn’t run inside right now, it would all be for naught. 


was already almost certain that
was probably freaking
out right now as it was.  She might not always care about her chances at
the school but for
, it was something that he
was in love with and she couldn’t let him down if she could avoid it.  She
was a junior but it was his last chance to make an impression before he
graduated.   She didn’t have a choice in the matter.  
Maybe she’d regret it later but she took a deep breath, pulled her bag onto her
shoulder, and opened the limo door to reintroduce herself to the outside elements
again.  Seconds later she jumped out of the limo, turning back to the car
as she hurried towards the building. 


you so much for the lift Ryder.  You’re a life saver but I really have to


could barely hear him shouting to her from the car.


“. .
. your number!”


know.  Maybe that’s good.  A guy doesn’t get driven around in a limo
on a regular unless phone calls like that are how his life always is.  He
wouldn’t have had time for me anyway. 


was what she was telling herself but in the pit of her stomach, she could feel
the uneasiness.  All she could think was that it was less about the
showcase and more about the idea that she might have just run away from
something very good.


Chapter 2


took the empty glass off of the table and replaced it with another drink that
she knew would be gone in minutes.  One of the things she hated most about
waiting tables was serving liquor.  She understood it was a person’s right
to drink but that didn’t mean she had to like being the one that gave it to
them.  The most surprising thing she found out since working as a waitress
was how much people drank.  Not everybody actually.  Just the heavy
drinkers.  Even then most of them weren’t so bad.  She’d served many
guys something on the rocks with their dinner and most of them were fine. 
They could handle their liquor and knew when they needed to call it quits. 


were ok. 


was the lightweights that she could barely stand.  Guys that would get
drunk and then do everything that their quasi intelligent, sober mind would
shout at them not to do.  That same restraint was gone when they crossed
that line from being sober to being a prime candidate for an internet video
shaming their drunken actions.  She remembered dozens of occasions where
she was seconds away from recording them when they were drunk.  Then
they’d see the kind of person they really were when drunk.


they were the ones who got her to the end of her rope and she was currently
dealing with the worst of the worst.   


else I can get you Jason or are you done for the night?”


can think of plenty you can give me tonight but I don’t know if you can do it
on the clock.  How ‘bout you meet me after your shift?”  


wasn’t half bad looking and was pretty decent when he wasn’t incapable of
putting together an intelligent sentence.  He was a prime example of a
person that should not drink for any reason.  Ever.   


keep on smiling buddy.  I know you well enough and I’m glad the one thing
that doesn’t get worse when you drink is your tipping.  It gets better the
drunker you are.  Still, I probably need to cut you off and get you a
cab.  I’ll let you sober some first.  It’s still early.   


couldn’t say she was pleased with letting him get that wasted, but a good tip
had an ability to help ease her conscience.  Besides, she always stopped
serving him when it was just too much and made sure he got home safe.  He
was smart enough to never drive himself there so taking a cab home was always


was the kind of guy she actually felt bad for.  The kind that made her
want to work at a place where she didn’t have to even serve the stuff.  Of
course, hers was a life where she didn’t always get what she wanted.  In
truth, most of the times things didn’t seem to go her way. 


was a good example.  When she started doing it, she didn’t expect it to be
her main source of income a year later.  It was supposed to be a stop
gap.  She thought she’d make a little extra money on the side while she
waited for some dance company to scoop her up.  She didn’t care about
actually finishing school back then.  Now it was almost two years later
and she was still serving Italian food and fine wine. 


walked behind the greeters station and slipped her shoes momentarily off. 
Normally she didn’t like pulling double duty as a waitress and the greeter but
today her feet hurt so much, she considered the large enclosure as a
blessing.  Right then all she wanted was to reach down and massage her
feet that were screaming at her after the showcase earlier.   This
rut was getting very old very fast. 


had to be Friday.  Only the busiest day of the week at the
restaurant.  Fridays and Saturdays made more for her in tips than she made
on almost all of the other weeknights combined and rent was due in a few
days.  She was just barely able to cover her half and if the past few
times she spoke to Sasha were any indication, Chelsea was going to have to find
a way to supplement her unemployed roommate’s portion of the rent as
well.  Again. 


why is life so hard?


quickly as she started to pity herself, she shook it off in typical Chelsea
fashion.   She’d already started formulating how she was going to beg
the landlord for an extension on their rent this month when a group of men
walked in.   They were making their way to the greeters station,
smiles on all of their faces.  They stood in a circle, talking and shaking
hands. Chelsea slid her aching feet into her shoes and walked to the middle of
the greeters station.  They were so into their conversation that no one
even noticed her.  She raised her voice slightly so that they could hear


you all have a reservation?”


of happy suits.  Must be a celebration.  I just might be lucky enough
to make rent this month after all.   


group must have finally noticed her with that and they quieted down.  They
all seemed to defer to the guy who was standing closest to the station with his
back to her.  While she waited for him to respond, she did a quick size up
of the group.  Party of eight.  By the time she got done counting
their party, her eyes made their way back to the guy.     


on buddy, let’s get this show on the road.  A girl has rent
to p


thought trailed off when she saw the face that was watching her with
understandable surprise on his face.  It was impossible.  Well maybe
not so much impossible since he was standing right there looking at her almost
as confused as she felt. 


was Ryder. 


was sure that the smile on her face conveyed just how happy she was to see him
again.  Her heart was practically pounding out of her chest in
excitement.  She hadn’t forgotten about him at all but New York City was a
big place to say the least.  When she ran off on him over eight hours ago,
she never expected to see him again.  Apparently this day had totally
different expectations than she did.   


now it’s official.  This day is not allowed to end.  Ever.





not expected. 


didn’t say anything for at least a few seconds.  He blinked his eyes to
make sure that they weren’t playing tricks on him like some weird movie
scene.  Nope.  It was her again.  She’d left him sitting in his
car hours ago and he’d have gone inside after her if he didn’t have to close up
a big deal today.  He had no choice but to let her run off.  The
timing just wasn’t there earlier.  He’d planned on maybe going back
another day when he had more time and waiting for her to show up.  He was
the type to make his own luck but today was a mixed bag.  If the timing
earlier was bad, this was horrible. 


worst part about it was the look on her face when she recognized him. That
sucked more than he could imagine.  Sure, he wanted to smile and talk with
her.  Finish the promising little meeting that they’d had before but he
and his father were entertaining a client.  Among many things, his father
was a good man but one of his pet peeves was mixing business with
pleasure.  No way, no how.  It was never to happen at Chatham


they were out with clients but that was to close a deal.  That was not an
issue.  Flirting with a pretty girl he’d met earlier in the day simply
because he liked her was different.  Unless, of course, he could get a way
for her to increase the bottom line of the company while taking their dinner
order, any other conversation was not going to be acceptable to his dad right


he liked it or not, he had to treat her like she was only another waitress to him
right now.  Hopefully she’d see his predicament and understand.  His
father leaned forward and put a hand on his shoulder while speaking softly in
his ear.  


what’s the problem son; girl got you tongue tied?  I understand but get it
together.  We have a guest and don’t have all night.”  


head bobbed up and down.  His dad was right.   It did suck that
he was ignoring her for work twice in one day but he was there for a reason.




had made up his mind what to do.  Placing his closed hand over his mouth
he cleared his throat and responded.


me.   Party of eight for Chatham.”  


looked at her eyes.  She looked at him like she was waiting for more.


sorry.  There is a reservation for us, right?”


saw her look away from him, her face showed her astonishment as she looked


yes.  I see your reservation right here.  Is everyone here?”




right this way.”


later his group was being seated in a secluded dining room in the back of the


great, she’s going to be our waitress too!


other time, it would have been the biggest stroke of luck.  That night it
wasn’t.  That night, all he could do was keep himself as focused on work
as possible.  Regardless, after she had taken everyone’s drink order, she
walked out and he watched her leave.  He was glad she was so professional
about it but he felt like a complete coward.   


job there Casanova.  Now let’s get this thing going,” his friend teased.


he got things started, Ryder promised himself that he would go back out there
and talk to her at the first chance he got.  A bathroom run should
suffice.  The important thing now was the task at hand-- bringing this
deal to a close.  It was worth too much to the company for him to slack
off then because of a woman even if he had been thinking about her in the back
of his mind from the very first moment she shared her beauty with him.





what.  They probably don’t even know that he knows me.  I shouldn’t
feel embarrassed. 


she did.  She was excited to see him again and he treated her like a
complete stranger.  So moneybag was too good to talk to the
waitress.  Chelsea waited until he started to walk into the conference room
before she looked up at him again, instead dutifully taking their orders. 
Obviously they were there for a business meeting of some sort.  She
guessed by the fact that he was wearing his same suit from before that he
hadn’t been home – wherever that was—since she’d seen him that morning. 
The only difference was that he’d undone his top button and taken his tie
off.  Different look, same result. 


looking guy ever.


she looked back into the conference room she saw a group of men who were no doubt
all very well off. Even in this relaxed setting among several other men, most
of whom she admitted were attractive in their own right, he was still
dashing.  He easily stood head and shoulders above them all.  When
she grabbed their drinks from the bartender, she put them on a serving tray and
took them to he and his associates.  Inside the conference room she placed
everyone’s drink in front of them, taking care to save his for last.  She
looked him in his eyes and smiled slightly as she placed the final drink before
him  Nothing
.  Just as she got ready to
leave, he spoke.  




she heard him call out, her heart skipped a beat.  She turned back to him.




you for the round.  Please keep them coming.”


saw that he had reached into his pocket and pulled out a very generous tip that
he placed in the palm of her hand.  Without any other acknowledgement he
immediately turned his attention back to one of the other men in the room who
seemed to be excited about some new feature they were testing for top accounts.
  She felt like an imbecile just standing there.  She didn’t really
care about that though.  She was just upset.


course.  I’ll check on you a little later.”

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