Read Lucy Surrenders Online

Authors: Maggie Ryan,Blushing Books

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Victorian, #Regency, #Historical Romance

Lucy Surrenders (6 page)

BOOK: Lucy Surrenders
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"Did you learn anything this morning?" Lucas asked quietly.  He felt her nod her head against his chest.  "Tell me," Lucas said, before moving to set her away from him.  Lucy took a deep breath as she attempted to gain control over her emotions.  She didn't want to talk; she simply wanted to lay her head on his chest, his arms around her.  Lucas lifted her chin with his finger as he forced her eyes to meet his again.  "Tell me, little one."

"To ... to obey and sub ... submit," Lucy whispered, her voice quivering.  She took a deep breath.  "To ... to accept that I will be pun ... punished when I choose to be nau ... naughty."  Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

"How and to whom shall you submit, Kitten?" Lucas asked, knowing this was the first step of many.  He knew he was perfectly capable of forcing her to do whatever he wished; he was more than twice her size and could easily overpower her.  He did not desire to do so.  He wanted—and more importantly, would not move forward without—her voluntary submission.  He knew she would have to come to him to answer for her misbehavior.  He would never berate her fear of whatever punishment he decreed necessary as that was a normal, expected fear of pain he could understand.  Though he would punish her quite harshly when she had earned such punishment, he did not ever want her to be afraid of him personally.

Lucy felt as if they were the only two people in existence at this moment.  She knew in the deepest part of her soul that this was the one man who would demand everything from her, things she had yet no knowledge of how to give.  Despite her ignorance, her heart was pounding with the anticipation of more than just a promised spanking.

"To you, Sir," she whispered, her eyes softening.  "To you in all things."

"That's my good girl," he said, and his smile made her heart
stutter. “That lesson will serve you well, Kitten."  Lucy blushed but nodded.  They both turned when they became aware of someone approaching.

Reed swallowed his jealousy as he approached the couple, a packet of papers in his hands.  Throughout his sermon, he had not seemed to be able to allow his eyes to stray from the beautiful young woman.  She had appeared to be listening attentively to his words as if she were drinking them in to quench a deep thirst in her soul.  Her upturned face and wide eyes had repeatedly drawn his gaze to her.  He now watched as she looked up and met his eyes briefly, before immediately flushing and lowering her gaze.  Reed smiled as he recognized the guilt she was trying to hide.  He dealt weekly with naughty little girls and knew he was watching one at this moment.  He wondered what she had done to feel such guilt and then found himself wishing that she had been naughty during services so that she would be forced to answer to him, as well.

"Lord Huntington, is there a problem?" Reed said as he stopped before the couple.  They both saw his brow furrow as he made a point of looking directly at Lucy.  "My dear, you look far more like a naughty little girl than a blushing bride-to-be.  Child, confession is good for your soul."  He could practically see the small woman squirming with her repressed guilt.

"Since you are not yet a married woman, Lord Huntington is not yet responsible for your spiritual soul.  I suggest you accompany me to my chambers so that we might speak in private.  I shall hear your confession so that your heart may be untroubled."  Lucy remained silent though her eyes spoke the truth of his words.  She felt she must confess in order to be able to breathe freely again.  His eyes continued to bore into her own until she began to tremble, her mouth parting as if the confess on the spot.  Lucas saw her face and knew that she was massively intimidated by the preacher.  He reached out before she could speak and drew her to his side.  He felt her quiver and press herself closer to him.  Lucas recognized the official document in Reed's hand.

"I assure you that the responsibility became mine the moment the decision was made to wed, Sir," Lucas said making sure the man understood fully.  "If Miss Furniss has any soul-searching to do or confessions to make, she, Sir, shall make it to me.

"Reed gave a single nod of his head, conceding the battle to this huge man.  "Certainly, Lord Huntington," he said.  "I was just concerned with your little one as she

"I see you brought the documents," Lucas interrupted, not caring what the man thought.  As far as Lucas was concerned, Reed's interest in Lucy was far more than that of a man of the cloth, concerned about a member of his congregation.  He released Lucy, to reach into his coat and withdraw his wallet.  He handed some folded notes to Reed in exchange for the special license he had requested.  "I certainly appreciate your time and service on our behalf," Lucas said, to offer the man some measure of authority.

"Think nothing of it, Lord Huntington," Reed said as he reluctantly released the papers that would remove any chance of Lucy's being free to wed another.  "It was my pleasure to be of service.  When would you desire the ceremony to take place?" Reed asked, with a barely concealed sigh.

Lucy watched the exchange and then looked to see Edward and Louisa approaching.  She suddenly realized that everyone she loved was in this room.  She turned to Lucas.  "Must we wait?" she asked, and watched as Lucas' eyes widened in surprise.  She blushed, suddenly embarrassed at her outburst as if she were begging he wed her before he came to his senses and realized she was not the woman he truly desired.  Lucas smiled and traced a finger down her cheek.

"Are you so anxious to wed that you wish to forego a more formal ceremony?" Lucas asked.  "Kitten, we can wed this moment if that is what you desire.  I neither desire nor need a large ceremony.  All I care is that you become my wife and my little one."

Lucy's heart stuttered again at his words.  She unconsciously ran her hands down the fabric of her pinafore, accepting that she would have an unconventional wedding dress, as well as an unconventional role as Lady Huntington.  She also knew she had no desire to wait another single moment to begin that role.  "Please, Lucas," she said looking around the room.  "I don't need a special ceremony.  Everyone I love is here.  I ... I want to be your wife before you
spa..." she stopped, realizing that Reed was listening intently.  She didn't need to continue; Lucas understood exactly what she desired.

"Yes, my love, it would give me great joy if we wed now," Lucas said and turned to Reed.  The pastor nodded and then took the license back from Lucas, turning to lead him back into the church proper.

Edward walked towards his ward, a gentle smile on his lips.  She returned the smile as he drew her into his arms.  "Are you sure, little one?" he asked, quietly.  She nodded quickly.

"Yes, Sir," she answered, without hesitation.  She saw Louisa smiling as well, and Lucy knew her decision was the correct one.  Edward kissed her
cheek. “You do realize that wedding now will not release you from the discipline you have earned, Lucille?" Edward asked, knowing his happiness for her did not release him from his responsibility in guiding his ward.  Lucy met his eyes and nodded again.

"Yes, Sir, I ... I know," she answered, blushing at the reminder of the debt she still owed for her misbehavior.  "I'm sorry I was so naughty this morning," Lucy continued.  "I ... I know I ... I am to be spanked."  Edward nodded, proud that she was not attempting to wiggle out of an upcoming spanking by suggesting a wedding, instead.

"That's my good girl," Edward said, and released her.  "Go with Louisa, Lucille," he instructed.  "You will have a few minutes to talk, and then you shall wed."  Her face showed her happiness as he left the sisters alone and went to join the men.

"Oh, Lucy, I am so happy for you," Louisa said, enveloping her twin in a hug.  Lucy hugged her back, her heart pounding as she realized she was indeed marrying in a few moments.  She pulled away.

"I am getting married," Lucy said as if it were news.  Louisa giggled, and Lucy's delightful laughter soon joined hers.  When they regained their composure, Lucy leaned towards her sister.  "Louisa, I love him so much but... but I'm sca ... scared.  What ... what if I can't be all he demands?  How ... how will I know what to ... to do?  Maybe ... maybe we should wait ... maybe..." her voice trailed off as her mind buzzed with thousands of questions for which she had no answers.  Louisa reached her hand to her sister's cheek.

"Lucy, shhh ... Lucas loves you.  Everything is as it should be.  There is nothing for you to fear.  Lucas will teach you all you need know."  Louisa reassured her twin, knowing that every single day would be spent in learning what Lucas demanded. Lucy appeared unconvinced, her eyes darting to the door of the chapel where the men were waiting.  "Perhaps Charles would not have wished for all that Lucas might desire," she said as she lowered her eyes and allowed her hands to run down the front of the childish yellow dress.  "I am not frightened to become a wife ... I am frightened to become a child-wife.  I ... I don't think ... I'm not sure I can ... can be like you," Lucy whispered as she finally faced the true aspect of her hesitation.

Louisa shook her head slowly as her heart ached with the desire to reassure her sister that she could fulfill whatever role her new husband would demand.  "Lucy, you chose Lucas.  You did not choose Charles.  I will not lie to you," she said softly.  "It won't always be easy, but your heart made your choice and you must trust in yourself."  Neither girl was aware when Edward quietly approached them.  He had wondered what was causing their delay and had heard the conversation, though it was quietly spoken.

"Lucille," he said, and saw both girls give a small start of surprise.  "Lucille, now is the time to tell me the truth.  Is your choice true?"  He held out his hand to her.  If she hesitated, if she showed true fear of marrying the man she had chosen, he knew he would support her.  Though this knowledge truly surprised him, Edward understood that living the life that Lucas would demand would be difficult.  He knew that giving herself to his care, learning at his feet, would require not only love but complete and total submission in all ways.  He knew his ward would often learn her lessons while receiving painful discipline.  Accepting that pain would be hard enough; accepting it without the true desire to submit to the man doling out the discipline would bring neither Lucy nor Lucas the true joy and deep love that he shared with Louisa.

"Do you truly wish to learn to be the wife in Lucas' bed?  Do you wish to submit and learn to become the special little one you know you must be for your new Papa?  Tell me, Lucy, are you anxious to become the student at Lucas' feet as he becomes your teacher, even though your lessons will be difficult?  Is Lucas the husband, the Papa, and the teacher you desire?  Is Lucas the one man you feel you cannot live your life without?" He asked, his voice soft and full of concern.  Lucy's eyes never left his own, though her face flushed at his words.  Louisa held her breath as she listened to Edward's questions, her mind flashing back to remember her own vows and all the things she had since learned.  She watched as Lucy's face seemed to light from within, her eyes clearing of any doubt, her face flushing prettily as she stepped forward and placed her hand in Edward's.

"Yes," Lucy whispered only the one word, but it was enough to set her upon the path she would follow for the rest of her life.  Edward pulled her to his chest, hugging her and closing his eyes briefly.

"Then it is time," he said as he released her to place a kiss on her cheek.  She nodded, her smile accenting her incredible beauty and happiness.  Edward took Louisa's hand as well and led them to the open door of the church.  Lucy's eyes found those of the man she had chosen and her heart filled.  As the three walked slowly to the front, she found all she needed to know reflected in the eyes that held hers captive.  Love and promises of things unimagined flowed into her.  Her blood began to race through her veins.  Her body seemed to vibrate with the desire to fall at his feet; begging to begin to learn to become all he desired.

Louisa and Edward stepped to the side as Lucas stepped forward.  He took Lucy's hand and placed it in the crook of his arm before covering it with his own.  They stood in front of Pastor Reed, though each only had eyes for the other.  Lucy listened to the pastor read the vows that would bind her to this man for eternity, vows that were both the same and yet very different from those of a traditional marriage.  Promises made here were not given easily, and when broken, carried a penalty that would not always be easy to pay.  Lucy's eyes never left Lucas' as she answered.

"Do you promise to love, honor and obey your husband?" Reed asked.

"Yes, I promise to love, honor and obey my husband," she answered.

"Do you promise to give your obedience and submit your body to your husband as he guides you along the proper path with whatever discipline he deems necessary or simply desires?" Reed asked.  He expected at least a moment's hesitation, knowing as he did that Lucy was already slated for some form of discipline.

Instead, he heard her answer instantly: "Yes, I promise to be obedient and accept my husband's decisions and submit my body to my husband's discipline," Lucy answered, seeing the promise of such discipline in Lucas' eyes.  She felt her stomach flutter but knew deep in her soul that she would do as she vowed.

"Do you promise to offer all of your body in complete submission to your husband's pleasure whenever, and in whatever way, he deems or desires?" Reed asked, knowing that outside this small circle of people who practiced this lifestyle, his words would have been received with shock.  Lucy flushed hotly, her eyes remaining on Lucas' as they seemed to draw her into their depths with promises of pleasures she couldn't even imagine.

BOOK: Lucy Surrenders
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