Loving Justice (El Camino Real Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Loving Justice (El Camino Real Book 2)
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“You and Justice belong together, Charlee. All you need is faith.” Charlee hoped so. More and more she was struggling with the idea of telling him everything. She had to, or there was no use to even dream of anything more.

All she needed now was the right time.





To Charlee’s surprise, dinner went smoothly. The twins entertained everyone with the story of their latest romantic fiasco. “We should have seen it coming. I can’t believe we were so naïve.” Trevor threw his napkin on the table. Charlee was still in shock over the change in them, now they were big men with Channing Tatum faces and a body to match—which she only noticed in passing. Lusting after one King was all she could handle.

“Don’t tell me you two haven’t done something similar before?” Cade asked, grabbing another slice of garlic bread.

“No, we haven’t,” Trace said, sharing his brother’s opinion of the affront. “They played us. Twins, like us, pretending they were the same person just to see if they could stir up trouble between Trevor and me.”

“Sounds like they were a handful.” Abby tried to hide a grin. “Are you going to see them again?”

“I doubt it,” Trevor said between bites. “Twins dating twins is just asking for trouble and we don’t need much more of that.”

“I agree,” Jase added. “It’s going to be a cold day in August before I fall for another woman.”

Abby rubbed her arms, sending her brother an amused look. “I just felt a chill, Jase. I think you’ll have to eat those words someday.”

Charlee was enjoying herself, she felt like part of the family again. After a dish of ice cream for dessert, Justice rose.

“I’m glad all of you are back in the fold. I haven’t heard from Shiloh and that worries me a little. If he calls here, someone let me know.”

“Justice, we’re going to crash here in Abby’s old room for a few weeks if that’s all right with you?” Cade asked.

“We’re renovating my house.” Abby explained to Charlee.

“This is your home, Cade. Yours and Abby’s. You never have to ask.”

“Where are you off to, big brother?” Trevor asked with a sly look.

Justice put his hat on and held his hand out to Charlee. “Not that it’s any of your business, but Charlee and I want to be alone. We’re going for a little drive.” Back to the motel. But he kept that part to himself. “I’ll be back.”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Trace snickered.

Justice put his arm around Charlee and shot the bird at his brothers on the way out. “Excuse me, Abby,” he called out to his sister.

“Thanks for everything. Good to see you all,” Charlee called over her shoulder as Justice rushed her out.

The drive back to the Bronco Inn started out quiet. He was holding her hand, their fingers entwined. Finally, Justice broke the silence. “I hope being with my family wasn’t uncomfortable for you. Sometimes they speak before their brain is fully engaged.”

“I love your family. Believe me, I know what hurt is. What your brothers do is either all in fun or out of concern for you. They aren’t being mean.”

He picked up her hand and kissed it. “Do you remember when we used to help Dad hauling hay? You weren’t big enough to pick up bales, but he let you drive the truck.”

Charlee looked at him and smiled. Just like Abby said, Justice looked happy. “I was too short to see over the steering wheel, so he pushed the seat up and let me sit on a pillow.”

“You only ran over one tractor that year.” He teased, winking at her. “And do you remember the time Dad caught you out in the pasture digging holes with a shovel?”

“Yes, I went hunting baby calves, since you’d told me that was where they came from. No one would share the facts of life with me.”

“I think you’ve figured them out.” He reached over and tweaked her nipple, making Charlee jump.

Seeing which way the conversation was going, she lowered her voice. “I remember the time I caught you jacking off in the barn.” Charlee was staring at him and the only light was from the dashboard, but she could swear Justice blushed.

“You weren’t supposed to be there.”

“How...uh...often did you play with yourself? Make yourself cum?”

“I’m a guy, so often.”

“I never forgot how you looked, pumping your dick.” Just the thought was turning her pussy molten. Feeling bold, she slid her hand over to his lap and rubbed the swelling she found there. At the same time she reached between her own legs and rubbed.

Justice jerked. “Are you doing what I think you’re doing?”

“Uh-huh, I’ve sorta turned myself on,” she confessed breathlessly.

“You’ve turned us both on,” he groaned, but covered her hand with his. “Stop, it feels too good. I don’t want to wreck.” He slowed down. “Thank God we’re here, give me your key.”

They took the few steps to the door in a run. “Get naked.” They started pulling at their clothes, trying to kiss while they undressed. He finished first, then helped her, jerking her dress over her head. She panted under his kiss, and he slid his lips down her throat, nipping at the flesh, making her groan.

“Justice…” Charlee slid her hands from his shoulders to his neck, gripping his hair in her fist and yanking him near, feathering a kiss over his jaw, catching the lobe of his ear between her teeth.

His whole body shook. “You aren’t so innocent now, are you?”

“Aren’t you glad.” It wasn’t a question. “I’m more enthusiastic than experienced.” Placing both hands on his chest, she pushed. “Lie down.”

Horny beyond belief, he went willingly, grunting a little when she fell on top of him, her lips leaving a trail of sizzling kisses from his abs to his nipples. Where she surprised the hell out of him. Damn, if she didn’t take one between her fingers and the other between her lips and she played with him, teasing until he couldn’t speak or think, his hips bucked helplessly.

When her hand found its way to his groin and her little hand encircled his dick, he found his voice.

“Am I doing something right?” she whispered, her inner minx emerging as she pumped his cock.

“Perfect,” he growled. “Do it some more.”

Charlee was in heaven. She made herself happy, playing with his cock. Stroking him up and down, holding him tight, pumping fast. When she passed the pad of her thumb over the tiny hole at the tip, he bowed his back and bellowed. “Fuck, baby!”

Nothing—nothing would ever be the same. Charlee had changed everything for him. Sex was no longer sex, it was making love, and he couldn’t imagine doing it without anyone other than her. His cock was huge, harder than ever before, his arousal complete and every touch of her hand only added to the frenzy.

Until she went to her knees between his legs.

“God bless Texas,” he prayed.

Charlee smirked. She didn’t have any idea what this had to do with Texas, but she didn’t care. Justice slid his fingers into her hair, wrapping the length around his fist. “This is what I want.” He pressed gently, guiding her to his cock. When she showed him mercy, taking the head in her mouth, he almost levitated off the bed. It felt so damn good.

Looking down, Justice kept his gaze on her. There was nothing more erotic in the world. Her lips were stretched over his girth and her eyes were looking into his. She cradled him between her lips, her tongue tickling the end like she was enjoying an ice cream cone. This was no show, no act, she wanted to do this for him. When she moaned and swirled the head between her lips, he felt faint. “Suck me. Suck me hard and deep.”

For long ecstatic moments, she sucked, digging her nails into his thighs, bobbing her head up and down. When she felt him tense, she backed up, driving him insane, fisting his length and licking at his balls. “How in God’s name do you—”

He hissed when she took him back into her mouth, the warm wet heat blistering him with pleasure. Opening wide, Charlee let him sink deep to the back of her throat, then drew him forward, sucking so hard, his whole body followed. He reached for her. “I want inside.”

“No, let me.” She rose over him, straddling his thighs. “Give me your hand.” He did and she guided it between her legs. “Look how much I want you.” He looked—her pussy was pink, glistening swollen. Being buried deep inside of her was his favorite thing in the whole world.

“Beautiful.” Desire overwhelmed him. He placed a hand on her waist and steadied her. Taking his cock, he prepared to impale her. “You’re still wearing my star.”

“Yes, I am. Justice, wait,” she whimpered. “We need a condom, we don’t need to forget again.”

“You aren’t on birth control?” Clearly, he didn’t want to stop.

“No, no one before you, since you…only you,” she breathlessly confessed. “And I need to tell you something…”

His ego just grew too big for the room. “Hold on.” Reaching around her, he scrambled for his pants, digging into the pocket. “We wouldn’t want any accidents.”

Accidents. Accidents. The word battered her brain, but she, like him, was too invested in the ecstasy. When he was covered, she lifted up and helped him guide her down onto his erection. As before, the moment of their joining was sublime. She’d read where some women had no feeling, that foreplay or oral sex was what got them off. But for Charlee it was this—she craved him deep inside. The moment of penetration was rapture. “Ahhhh,” she exhaled. “God, I love…”
This. You.

Feeling the flames devour him, Justice pulled Charlee down for a kiss while he pushed the rest of his cock into her snug pussy. Eating at her mouth, he felt her melt into him as he worked his way inside. Charlee was small, tight, providing him with perfect friction. He bit the inside of his mouth, anything to keep from embarrassing himself and shooting off deep within her before he’d made her cum. The fact that she was whimpering, purring, weaving her hands in his hair and undulating on top of him didn’t make it any easier.

“Good, baby?”

“Yes-s-s-s,” she keened, grinding herself down on him hard.

“Let me.” He took command, easing her up to give him room to thrust. And when he did, he felt on fire. His mind went numb because total bliss engulfed him. If he’d been a selfish bastard, he would’ve just lost himself – thrusting, pumping, plunging – taking his pleasure, because God in heaven it was pleasurable. Totally fuckin’ amazing. But he couldn’t…this was Charlee, and she came first.

Locking his hands around her middle, he took her slowly, luxuriously, fucking her deep with long, sure strokes. He was enthralled, every cell of his being totally committed to one consummate goal. More and more, in and out, perfect sensual repetitions designed to bring them to that ultimate pinnacle of erotic pleasure. Being with her was all he’d ever wanted, even when he didn’t realize it. She accepted him—every movement, every lunge, every pounding stroke.

“Oh, Justice,” she mewled. “Please, please, I need to cum, I have to…”

“Cum, baby, cum for me.” Giving her what she needed was paramount. He’d prefer to let it go on and on, but the flame was too hot, the finish too rewarding. As she bounced on his cock, her breasts jiggled in front of his lips, too tempting to ignore. Knowing the sensation would push her over the edge, he closed his mouth around one pouty nipple and began to suckle—hard. She cried out, pushing toward him so he would know she wanted more. – more – more – “Yes!” she screamed as her pussy contracted, clamping down on him in climax. Justice felt it—there was nothing to compare it to, his dick being massaged and milked by her silky sheathe. His legs tense, thighs jerking, balls tightening, pulses of pure euphoria surged up and out of his cock. He exploded, wrapping his arms around her, his hips surging upward again and again as he greedily fucked her, – pushing, pushing – until the last drop had been squeezed out the end of his aching, grateful manhood.

Charlee collapsed on top of him, loving him, wishing this was forever, wishing she had the courage to pour out her heart—tell him her secrets, her dreams.

But for now, she’d take this. It was damn sure better than nothing.

“God, that was good.” He rubbed her back, absorbing the ebb and flow of her breathing. “You okay?”

“Oh, yea, I’m boneless.”

He chuckled, and she could feel his laughter vibrate beneath her. As much as she wanted to be with him, Charlee needed to be alone—to think. “You’d better go home, since your family is here. I’m sure they’ll want to see you for breakfast.”

Justice stilled. This wasn’t what he’d planned. “Is there something wrong?”

She kissed his chest. “No, I would just feel better about it, that’s all.”

Not really understanding, he did as he was bid. Justice cleaned up and redressed. By the time he came back to the bed, she had on a nightshirt, sitting at the head with the sheet pulled up to her chin. He felt shut out. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Of course.” She smiled. “Sleep well and be safe.”

He kissed her goodnight, lingering, trying to show her without words exactly what she’d be missing when she sent him home.

Her lips were sweet, but she didn’t say what he wanted to hear.


And when he walked out the door, he felt lonely, like he was leaving part of himself behind.


*  *  *


The next morning, after a restless night’s sleep, Charlee dragged herself from the bed. The alarm had fractured the quiet, waking her from a disturbing dream where she was lost in a fog, knowing that the sinkhole was near. Yet she had to move, Justice was lost, and she expected to step into nothing and fall into oblivion at any moment.

BOOK: Loving Justice (El Camino Real Book 2)
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