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Authors: Carry Lowe

Loving Angel (20 page)

BOOK: Loving Angel
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Nah it wasn’t your club.” She frowned at me. “I don’t know why she doesn’t leave him. It’s like he has his hooks in her and nothing I say will release her. Even when it’s obvious he’s hitting on me and shit, she still doesn’t kick his ass to the curb.”

You need to stop stressing about your mother all the time.” I started massaging her feet in an effort to relax her.

If I don’t worry who will?”

You do realize stressing isn’t good for little Ricky?”

She rolled her eyes at me and changed the subject.
“What’re we gonna do this evening?”

We could do some clubbing since you’ll soon be too big and won’t be able to do that”

Sounds good,” I nodded in agreement.

We spent the rest of the day chilling in our room and watching someone movies because we were about
to have a long night of fun. We didn’t leave home until ten that night.

The club was happening. Mad people were out tonight to party so it was packed.
Three C-notes at the door got us in without waiting in line and five more got a table in the V.I.P. I ordered a bottle of Cristal for myself and a virgin margarita for my girl. She was wearing her hair down in messy curls and was rocking a short off the shoulder violet dress that was ruched and close fitted. A metallic color clutch with matching heels; a diamond and platinum teardrop earrings, necklace and bracelet set completed her ensemble. I could see niggas all over checking her out. I was wearing Roberto Cavalli violet dress shirt and black jeans, with a black Armani jacket and Red Bottom Loafers; a pair of three carat diamond studs and my Audemars Piguet watch and I was stunning.

We got out on the dance floor and she wrapped her arms around my neck and I put mine on her fat ass
, as we grinded on each other to the music.

Rack City’ began playing and she smiled at me. “This is our song. Remember the first time we danced together it was to this song?”

Yeah I remember, your little fast ass was grinding that ass on a nigga all night and giving him blue balls. But I knew I’d get the pussy eventually.” I smirked at her.

She pinched me on the neck playfully.
“My ass was not fast.”

It took me two of the longest weeks of my life for me to get the pussy.” Thank god for other bitches, her ass would leave me all hard and shit preserving her virgin pussy and I’d have to call another bitch to take care of the problem. “But you were worth the wait.”

Damn right,” she boasted, giving me a kiss. I held the back of her head and deepened the kiss, sucking on her tongue.

I need a break and another drink,” she informed me.

Go sit down, I’ll go to the bar and get you another margarita. These waitresses in here are working too slow tonight. It took them forever to bring us our last drink order.” I made my way through the crowd and to the bar. It took about ten minutes to get the bartender’s attention.

Virgin strawberry margarita,” I ordered. She nodded and got to work.

I hope you’re not the one drinking that.” It was that dude Carlos that worked security for Ardo, with a pretty Spanish bitch on his arm.

I laughed and gave him a pound.
“Nah man, it’s for my girl.”

Word. You guys partying here tonight?”

Yeah, we’re in the V.I.P.” The waitress placed my order before me and I paid and tipped her.

We just got here and were about to get a bottle before we headed there. The waitresses there are usually mad slow on Christmas eve night,” he explained.

Come join me and my shorty,” I offered.

Cool, this is Maria.” She was about five-five, long black hair, brown eyes, straight nose, pouty lips, small waist, big tits, and an ok ass. She was wearing a tight little dress that left little to the imagination. She was bad, but my wifey was badder, didn’t mean I wouldn’t hit it though and from the looks she was giving me I’d say she’d be down. “Maria this is Tyga.”

I licked my lips
. “It’s nice to meet you ma.”

Nice to meet you too.” She smiled. That smile said it might prove to be an interesting night tonight.

They got two bottles of
Cristal and we made our way to my table at the V.I.P.

Maria,” Angel said in an astonished voice.

Angel,” Maria replied equally surprised. The two gave each other an awkward hug. “Dad said you were in town and that you were coming to the house for dinner tomorrow.”

Bay, this is my sister,” my girl explained. Oh, shit and to think a nigga was planning on hitting that. At the word ‘sister’ it was like she threw a bucket of ice on my dick. To think I nearly fucked myself six ways till Sunday. “How do you guys know each other?”

We don’t, I just met him through Carlos,” Maria clarified.

I met Carlos yesterday while I was out doing business,” I informed her and Angel nodded in understanding.

took seats on the sofa with glasses of Cristal, margarita for Angel, and listened to the music.

Dad also said you were having a baby, you don’t look pregnant.” This little chica was looking at my girl with jealousy in her eyes.

Almost five months.” Angel gave her a tight smile.

Congrats on that; I guess this must be your baby daddy.” she nodded towards me. I could see she was starting to irritate my girl. It wasn’t the things she was saying but the air of superiority she said them in.

Angel gave her another tight fake smile.
“Gee Maria; here I was thinking you were dense. Yes this is the father of my baby.”

No need to be all defensive Angel, I was just making conversation.” Maria smirked. “Andro and Miguel were coming tonight but something came up at the last minute. I’m sure you remember Miguel, you two were hanging out the last time you came to Miami.”

Angel chuckled.
“Of course I remember Miguel, he kept following me around like a lost puppy and you were mad about it because you’ve got a crush on him.”

Her sister glared at her.
“I don’t have a crush on Miguel.”

Whatever.” Angel shrugged.

Let’s go dance Sexy.” I took her hand and lead her towards the dance floor because it seemed the two were gearing up for a fight.

I really can’t stand that bitch, of all the people to meet here I have to run into her,” Angel fumed. If her sister was any indication of how the rest of her family was I could see the reason she didn’t like her family on her father’s side.

I pulled her into my arms and rocked her to the music
. “Don’t let her get to you.”

Just imagine we’ll have to spend the entire day with her and her mother tomorrow. You think Maria is a major bitch, wait until you meet Rosario.”

We’ll definitely be leaving early tomorrow. I’m definitely not about to stand for a bunch of vipers upsetting my girl,” I joked. She smiled and that was what I was hoping for. “Let’s leave mini viper and the troll behind and go back to the hotel and break down the bed.”

She laughed hard.
“Let’s do that please.”

We ditched her sister and Carlos and went back to our suite. We didn
’t break the bed but that was only because we did it on the balcony instead. Never thought I had a little exhibitionist in me, but I guess I was wrong. Doing it in the open had a nigga hard as fuck and blowing a nut like a busted water hydrant.














CHRISTMAS DAY. I was feeling both excitement and dread when I awoke; Excitement because it was my first Christmas with my bay and dread because we were spending it with my father’s family. We slept in until ten-thirty because we didn’t go to bed until three in the morning.

Where is my Christmas gift?” I tried rolling away from a very amorous Tyga trying to feel on my butt. He grabbed me by the arms and maneuvered his body on top of mine.

How about a little morning nookie before we get out of bed.” He kissed my neck.

Nope,” I pushed on his chest playfully. “I’m like a kid and its Christmas, I want my gift now.”

e chuckled. “OK, Santa got your gift but he wants some pussy after you open it.” He rolled off me and went to his carryon bag and removed a large wrapped package.

Gimme gimme gimme,” I squealed holding out my hands. I grabbed it from him as soon as he was within reach and tore through the wrapping. I shrieked even more when I saw that it was a Crème colored Hermes Birkin bag. It was like the fucking Roll Royce of bags. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed all over his face. “Thanks Bay, I’m definitely carrying this with me today.” I slipped my bag on my arm and strutted around the room, striking poses.

“You walking around naked like that is making me hard as a motherfucker.”

First your gift, then breakfast because your baby is making me hungry and then sex.” I searched around in my suitcase until I found it.

He removed the wrappin
g from his gift far more leisurely than I did mine and smiled when he opened the box and saw the Breitling watch. “Thanks Sexy, I love it.” He gave me a quick kiss. “Now let’s get you fed, because a nigga woke this morning feeling extra horny.”

After a light breakfast and a long shower because we got side tracked while taking it, we got dressed and headed to my dad
’s house. I wore the dress and wedges I had bought the previous day, along with my Birkin and had my hair blow-dried straight. My bay was looking like a dark, sexy god in jeans and dress shirt combo, with a pair of loafers. I just loved how my man’s broad shoulders, trim waist and nice firm ass made even the simplest outfits into a titillating delight.

My father lived in a six bedroom mansion by the beach.

“I was in this neighborhood yesterday at a house down the street,” Tyga confessed. We were pulling up to my father’s gate. “It was where I met with my new connect.”

Who is it?” a female voice asked from the intercom. It sounded like my step-viper.

Angel.” I leaned over Tyga and yelled at the box and we got buzzed through the gate. “A lot of really rich people live over here.” We pulled up to next to a burgundy Lamborghini.

I swear I’m having Deja vu or something. I saw that exact car yesterday or one that looked like It.” he was looking at the Lambo with a thoughtful frown.

I laughed at him as we got out the car and gathered the gifts. He
was eyeing the car as if someone was gonna jump from it at him. We walked up to the door and rang the bell.

Rosario opened the door with a fake smile on her botoxed face.
“You’re nearly an hour late.” She was an older faker version of my sister.

Merry Christmas to you too; It’s so nice to see you.” My voice was dripping with sarcasm and I had a fake smiled plastered on my face that rivaled her’s.

She rolled her eyes at me.
“Everyone is in the living room; we were waiting for you to open the gifts, but decided to get stared when you were taking too long.” Fucking snooty bitch, she didn’t even acknowledge Tyga.

We followed her through the foyer and into the living room. My father was sitting on the loveseat
. My brother Andro and his best friend Miguel were sitting on the sofa, while Maria was sitting by the Christmas tree.

They all looked toward us as we entered the room.
“Merry Christmas everyone,” I greeted. They all responded with their own well wishes; all as unenthusiastic as expected except for Miguel and my father. Andro had always been an indifferent little prick towards me, but at least he wasn’t annoying like his mother and sister.

My fat
her got up and gave me a hug before shaking Tyga’s hand. “Well this is a small world isn’t it?”

Very small,” my bay replied. At my questioning look he explained, “I met your dad yesterday. We did business together.” Talk about three degrees of separation; of all the drug dealers in NY and Miami the two who were related to me in some form had met and were now doing business together, without knowing they were both connected to me.

Can we continue opening the gifts please?” That was the step-viper. Glass of what I assumed was alcohol in hand and wearing her superior impatience like she thought it was a damn mink.

My father ignored his wife
’s attitude. “Everyone this is Tyga,” he introduced my bay to the room. “That’s my son Andro, his best friend Miguel, My daughter Maria and my wife Rosario.” He pointed at each person in turn.

Now can we open the gifts?” Rosario sniped.

Yes Rosario, open away.” He seemed mildly annoyed and who could blame him. We placed our gifts under the tree and sat in the love seat. My dad had abandoned it to us and was now sitting in a leather recliner.

Maria tore into the gift she had in her lap. It was a
diamond necklace. “Thank you so much daddy,” she cheered. It took her nearly fifteen minutes to open all her gifts. Luckily, the others had opened their gifts before her because they knew she would be receiving the most. My father spoiled her like that. Tyga and I got a mild thank you for the earrings we gave her.

Mrs. Ramos dinner is ready,” a maid came to the door and announced.

Thank you Celia,” Rosario said in a voice that was almost polite for her. “Let’s move to the dining room.”

Let Angel open her gifts first,” my dad ordered.

She said something to him in Spanish and he replied in Spanish also. Could have sworn I heard the word
‘Puta’, which I knew meant bitch. I suppose she was talking about me. I smiled and thought ‘right back at you Trick’.

Are we supposed to wait for her to open gifts while our food gets cold? She was already an hour late.”

It’s ok dad, I’ll open my gifts later.” I just wanted things to go as fast as possible so I could leave sooner.

Damn, what a fucking bitch,” Tyga whispered mirroring my thoughts. “Let’s get the fuck outa here once we eat.”

Those are my sentiments exactly.” I smiled and squeezed his hand. I could just imagine how uncomfortable this was for him.

We all moved into the dining room. My father sat at the head of the table with Rosario and Maria on either side of him. Andro was sitting beside his mother while Miguel sat beside him. On the other side of the table I sat beside Maria and
Tyga sat beside me facing Miguel. Dinner consisted of ham, Turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, stuffing, Cranberry sauce, gravy, green beans and salad. Rosario loved everything Traditional American, so of course we would be having a typical American dinner instead of Columbian dishes. I placed a small amount of everything on my plate. The food was good but I wasn’t in the mood to eat, I just wanted to leave.

So, how many months pregnant are you Angel?” Rosario asked. Here we go again; I was once again in the viper’s sights.

Almost five months,” I replied with a smirk.

You sure seem to be following in your mother’s footsteps.” She had a look of disgust on her face.

Tyga stood throwing his napkin on the table and seethed at her,
“listen you fucking bitch I’m not going to sit in this fucking place another second and listen to you talk down to my girl.”

Everyone had a look of
stunned disbelief on their faces. It was obvious no one had ever stood up the bitch before.

Rosario was the first to come out of her stupor and was on her feet
also. “I’ll say any damn thing I want…”

She didn
’t get a chance to finish her sentence because my father began shouting at her angrily in rapid Spanish. She sat back in her chair in silence and glared at my dad then at my bay.

BOOK: Loving Angel
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