Read Make Me Yours Evermore, Book 3 Online

Authors: Cari Silverwood

Tags: #Pierced Hearts

Make Me Yours Evermore, Book 3 (6 page)

BOOK: Make Me Yours Evermore, Book 3
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Not even this asshole whose lap I sat in. I’d never even let him tie me up properly. Never trusted him that much. If he thought kidnapping me would impress me, he was well mistaken. Now I despised him even more. Stupid fucker. The law would catch up to him.

The only Dom who’d done rope bondage on me was Damien and that was more a rope fetish act than dominance and submission. He’d ended up leaving me for a Domme. I sighed. Another wuss.

“So you’re going to sit and watch while I flog her and make her beg. While I hurt her?” At that, I froze. He pulled me in closer and stroked my shoulder. “Andreas? You seemed intrigued, before.”

“I’ll watch. Don’t start thinking I’m going to turn kinky like you. I may not hand you over to the law…but I’m not sure you’re firing on all cylinders right now. This Scrim, is he safe? Can we trust him?” Andreas sat back in his chair and crossed one leg over to rest his ankle on his knee. Then he stared at me – watching me, watching him. Like I was something so unusual I needed a whole new catalogue name. A few black locks of hair curled over his forehead.

I poked out my tongue, amused at the waggle then rise of his eyebrows. If he had a sense of humor, I had a chance.

“I think so but I want you to stay away from him. Don’t talk to him.”

They drank their beers and discussed how surprisingly cool it was here, beside the beach at the Daintree. They talked things I didn’t care about. I had other worries. The beer, the pleasant scent of the insect-warding citronella candles, and the soft murmur of Chris’s voice next to my ear soothed me into the drowsiness of almost sleep.

Until I found my face grasped and turned upward.

“Cute. I never knew you snored.” Then Chris kissed me lightly on the lips. “In the morning, I’ll begin your training.”

I merely grunted, too tired to do more than curse him silently.

His friend would help me. I’d tell him all about Chris.

“You’ll be such a pretty slave.” He stood with me in his arms.

That woke me more. I blinked sleepily then scowled.

Slave? I’ll smother you in your sleep.
He’d been an okay Dom. Better than some. As a kidnapper he sucked.

Chapter 8

Kat wasn’t the lightest of bundles but I’d spoken the truth – she was a pretty one. The bedroom I’d chosen to use was one of three, all with king-size beds and private bathrooms. The metal restraint rings I’d noticed in the kitchen were here too. Walls, furniture…this house seemed determined to hammer home what had happened here in the past.

This was different. I had to remember that.

In my arms Kat seemed as innocuous as a kitten. Her hair had dried and gone that cherry red that screamed artificial. By the time I reached the bedroom door, her lips had parted, her eyes closed again, and her breathing was regular.

“Turn down the quilt,” I murmured to Andreas.

“I don’t think that’s normal sleep.” He squeezed past us on his way to the bed. “Can’t be. Not with you carrying her.”

“Me?” I held back until I deposited her in the middle of the white sheets. With my knee on the bed, I watched her while I answered. “You’re a sleep expert now, are you? She’s had a long, hard day.”

A grunt was his only reply.

I grinned, certain that he was dying to call me out on that since I was the cause.

With her thumb near her mouth and her legs tucked up, Kat looked cute enough to be some Dom’s little pet. Only this pet bit and scratched. The hair fanned out over her mouth and cheek tempted me, so I reached and rearranged the strands, placing them behind her ear. Whenever I caught her unawares, Kat’s upturned nose, innocent eyes, and small chin made me think of someone from fairyland. All other times, I thought of a creature with filed-sharp teeth.

I searched for the clip on her bra. At the touch of my hand on her back, Kat’s eyelids opened to slits. She growled so quietly anyone normal might think it a passing moth. I assessed her. Her hands were still cuffed at her back. My only real danger was a knee to the groin, or a head butt.

After planting my hand around her shoulder and pressing her an inch into the mattress, I leaned in and brushed my lips across her ear. “Either I unclip it and take this off the simple way, or I cut it off. Strange, I know, but I forgot to pack you spares.”

Like a sniper taking aim, I zeroed in. Things amplified: the swallow at her throat, the slow relaxation of the muscle under my palm; the huff of her breath. Surrender.

“Giving up?”

She twitched her shoulder but said nothing.

“Good girl.”

The tension provoked in her at those two words, made me smile. But she stayed quiet as I undid her bra. I didn’t count my blessings or any such shit. This was the distant rumble of thunder before the storm. I shifted my other knee onto the bed and slid the bra straps down her arms.

Andreas was standing at the other side of the bed with his hands in the pockets of his board shorts. He cleared his throat. “No rape.”

I ignored him, carefully undoing her wrists, taking off the bra entirely then doing up her wrists at her front. She let me. Not a single protest, curse, or wriggle. Of course, there wasn’t a hope she’d win in a wrestle.

“I can tell you’re waiting for your moment, Kat.”

“Moment?” she murmured sleepily, nuzzling her face into the pillow. “No moment. Warzone, fersure.”

“Oh?” I massaged her neck. “Go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day. We’re all tired.”

Despite my claims about needing rest, her breasts were begging me to study them. Such succulent nipples, like little toppings on a cake – smooth and asking to be sucked or flogged, or any number of other things that made my head buzz with excitement.

“The possibilities,” I murmured. Luckily she’d closed her eyes.

“Did you hear me?” Andreas asked, his baritone voice low in volume.

I raised an eyebrow then stripped off my shorts and shirt. “Yes. There is no rape happening that I can see. I’m keeping her in my bed so I can watch her. Her

“Sure you are.” His gaze switched from her to me and back to her naked breasts.

“Don’t trust me?”

“Not with her, no.”

“You can either piss off to your own bed, Andreas. Down the hall, second room on the left. Or get in on that side of her. Take your pick.”

He froze. “Seriously? With her like that? Naked?”

“I’m dead tired. Figure it out fast, Mr. Virgin Never-seen-a-naked-woman dude.” I climbed into bed, settling in facing her and pulled the cool sheet over us, up to waist level. “And. Not naked. I swear she has panties covering her hot little pussy.”

Her eyelids flickered. I smiled, wanting to stroke her cheek…to sketch around her lips with my fingernail. Maybe even to put a gag between those lips and do nasty things. My cock rose. Damn. Stop imagining, dickhead.

He cursed softly.

A few seconds later I heard him undress and his clothes fall to the floor, then the bed dipped under his weight.

“See you in the morning, Virg Dude.”

He swore again. “Don’t steal the fucking sheets, moron.”

I smiled. His sense of humor was returning. Way to go.

No rape? Andreas was shaping up to be a party pooper. Not that rape was on my list.

As my eyes drifted shut, I checked her body again. Nice. All the right curves in all the right places and wrapped up in a ball of spitfire challenge.

“No, no rape. More fun to mess with her head…and all her other bits, until she begs for cock. Much, much more fun.” I thought I’d said it too quietly for Andreas to hear but he replied.

“You’re such an arrogant son of a bitch. Women do respond to nicer stuff too, you know? Romance. All that.”

“Advice from the girlfriend expert?”

“My past is not relevant. Besides, I do have them, now and then. Haven’t you ever heard of love? Of asking on bended knee for their hand?”

“You expect me to do that?” I smiled, she was gently snoring again.

“No, though I expect the sun shines out of your asshole.”

I tsked. “Some women like it when men drive over the top of the asking and just

He was silent for a while. “And you think she’s one of those?”


Think? I knew. The world belonged to the arrogant, to the sure, not to the meek. Not that I didn’t have my moments of doubt, but I kept them to myself and that made all the difference.

I covered her small hand with mine. This woman was mine because I wished her to be. Not because she wanted it.

In time, she would want me too…

* * *

Something tickled my neck and slowly drew me from the void of sleep.

I snapped open my eyes. Kat’s face was inches away, her mouth dropping open as she saw me waken, her pupils dilating with shock. The chain around my neck slid. Between finger and thumb, she held the tiny silver key that opened the locks on her cuffs.

She tried to throw herself away from me, turning at the waist, pushing up off the bed.

Damn. She’d undone the wrist cuffs?

In one smooth motion, I flicked the key from her fingers, and swung myself up so I was straddling her body and pinning her down. I sat more heavily on her hips and thighs, and by weight alone immobilized those dangerous legs.

Andreas was gone. She’d probably seen the opportunity when he went to the toilet.

“Get off me!” She went to knock my arms aside, but missed.

I intercepted one wrist then the other, transferred them casually to one hand then slowly I pushed them down – letting her see how little her strength counted. Teeth bared, she shoved and struggled.

“Can’t get loose? You really think you have a chance?”

“Asshole. Let. Me. Go!”

I took her wrists a few more inches toward the bed, though she resisted. Muscles in her arms strained, until they seemed ready to pop, and she grunted with effort. The bed rocked with every twist of her torso and shoulders. Her tits jiggled too. Enticing as hell.

“Goddamn, you’re hot, woman.”

When she growled, I just grinned wider. “Go Kitty.”

More struggling, more grunting, and she got exactly nowhere. “Fuck you. Ffff…”

When at last I had her wrists crossed under my hand and squashed into the pillow above her, I paused. Kat sucked in huge gulping breaths but kept up her game of pushing against my grip.

I smiled and reached down to squeeze one nipple as hard as I could until she squeaked and settled. “Thank you. Are we going to do this every morning?” The blaze of anger in her eyes said as much.

Her face was so flushed, I wondered if this wrestle had done more than tire her out. It had made my morning erection arrive with a vengeance. If I shifted a little, I could push aside her no-doubt wet panties and shove my cock in.

Still watching her for clues, I slid my groin down her body until she had to be feeling the tip of my cock below her clit.

The closure of her eyes then re-opening took place in a moment. A blink? I slid upward a fraction. The blink stuttered and turned into shut eyes. Her chest had stopped moving also then I heard the softest huff of breath. Pleasure. She was registering pleasure.

Ugh. I so wanted to fuck her. My thigh muscles tensed.

But, no, I exhaled slowly.

Footsteps said Andreas had entered the room.

“What are you doing?” he asked sharply.

“Not raping her? I’m pretty sure that’s it. She got hold of the key to her cuffs.”

“Chris, don’t forget our deal. This is fucking…”

“What?” I glanced at him. He stood there foolishly, lost, like a waiter who’d misplaced his menu orders. “Sexy? You want a hobby, try wrestling naked women.”

He frowned, not-frowned, frowned again, stuck in uncertainty. “Half naked.”

I looked back at her. “The deal was you don’t interfere with me and her.”

Andreas made a tiny sound. “You can’t…” His voice hitched.

She opened her mouth as if to comment and I lightly smacked her cheek. “Shush.” It worked, amazingly. I whispered so only she could hear me, “Be good or I’ll find a butt plug.”

Her lower lip curled in and she bit it.

Cute. Was that a mannerism that said, hey, that scared me? I tucked away the memory.

At least she’d stopped cursing me.

“Run out of breath? Or insults?” I raised my eyebrows, while I groped and found the side of her panties.

“What are you doing?” she whispered. Her gaze twitched down.

“Fixing something.”

Lace, so I could tear them with my fingers. I ripped the side through then switched the hand that held down her wrists, and tore the other side. Gradually, I extracted the panties from under her ass then found her wrist cuffs where they’d fallen. Though she resisted every move I made, I painstakingly re-cuffed her, separated the cuffs, and clicked each to the rings either side of her black collar.

“Shit. I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this.” The upset tone in Andreas’s voice made me look over again.

What was this doing to his head? I didn’t want to mess him up. But he’d demanded this – to be here, watching. I wasn’t turning back, not now.

I didn’t quite understand his motivations. Logically, what I was doing was so bad it sailed off the edge of the morality world. Logically, he should have called the weight of the law down on me and gotten Kat free. He hadn’t. We were friends like nothing else and I’d always known it would take an earthquake to shake us loose but this…this was a tsunami of wrongness.

I didn’t care about logic. But…if I wasn’t me,
have handed me over to the police.

Maybe I should give him incentive to go.

“Andreas, you don’t need to be here. Even if you weren’t, I wouldn’t be fucking her right now.” I trailed her panties across her mouth, enjoying the distaste showing in the twist of her mouth. Then I wrapped them tight across her mouth until the cloth forced apart her lips and her teeth. I tied a knot in the panties so they stayed in place.

“What do you taste like? I’m going to put my tongue in your pussy someday soon and get you off.”

When she frowned at me, I stuck my fingertip in and played with her teeth and lips until she shook her head to dislodge me. “Uh-uh, be good.” Then I pinned her down by the hair and played some more, painting the moisture around her mouth. “Can’t do a thing, now, can you?”

BOOK: Make Me Yours Evermore, Book 3
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