Read Love Unexpected Online

Authors: Anne Leigh

Love Unexpected (5 page)

BOOK: Love Unexpected
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Tanya led Dom, Xavier, and Jackson to the dance floor. I saw her bumping and grinding her way to the middle of the floor. Nalee was chatting up with Xavier.  Xavier kept stealing glances at her.


I was still taking in the atmosphere, when a voice interrupted my thoughts.  


“What do you think of this place?” It was Zander. 


I looked at him, almost startled. He caught me by surprise. I thought he was still talking to Duffy. He sat across from me; both his arms folded on top of the small, glass table.  An unopened bottle of beer was to his right.


“It’s so elegant,” I said.


“This is one of my favorite hang-outs. It’s nice and private in here.”


“So, umm, how did you manage to get us in?” I was curious.


He shrugged and said, “My buddy Dave is the club owner.”


“Oh wow. Pretty impressive place. ”


“Yeah,” he paused, “Hey listen; I think you were trying to tell me something earlier, before we got interrupted.”


I was really hoping he forgot about it.


“I’m not sure what you mean.” I was definitely evading the question.


“I think you were saying earlier that you don’t think it’s a good idea?” I couldn’t see his eyes, thanks to the dimly lit VIP area.


“Yeah,” he was almost leaning into me, from across the table, to hear me.


“What did you mean?” 


“It’s not a good idea for this -for anything,” my voice throaty. Being this close to him, I smelled his unique, non-perfumed scent. He smelled clean, fresh, and masculine. It was turning my insides out. In a good way.


He leaned in closer, “Why not?” he repeated.


I wanted to tell him that I wanted to. That his breath made my mouth water. His voice made me swoon and sweat at the same time. I heard myself saying, “Just not the right time.”


He leaned back on his seat and looked away. I had the strangest urge to pull him towards me when a woman dressed in a red, tight miniskirt and sky-high stilettos joined us.


She started talking to Zander. Zander stood up and she leaned in for a hug. He hugged her back and her hands lingered on his back. It was rude to stare so I turned my gaze towards the dance floor. Nalee and Tanya were in the middle of the dance floor, dancing to the loud, rhythmic music. They were having a great time.


Zander made the introductions. I did not catch her name when he said it because of the loud music. I felt a pang of unfamiliar emotion as he and the woman talked. I excused myself from our table and was on my way to join Nalee and Tanya on the dance floor, when a hand clasped on my upper right arm.


I thought someone had mistakenly pulled on my arm, given the high probability that a large number of the people in the club have had one or too many drinks that they can handle.


I was ready to pull my arm away.


“Sedona, is that you?”
Oh no freaking way.


Amid the loud music, I knew that voice extremely well. That voice belonged to my ex-boyfriend, Brennan Townsend.




After extracting myself from Clarisse’s roaming hands, I stepped towards the dance floor to search for Sedona. I did not want to be rude to Clarisse so I talked with her for a few minutes. When Sedona excused herself from our table, I told Clarisse that I had to go. She was obviously put out; but, I had no interest in her whatsoever. I went out with her once. She had texted me a few times after that; I told her that I was busy. She was nice but her gold-digging mentality was not hard to miss.


I spotted Sedona making her way to her friends. She almost reached Nalee when an arm stopped her progress. She looked like she was trying to pull away.


What the hell?


Why was Brennan Townsend holding her arm? I recognized him as soon as the club’s overhead lights shone on his face. Brennan played for the San Francisco Rivers, our rival football team. I didn’t know much about him. All I knew was that he was a good quarterback and we shook hands after games.


Now, he was here, with a firm grasp on Sedona’s arm, while Sedona was trying to pull away. Unfamiliar rage swept through me. I clenched my fists to keep them from swinging. I could not see her face since her body was turned away from me.  With a beer in my left hand, I pushed past a couple of dancing bodies to reach them.


“Everything ok here?” My voice was calm but tension dripped all over it.


Brennan blatantly ignored me.


Sedona looked at me. She looked caged in, anxious. I sensed that she was not comfortable with Brennan. His right hand was still holding her. He was tugging on her firmly.


"I'm only going to repeat this once, is everything ok here?" My eyes glared at Brennan.


He finally acknowledged my presence and glared back.


Brennan grumbled, “None of your business, dude. I just want to talk to my lady.”


His lady? I haven’t felt this unsure in such a long time. I didn’t know whether to punch his face or leave them alone. If she was his lady, then I had better leave them alone. I respected other men’s girlfriends, wives, or whatever they may be. I had no right to feel this unnatural possessiveness towards her.


Sedona’s voice came out with a tinge of annoyance, her eyes fiery.“Everything’s cool here, Zander.”


She said it. She was fine. Why was I still standing here like a fool then? I should leave them alone. I nodded my head.


Brennan snickered, his voice challenging, “Go on your merry way, Zander boy. We’re cool here.”


The next time this guy was on the football field against us, I was going to send defensive end Dorian Gables to his ass and sack the fuck out of him. I gritted my teeth. He was trying my patience. I was usually calm; this guy just rubbed me the wrong way.


Before I could retort, Sedona stepped towards me. Brennan was holding her arm but she reached out to me, “I’m really ok here, Zander. Thanks for your concern.”


Her soft hand on my arm made my thoughts go away. Her voice was sending me to overdrive. Here she was, a girl I’ve met a couple of hours ago, messing with my head and emotions. I had no right to be territorial of her but I could not help myself. Adding insult to my messed-up possessive instincts towards her, she belonged to Mr. All American Boy who looked like he was ready to pounce on me. Probably the same degree I wanted to pound on his ass. 


“Come on, babe. We can talk outside,” Brennan urged her.


She nodded her head, but before she stepped away from me, she said, “I’m not his lady, girlfriend, whatever. Not anymore.”


I knew Brennan heard what she said because his face changed from smirking to angry. That was the last of my concern. When I heard her say that, my body felt the beat of the music rocking the club. I wanted to pump my fists to my chest and scream, “Yeehaw.” My status would go to total doofus in my friends’ eyes. She might have said she wasn’t ready for anything right now. But she was giving me an ‘in’. Maybe, she was also feeling something between us.




Why did I say that to Zander?


I could have just left with Brennan, but I felt a pull towards Zander. His voice was deceptively calm; yet, he radiated with anger. I saw the glare in his eyes switched to almost-fury when Brennan called me his lady. There was no use denying the attraction between us. I felt all sorts of emotions when the woman in the red mini-dress hugged and talked to Zander.


Trying to deflect the tension between tall, huge guys was difficult. Somehow, I managed to avoid a commotion. I did not want to have this conversation with Brennan, especially in this environment, but the situation called for it.


For some unknown reason, I did not want Zander to think I was Brennan’s lady so I said it. His blue-green gaze smoldered and he tipped his chin. My hand was still on his arm, but I let go because Brennan was already pulling me towards the club’s back exit.


Once outside, I waited for Brennan to say something.

Before I knew
it, he hugged me and softly said, "I'm so sorry, Sedona."

I sensed his remorse. I heard it in his voice. I let him hug me. When I peered at him, I saw the pained look in his eyes, under th
e dimly lit alley.


He repeated himself, "I'm so, so sorry," without releasing me from his hug.


My back stiffened, my voice was numb from any emotions. I asked, "Why?"


He was not dumb. He had a 3.8 GPA in high school. I helped him with his college applications. He knew I was referring to
, the bimbo in his bed.

He swallowed, "She was nothing, and it was just that one time. I don’t know why I did it. I guess because you've had me waiting for a while and she was available. It just happened."

I had no energy and no drive to be mad or angry at him. I only felt a sense of loss - a loss of friendship. I thought that all this time, he understood why I wanted us to wait before we had sex. From the beginning of our relationship, I made it clear to him that I wanted it to be the right time and I honestly thought he felt the same way.


"It's ok." I said, pulli
ng away from him.

"We're ok?" He asked, his eyes
coming to life.


"Yeah, we're ok." I nodded and continued, “I’m not going to be telling anyone about why we broke up because that is none of their business. But, Brennan, please accept that fact.”


"Broke up?" His voice unbelieving.

"Yes, Brennan."


"I thought yo
u said we're ok?"


"Yes, we're ok, as in, broken up. It has been a month, Brennan."


"I really like you, Sed. I don't want us breaking up."

"Well, you should've thought of that before you dropped your underwear.” On the day I made a surprise visit to Brennan’s
apartment, I was the one who was caught in a shocking surprise. I made the 2 hour trip back to my place right after seeing the reed thin brunette in a nearly naked state, in bed, with my boyfriend.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry before you take me back?"
his eyes pleaded.
            "Sorry, I can't Brennan. I don’t know, I just don't feel the same way about you anymore." I said, with firm resolve. I have been waiting for this, to finally tell him in person that we were over. I didn’t feel sad. It made me feel sad that I didn’t feel sad.


"What?! It was one time, Sedona! One fuckin' time!" His eyes and his voice glittered with scorn. 
           "I just can't." I said, stepping farther away from him and closer to the door of the club’s side entrance.
            "You think you're so high and mighty! You don't even put out, Sedona! Maybe that's why I fuckin' slept with her!" He was getting louder and we were starting to attract the attention of a few club goers who were out for a smoke. 


I couldn't bear to listen to his ranting anymore. Plus, I did not want to lose any ounce of the remaining good will that I had towards him so I rushed back inside the club.


I looked for Nalee and Tanya. I spotted them having fun on the dance floor. I didn't want to ruin their night just because mine was ruined. I searched through my purse, looking for my cell phone.

"I was just about to go outside to make sure you're ok," it was Zander.

"I'm ok. I just have to go," I quickly replied. Without sparing him a glance, I made my way to the dance floor to tell Tanya and Nalee that I was leaving.


Tanya and Nalee didn't want me to go and they tried to convince me to stay for at least an
other hour.  I pleaded that my head was pounding. I announced to both of them that I had already called a cab and the driver was on his way to pick me up. They both wanted to leave with me, but I reassured them that I was fine and hugged them goodbye.

BOOK: Love Unexpected
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