Read Luck of the Irish Online

Authors: Cindy Sutherland

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Gay Romance, #Genre Fiction

Luck of the Irish (7 page)

BOOK: Luck of the Irish
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Cian was having a hard time holding himself up, the touch of Quinn’s hands making him feel weak. When Quinn spread his legs a little wider and then brought his ankles up to hook behind Cian’s thighs, trying to pull him closer, Cian didn’t even think about resisting.

He settled down, sliding his arms under Quinn’s pliant body to curl around his shoulders, their bodies touching all the way down and the first heavenly slide of cock against cock sending showers of sparks through both their bodies.

Quinn threw his head back, and Cian couldn’t help but kiss and suck on his neck, leaving red marks that would bruise later. “God, you taste so good.”

Cian pulled Quinn’s hands off him and pushed them up over his head, sliding their hot, sweat-slicked bodies together. They slotted together perfectly, cocks rubbing against each other, both men so lost in pleasure they weren’t even kissing anymore, just looking into each other’s eyes, sharing the same breath.

“Cian… oh God… please….” Quinn looked desperate for release, the feeling of being restrained adding to the sensations they felt.

“Gonna come for me, Quinn? Just like this?” Cian ground down a little harder, adding a little more friction. He could feel Quinn’s body start to tighten and knew he was close.

“You feel so fucking good under me, love, squirming and begging for me.” He leaned down to breathe hot into Quinn’s ear, nipping on an earlobe as he did. “Come on, beautiful, come for me.”

The words had the desired effect. Quinn keened high and loud, and then his whole body just stopped for a second, arching up against Cian perfectly as pulse after pulse of heat flowed between them. When Quinn’s body relaxed, the extra wetness slicked the way for Cian as he slid his overheated cock through the mess, and his orgasm overtook him a couple of thrusts later.

Cian collapsed, half on Quinn, half on the bed, both of them trying to catch their breath. He rested his hand over Quinn’s heart, enjoying feeling his pulse slow down to a normal beat, a little gratified with how long it took. He lifted himself up to rest his head in his hand and looked down at the man under him. “You okay?” Cian hoped it wasn’t all too fast for Quinn.

Quinn turned his head toward Cian, a sated, sleepy smile on his face. “Hmm, I’m perfect.” He reached up and traced gently over Cian’s lips, then over his cheekbones, then ran his hand through the curled-up dark hair, damp with sweat. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Cian remembered wondering that last night.


“For showing me how it should be… for taking care of me.” He gave a little shrug. “For not jumping out of bed?”

Cian just smiled down at him before he reached for the closest item of clothing and used it to clean Quinn off as best he could before taking care of himself. He dropped what turned out to be Quinn’s T-shirt back on the floor and gathered him into his arms.

Quinn snuggled in, tucking his head under Cian’s chin, their legs tangled together. Cian reached down and grabbed the blanket they’d kicked out of the way and covered them both.

“Taking care of you is easy. You’re so responsive to the simplest touch, so open, so willing to just let go.” He ran his fingers through Quinn’s silky blond hair, loving how he leaned in to the touch, a little growl in his throat, almost like a purr. “Your ex was an idiot, love. He had no idea how amazing you are.”

Quinn pulled back a little to look at him, and Cian couldn’t help pressing a kiss to Quinn’s forehead. “But I’m kind of glad he was so stupid.” He chuckled at the baffled look on Quinn’s face and pulled him close again. “If he wasn’t so stupid, you would never have come here—at least, not alone—and I wouldn’t have met you.”

“I’ve never met anyone like you, Cian. You’re so honest and so easy to talk to and trust.” Quinn’s speech was starting to slur sleepily.


“Let’s catch a few more hours of shut-eye, yeah? Then we can go and explore to your heart’s content.” Cian was finding it hard to stay awake himself. “M’kay.” Quinn sighed quietly before speaking again. “You gotta feed me later, though. I’m gonna be hungry.”


Cian laughed quietly. “Of course, darlin’. Whatever you want.”

“Hmm, now? I want sleep. Later… I want you.” He slid his arm across Cian’s chest, hung on like he never wanted to let go, and slipped off to sleep before Cian could answer. It didn’t matter anyway. Cian was in complete agreement… with everything.

Chapter 7
woke up an hour later and found himself spooned around Quinn again. He chuckled a little. This was getting to be a habit, one he could get used to.

He slid out of bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping blond. He smiled down at him fondly for a moment, gently brushing the hair out his eyes, his heart stuttering a little when Quinn simply leaned in to the touch but continued sleeping.

Cian quietly grabbed a clean pair of boxers and padded to the shower naked. He wanted to wake Quinn and bring him along, but he didn’t trust himself to behave, and he and Quinn needed to make a trip to the chemist’s before things could go any further. He figured some supplies were in order.

Once he was showered and dressed, he walked over to the bed and crouched down beside it, looking at Quinn for a few minutes before leaning over to press a soft kiss to those perfect lips. “Time to wake up, sleeping beauty.”

The angelic smile he got as those impossibly long lashes fluttered open almost took his breath away. “I told you, m’not beautiful.”

Cian couldn’t help but lean in and nuzzle his nose against Quinn’s. “And I told you I beg to differ, love.” He kissed him gently again. “You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.” His deep whisper sent shivers down Quinn’s spine.

“Come back to bed.”


And Cian almost did but stopped short. “Uh-uh. We’ve got some places to see and some stops to make.”


“More important than this?” Quinn rolled onto his side, the sheet covering his lower half sliding down dangerously, barely keeping his limited modesty intact. Cian leaned over him, pressing him back into the mattress, and kissed him desperately, both of them groaning with want.

He pulled back when he needed to breathe and looked into Quinn’s eyes. His pupils were blown wide, ringed by a gorgeous caramel color, and they beckoned him to forget everything else and just stay. But he couldn’t.

He reached up and traced over the soft planes of Quinn cheeks, caressing his lips with adoring fingers. “Sweetheart, I’d like nothing more than to stay here and never let you leave this bed, but before this goes any further, we need to get a few things, and for that, we need a trip to the chemist’s.”

Quinn looked at him in confusion for a second, working out what he meant. Cian could see it the second he clued in, and it was adorable the way the blush spread down from his face and over his torso before disappearing under the sheet that was barely covering him.

“Oh yeah. I guess I wasn’t really prepared for… that.”

Cian couldn’t help but grin at
Quinn, the one who was shy, sweet, and blushing. Cian sat on the edge of the mattress and trailed his fingers over the soft skin of Quinn’s stomach, reveling in the tiny shivers racking his frame.

“If you’re trying to get me out of bed, you’re not being very convincing.” Quinn stretched languidly, arching his body into Cian’s touch, and Cian had a hard time remembering why Quinn getting up was so important.

He brought his hand back up and curled it around the back of Quinn’s head, using it to pull him into a kiss that was as demanding as it was tender. When they broke to breathe, Quinn laid his head in Cian’s lap, just relaxing, enjoying the closeness that wasn’t really asking anything of him.

Cian raked through Quinn’s soft hair, loving how the silky tresses felt slipping through his fingers.


Quinn’s eyes closed and he almost purred with pleasure. “Hmmm, feels nice.” He snuggled his face a little closer to Cian’s belly, drifting in a lazy haze.

Of course, Quinn’s hot breath against that thin strip of exposed skin between his shirt and jeans didn’t do much to calm Cian down. He tangled his fingers into the soft locks and turned Quinn’s head so he could see his eyes.

“You know, darlin’, the sooner you’re up and about, the sooner we can eat—” Quinn’s stomach chose that moment to make itself known, gurgling loudly. Quinn was thoroughly embarrassed, but Cian just shushed him.


“And the sooner we can stop at the store, we can get what we need, and get back here.” He punctuated his words with breathy kisses over Quinn’s face.

Quinn levered himself up onto one elbow so he could press a long, slow kiss to Cian’s inviting mouth. When he pulled back, he smiled mischievously. “Okay, then.” He pushed Cian back and sat up. “Guess I’d better go and shower.”

With that, he threw the sheet off and quickly pushed himself up and out of Cian’s reach. He snagged a pair of briefs out of his bag on the way and sashayed off to the bathroom, leaving Cian with a just a glimpse of paradise.

Cian chuckled quietly as he watched him go. “Cheeky bugger.”

Quinn didn’t take as long to get ready as Cian thought he would, and soon they were on their way to the little café they had spotted the day before.
loved walking along holding Cian’s hand, and Cian didn’t give any indication he wanted to let go anytime soon.

When they reached the café, they saw tables set on a small patio at the side of the building and decided to ask if they could sit there. The hostess was accommodating, and they found themselves at a beautiful little table for two, coffee on the way and menus in their hands.

They sat on opposite sides, their feet tangled together, and playfully bantered about what to have for breakfast.

By the time the waitress came with their coffees, they had decided to share a platter for two that included bacon, sausages, ham, eggs, fried potatoes, and toast. They both asked for milk, and the woman left them with an indulgent smile on her face and a comment about growing boys.

Quinn looked at Cian with dark eyes and a smirk. “She really has no idea.” It was Cian’s turn to blush as he took Quinn’s hand across the table. “Behave yourself. We need to get through breakfast. You’ll need to keep up your strength.”

Quinn was having a hard time not launching himself across the table at Cian and grinding himself into his lap, so he decided to change the subject. “So, Cian, tell me about you. Do you like working with your grandfather? Did you never want to do anything else?”

Cian rubbed his thumb over Quinn’s knuckles for a second before answering. “Yeah, well, it’s not something that would ever happen for me, but I used to want to be a vet.” He kept looking at Quinn’s hand, clearly trying to hide his emotions.

“Why couldn’t it happen for you, Cian? I mean, I know you’re smart enough to do it, and you obviously have a passion for animals.” Quinn could see it was hard for Cian to talk about, and he felt bad for asking, but Cian kept speaking.

“It’s the money, you see. I don’t have any.”
“But your grandfather—”

Cian just shook his head. “I couldn’t ask him. He’s done so much for me already. And he needs me on the farm, helping him out, so that’s that.”

Quinn wasn’t quite sure he bought Cian’s excuse, but he let it go for now. But he had a questioning kind of brain, and it definitely wasn’t the end of the subject. “Well I, for one, think you would make an awesome vet. A sexy one too.” He was glad to see that it made Cian smile a little.

“I think you’re biased a bit, love.”
“Nope. You’re kind, gentle, and you obviously care about animals, and people, a lot.” He squeezed Cian’s fingers and looked up to see the waitress coming toward them with a full tray. “Breakfast is here.” He reluctantly let go of Cian’s hand to make room for the food.

When they saw all the food on the tray, they looked at each other and then the waitress. Cian spoke first. “Are you sure this is only supposed to feed two people?” Cian was pretty sure there was enough on the tray to feed six.

“Don’t worry if you can’t finish it all, love. We won’t be offended in the least.” She offered more coffee, but they declined until after they were done.

“Geez, Cian, you’d better get started.”
Cian looked at him with wide eyes. “Me? What about you?”

Quinn grabbed a piece of bacon and put it in his mouth, then moaned at how good it was. “Okay, the bacon’s all mine. You can have the rest.”

Both laughed and started eating. They chatted through the rest of the meal, content to stick to lighter subjects. They watched people passing by, totally unaware of the lovely picture they made, Quinn’s blond head next to Cian’s dark one.

Most of the food had been eaten before they finally gave up and called it quits at pretty much the same time. The waitress brought them fresh coffee, and when they were done, they paid their bill, leaving a generous tip, and headed back out to the sidewalk, hands entwined once again.

They walked slowly but surely toward their destination, and when they got there, they went in together. Quinn was a bit nervous, but then again, he’d never really bought supplies before. He’d only ever been with David, and he’d always taken care of it.

Cian just led him confidently to the family planning section and picked what they needed. After grabbing a few more things—Quinn needed soap; Cian needed razor blades—they paid for everything and left.

Wandering around the festival again, they caught a few more bands, but they both kept to soda, deciding beer wasn’t needed for today. The building anticipation had them putting off going back to the hotel, deciding instead to just enjoy each other’s company and take their time getting to know each other a little.

As they walked past a booth selling jewelry, they stopped to look at the wares on display. Some bracelets caught Quinn’s eye. Black and silver with Celtic knots, they had a simple beauty about them and held Quinn transfixed.

Cian saw him looking and asked to see them. Quinn blushed and tried to say no, but Cian hushed him and fitted one on Quinn’s wrist. There were two almost identical, and Cian took the other one and put it on. They looked at each other and Quinn smiled shyly. Cian paid for them both.

When Quinn wanted to protest again, Cian shook his head, lifting his arm and placing his hand on Quinn’s chest over his heart. “For us to remember.” Quinn just nodded, eyes shining brightly.
BOOK: Luck of the Irish
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