Make Me Burn: Fireborne, Book 2 (27 page)

BOOK: Make Me Burn: Fireborne, Book 2
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Brandon clenched his jaw as he held her gaze in the mirror, his cheeks flushed over his short beard, his teeth bared as he hissed when she tightened her muscles around him. “Do you want them to, baby? Do you want someone to catch me fucking you? Would you like to invite Ram in so he can watch you come again? I know how much you love to shock me.”

Yes. No. She shook her head. She couldn’t think. This felt deliciously forbidden—fully clothed and bent over in a bathroom at a crowded club with Brandon pumping his impossibly thick cock deep inside her, so deep she could feel him everywhere. So hard her body shook the counter.

name. It’s my name you call when you want to feel like this.” When her head dropped, feeling too heavy to stay upright, he gripped her hair, tugging on the thick tresses until her neck arched and she was watching him in the mirror again. “My name you screamed when I took you so hard we broke the bed. My name you moaned when I took you again on the floor in the rubble.
name you were shouting against the Jinn’s cock when I had you on your knees in the stables. I couldn’t see him, but I knew his scent, Aziza” His hips slammed against her, harder. So hard she cried out from the force of it. Loving each thrust. Needing more.

“I knew what you were doing to him and I didn’t care about anything but fucking your sweet ass until you cried my name. I couldn’t stop.”

He knew. Oh God. She couldn’t take it in. All she could do was feel. “Brandon, don’t stop.
Harder. Fuck me harder.”

He hissed out a curse. “Missed me, baby? Greedy for it? Good. I’m greedy too.” His grip on her hair tightened, his fingers almost bruising. Perfect. “I’ll never get enough of you.”

Everywhere. Fill me everywhere. Take me. Claim me.
“Yes, please

The sound of bare flesh slapping together echoed in the tiled bathroom and he growled. “Tell me. Tell me you love it, baby.”

“I love it.”

“Tell me you love my cock.”

She gasped as his powerful thrusts jarred her body, sending her into space. “I love your cock. Oh fuck, your big, hard cock. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

“I love when you beg, baby. When you shock me with that smart mouth. This is my addiction. The smell of you. The feel of you…” His hips slammed against hers, holding nothing back. “Nothing else matters but this. Only this. This is mine.”

She was coming. Coming so hard her body started to shake and her muscles went limp. He was the only thing holding her up as she leaned her forehead against the mirror. Brandon called her name but then pulled out with a garbled shout, releasing his grip on her.

Aziza spun around dizzily, reaching for him with hands still shaking from the force of the orgasm rippling through her. Her hand covered his fist and she bent and wrapped her lips around him, sucking his flesh desperately against the roof of her mouth. Brandon. His taste. In her. Around her. Everything. Nothing else.

“Jesus, baby.
” Brandon growled, his hand tangling in her hair again as he rocked his hips forward. “Don’t stop. I don’t want this to fucking end.”

She sucked his shaft and licked the head, greedy for every last drop of him. Loving the flavor—salt and man and her.
She moaned when his penis hardened again, flushed with need and still wet with her climax. She loved how he matched her, need for need. He was always ready for more.


“Look at what you do to me, Aziza,” he groaned, stepping back to lean against the wall and taking her with him, the fingers of one hand tightening on her hair again while the other traced her lips, gathering his essence on his fingertips. He moved them up to trace the side of her flushed face, more an animal marking his territory than a tender caress. “I’ll take you any fucking way I can get you. In the loo of a bloody kink club. In an alley. Anywhere, anytime you’ll let me. Ah, yeah, harder. Did you suck him like that, baby? Is that why he can’t stay away?”

The shock of his words made Aziza pull away instinctively. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “Please don’t stop, Aziza. I need you. Tell me you want more. Tell me you want me.”

How could she deny it when she felt the same panicked need for him? As if it were the first time. Or the last. “I want you, Brandon. I always want you.”

He kissed her again, his tongue battling with hers while his hands dropped to her bare hips and he lifted her high against him.

Aziza wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned in surprise when he slipped his arms underneath her thighs, tilting her hips higher. His fingers spread the cheeks of her ass and she felt the head of his erection pushing between them. She lifted her lips and gasped. “Here?”

He’d never taken her like this before, face-to-face as he filled her ass, lowering her onto his cock until he was deep…until he was all the way inside.

He didn’t say a word and didn’t look away from her. His lips were open, so close to hers, but he didn’t kiss her. He breathed with her as he slowly lifted and lowered her onto his shaft.

Aziza’s body was shaking. She sighed out a groan against his lips as she felt every inch of him. Every ridge of his shaft inside her, stretching her, owning her. Achingly slow. Painfully intimate. He did this to her. Brandon. Always Brandon.

“Oh God, Brandon,” she moaned low in her throat. “I—”

“You don’t have to tell me,” he whispered. “I know what you want, Aziza. Give me what I need.”

He’d said that the first time he touched her. The memory flooded her body with heat.

His breathing was ragged. “Fuck, I can feel you squeezing me so tight—baby, I can’t hold on much longer. Touch yourself and come for me.”

She pressed her forehead against his cheek and slipped her hand down between them, rubbing her clit as his grip on her hips tightened and he sped up his thrusts. “Aziza. My Aziza. So good.”

The fire inside her rose up swiftly as she climaxed—she could feel it under the surface of her skin. The power. The force of it.

Passion fuels the Fireborne.

But she could control it. Even when she heard his primal shout and felt him come inside her. Even when he kissed her again as if he were dying and she was his oxygen. His heart.

They held each other for long, silent moments until their bodies stopped shaking and he lowered her to the floor, still holding her close as if she were fragile. Precious.

“I’ve claimed you, Aziza Jane,” he spoke so softly she could barely hear his words. “In every way I can.”

In the only way he ever could. Because she was Fireborne and he was a werewolf. Because they weren’t supposed to be together. His duty and her treaty both agreed. Because he couldn’t stop protecting her and she couldn’t be what he wanted.

She was terrified of how much she needed him. How lost she was whenever he touched her. Maybe it was better that he couldn’t actually claim her. She wasn’t sure she would ever be able to resist him. She wouldn’t be able to say no. And in the end she would hurt him even more.

Moving to the sink, Brandon turned the faucet on and let the water drench his fingers before placing them between her thighs. Cool. Tender. Perfect. He dried her off, dabbing her gently with a rough paper towel before tugging her dress back down over her hips. She had no idea where her thong had ended up.

He washed himself as she straightened her clothes, still trying to recover while the words kept repeating in her head over and over again. He knew. He knew.

“You knew about Ram?”

When he looked at her, Aziza could see his eyes glowing nearly gold. “Of course I knew. I always knew. Why do you think I hated the way you protected him? Hell, I actually resented the bastard for saving Penn’s life because I knew he would use it to his advantage.” He shook his head, a lost expression stealing over his features. “Or at least I thought he would take advantage of that. But he didn’t, did he? Not even when he could have.”

When she just looked at him, his jaw hardened. “Everything in me says that you should be mine. Only mine. That no one else should have you. If I’d acknowledged his presence, what I am would have demanded satisfaction. Blood.”

Aziza wanted to scream. To hit him. To cry at how wrong she’d been. “All this time and you never said a word? I thought you would—that I couldn’t tell you. You hate Jinn. You hate Ram. I want—I don’t even know what I want.”

He reached for her and then froze, his head tilted to the side. “Shit,” he swore, pushing past her and unlocking the bathroom door. “Aziza, we’re going to finish this conversation.”

The door swung open and Aziza saw a handful of women in various states of undress sending her knowing smiles. One of them stepped inside and headed to the nearest stall as Brandon disappeared without another word. “He
a big boy, isn’t he? I don’t blame you, but there are other rooms for that sort of thing.”

He’d locked the door. She hadn’t known, the sneaky devil. “I’m sorry. We got carried away.”

Carried away. They’d had mind-blowing sex in the Underbridge bathroom that she still hadn’t recovered from. He’d claimed her. Brandon Nash was her drug and she was addicted to the way he made her feel. As long as he was touching her, nothing else mattered.

Sex wasn’t the problem
—their chemistry was never in question—but it didn’t make their problems go away. She wished it could. There were things she wanted to share with him. About the Alpha, Shev, West and Dern…about her ability to see into the Jinn and Niyr worlds.

He already knows about Ram.

Aziza sighed. She really wasn’t very good girlfriend material for Brandon. It had always seemed, she saw with new clarity, that she had something to hide with him. That she wasn’t good enough for him. That he wasn’t…enough for what was inside her. What she was becoming.

The sound of sobbing grew louder on the other side of the door, breaking through the chatter of the new arrivals doing their makeup and straightening their clothes. All the women, including Aziza, turned toward the bathroom entrance.

The door crashed open and Aziza recognized the short, dark-haired woman as one of the Kewpies. She was crying hysterically. “Tabitha? What happened?”

“Aziza?” she whimpered, wiping her hands against her cheeks, her mascara leaving dark trails down her face. “That’s your name, isn’t it?”

Aziza moved closer carefully. “Tabitha, what happened? Where are your friends?”

“Blade…” she started before taking a gasping breath, her body bending forward as if someone had punched her in the stomach. “I heard Detective Stanton say Blade was dead. She was here less than an hour ago… I thought I was going to be sick. I…I don’t know what to do.”

“No,” Aziza whispered harshly as the women around them gasped in shock. No. Blade couldn’t be dead. The sassy redhead who’d wanted Ram to play a scene with her wasn’t dead. Ram hadn’t touched her. Aziza hadn’t felt nauseated or seen anything. The Fireborne was supposed to protect Blade.

She left the bathroom and the sobbing Tabitha to the others who’d circled protectively around her. Detective Stanton had told her? She’d been here all this time while Brandon seduced her in the bathroom and told her everything she’d secretly wanted to hear?

He hadn’t mentioned Natalie.

she scolded herself. This isn’t about you and Brandon. It’s about Blade.

She paused in the hallway when she heard the sound of raised voices on the other side of the wall. She knew those voices. Both of them.

While Brandon had found her, Natalie had obviously found Ram.

“Get out of my way,
,” Ram sneered. “And teach your bitch better manners. I don’t respond well to threats.”

“No one is threatening you, exile,” Brandon told him. “And you shouldn’t have come in, Natalie. I told you I had this covered. Jinn, I can’t promise that I can hold her back for long, but since we’re both here, I’m going to need you to cooperate. We already know you played with the first three victims.”

“Everyone knows, Enforcer,” Ram responded carelessly. “There aren’t many here I haven’t done something to. I’m popular. Anything else, or can I go now?”

Stupid, stupid idiot! Aziza pressed her forehead against the wall with a silent groan. Ram knew exactly what to say to piss Brandon off. To force his hand.

Brandon growled, and another higher-pitched rumble joined him.

“And the fourth?” Natalie snarled loudly enough for Aziza to hear. “Did you get tired of taking your time or did Blade find out about you? What did the Jiniyr promise you? A return of your abilities if you supplied them with fresh meat? Or did you offer them the Vessel? Is she next on your list?”

Ram swore. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Aziza had heard enough. More than enough.

Striding around the corner, she snarled, “Brandon, do you remember the woman you just left in the bathroom? The one who told you the truth? The one you said you trusted? Yeah, she’s a little pissed. What exactly are you accusing him of? Another Jiniyr murder you conveniently forgot to tell me about?”

Ram, who’d been leaning in a careless pose against the wall, smiled sharply. “Sweet, naïve Aziza. Did you honestly believe he could resist what he is? But I don’t need any help with these dogs. Even with this…” he lifted his wrist cuff, “…I could take care of them both.”

BOOK: Make Me Burn: Fireborne, Book 2
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