Read Marry Me Online

Authors: Karen Stivali

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

Marry Me (4 page)

BOOK: Marry Me
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Chapter Four


Julia awoke feeling completely at peace. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept so soundly. She shifted, realizing she was on the couch. Her eyes were dry and she blinked several times in an attempt to rewet her contacts. To her surprise, Ben was fast asleep on his end of the couch.
Oh my God. I can’t believe I fell asleep.
She sat up slowly, careful not to wake him. Even sleeping he was devastatingly attractive. His head leaned back against the pillows. A day’s worth of stubble shadowed his jaw, making his exquisite cheekbones even more pronounced. His streaky blond hair fell across one eye, giving him an innocent look.

She couldn’t believe how sweet he was. No pressure. No expectations. All he’d wanted was to take care of her. She inched toward him, sweeping back his silky bangs. Her heart pounded with anticipation. Moving as slowly as she could, she lowered her lips to his.

He startled and she pulled back. His eyes were a kaleidoscope of blues and grays. She held her breath, hoping she hadn’t made a mistake.
What if he—
Her thoughts were interrupted as he sank his fingers into her hair and drew her mouth back to his.

Oh God.
Kissing had never felt like this before. His lips were warm and firm, a decadent treat. He tasted like sex and sleep and she couldn’t get enough. She wrapped her arms around him, feeling the strong muscles of his shoulders ripple beneath her hands. He eased her down onto the couch in a slow, fluid motion, gentle but in command. Her leg hitched around his hip of its own accord. Feeling him hard against her sent a wave of lust through her. She spiraled her tongue around his until she ran out of breath.

He gave her another soft kiss then pulled back, his eyes swirling pools of desire. “Good morning.” His husky voice sent shivers up her spine. He rocked against her, rubbing his cock between her legs. Even with all the layers of clothing separating them she knew if he kept moving that way, with that rhythm, that heat, she’d come.

“Morning,” she whispered, her voice catching, giving away how much pleasure she was deriving from his actions. He smiled, his gaze intently locked on hers, and braced himself against the arm of the couch. His hips moved in the most maddening pattern she could imagine. His thumb grazed her lower lip and she tipped her head back. His hair fell across her cheek as he bent to kiss her ear, her neck.

She let out a soft moan, locking her leg tighter around him. She wanted him closer, inside her. As if he sensed her wishes, his mouth returned to hers, his tongue moving in tandem with the thrusts he made against her. The heat that concentrated in her belly spread in delicious rolling waves as she felt herself giving in. She cried out against his lips as the pulsations overtook her.

He kissed her slowly, easing her down from her high. She combed her fingers through his hair. “Wow,” she said, when she found enough composure to speak. “I feel like I’m back in high school making out on my parents’ couch.”

Ben let out a hearty laugh. “Please tell me your mum’s not going to pop in and forbid me to see you anymore. I’m not sure I could take that.”

“No, she’s a safe ten-hour drive away.”

“Good.” He kissed her again. She could still feel him long and hard against her. She shifted to the side, slipping her hand between them, running her fingers over the impressive bulge in his jeans. Her insides fluttered, begging for more.

“If we’re going to continue like this, I’m going to have to ask that you start making my trousers with a bit more room in the crotch.”


Julia stood up and reached for Ben’s hand. “Come.”

The single word was enticing on all possible levels. He followed her to the far side of her apartment, to the edge of the Japanese screen. Her warm fingers ran up the length of his arm, sending shivers throughout his body. His cock strained against his jeans, aching to be let free.

Ben dipped his head to kiss her. She went up on her toes, curving her body in toward his. Having her pressed against him, her breasts crushed into his chest, her fingers tangled in his hair, made him want nothing more than to make love to her, to be surrounded by her heat. Her words echoed in his head.
“I can’t sleep with you.”
Does that still apply? Even after last night? After this morning on the couch?

Julia pulled away, breathless. “I don’t have any condoms.”

His heart sank. “Neither do I.”

She looked at him, eyes dark with concentration, then kissed him again, walking them backward behind the mysterious screen. She tugged at his shirt, pulling it loose from his trousers. His erection had long ago managed to work its way free from the confines of his boxers and the sensation of the shirttails dragging against his hyper-aroused flesh was maddening. She made quick work of the buttons and eased the shirt off his shoulders, running her hands over his chest as her mouth continued its exploration of his.

He inched her sweater dress up over the tantalizing curve of her hip, pausing to caress her luscious bum. As his fingers slid higher, she raised her arms and he pulled the dress up over her head. Her hair tumbled down over her bare shoulders. His heart beat double time. The black lacy bra accented her breasts, making them appear even more lush than he’d imagined. He traced his finger along the top of one cup, feeling her nipple pucker in response.

She slipped her fingers beneath his waistband as she popped open his button and slowly unzipped. His stomach tensed with impatience as she eased his pants and boxers lower until they dropped to the floor. His cock bobbed, seeking out any possible contact with her. The gentle touch of her skin was almost more than he could bear.

Her warm hand slithered around his balls, cupping with a gentle squeeze that caused them to contract with anticipation. Tension coiled in his groin and he struggled to contain it. With agonizing precision, she ran the pad of her thumb up the length of him, pausing when she reached the tip, circling against the most sensitive spot with enough force that his breath caught in his throat.

She curled her fingers around him, a sly smile on her face as she inched them backward toward her bed. The soft, cottony linens felt cool against his overheated skin as he eased himself down alongside her. He kissed her long and slow, savoring her sweet taste.

The bed was much more comfortable than the couch and left him free to explore her body. He ran his hand along the smooth skin of her stomach, his thumb dipping into her bellybutton as his lips moved to her neck. She still smelled warm from sleep, her skin faintly salty. He kissed his way down to her breasts, reaching back to unhook her bra. The cups fell away and he wasted no time taking one dark, taut nipple into his mouth. She gasped, her fingers curling tighter around his shaft as he flicked his tongue against her ruched flesh.

Julia shifted, slipping her arms from the tangle of bra straps, and he caught the first glimpse of her creamy breasts. She looked beautiful and vulnerable in a way that overwhelmed him. The tightening in his chest corresponded with the pulsing swell of his cock and he wondered how much longer he could wait before he came.

He stroked her cheek then lowered his lips to hers. His fingers trailed down, over the delightful curves and swells of her body, until he reached the tantalizing space between her legs. He inched her silky panties down over her legs, loving the way she squirmed to help him. She traced her fingers over his cock with a maddeningly slow pace as he made his way back up her long legs. His thumb teased the delicate skin just beneath her hipbone. Her kisses became more urgent.

Moving as slowly as he could, he grazed her velvety patch of hair, his middle finger searching lower until he made contact. The swollen nub of her clit throbbed beneath the gentle pressure of his touch. Her responsiveness made him want her even more. He caressed in tiny circles, her soft moans encouraging him with every pass. He ventured lower, her slick folds enveloping his fingers, fluttering with increased intensity. The desire to be inside her made him lightheaded.

He pumped his cock against her palm, groaning each time she swooped her thumb over his cum-slick head. His fingers matched the rhythm as he dipped in and out of her, swirling around her clit. Her breathing grew raspy, coming in short puffs as they moved in tandem. He felt her tense, her hips rolling upward then freezing as her body pulsed around his fingers. The sensation was too much—her sweet scent, her incredible warmth, the pull of her body. Every bit of his energy seemed to concentrate in his balls. His mouth went dry, his mind blank, all he could feel was the rush of cum as it coursed through his cock, rocketing out of him with enough force to knock the wind out of him. She stroked, maintaining her rhythm until the last burst shot out of him, then slowed her hand, gently caressing as the tremors subsided.

He rubbed his nose along hers, eyes still closed, breathing her in as they caught their breath.

“That was amazing,” she whispered.

“Best non-sex I’ve ever had. Though I’m afraid your linens are a bit worse for the wear.”


Julia got Ben a towel then headed to the bathroom for a moment alone. She closed the door behind her and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her face was flushed, her eyes glistening, her hair beyond tangled. She turned the water on full blast, splashing some on her face then letting it beat down over her wrists.
What are you doing? What if he turns out to be some prima donna rock star? No more controlling men. Remember?

She scrubbed her face with a towel, unable to keep images of Ben from her mind. The sweet way he’d rubbed her feet. How innocent he’d looked while sleeping. The fact that he still hadn’t pressured her, even remotely, about anything.

Her heart sputtered with nerves.
He’s a good guy. He’s not like Trey.
She pulled on the jeans and sweater she’d brought in with her and went to work on her hair, brushing it hard then tying it back in a loose ponytail. She could hear her phone ringing.

“Can you see what it says on caller ID? It might be work.”

She opened the bathroom door enough to see Ben grab the phone off her coffee table.


She laughed. “Not work. That’s just my old roommate.”

“The one who was obsessed with our band?”

“That’s her.”

Julia stepped into the room in time to catch the devious smile on Ben’s face. He pressed the talk button. “Julia Jones’ line, how may I help you?” His eyes twinkled.

She’s going to flip.

Ben crooned his reply, his voice as smooth as silk. “She’s indisposed at the moment. This is Ben Davis, may I ask who’s calling?” Ben covered the mouthpiece. “I believe she’s dropped the phone.”

“I’m surprised she’s still conscious.”

“No problem, luv. I think Julia’s able to take your call now. Lovely chatting with you.” He handed Julia the phone, covering the mouthpiece again. “I’ll pop into the loo, give you some privacy.”

Julia waited until she heard the door click shut. “Hi.”

The shriek that greeted her made her jump. “Oh my God. He’s in your apartment. Wait. He’s not only in your apartment, it’s seven in the morning. Did he spend the night?”

“Sort of.” Julia sank onto the couch, remembering how they’d “slept” together.

“Sort of?” The pitch Marissa attained was inhuman.

“We fell asleep on the sofa. No big deal.”
That’s more or less true.

“Did you have sex?”

“Not exactly.”

“Julia, you’re freaking killing me. Did you or did you not have sex with the hottest drummer in the world?”

“You really think he’s the hottest?”

The scream that echoed through the line made Julia hold the phone away.

“Look, Jules, I’m married, I’m breastfeeding, I haven’t been to the bathroom alone in over three years, and I consider it a great night if I get more than four consecutive hours of sleep. Humor me. Placate me with the juicy details. Did you or did you not have sex with him?”

Julia eyed the bathroom door and lowered her voice. “No actual sex, but we were both…satisfied.”

“Not nearly as much detail as I want, but I know he’s still there. Please tell me you are going to sleep with him.”

“I haven’t decided.”
That’s a lie.


Still a lie.

“Fine, deny all you want, but when it happens please call me. I want to hear everything.”

Julia laughed. “Yes ma’am.”

“I’m really happy for you. Not just because he’s so hot, but because I think he’s a good guy. He’s had a rough life. You do know his history, right?”


“Good. I mean I know it was a while ago, but I bet he still needs comforting. God knows I wouldn’t mind giving him a hug.”

“Goodbye, Marissa.”

“Fine. We’ll talk later. A lot. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Julia hung up just in time to see Ben step out of the bathroom. She wondered if he’d been listening to know when it was safe to come out.

She loved the swaggering way he walked. He bent down and pecked her on the head, then took a seat next to her. “Can I take you to breakfast?”

“I don’t think I have time. I have a fitting scheduled at nine and I have to shower and get all the way uptown.”

BOOK: Marry Me
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