Maddie's Bet: Sex With a Stranger (4 page)

BOOK: Maddie's Bet: Sex With a Stranger
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“Here, come and look at this. It’s the only part of the décor here that hasn’t been spoiled.” In front of me is the most amazing view of the ocean I have ever seen. Very large floor-to-ceiling windows offer a large panoramic view of the shore. The moon is nearly full and high in the sky, allowing us this magnificent view. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” His arm is now around my shoulder, pulling me close to his side. I can feel his breath lightly stirring my hair, giving a sample of things to come.

“Yes, it is.” He looks down at me and our eyes meet. I am talking about the view, but I can see in his expression that he knows I’m also talking about him. He appears to be pleased and leans down until his lips touch mine. Lightly caressing and seducing. Brushing back and forth, asking permission to enter.
Oh god, yes! Permission granted.
The kiss deepens. Our breaths become one. Our tongues are dueling to an age-old rhythm. I’m floating, flying slowly through the air. Then I realize that once again he is carrying me. The kiss goes on, deeper, harder. He’s taken all my control away. I’m drowning in this kiss, in him. I don’t know where he’s taking me. I can guess, but I don’t care. All I want right now is to be naked, skin to skin, and I don’t care where we do it. Now I’m being lowered, sliding down his body. My feet touch the floor, but the kiss continues. Suddenly I need to breathe. I apply pressure to his shoulders. The kiss ends. Both our chests are rising and falling as we struggle for breath. His eyes are devouring me, traveling from my head to my toes. Mine are doing the same to him. I can’t hear his thoughts, but if his facial expression is any indication, then he likes what he sees. I know I do. My mouth is watering at the thought of what undressing him will reveal. What I have felt pressed against me is very pleasing indeed, and I’m sure I’m not going to be disappointed.

He says in a low voice, “I really do like that outfit on you. It gives me teasing glimpses of what it hides, but I’d much rather see it lying on the floor.”

I have the same in mind for his clothing, so I decide that maybe I should make the first move. After all, it’s been a long time since anyone has looked at me like this. I raise hands to his shoulders and slowly lower them towards his biceps, taking his vest with them. It slides slowly off his arms and quietly hits the floor. All the time I maintain eye contact, showing him my hunger.

“My turn,” he says as he starts to lift the sides of my top. I raise both arms to help speed up the process. Before I know it it’s over my head and has joined his vest on the floor. “Beautiful.” He’s staring at my breasts. They are rising and falling in invitation. “I can’t wait to taste them.” Then that’s it, there is no more hesitation. He once again takes possession of my mouth. Our hands are everywhere. The sound of the ocean in the background is now accompanied by the sound of zippers being lowered. My skirt is skimming down my legs and his pants are traveling down his. We step out of the respective items together. Only my underwear and shoes remain. I can’t remember him taking off the rest of his clothing. He stands before me, gloriously naked. He’s my fantasy in the flesh. Then I’m being backed up until my legs come into contact with what I suspect is the bed. I haven’t really paid any attention to the room or the furnishings yet. I only have eyes for him.

“Lie back.” His tone is controlling again, but it’s what I want. I want him to take control and make me his. As I lower myself slowly to the bed, I start to doubt myself—will he like what he sees, or will I disappoint him? Now I’m conscious of my near nakedness, my underwear leaving very little to the imagination. My hands rise to cover my breasts. “Put your arms above your head and keep them there. I want to look at you. Hmm… very nice,” he says as his eyes roam over my thong and the flimsy white scrap of lace I’m wearing as a bra. My doubts vanish with his low growl of approval.

I can feel his skin caressing mine as he slowly drags his body over my own. His weight is supported by his elbows on either side of me. But I want his weight—I crave it. I start to lower my arms so I can pull him closer to me, but he grabs them and raises them again above my head. He transfers both my wrists to one of his hands and holds them in place. His touch is gentle but controlling. It doesn’t matter, I’ve got what I wanted—his body on mine. My nipples are hard points, begging for his touch. I know he can feel them. His chest is smooth, rubbing against the fabric of my bra. I want to take it off, but I can’t move my arms. His head is now above mine and I’m becoming lost in those beautiful blue eyes. “Just relax and enjoy, baby. I’m going to make you feel so good.” His mouth is lowering and I’m anticipating his kiss on my mouth, but he’s moving to the side of my neck. His free hand is moving to the back of my head. He runs his fingers into my hair, grabbing it lightly. My head tilts to the side, giving him better access to my neck. Oh god…he’s nibbling, sucking and teasing with his tongue at the same time. My body is on fire, I’m going to combust, I know it! His hand leaves my hair and moves down the side of my body; I can feel the burn as it descends. His fingers are caressing my curves. No one has ever made me feel this way with just a touch. I can feel him kneading my butt. Now he’s lifting my thigh until my leg wraps around his hips. His hand is lowering, running around the edge of my thong.

Now he’s tracing a line, very lightly, across my core. I can’t hold back; I can feel the orgasm building. What is he doing to me? These are uncharted waters.
Oh my god…it has never been like this. Oh my god…oh my god…

“Do you know how beautiful you are when you cum?” I’m looking at him through my ecstasy-filled haze. “You don’t, do you? No one’s ever told you before.” His eyes are boring into mine. His lips are lowering to my ear, gently sucking on the lobe. He’s reading my mind again. He’s pressing closer. I can feel his hardness growing against my stomach. I gasp. I turn my head and he kisses my neck deeper. Nibbling, sucking, bringing me once again to the edge.

Now his lips are again on mine and he doesn’t need permission to enter. I give it. I’m more than willing. “Turn over.” I need his help but I do as he asks. I’m now lying on my stomach, my wrists still held in his hand. He unhooks my bra, releasing my breasts into his touch. I lift myself off the bed slightly to give him better access. His lips move across the top of my back and my shoulders. I’m beyond thinking. I can only feel. Goosebumps cover my body. I shiver with every touch.

My hands are free. Both his hands are caressing my breasts, squeezing and pulling my nipples until I scream with ecstasy and pain—exquisite pain. I can feel him, his hard, thick cock rubbing against my lower back. I arch my back to get him closer. Closer to where I need him most. He moans, and it’s all the encouragement I need. I’m pushing against him, rubbing and caressing him with my butt. He’s getting harder, longer. I can’t stop: I need him there, now!

“Slow down, baby, or this is going to be over way too soon.” I can hear the strain in his voice. I’m pushing him beyond his control.

“I don’t care! I need you inside me…now! Please!” I continue to rub against him. He’s playing with my breasts, pulling hard on my nipples. I’m struggling to breathe. I can feel his breath in my hair, short and labored like my own. I feel him move to my side and he’s effortlessly turning me over again. Our eyes are locked. I can’t believe that the passion I see in his eyes is for me. He’s mine. Even if it is only for this one night, he’s all mine.

He moves down between my legs, running his hands gently upwards until he reaches my thong. He pulls both sides down and effortlessly removes it from my body. Yes! This is what I have been waiting for. Craving his long, hard length inside me. He’s running his tongue up my legs, going from one to the other and then sucking on the inside of my thighs.

“Please! I can’t stand it any longer. Please, I need you inside me now!”

“Soon, very soon, but first I want to taste you. I can feel your heat and smell your scent and it’s making my head spin.” Then he’s kissing my mound and I can feel his tongue lightly brushing the outside of my lips, tasting my juice for the first time. His broad shoulders spread my legs further apart. He opens me gently with his fingers. “Hmm! Beautiful.” I feel the first flick of his tongue on my hard aching nub. He’s licking it and twirling it with his tongue, sucking on it gently. With his hands under my thighs, he lifts my legs over his shoulders. His tongue continues its torment, going faster and harder.

He slides a finger into my pussy and my body starts to shake. Then a second finger joins the first. He licks even faster…his teeth are lightly pulling and tugging on my clit. I start to moan and I know I’m almost ready to explode. I can hear him speaking, but I don’t want to listen. I want his tongue to continue. I move my hand up and grasp the back of his head, trying to hold him closer, my fingers fisting in his hair.

“Don’t stop, please…,” I beg and hear him laugh.

“You taste so sweet. Cum for me! I want your juice all over my face. Cum…now!” His tongue resumes its motion and instantly I explode. This orgasm is more powerful than the last one. My body is shaking, I can’t stop. There are stars and fireworks, and I’m thinking that I must have died and this is heaven. Never before has it been this intense.

I’m slowly starting to return to reality. “Hmm…delicious!” I can see him licking his lips and I know I’m blushing. But I refuse to feel embarrassed; I deserve this. Now that I know it can be like this, I will never again settle for anything less.

His head is now above mine, our bodies aligned. His powerful arms are supporting his weight on either side of me. I can feel his thighs nudging mine further apart. His head lowers and he’s kissing me. I could live on his kisses alone. But I mustn’t get attached—it’s just tonight. Other than this passion we’re sharing, we know nothing about each other except our first names.

The head of his cock nudges at my pussy lips. No, no, stop! I’m pushing on his shoulders and he breaks the kiss. “What is it, baby?”

“Protection, we need to use protection. I’m clean and I’m on the pill but I…”

“It’s okay, I’m wearing a condom.” I look down and see that he has indeed put one on. His long, thick cock is sheathed in latex and resting at my entrance. I feel foolish, with no recollection of him putting it on, and it must show in my face. “Look at me,” he commands as he lifts my chin. “It’s good to be cautious; there’s nothing wrong with making sure.” I’m holding my bottom lip between my teeth as I nod slightly at him. “Hmm! Can I have a nibble?” His head descends again and I release my lip. He’s nipping and sucking my lips and again my body stirs, responding to him in ways I never imagined possible. I breathe him in; he’s spicy with a slight hint of sandalwood. I’ll never be able to smell it again without reliving this night.

I can feel him start to enter me, inch by glorious inch. My body is stretching to accommodate him but I feel like he’s not going to fit. Then he withdraws and re-enters me. I can feel my juices flowing, easing his path.

“So tight…you feel so good!” he says as he enters further.

I moan and it spurs him on. With a sudden lunge he is fully in me. My back arches off the bed and I hear myself scream. His rhythm increases and I can feel myself start to fall apart. I move my hands to his chest and lightly scrape my nails over his nipples. He shudders and it gives me the encouragement I need. I move my hands down and around his abdomen until I reach his butt. Taking one cheek in each hand, I dig my nails into his glorious flesh and pull him closer, begging him for more. He goes faster, harder, and then I’m shattering, a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns exploding in my head. I can feel him shudder and shake, and with a growl, he joins me and we fall over the edge together.

His body collapses onto mine and I love the feel of his weight pinning me to the bed. I feel safe and fulfilled. It has never felt this way before; I have never felt so complete…and it scares me.

He rolls to his side, taking me with him until half of my body covers his. I rest my head on his chest and his hand starts to caress my hair. This feels so right, yet the nagging voice inside me is screaming at me, warning me to be careful. In only a few hours I am becoming addicted to his touch, and in another few hours it will end.

I can feel the signs of our lovemaking start to run down my legs onto his, so I start to push away with my hand on his chest, but he anchors me to his body with both arms.

“Uh-uh…stay here.” I’m embarrassed, but after what we just shared I shouldn’t be. “I’ll be right back,” he says as he moves me to the side and rises from the bed. Within moments he returns with what looks like a washcloth and returns to lying next to me. He reaches over to wash my thighs and pussy. I try to move away, but again his arm comes around me and I am at his mercy. He gently washes me, then throws the washcloth on the floor. My embarrassment soon passes with every stroke of his hands on my body. Sighing with satisfaction, I snuggle closer and am soon dozing.

The lovemaking continues throughout the night. Each time I fall asleep I am awakened by his magic hands or tongue. After four more sessions of the most adventurous and satisfying sex of my life, we both collapse, exhausted, into a deep sleep.

Chapter 6
BOOK: Maddie's Bet: Sex With a Stranger
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