Read LUCAS Online

Authors: V.A. Dold

LUCAS (14 page)

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His arms tightened possessively. He needed to touch every inch of her. He needed her skin to skin.

“Kensie,” he said her name like a prayer. “It’s getting late. Will you stay with me tonight? I need to touch you. To hold you in my arms and wake with you tomorrow morning, still lying in my bed. Please, say you’ll stay with me.”

“Wild horses, couldn’t stop me from staying with you tonight, Mr. Le Beau. You’re the one who started this crazy mate thing and got me all hot and bothered. I dang sure expect you to finish it.”

He smiled like an excited little boy. “It will be my pleasure to take care of that for you, Miss Brown.” He released her to stand and offered her a hand.

Pulling her to her feet, he held her tightly, flush with his body. Desire glowed in his eyes. He leaned down and kissed her so thoroughly she was sure he annihilated the last of her ability to think clearly. One last nibble on her bottom lip and he led her to his bed.

Anticipation began to thrum through her, stoking the flames that had eased to a low burn. She was really doing this. She was going to make love to Lucas. Kensie prayed everything he said about mates was true because if he walked away from her, she wasn’t sure she would survive the fallout.

Closing the door, he flipped the lock. There would be no interruptions tonight. He sat her on the bed and stepped back. Drinking the sight of her in. “My Goddess, you’re beautiful.”

Kensie lowered her eyes, and self-consciously chewed her lower lip as she smiled at his compliment. She blushed such a deep red, even a human would have seen it in the darkened room.

Lucas sucked in a breath and grew ramrod stiff. Her innocent, bashful smile revved him up like nothing else. If he didn’t pace himself, he would be finished before he even touched her. “Mon amour, if you knew what you’re doing to my body, you'd be careful with that sexy siren look you're giving me.”

Kensie gasped, her eyes wide with surprise. “I’m not giving you sexy looks. I don’t even know how.”

He grinned as he lit a few candles around the room. “Oh yeah, you do. You give me those sexy, arousal-heavy, half-closed eyes, and blush so damn prettily. Then you finish me off with that little nibble thing you do to your lower lip.”

Her mouth fell open in disbelief. “You’re a little crazy aren’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am. Crazy for you.”

Chapter 15



With a flick of his wrist, he snuffed the match. A soft glow lit the room, throwing dancing shadows across the walls. When he turned, his eyes were two bright blue orbs, burning with such desire, her breath caught in her throat.

“Your eyes” was all she could manage. Swallowing hard, she began to tremble.

Lucas walked toward her, a slow, purposeful, rolling gait. He didn’t stop until his knees were flush with her own.

Slowly raising his hands, he gently framed her face. Forcing her to look into his eyes as he explained. His heart contracted at the fear he saw growing in her eyes and smelled swirling around their bodies. He wouldn’t frighten her again, not like he had in the cabin.

“A shifter’s eyes glow when they are angry or very aroused. It’s a signal to other males to back off, either from the shifter’s mate or from whatever they are stupidly doing that’s about to get them killed. I’ll give you one guess why mine are glowing now.”

Nervously, she licked her lips, unconscious of the sexual effect of her innocent behavior. She was beautiful; her eyes sparkled in the candle light as the flames made the tiny gold flecks in her chocolate brown eyes, dance. Need slammed his body hard, a rush of heat, he barely held in check. Every muscle was taut and straining. He and his wolf craved her, mind, body, and soul, with every fiber of their being. The woman was either their salvation or she was going to be the death of them.

“I’m pretty sure you’re not angry with me,” she finally whispered.

“No, cher. Far from it.”

Sliding his hands from her face to her shoulders, he pulled her to her feet. Lucas’s arms enveloped her, drew her closer, and pressed her soft curves to his hard plains.

Tightening a fist in her long, red wine hair, he tilted her head back and claimed her lips. She willingly opened to him, inviting him to dip his tongue into her warm depths, savoring her honeyed, tangy, meringue flavor. For a man with centuries of experience, he was shaking like a greenhorn. Searching with fingers nowhere near steady, Lucas traced the bottom edge of her T-shirt and slowly inched it up her body. When he reached her arms, she lifted them so he could pull it over her head.

His wolf growled as the lacy cups of her barely there bra rasped against his chest. He felt every point of contact even through his damn clothes. He needed her naked, molded to him, skin to skin.

Bravely, Kensie slid her hands down his shoulders to the buttons of his shirt. With the deft fingers of a surgeon, she made short work of them. Biting her lower lip, she took a chance and slid the fabric from his shoulders and down his arms. She prayed she was doing this right. In the past, her sexual partners, just stripped and jumped into bed. Wham bam, thank you, ma’am style.

Her eyes shot to his when he rumbled.

“What was that? Did I do something wrong?”

“Hell, no. My wolf was letting you know he really liked that.”

“Oh,” she felt her cheeks blaze again.

Lucas fingered the clasp of her bra. “This really needs to go.” With the ease of a man very practiced, he popped the clasp one handed. Sliding the straps from her shoulders, he pulled the lace from her arms and flung it across the room. Instantly his wolf rumbled louder.

“My Goddess, Kensie. You’re magnificent.” He drank her in, inch by inch. She was perfection. Creamy skin. Breasts plump and full. They were sure to overflow his hands, just the way he liked them. Twin perky nipples strained toward him in the cool air of the room, begging for his attention. His mouth watered as his gaze moved lower to her rounded belly. Absolute perfection, soft and curvy. One hundred percent woman. HIS woman.

Claiming her mouth again he kissed her to within and inch of her life. Branded her as his, dousing her in his scent to ward of any male foolish enough to look her way.

Gradually, he slowed his frenzied need, softened his kisses. Hitching his fingers in the waistband of her jeans, he gave a little tug. “You’re still wearing too much clothing.”

“So are you,” she murmured against his lips.

He slipped his fingers along the inside of her jeans until his hands met at the clasp. One flick and the button popped, followed by the rasp of her zipper. He slipped his fingers deeper inside the gaping jeans. Hooking the elastic of her panties, he pulled both denim and lace from her hips. Like a worshiping supplicant, Lucas knelt before her. Lifting first one foot, then the other to remove the jeans and toss them into the pile with her discarded bra. Starting at her ankles, he slid his work-roughened palms up her silky soft legs. As he reached her inner thighs, he gently encouraged her to widen her stance. Leaning in he grasped her hips and pulled her to his mouth. He had to taste her. Kneading the firm flesh of her ass, he pressed closer, licking and suckling increasing his strokes in proportion to her keening moans.

Kensie heard a scream. Was that out loud or in her mind? She prayed it had been in her mind, or she would never look Krystal in the eye again.

Lucas didn’t react; she was taking that as a positive sign. He continued to lick at her, more like a cat than the canine he claimed to be. Taking long catlike strokes as if he was starving and desperate for cream. Thank God he didn’t have a cat’s rough tongue.  He was an expert that was for sure, her womb rolled and rippled with pleasure.


He growled for good measure, sending vibrations zinging through her core. Gasping, she clenched his shoulders, desperate to steady her quivering knees. If she didn’t collapse, it would be a miracle. Wave after wave of pleasure, unlike anything she had ever experienced rolled through her. Her abdomen tightened, muscles bunched, pleasurable tension rising to an explosive level.

“I can't take anymore. Lucas, I’m going to fall.” Her head was thrown back, quivering legs spread wide. When had he pulled one over his shoulder? He ignored her plea; his mouth worked its magic, tonguing the knot of nerves like a pro, until she was panting. She thrust against him mindlessly, seeking more, needing relief. He was eating her alive.

Out of nowhere, an orgasm, raced over her. Kensie’s hips bucked uncontrollably, she was helpless to stop the instinctive reflex to such extreme pleasure. Like a Fourth of July firework, she exploded. Flashes flared and sparkled behind her eyelids. She grew light headed, unable to draw a breath.

“Breathe for me, mon amour.” Lucas chuckled in her ear.

When had he stood up?

“I think I died,” she panted. “You killed me.”

“No, I didn’t. I just made you feel good. I showed you exactly how I feel about you.”

“Is your wolf that hungry? You want to make me your next meal or something? What am I, your new chew toy?” she laughed.

“Every damn day,” Lucas growled nibbling on her earlobe.

Without warning, he tucked an arm behind her knees and scooped her into his arms. Kensie squeaked and clutched his shoulders. Laughing at her reaction, he stepped to the edge of the bed and laid her out like a banquet.

Lucas followed her and stretched out. “Come here, darlin'. Let me love you.”

Kensie turned into his side and allowed him to nestle her closer. She felt his hands glide up and down the length of her body as far as he could reach. She laid one hand on his chest; his sprinkle of dark hair tickled her palm. Hard, work toned muscles twitched and shuddered beneath her seeking touch. A small smile tugged at her lips when she realized her touch affected him as much as he affected her.

That’s when she noticed; he still had his jeans on. “We’re not…”

“Not what?”

“You still have your jeans on,” she said, her voice throaty and breathless. Eagerness and arousal ran rampant through her body.

A grin spread across his lips, creasing his cheeks with his adorable dimples. “I was going to give you a minute to recover, but I can remedy that right now.” He leapt from the bed to stand before her. With eyes locked with hers, he pulled a foil wrapper from the pocket and inched the zipper down nice and slow. Spiking her interest and arousal with the slow strip show he was giving her. The denim parted to reveal a large, thick bulge straining for release.

Something fluttered excitedly in the pit of her stomach and her mouth went dry. She licked her lips to ease the dryness, never taking her eyes off the man standing only a few feet away.

Lucas hitched his thumbs inside the waistband and slowly rolled his hips inching the denim and cotton down bit by bit. When he stopped the slow decent right before exposing the prize hidden within, her eyes jumped to his.

Grinning a lopsided sexy smile, he pushed the jeans to his knees. The action caused his raging cock to bounce and slap against his belly. With a kick, the jeans landed in the corner. 

He stepped to the edge of the mattress, his erection inches from her lips. Stroking slowly, he ripped the foil with his teeth and sheathed himself, drinking her in the entire time. His woman, naked for him, and in his bed. He had never seen a more beautiful sight. He reminded himself, he needed to go slow, this was about showing her how much he loved her not about getting his rocks off.

Carefully, he eased his body down to hers. Her brown eyes were wide and her breathing harsh against his face. He rubbed himself along her thigh, wanting to feel the heat of her wrapped around him.

He lowered his head to claim her lips in a slow sexy kiss. His wolf reveled in her moans. Her hair felt like silk tangled around his fingers. He tilted her head just right to deepen the kiss. He was a large man and he could easily crush her under his weight. So, he wedged the majority of his bulk on his forearms.

Even with the mind share mates enjoyed, she couldn’t know how deeply he felt for her, needed her. He didn’t want to scare her by swamping her with his intense emotions. She wasn’t ready for that. She didn’t know how he struggled to keep his touch gentle, his mouth tender, when he was crazed with his need to claim her.

Kensie’s hands slipped around his neck so she could stroke his back.

He sucked in a breath and held it. The movement brushed her pebbled nipples against his chest almost sending him over the edge of reason. Then she made a small needy sound, breathy and feminine and he was a goner. His hips began grinding into her helplessly. He needed to regain control before he took her like a wild animal.

Breaking the kiss, he leaned his forehead against hers and just breathed restraint back into his mind and body. Gaining command took a minute, but he had himself under control and tightly leashed. He couldn’t gamble on that happening again.

Kissing her tenderly again, he began to trail a hot line of kisses down her neck, stopping to lap at the crook where her neck met her shoulder. Then he licked and nibbled his way to her right breast. Licking and scraping his teeth, he felt her answering shudders and the hitch of her breath.

He savored the taste and texture of her skin like she was his favorite flavor of lollipop, blatantly seducing her without an ounce of remorse. This was his mate; he had every right to seduce her. Heck, it was his duty to please her.

Lower he went, his hands and lips working their way to the apex they sought. His hand swept over her belly, causing the muscles beneath to bunch with excitement and anticipation.

“Lucas, please.” Her fist clenched in his hair, and her voice trembled. A breathy little moan escaped her throat.

Nothing had ever made him feel more like a man than that moment. He’d done that; he’d made his mate feel this depth of need and pleasure. He caressed his way to her hot wet core. She was more than ready for him. 

“Wrap your legs around me, Kensie,” Lucas said as he settled into the cradle of her hips and held himself above her, quivering like a newborn colt.

Obediently, she widened her thighs and wrapped her legs around him.

He pressed the broad head of his shaft against her hot slick entrance. “Are you ready, mon amour?”

“Please! You’re killing me.”

That was all he needed. He pushed through her tight folds. Her heat scorched him like a fire blazing over his skin. Inch by slow inch, he sank into her depths to the hilt.

He felt Kensie lock her ankles behind his hips, settling him completely. His wolf roared his claim and howled for all males to hear. He had his mate and she was accepting him. Lucas felt his control slipping again.

“Hold on to me, cher,” he whispered through clenched teeth. In one fluid move he flipped them so she was on top. “I refuse to hurt you. Trust me, I need you to be in control right now.”

She searched his face and could see the strain etched deep. He was serious. She gave him a small nod in answer. “I’ve never done this before. On top I mean.”

“Just ride me nice and slow like you’re riding Marigold. You’ll know what to do by what makes you feel good.”

When she didn’t seem confident about where to place her hands, he clasped them in his own and led them to his chest.

“Love me, mon amour. Just rock forward and let your hips rock back again. I’ll help by lifting your hips.”

Her eyes went dark, and her breathing increased. Never taking her gaze from his, she rocked forward and back amazed by the pleasure she got when hip pelvic bone pressed against her nerve endings. Lucas lifted her an inch or so and then brought her down hard, while he thrust up. The combination of rocking and thrusting was incredible.

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