Read Lovestruck Online

Authors: Kt Grant

Lovestruck (9 page)

BOOK: Lovestruck
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Barbara sat up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She lifted her skirt and pulled it off. The fabric slid to the ground, landing on top of Jenny's discarded clothes. Barbara pulled her light cashmere sweater and her bra off and tossed them over her shoulder. Naked, she knelt on the bed. Jenny licked her lips as her gaze roamed over Barbara's beautiful body.

"I want . . . ." Jenny couldn't find the words to express what she needed.

"I will give us both what we want," Barbara whispered, pushing a piece of hair away from Jenny's eyes.

Jenny grabbed Barbara's hand, moving it down to her damp crotch. "More.


Barbara laughed, leaned down and kissed Jenny again. She slid two fingers deep into Jenny's pussy, and Jenny released Barbara's mouth and gasped. She mouthed words she vaguely realized made little sense.

"Turn on your side," Barbara said, guiding Jenny to roll away from her. She moved in behind her, spooning against her back. She reached between Jenny's legs again and finger-fucked her, leaning in to place little kisses on her shoulder.

Jenny's face pressed into the pillow and she bit down to muffle her screams as another orgasm encroached.

Barbara threw her leg over Jenny's hip and rubbed her very wet crotch against Jenny's ass. "Jenny, I need to get off and I want to feel your fingers inside me just like mine are inside of you. Can you do that? Would you like to?"


Jenny looked over her shoulder. "Yes. Would love to. Can I go down on you too?" Jenny panted hard.

Barbara trailed a mixture of kisses and love bites along Jenny's back. "I would love nothing more, but since you're so new at this, why don't we start with the basics?"

"Okay." Jenny agreed, but she bit her lip, uncertain of her next move.

Luckily, Barbara had no problem taking control. "This is what I want you to do.

Reach behind you and put your arm on my hip."

Jenny complied.

"Good. Now I'm going to lift my leg up higher and I want you to place your hand in between my legs."

Jenny nodded and as she moved her hand under Barbara's leg, Barbara moved in closer. Jenny caressed Barbara's smoothly shaven pussy and rubbed her knuckles back and forth.

"Feels nice," Jenny whispered.

Barbara laughed into Jenny's ear. "I think that's my line. Now, follow my lead.

Everything I do with my hand, you do with yours."

Barbara cupped Jenny's pussy, and Jenny did the same.

Barbara sighed. "Oh, god, that feels perfect. Now insert a finger inside me, like this."

Barbara demonstrated by plunging a finger into Jenny's sopping wet cunt. Jenny sighed and closed her legs around Barbara's hand. She followed Barbara's lead and pushed in her middle finger, and Barbara's flesh latched onto it. Jenny kept still, waiting for Barbara to instruct her further.

"Nice." Barbara panted and moved her crotch against Jenny's hand. "Now add another finger or two."

They moved as one, working one another into a frenzy, moaning in harmony.

"Now move your fingers in a clockwise motion or scoop your fingers like you're grabbing something. Like this." Again, Barbara demonstrated, moving her fingers faster.


They rocked together as if Barbara fucked her from behind.

I can't take it.
Jenny's vision went blurry and she grabbed a pillow and hid her face into it as she smothered a yell.

Their bodies grew slick with sweat. Jenny's hand grew sluggish. The tension in the pit of her stomach grew until it reached its peak. Barbara bit down on Jenny's neck.

The pleasurable pain drove Jenny right over the edge and she came, gushing all over Barbara's hand.

At that same moment, Jenny felt Barbara's pussy convulse around her fingers.

"Oh, god, Jenny. Oh, yes." Barbara panted against Jenny's back.

Completely sated, Jenny lay in Barbara's arms until her heartbeat returned to normal. Her eyes closed of their own accord and she drifted off.



Jenny's eyes flickered open as she let out a loud yawn. She glanced around with bleary eyes, trying to get her bearings. As she brushed a hand over her face, she caught a whiff of her musky scent and memories of the recent events came rushing back. She leaned up on her elbow and looked over her shoulder.

Barbara lay behind her, very much awake. The older woman smiled and brushed a fingertip across Jenny's nipple. Jenny felt an answering jolt between her legs and rolled onto her back. She watched as Barbara turned to face her, a mischievous smile tilting up her full, red lips.

Jenny glanced at her watch and her eyes went wide.

"Oh, my god, it's nearly four-thirty. I have to—"

Barbara leaned in, silencing her with a kiss. Jenny thought to object, but the moment Barbara's talented tongue met her own, her mind went blank. She cupped Barbara's breasts and Barbara fell onto her back while Jenny wrapped herself over her like a blanket. They continued to kiss and play with each other's breasts until finally, Barbara gently pushed Jenny away.


"Kiddo, as much as I'd love to stay here all night with you, I think it's better if we go somewhere else. Come home with me. We can continue where we left off. There is so much I want to do with you."

Jenny remained silent as Barbara played with her hair. The gentle touch soothed, and Jenny's eyes drifted shut. A sharp tug made her jump.

"Ouch," Jenny complained and lifted her head. She studied Barbara for a moment then said, "You're so beautiful."

Barbara smiled as she lay with her arm behind her head. Her hair was mussed and she looked so comfortable lying naked as the sunlight streaming in through the window flickered across her body.

Jenny licked her lips.

Barbara chuckled and flicked Jenny's lips with her finger. "Stop doing that. It makes me want to take your lips into my mouth and suck on them."

Jenny giggled as she rolled off the bed and stood. She walked over and picked up her shirt, placing it in front of her like a shield. She didn't feel comfortable walking around naked, unlike Barbara. "Maybe we shouldn't."

"Shouldn't what?"

"Shouldn't pick up where we left off."

Barbara frowned, moved off the bed and walked over to Jenny. Jenny avoided her gaze by searching the floor for her bra and underwear, but Barbara took hold of Jenny's arms and squeezed.

"Jenny, don't close up on me now. I know this shouldn't have happened here, but you can't tell me it isn't good between us." She lifted Jenny's chin to look at her face.

"Spend the night with me. We can pretend we're having a sleepover."

"A sleepover, huh?" Jenny asked with a raised eyebrow.

Barbara gave an enthusiastic nod and leaned in to give Jenny a quick kiss.

"Alright. Let's go back to your place. But I don't think we should leave together.

And we're going to have to get rid of the bedding." Jenny nodded toward the rumpled mattress. The comforter and sheets were pulled off, the pillows thrown to the floor.


"You're one smart cookie. Let's get dressed. I'll leave first and call my driver to come and get me. Meet me down on the street in about fifteen minutes."

"Your driver?" Jenny bit her lip.

"Yes. I didn't feel like driving myself today. Don't worry about Ted. He won't question us. But although I would love to fool around in the car, we'll have to wait till we get to my place. We can have dinner there."

Jenny pulled on her clothes while Barbara did the same. As Jenny looked in the mirror she scowled at her reflection. Her face looked flushed and her lips chapped and bruised. Her shirt was missing a few buttons and her skirt was beyond wrinkled. She looked like she'd been fucked and fucked well. Barbara walked up behind her, looking as ravished as Jenny.

"Don't we make quite the pair? I'll go down in the service elevator, pick up my bag and briefcase I left with security and leave. Don't forget—fifteen minutes."

Jenny nodded and Barbara turned her face and gave her another deep and passionate kiss. Jenny held onto Barbara's hips as she once more lost herself in Barbara's intoxicating taste. After a minute they reluctantly broke apart. Barbara walked over to the door, opened it and looked outside before making her exit. She blew Jenny a kiss and left.

Over the next few minutes Jenny pulled herself together the best she could. She ran a washcloth under the faucet in the bathtub and used the warm cloth to wipe way her sweat and the sticky fluid drying on her legs. She was sore and achy, and yet surprisingly unsatisfied. How could she experience several amazing orgasms and still want more?

She shrugged. No matter. She'd have Barbara back in her arms soon. That thought made her smile. She pulled the bedding together in a big pile and with another quick glance around, she left the room. She found the janitor closet and placed the sheets and comforter in a tub to be picked up by housekeeping the next time they did rounds.


Jenny took the service elevator down to the first floor and prayed she didn't see anyone she knew, especially since she had to hold her jacket closed because of the buttons Barbara ripped off her shirt in a fit of passion. Imagine trying to explain
to Jeffery, she thought. She walked into the locker room, grabbed her things and went out the back way before she could be spotted.

By the time she walked out onto the sidewalk, a black Town Car was parked in front of the hotel. A man in a black suit stood by it. Barbara sat in the back seat with the window down and with a flick of her hand motioned for Jenny to come over. Jenny looked around to make sure none of the other hotel employees were about then walked over to the car. The man opened the back door for her to get in.

Barbara slid over and Jenny sat beside her. Barbara's driver closed the back door, got into the driver's seat and started the car. Barbara talked on her cell phone and didn't acknowledge her, but Jenny didn't mind. She stared out the window, lost in thought, until Barbara's hand landed on her knee. Jenny placed her hand on top of Barbara's and kept it there until they arrived at Barbara's building.

When Ted opened the door, Barbara and Jenny slid out. Jenny wanted to continue holding Barbara's hand, but they were in public, so she relinquished her hold and followed Barbara as she led the way into her building. She waved at security and went over to the elevators. She pushed the 'up' button and gave Jenny a smile. She seemed so breezy and at ease, while Jenny couldn't seem to stand still. She felt like jumping out of her skin or jumping on top of Barbara. When the elevator doors opened, they stepped inside and Barbara hit the penthouse button. As soon as the doors closed, she wrapped her arm around Jenny's neck and pulled her in for a kiss. Jenny grabbed Barbara's ass and backed her up against the elevator wall.


"It looks like you're learning very well, grasshopper," Barbara whispered against Jennifer's lips. They tongued each other as the elevator rose to the top floor. Jennifer slid her hands under Barbara's sweater, rubbing her nipples. Barbara held Jennifer's face as she nibbled at her mouth. When a beeping sound indicated they'd reached their destination, they separated, breathing hard. Barbara grabbed Jennifer's hand and they walked down the hall to her penthouse. She unlocked her door and allowed Jennifer to walk in first, but kept her gaze pinned on Jennifer's face so she could see her reaction.

Jennifer stood with her mouth wide opened as she took in her surroundings. "My god, this place is huge. It's easily three times as large as my apartment." She walked over to the huge glass windows overlooking the city. "This is amazing. I've never seen anything like this."

Barbara walked up behind her, wrapped her arms around Jennifer and rocked her back and forth as they looked out the widow, watching the sun set. "I wake up to this view every morning. I'm so glad I'll be able to share this with you."

Jennifer turned her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"You're staying the night." Barbara ordered.

Jennifer grabbed Barbara's hands and squeezed. "Okay, okay. I just need to call my roommate, Mike, so he doesn't worry. I've never spent the night away from home since we've been living together."

Barbara nodded and released her. "What are you going to tell him?'

Jennifer grabbed her cell phone out of her bag. "I have a huge calc test on Monday. I'll tell him I'm going to study at another student's apartment and spend the night there because we won't finish till late. I also need to use the bathroom."

"Go down the hall and to the right." Barbara checked her Blackberry for emails, but as Jennifer walked off, Barbara lifted her head to watch the gentle sway of her ass.

God, she couldn't wait to get her hands on that again. She gave her emails one last glance then put the Blackberry down on the kitchen counter. For the next few hours she would be off the clock. She wanted her full attention on the delectable Miss Caffey.

She didn't want to be separated from Jennifer for another moment and walked toward the bathroom.

Jennifer talked on the phone and flushed the toilet at the same time. "Yeah Mike, it's going to be a late night. I'll just spend the night here." She chuckled at something Mike said.


Barbara took off Jennifer's jacket along with her ruined shirt. Jennifer tried to move away, but Barbara had a tight grip on the jacket that slipped down to her elbows.

Stop it.
Jennifer mouthed the words with a wry grin and cocked her head to listen to the voice on the phone. Barbara shook her head no, pulled Jennifer in close and sucked on her neck.

"Um, Mike, I better go. I should be back . . . morning . . . yeah . . .
. . .

what? No. Later." Jennifer hung up, grabbed Barbara's arms and placed them around her waist. "We have the whole night to ourselves."

Barbara continued kissing her neck. She backed Jennifer up against the bathroom wall and placed a leg in between hers. She pushed her knee right against Jennifer's core.

Jennifer chuckled and leaned her forehead against Barbara's.

"This is déjà vu." She moaned.

Barbara reached under Jennifer's skirt and caressed the inside of her legs. "Yes.

BOOK: Lovestruck
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