Loving Heart (The Broken Heart Series Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Loving Heart (The Broken Heart Series Book 3)
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“You okay?” He wrapped me in his arms. I quickly awoke as I heard the familiar voice. I glanced up towards his face meeting piercing blue eyes to find Nick holding me in his embrace. I held onto him tightly without saying a word as he kissed my cheek.

“Jen?” he whispered into my ear.

“Nick?” I whispered out of breath. My body was trembling so badly. I was afraid to let him go.

“Jenesis, Oh my God. Are you okay?” he held me tighter around my waist as I held him around his neck. “Come on.” He grabbed my hand and we scurried through the crowd. A police officer approached us.

“Hey Captain, is she okay? Does she need an ambulance?” He asked eyeing me up and down.

“No, I’m fine.” I shook my head.

“I’ll take her down to the precinct.” His eyebrows furrowed as if he remembered me from somewhere. “Jenesis Hunter, right?” he said sternly.


“I’ll take it from here Nick…I mean, Captain.” He said grabbing onto my elbow.

“No…you’re not.” Nick’s eye’s turned to steel when the officer grabbed my elbow. “She’s not going with you or anyone else. She’s coming with me.” He yanked the officer’s hand off of my elbow and held my hand gently. I stared at the officer and remembered his face when I was in the hospital after being shot. The officer gave Nick a killer look and shook his head.

“Are you sure you want to deal with
?” he said arrogantly.

“Keep walking. I got this. You and I will speak tonight Officer Daniels. Don’t ever address me again without calling me sir. Do you understand that officer?” He said angrily.

The officer looked down at the floor then glanced up at him.

“Yes sir. I’m sorry sir. I didn’t mean to disrespect you.” He replied almost whimpering.

“Get out of my face. Now.” Nick growled.
“What’s going on?” I asked.

“I don’t know. We need to get more details about what happened.”

“I was headed for the Port authority.”

“I know…I’m just nervous. He could’ve shot you. Port authority, why?” he asked puzzled.

“I was going back home to visit relatives.” I had to stop and take a breath.

“You’re going to have to stick around and answer some questions. Is that okay?” He said as his beautiful blue eyes penetrated mine. I leaned over and placed my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. I almost forgot I was pregnant.

“I guess if I have to.” I nodded. I stood up straight gazing into his eyes reminding me of how handsome I always thought Nick was.

“I’ll take you home.” He rubbed my back then reached for my hand gently and escorted me to the police car. He grabbed a bag from the car. “Here, clean your hands.” He handed me a tissue and hand sanitizer.

“No, I…I don’t want to go home right now…please.” I shook my head hoping he wouldn’t ask me anymore questions. I wiped my hand thoroughly to get every spot of blood off of me. I cringed at the thought of that cab driver having any kind of disease. I wasn’t worried about me. I was worried about the baby.

“What’s going on?” He knew I was married to Michael. Why the hell wouldn’t I want to go home. It was too late, his blue-eyes grazed me up and down. He knew something was up.  I had to answer him.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I glanced away from him feeling embarrassed.

“Jenesis, what’s going on?” he let go of my hand and stood in front of the car.

“Michael and I are having…problems.” My eyes welled with tears.

“Oh…” He said pensively. He looked around as if he were looking for someone, then glanced back at me. “Look, I have an extra room. You can stay with me tonight. Then, I will drive you to Port Authority tomorrow.” he grabbed me by the hand again. “If you don’t want to go home, then someone has to watch over you right now. We don’t know if that hit was for you. Stephen Marquis is still a free man remember? He’s still out there and we’ve had some dead women pop up all around the city for the last two weeks now. I can call Michael tonight and tell him what’s going on. You shouldn’t be alone.” he said staring into my eyes. My lips parted and I felt so guilty when he looked at me.
I loved Michael so much, how could I stand here with Nick and feel safe and protected?

“Maybe I’ll stay with Annmarie tonight. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to call Michael. I’ll call him in the morning.” I was so tired and terrified, and I didn’t want to be alone. I really didn’t want to stay with Annmarie, but I didn’t want to stay with Nick either. I wanted to be away from everyone but I knew he wouldn’t let that happen.

“We’ll call your friend Annmarie in a minute. Let’s go to the precinct first; I’ll have to ask you some questions and get a statement. Are you okay with this? We can do it in the morning if you’d like?” he said as he held me by the shoulders. I flinched a little. I was trying not to enjoy the feeling of his touch. It made me feel safe and secure and I wanted him to hold me, but every move I made I thought of Michael.

“Let’s get this over with. I’m so tired, I just want to go to sleep.” I said without hesitation.

Nick and I drove to the precinct. The police officer called Nick Captain. That could only mean that Nick took over Dave’s position as Captain when he was killed. I shook my head and sighed. Nick glanced over at me for moment as he was driving. I quickly remembered I wasn’t alone with my thoughts and tried to smile at him, but I think even he knew what I was thinking.

My stomach was in knots just thinking I had to walk into that precinct. As I walked in, an eerie feeling took over my body. I immediately thought of Dave and I, day in and day out at the office; spending countless hours reading and filing police reports and cleaning coffee cups and cigarette butts. My stomach hurt but nothing hurt me more than my
broken heart
. I couldn’t explain the love that I felt for Dave regardless of the horrific things he did to me. I held my head high pretending to be confident and in control but I was mortified.  I passed by Cassandra as she sat in her usual place near the front desk eating her dinner from a tin foil plate; she glanced up at me and our eyes locked. Her eyes were dark and solemn. Her usual bright brown eyes were those of a woman who had suffered a deep loss. She shook her head and I could see the pain deep in her eyes. She looked at me and I stood staring at her for a moment realizing that I felt the same pain she did. I didn’t even have to say a word and neither did she. She missed him and she loved him, too. I still couldn’t believe what he did to me. It seemed like a dream, a nightmare that I just couldn’t fathom. 

I continued to follow Nick and as I walked I glanced towards the corridor where we once shared an office together; where he used to hand me a white envelope filled with money, my paycheck, and where he used to leave cab money on the desk near his coffee cup in case I was short. I closed my eyes slowly, clenched my fists at my sides and shook my head in shame. Nick stopped and turned around to look at me. He noticed the
‘oh so obvious’ emotional state that I was in
. I couldn’t help it. It was all too real. On the wall to the left was a picture of Dave. His smile, his big deep brown eyes came popping right out of that picture staring right at me. They were honoring him, a decorated detective and captain, whom they knew nothing about. He was a man who viciously killed innocent woman for his pleasure, who raped and tortured their existing souls and then smoked a cigarette and drank an espresso afterwards. My husband, who assisted him in his path of destruction, innocently giving into the pressures that his father lay before him. The thought that always stood in my head was
how innocent was Michael? 

Nick placed his hand on my shoulder and escorted me into the interrogation office. I felt like a criminal and I didn’t want to answer any questions at all. We sat at the table across from each other. My hands trembled as I placed them on top of the cold metal table. Nick noticed my discomfort and got up and walked over to me.

“I know this is hard for you, Jen.” He slid his hand up and down my back making goosebumps reveal themselves on my arms.  His touch was stirring.

“I just saw a man being shot in the head and then I walked into this precinct and seeing a picture of Dave makes me…” I said in between snivels as I wiped my nose. I couldn’t even finish my thought. I was devastated. Nick placed his hands in his pocket and waited for me to calm down. He wanted to help, but he didn’t know how to.

“Jenesis, please, it’s going to be okay.” He handed me a paper towel. That was the only thing that was available in the room. He sat down in the chair across from me, then got up abruptly as if he forgot something and walked towards an old metal file cabinet and took out a recorder.

“I’m going to ask you to tell me exactly what happened and what you saw. Don’t be nervous, it’s standard procedure.” he said smiling as he reached over to grab my hand. I gently slid his hand off of mine. Anymore touching and I would have more than goosebumps on my body.

He lowered his eyes to the recorder and began his interrogation. I was anxious, as a matter of fact, I was sweating. My heart was pounding and I felt as if I was going to have a panic attack. I answered as many questions as I could without freaking out. The baby was moving, doing tumbles in my stomach and I quickly stood up. I need to walk around. Nick stopped speaking while he observed my loony behavior. I’m sure he’s never quite encountered someone as frightening as me.

“Are you okay?” He stood up towards the Keurig. “Do you want some water or coffee?”

“No…no coffee. I can’t.” those words slipped from my tongue and his eyes read mine immediately. He glanced at my stomach then met my eyes.

“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” he said as he stood up.

“Yes. I am.” I whispered.  He turned his back on me and then turned off the recorder.

“Wow…” He lowered his head to the table. “Congratulations. Michael must be thrilled. Is he?” he whispered trying to get a glimpse of my eyes again but I glanced away.

“Yes, he is.” I said softly.

“We’re done here. Thank you, Jenesis. I think you should go home and stay with your husband. I don’t think this Annmarie, whoever she is, is an option right now. You
your husband.” he said as he started to pack up the recorder and place it in the cabinet.

“I know what’s best for me. Thank you. Good bye Nick.” I started to walk out of the room when he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into his chest. He swiped his hand gently over the top of my hair and glared into my eyes.

“I’ve always loved you Jenesis, I didn’t care how much you loved Michael. I knew someday he would do you wrong and I would be there to pick up the pieces. But you’re pregnant and I would never do anything to hurt you or your baby, never.” he whispered in my ear. After the shock of his words, I closed my parted lips and tried to pull away, but he held onto to me tightly.

“You’re doing it now. Please let me go.” I said as I tried to pull away from him.

“I know you feel the same way, too. Since the first day we met, I could tell in your eyes you wanted me because I wanted you, too.” He pulled me in closely to kiss my lips. I broke free from his embrace and turned around and walked away from him. He followed behind me as I suddenly turned around to face him.

“Nick, for God sakes, do you even know what I am going through right now?” I shook my head as it hung low towards the floor. He lifted my chin with his hand.

“I’ll take care of you, Jenesis. I’ll love you the way Michael couldn’t. Give me a chance and we’ll raise this baby together.” he said. His love was real and when his beautiful blue eyes met mine, they melted my heart. I was shocked and I wanted to hear more, but my guilt wouldn’t let me.
I loved Michael and there would be no other

I stared at Nick for a moment as if he were crazy, but honestly, I thought I was going crazy.
How could I even give him the opportunity to tell me something like that?
I didn’t love Nick.  I loved his beautiful eyes and the way he looked at me, but I could never love him the way I love Michael, never. I smiled at Nick, shook my head then turned around and walked away. I was so confused about everything and his devotion to love me and the baby was just too much.

On the way out of the interrogation room, Michael was standing in the corridor with his hands tucked in his front jean pockets. He slowly approached me then held out his arms. I stood standing there staring in disbelief, my heart racing, leaving him with his arms in the air. I ignored him and walked past him. He stepped in front of me trying to block me from walking away from him.











Michael       Chapter 7

I knew something was going to happen to her. She needs me. She doesn’t know it yet. She’ll change her mind. I know she will. I walked into the precinct seeing the usual suspects who thought my father and I were screwing around with Jenesis. They looked at me hard and I practically roared at them with my eyes.

“Can I help you?” someone said behind me.

“No.” I replied nastily.

BOOK: Loving Heart (The Broken Heart Series Book 3)
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