LW Browning - Krystile Warriors 01 - Warlord's Honor (7 page)

BOOK: LW Browning - Krystile Warriors 01 - Warlord's Honor
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laire sat apart from the others with a clear view of the evening sky. She was more comfortable with the quiet buzz of the minds of these people. Still, she was surprised that she was able to tolerate being around so many for so long. All day she had fought the nausea the headache brought. She had struggled with her shields and now she was exhausted.

The moons were rising in a deep purple sky on one horizon while the sun set in multi-colored glory on the other. The larger of the moons was blue and looked close enough to touch, while the smaller moon was a crescent. There was much beauty here. Claire began her meditation. She was tethered to this place by some invisible umbilical cord. Breathing deep, she pulled in pure strength while opening herself to allow the force of nature to flow into her.

Finally, she relaxed. The sky came alive as another meteor shower caused everyone in the camp to look up. Power flowed into Claire.

When she finished her meditation, she enjoyed the show in the night sky a few moments before going to the tent. This was a wondrous world and she already felt sad. She would miss it when she left.

"Girl, it is polite to thank Koda for the bird he provided you," Osiria said as Claire passed by.

She glanced at Koda sitting with his warlords.

"I appreciate your help with the cooking. I will thank him later when he is not surrounded by others. Good night."

Koda and his warlords had enjoyed enough amusement at her expense. She needed to rest.


nside the tent, Claire lay down against the far wall and turned on her side to face it. Exhausted, she waited for sleep to come. Instead, what came to her was Koda.

He entered the tent moments after she lay down. She pretended to be asleep, but his presence in the tent triggered another strong flashback from the night before. Claire moaned as heat from last night's sexual encounter flowed through her core. Her muscles tensed and her back arched. She remembered having his hands on her body. By all the fates. Did the normals have to deal with these feelings all the time? She heard him chuckle in the darkness before he turned up the light.

"I would speak with you, girl." His voice was soft, but her heart jumped.

Claire sat up. She had projected her feelings from the night before to him. Why did her body betray her like this?

"Thank you for the bird, Warlord Leader." She saw the look of surprise flit across his handsome face.

"It was my pleasure. I need your abilities. Tomorrow, we will meet with a Tribal Chief. I would have you..."

"Receive or read is what we call it," Claire finished for him.

Koda nodded, "Yes, receive from him and his warriors during the meeting."

Claire gave a relieved sigh, "Of course, Warlord Leader." At last, she was going to be useful to him. She wanted this assignment to be over soon.

"Never have I had such an experience as last night," he began.

Claire's heart dropped.

"You were a virgin, yet you responded to me as a woman of experience. Is your ability to share the feelings of others so strong that you took my feelings and gave them back to me? Is that the reason I thought you eager to lie with me?"

Claire's shoulders tightened. She looked around the tent as if to find an answer. "I-I do not know. I have never experienced anything like what happened last night. MX do not have sex and we almost never touch normals. Most of the feelings came from you, from your past experiences and your expectations. I had very little knowledge of what went on between two people when they copulate. MX are—not sexual creatures."

Koda looked at her. His light blue eyes so deep she could have fallen into them for eternity.

"So you keep saying," he said. "You could have refused me. Why did you not?"

She glanced at him for the barest second, her need to hide the misery and unease she knew he would see in her green eyes, set her on edge. She came up on her knees as if she might try to run out of the tent. Panic threatened to take her over. She breathed faster. 

"I await your answer," Koda said.

"I d- I do not know. It was strong. The emotions were very strong..." she trailed off. She held herself with her arms across her body. "Y-your feelings were so strong. It felt like you took over –– in my mind." She bit her bottom lip and looked around the tent.

"You had an orgasm, little one. Did you enjoy the coupling?" His voice was low and dark. His voice soothed her, covered her like warm water.

She reminded herself to breathe. How could he do this to her? A wave of sexual heat rolled over her like a hot wind from a raging fire. She hated that her body reacted this way when he was near. "I do not know," she managed to whisper.

"I would know," Koda said.

"Yes, I guess I did enjoy it. It was just... different. Intense." Claire shrugged.

"I have never encountered another with your abilities. I have no way of knowing if you enjoyed it. I would know that. I think you should know as well."

Claire's eyes opened wider. She had been unable to separate her emotions from his when they had sex. She had been unable to completely separate her emotions from his all day today. Did the reactions of her body to his nearness mean that she wanted his touch again?

"Take off your clothes and unbind your hair." Koda interrupted her thoughts with his velvet command.

Certain she had heard him wrong, she searched his eyes. No, she heard him correctly. His voice was soft in the semi-darkness of the tent, but she had no doubt he was not accustomed to being refused. 

"Now." His voice was still velvet soft. Dark and husky, it played across her body like a bowstring across a violin. No matter what the MX Facility might do, it was not wise to disobey Koda. Claire thought she might only be making excuses for herself.

Claire raised trembling fingers to the sash at her waist and worked it free. She unfastened the buttons of her khaki shirt, took a deep breath, and pulled it off her shoulders. Her hands shook as she removed the breast binding and hesitated before she pulled it away from her skin, releasing pale orbs with pink nipples. Frozen in place, she glanced up at Koda. He was too intense. She did not hold eye contact with him. Air caressed her breasts. Her nipples hardened even more. She crossed her arms to cover her chest.

"Continue," he said as he sat cross-legged on the tent floor.

Claire untied her skirt and slipped it off, and then pushed her panties down over her hips to her knees. She was in a state now, molten need began to heat within her core as his scrutiny caused her body to burn. She pulled the panties over her knees, down, and slowly off before she covered her breasts again and shivered.

"Get back on your knees."

She could not process his command. Fear edged into her heart. "Wh-what are you going to do?" 

"Take your hair down."

With shaking hands, she unfastened her hair, grateful when it covered her breasts. She looked into his eyes and thought of light blue ice chips.

Koda watched her closely. She knew her green eyes were turning violet, their soft glow added to the dim light inside the tent.

Her heartbeat quickened when he pulled leather gloves on his hands. "Come here. I will not hurt you."

She got up from her knees, and moved to him. He was so big, even sitting, with her standing over him. She was unable to stop trembling.

"Come here," he said again.

"No," Claire whispered.

Koda pulled her to him so that her legs straddled him as he sat. She stood shaking before him. Claire was vulnerable to him like this. She whimpered.

"You are capable of sexual desire. I have not touched you, but you respond. Spread your legs wider."

Again, she did as she was told, her mind numb as her body vibrated with what she now knew was sexual tension. The knowledge fit into place with what was happening to her.

Koda reached up and pulled the knuckles of his gloved hand across her erect nipples. His touch was feather light.

She moaned.

He moved his gloved hand between her legs and pressed a finger inside her. It slipped in with ease. Her body moved, muscles tightened around his gloved finger. She moaned again.

"Do you want me to stop, little one?" he asked.

All she knew was her need. She needed this massive warlord. She needed him to – give her release. He removed his finger from inside her.

"No," she whispered.

"No, what?" He said.

"No, do not stop," she whispered.

He pushed his finger back inside her, filling her.

Her muscles clenched his finger as she moved her hips to accept him. He pressed his thumb to the swollen part of her and began to massage. His movements were slow and gentle. He moved his finger in and out of her wetness as he watched the expressions cross her face. Her breathing irregular, she panted and gasped for air. She went up on her toes and tried to move her legs wider to allow him better access with his gloved hand. Her hips moved in rhythm with his hand.

"Touch your breasts. Pinch your nipples," he said.

She complied much faster this time, whimpering as she moved her thumbs across her nipples while he continued to massage her and press his finger in and out of her core.

She moaned and her back arched as he added a second finger.

"Look at me," his voice was husky.

Claire did not want him to see her face, her need, but neither did she want him to stop. She opened her eyes and looked into his eyes, trembling when she could not hold back her small whimpers of pleasure and need.

"Now tell me girl, do you wish me to stop?"

"No," she whispered, "Please, please do not stop. I need."

"What do you need girl?"

"I need – release, please."

He smiled and increased the rhythm of his hand as he continued the pressure of his thumb massage on her throbbing center. When he curled his fingers inside her, she made a sound in her throat. He reached behind her with his other hand to help keep her steady. Like a dam breaking, she came apart. Her back arched, her breasts felt as if they were on fire. It felt so good.

She was helpless, shattering into a thousand pieces. The orgasm rolled through her, over her, around her, out of her. Her need for contact with his gloved hand held her in place as her hips jerked and everything within rushed out like a star going supernova. She turned her face up to the ceiling of the tent as her body bowed back. A cry tore from her throat.

She stayed on her feet as the last of the orgasm jerked her body and raged through her. Moments later, she felt a twinge deep within as she bent forward, panting, trying to regain her breath and her thoughts. Her legs were shaking. She supported herself with her hands on his shoulders. His skin was hot, smooth, corded with muscles beneath the smooth surface. Touching him let her see what she looked like to him. She felt his satisfaction at having brought her to climax.

Claire looked down into his eyes. Slivers of blue ice, the expression in them chilled her.

The wetness between her legs ran down the inside of her thighs when he removed his gloved hand.

"I'm so – so sorry." Shyness caused her to hide her face and cover her breasts with her arms and hair.

"Come here, girl." His voice was soft, warm honey. She was enveloped by his voice, wrapped in a cocoon of soft intimacy.

She let him pull her down. Still shaking from the intense orgasm, she thought she might faint.

He pulled her into his lap and held her close, his mouth beside her ear. "Do you still think yourself a non-sexual creature?"

"No," she whispered in wonder. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, her face so close... She kissed the side of his neck, instinct guiding her. Claire hugged him and ran her fingers through his hair. She breathed him in.

He removed the gloves from his hands and lifted her chin to look at her. His touch on her face flooded her with his feelings and emotions. She shook with the power of them. Koda’s emotions were strong. Suddenly she could not read him. 

"I want you to think about this experience and what you have learned."

She nodded her head.

"Think if you enjoy being touched as I have touched you."

His words filled her with panic. "No, I do not want anyone else to touch me. I cannot bear it."

He frowned and tilted his head slightly. "I do not share, girl. Tell me what else troubles you."

Claire sighed. "I am not supposed to do these things. It is forbidden. How can I ever return to the MX Facility after I have broken so many rules? They will punish me. The MX are watched and..." she trailed off.

He stroked her hair with one hand. "No harm will come to you. You are under my protection.
No one will question me."

Claire did not know how Koda could protect her after she left this place, but tilted her face up to see the sincerity in his eyes. He lowered his great blond head to kiss her. She had no more room for thoughts of anything other than Koda. When the kiss ended, he pulled a small bag from behind him. "Face down, this will take the soreness away."

She liked being held in his lap, but she moved to the pallet and lay down. Her body relaxed as he massaged the oil into her muscles. Koda’s hands were big and strong and warm on her skin. His touch was gentle as he worked. The ache in her back and legs melted away. She had never been touched like this.

Soon, their bodies joined in shared passion. Later, they lay in each other's arms while sleep pulled her into downy softness and Koda stroked her hair.

Above them, the night sky filled with the brilliance of another meteor shower.

BOOK: LW Browning - Krystile Warriors 01 - Warlord's Honor
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