Man to Man [Wolf Creek Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (3 page)

BOOK: Man to Man [Wolf Creek Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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His brother being gay never bothered him. Maybe because he always knew he was, too. He actually thought it brought them a little closer even if Joe didn’t know about him. He just didn’t think he had the nerve to live as openly as Joe did, but whatever. It was Joe’s life. He could do what he wanted with it. And Nate seemed to make him damn happy. So, who was Jim to argue about it?

Him being gay was another story. Jim had never dated a man, let alone kissed one. He had wanted to, but after Joe had come out as gay, Jim had seen what he went through with their friends and family. He never wanted to go through that sort of agony just to love someone he was attracted to.

So, he had pretended all of his life that he was straight, even dating women on occasion. Jim knew how to elicit a sexual response from a woman, and he knew what he liked, but would it be the same when it was two men together?

Hell, who was he kidding? He was so out of his depth right now, he might as well be on the moon. He wasn’t going to be the only one confused by all of this, though. His parents already had one gay son. They were going to shit purple kittens when they found out about Donovan. Jim was supposed to carry on the family name, find some woman and have lots of little pups.

Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen now.

Just the thought of touching someone besides his mate, woman or man, made his stomach clench and threaten to rebel on him. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, and to get rid of the raging hard-on pressing against his zipper, Jim started for the door. No matter how confused or horny he was right now, he still had a job to do.

Just as he reached the door, however, it swung open. Jim looked up in surprise to see Donovan standing there, a fierce look on his face. “Donovan, what—”

Jim’s words were muffled when Donovan took a step forward, shutting the door behind him before reaching for Jim. His arms went around Jim’s waist to pull him closer as his lips descended over Jim’s.

Jim was frozen, unmoving for a moment, shocked at actually kissing another man intimately before the erotic feeling of Donovan’s lips on his overwhelmed him. He grabbed onto Donovan, wrapping his arms around his neck, curling his fingers into the soft hair at the nape of Donovan’s neck.

Oh gods, this was why he was gay!

His lips parted, and he allowed Donovan entrance, groaning as their tongues met for the first time, brushing against each other. Donovan tasted sweet, just like Jim thought that a mate should taste. Jim’s body trembled a little as he realized what he was thinking. Donovan was a man, and at the moment, Jim didn’t care. He could go on kissing Donovan for hours.

He felt Donovan urge him backward, guiding him until the desk came up behind him. But Donovan didn’t stop pushing until Jim was lying back on the desk, the man’s slightly larger body covering his. Jim looked up at Donovan in bewilderment as he lifted his head.

He was shocked to see that Donovan’s deep-hazel eyes had turned a dark coppery brown. They were smoldering with desire as Donovan gazed down at him. Donovan’s lips were red and swollen, slightly parted. His chest rose and fell with his rapid breathing. He looked delicious.

Jim wanted more. He wanted everything Donovan had to give, and then some. His mate looked down at him with desire in his eyes, and he wanted more, much, much more. He finally felt like he could let go and be the person he was meant to be, be with the person he was meant to be with.

“Donovan,” Jim whispered as he pulled Donovan’s lips back down to his, attacking his mate’s mouth the moment their lips met. Jim’s cock hardened even more as he heard Donovan groan.
Oh gods.
Jim shuddered. He could hear that sound for the rest of his life and never get tired of it.

Jim was so immersed in kissing Donovan that he jerked, startled when he felt Donovan’s hands grab his ass through his jeans. His eyes widened when Donovan lifted his head and looked down at him in query. Jim grinned. He knew exactly what Donovan was asking, and he knew exactly how to answer his mate. He parted his legs and let Donovan’s body settle against his hard erection before pulling his head back down.

When Donovan’s hand moved around to cup Jim’s cock through his jeans, Jim thought he was going to come right there and then. He never felt so alive in his life, so close to the edge of an orgasm. He just knew that if Donovan would touch him a little more, kiss him a little harder, he could come. And he never needed to come more than he did right then and there.

Reaching down with his hand, he pushed Donovan’s out of the way and quickly unbuttoned his jeans and pulled the zipper down. He was thankful that he hadn’t had any clean boxers to put on that morning and went commando when Donovan’s hand immediately encircled his cock and began stroking him.

Jim tore his lips away from Donovan’s. He panted heavily as he looked up at Donovan in desperation. “D—Donovan, need more,” he pleaded in a husky voice, his hand brushing against the hard ridge of Donovan’s pants. He hated having to beg, but surely Donovan understood his need.

Dark, copper eyes stared down at Jim for just a moment before Donovan reached down and unbuttoned his own jeans. Jim groaned when Donovan grabbed both of their cocks in his large hand. Jim’s eyes nearly rolled back in his head as Donovan started stroking them together. The feel of Donovan’s hot, rigid skin against his own made Jim’s breath hitch in his throat.

He reached upward and pushed Donovan’s shirt up to his neck, his fingers moving to his nipples to pull and twist them. He could hear Donovan’s small moan at his action, feel it in the quickening of his strokes, the way his lips latched onto the skin on Jim’s neck.

As Donovan’s teeth raked across the soft skin between his neck and shoulder, Jim knew that he wanted Donovan to bite down, to sink his long canines in and claim Jim as his mate. But, he knew if Donovan did that, there would be no going back for either of them.

Once Donovan claimed him, they would be mates forever. There would be no one else for either of them. Still, he couldn’t remember ever wanting anything so much in his life. Just the thought that his mate was that close to claiming him…

Jim opened his mouth to beg Donovan to take him, to claim him, but all that came out was a long groan as an orgasm of epic proportions exploded through him. His cock erupted, shooting spurt after spurt of pearly white cream all over Donovan’s hand and their stomachs.

As the air left his lungs, Jim heard Donovan cry out above him, his creamy release mixing with Jim’s as he came. Donovan buried his face in Jim’s neck as his chest heaved. Jim rubbed Donovan’s back until he finally lifted his head to look down at him.

For a moment, Donovan’s face showed his wonderment at what had just happened between them, and then the expression on his face slowly faded away to be replaced by a stone cold mask of nothing. Jim suddenly felt very vulnerable. Donovan looked like he couldn’t have cared less about what had just happened between them, something that Jim felt had been life altering.

He suddenly wished he was anywhere other than where he was, lying on a desk with jeans undone, his spent cock hanging out, and cum smeared all over his stomach. Especially since the man that had just shook his world was standing up and fixing his jeans, looking down at him like he could not have cared less who he was. Jim could have been anyone.

Jim quickly stood up and turned away from Donovan as he shoved his cock back into his jeans and zipped them up. He reached over and grabbed a couple of napkins and wiped of his stomach and tossed them in the trash before turning back to face Donovan.

But Donovan was already walking away toward the door. Jim reached a hand toward him, wanting to call him back, but quickly lowered it when he remembered the look of disinterest on Donovan’s face. He wouldn’t beg. If his mate truly didn’t want him, Jim would let him go, no matter much it pained him.

Jim felt something break in his chest when Donovan reached the door and turned to look back at him, his eyes raking coldly over Jim’s body. “I think this proves that sex isn’t going to be a problem between us. Remember that when you decide if you’re going to keep me or not.”

Jim was devastated as Donovan turned and left the room without another word. This had all been about proving a point? Donovan hadn’t been overcome by being with his mate, claiming his mate. He had just been trying to prove a point?

Jim didn’t know if he ever felt more used before in his life. The intimate moment he thought he had shared with Donovan suddenly made him feel dirty and ashamed. Was this how things were going to be between them? Jim didn’t even know if this was just Donovan’s way of proving something or if he was normally like that. If he was, Jim wasn’t sure he wanted to be mated, no matter how sexy the man was.

Jim tucked his shirt back into his pants and then headed for the door. He still had a job to do, and not even his thoughts about Donovan were going to keep him from doing his duty. His brother needed his help, and at least there, he knew what was expected of him. He’d deal with this fiasco with Donovan later.

Or never.

He was voting for never.

Walking into the living room, he gazed around the room. His mother was talking quietly with Chase. Donovan stood looking out the front window, his back stiff and unyielding, just like the man. Jim took a deep breath, hoping he didn’t smell of sex but knowing he probably did, and cleared his throat.

“Are you all ready to go? Dad is expecting us over at Joe’s house,” Jim asked as he walked toward the front door. He could hear Chase and Donovan saying good-bye to his mom as he walked outside and headed for his truck.

Jim climbed in and started the truck, hoping Donovan would ride with his brother instead of him. He didn’t know if he was ready to talk to Donovan right now, not the way he was feeling. It would be much better if they each had some space to think.

Even so, as Donovan climbed into the car with his brother, Jim felt disappointed. He shook his head and headed for his brother’s house. He was losing his mind. That was it. Donovan was driving him crazy.


* * * *


“So, what’s the story with Jim?” Chase asked as they followed behind him.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Donovan replied stoically as he stared out the window. He couldn’t begin to count the ways he didn’t want to talk about it. He didn’t even want to think about it, but that seemed to be all he was doing. Thinking about Jim. His mate.

“I saw how you looked at him, Donny, and I’ve never seen you look at anyone that way, certainly not another man. So, what’s up?” Chase asked.

Donovan turned his head to look over at his brother. “He’s my mate.” He couldn’t believe how easily those words fell from his lips, especially considering how precarious things were between him and his mate.

“Fuck!” Chase swore under his breath, shaking his head. “You sure know how to screw things up, don’t you? You were supposed to be the one to save the family name. Mother’s going to shit bricks when she finds out about this. You know that, don’t you?”

Donovan grimaced. “Yeah, I kind of figured.”

“Well,” Chase replied, smirking, “if you were going to choose a guy for a mate, you didn’t pick a bad-looking one. Jim’s hot, bro!”

Donovan tried to smile past the possessive growl building in the back of his throat at Chase’s words. He knew his brother was gay. He had known for years. He didn’t care. But he certainly did not like Chase making comments about his mate.

“Course, I prefer my guys to be a little smaller. Someone I can cuddle in my arms. Jim’s too masculine for me, but if you like him…” Chase laughed. “You do like him, right?”

Donovan quickly glanced away when he felt his face flush. “Oh yeah, sexual attraction does not seem to be our problem.”

“Then what is?” Chase pointed to the truck that drove in front of them. “Why are you riding with me instead of up there with your mate?”

“Because I’m not gay, and Jim lives in the closet. Until a few minutes ago, I’d never even kissed another man,” Donovan explained, feeling his cock suddenly harden as he remembered the kiss and the other stuff he had experienced with Jim.

“And now that you have? What do you feel now?”

“Horny!” Donovan growled. He was so fucking horny he could win a three-legged sack race.

“And what are you going to do about it?” Chase asked as they pulled to a stop behind Jim’s truck.

“I haven’t got a fucking clue.” Donovan stared out the front window and watched his mate climb out of his truck. Jim glanced back for a moment, and their eyes met. Donovan sighed deeply when he saw Jim’s lips press together right before the man turned away and started heading for the house. Donovan climbed out of his brother’s truck and followed Jim toward the house, waiting at the bottom of the steps while Jim knocked on the door. He couldn’t seem to keep his eyes from trailing down to the tight ass in front of him, encased in faded jeans.


That man had a perfect ass.

He quickly glanced up when the door opened. He didn’t need to be caught ogling his mate’s ass, no matter how perfect it was. That wasn’t the way to greet anyone, especially not the alpha of Jim’s pack, who also just happened to be Jim’s father. Gods, he was so fucking screwed.

“Hey, Dad,” Jim said as he gave his father a slight hug and then stood back, waving his hand back toward them. “This is Chase and Donovan Morgan from the Shasta pack. Their alpha said we could have them as long as we needed them.”

BOOK: Man to Man [Wolf Creek Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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