Read Mated to the Billionaire Werewolf: BBW Paranormal Bad Boy Billionaire Werewolf Romance (Kingwood Pack Book 3) Online

Authors: Mina Carter

Tags: #BBW Paranormal Bad Boy Billionaire Werewolf Romance

Mated to the Billionaire Werewolf: BBW Paranormal Bad Boy Billionaire Werewolf Romance (Kingwood Pack Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Mated to the Billionaire Werewolf: BBW Paranormal Bad Boy Billionaire Werewolf Romance (Kingwood Pack Book 3)
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“Yeah, yeah… all I hear so far is talk.”

Isabella’s first blow came out of nowhere—a heavy right hook that almost knocked Eva off her feet. Staggering backward, she wiped blood from the corner of her lips. That Isabella had punched her and not used claws took her by surprise.

“That all you got?” she taunted. “Really? After all your talk, I expected worse.”

The lycan woman hissed and charged.

Eva might not have been either lycan or athletic, but she was, or had been, human. No natural weaponry meant she’d had to learn to defend herself the hard way. In a textbook self-defense move, she flipped her opponent over her hip to sprawl over the ground.

Several small cheers from the wolves around them was proof Isabella wasn’t that well liked.

“Bitch,” she spat, climbing back to her feet. “You’ll pay for that.”

The fight was fast and furious. Within three blows, Eva had run through her entire repertoire of blocks and punches. Desperately she dodged and weaved, trying to find some sort of angle against the other woman. But Isabella was fast, and resilient. Even when Eva scored a direct punch to her face, she just blinked and shook her head, going instantly on the attack.

Eva’s bravado deserted her as she blocked another punch aimed for her face, but missed the one that hit her ribs. Something cracked in her side and she went down on one knee, trying to catch her breath. She was in serious trouble here.

Isabella kicked out, her booted foot catching Eva across the jaw. Pain exploded in her face to match her side and the next thing she knew, she was on the ground, Isabella’s knee in between her shoulder blades.

“Told you, you’d pay,” she whispered, one hand in Eva’s hair to yank her head back.

She froze as the sharp edges of Isabella’s claws stroked across her throat. The world narrowed down to two things. The delicate whisper of death across her skin, just above her jugular and the look of terror and pain on Alex’s face as four wolves held him back.

the quiet presence inside her said.
It doesn’t end this way.

It started in the center of her soul and rumbled outward. Part growl, part… something else. Eva closed her eyes and let go, letting it sweep through her. Let it change her. Her body convulsed, like an all over body sneeze. With an almighty crack, her bones broke and reformed, fur burst from her pores and raced to cover her skin. For a moment her body seemed to pause, as if deciding what shape to be, then clicked into place.

“Holy shit!”

“Never seen a bitten change that fast.”

She didn’t notice who spoke, too busy pushing upward and flipping over in Isabella’s hold. A muzzle punched out of her face, vicious fangs ripping from her gums. She lunged upward, mouth gaping. She got a brief glimpse of surprise on the woman’s face before her jaws snapped shut, tearing out the other woman’s throat.

Blood filled her mouth, covered her face, but the creature that had been Eva didn’t care. She struck again and again, until the prey above her went limp. With a grunt, she heaved it away with her paws and rose to sniff at the corpse. Cooling, but definitely dead. She spat the mouthful of flesh onto its chest, ignoring the sightless eyes to turn and look around her.

“Look at her eyes…”

“An alpha for sure.”

The massed pack gawked, wonder and fear in their eyes. Several backed away, others whimpered and bent their heads. She probed the stillness in her soul and felt the rightness of their words. She was wolf and she was other too…

Alpha. Now she had a name for it and smiled.

Eva folded her wolf form back inside herself with a neat pop and turned to meet each and every pair of eyes.

“Anyone else want to challenge me for the alpha female position?” she asked, power raging through her, ready to fight again. And again. As many times as it took. “No? Didn’t think so.”




She ran under the moonlight, exhilaration and power surging through her veins. Her new body was lithe and packed with power. A predator in every sense of the word. The night breeze flowed through her white fur, the dirt and undergrowth a blur beneath her paws as she ran for the sheer joy of being alive.

A presence beside her made her turn her head. A big brown/gray wolf with a stripe down his face ran beside her. An alpha. Her mate. She wuffed softly in recognition, then dug deep to speed ahead of him. With a small yip, he sped up until they ran side by side. Equals.

She barreled ahead of him into a clearing. And stopped dead. The view was familiar, she’d seen it before somewhere.

Folding the wolf within, she walked forward on human feet to get a better look.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Alex’s voice sounded behind her, his body heat against her back.

She nodded, then her eyes widened as she realized where she’d seen it. “It’s the painting in your bedroom.”

He nodded, big hands sliding down her arms before turning her around. The amber faded from his eyes as she watched, leaving behind a very human heat.

“It’s my favorite place. Which is why I thought it would be perfect for tonight.”

“Tonight?” She tilted her head, flashing her neck at him. He growled in response, crowding her backward onto the blanket spread over the grass. “Why, alpha mine, did you have something in mind?”

She squealed in delight as he tumbled her down onto the soft surface, and within seconds she found herself beneath him. His knee nudged hers apart so he could settle between them. The long, hard length of his cock slid between her pussy lips, rubbing against her clit.

“You know I do, mate of mine.”

“Not yet,” she reminded him, wrapping her legs around his hips and rubbing against his cock.

Pleasure made her eyes roll back in her head. Her body was so sensitive after a change, it wouldn’t take her long. Him either, apparently, as their groans mingled to fill the small clearing.

“As I’ve said before, we can remedy that easily.”

His voice was lower than human, and ragged as though he fought for control. Pulling away, he flipped her over in an easy display of strength that sent a shiver of awareness through her. Only now as lycan could she appreciate how much he’d controlled his great strength with her before, and delight in the fact he didn’t have to now.

On her hands and knees, with him behind her, she dropped her shoulders and arched her back, silently begging for his touch.

“The moonlight kisses your skin,” he whispered, big hands sliding over the twin globes of her ass. “I’ve waited so long for this moment. I can’t believe it’s finally here.”

His fingers swept through her folds and she moaned. Finding her clit, he circled and rubbed, no hesitation in his touch. There was no drawing the pleasure out or teasing her. They were here for a purpose and every touch built toward it.

She gasped and moaned, savoring the pleasure he brought her. But it wasn’t enough; her body craved more. Craved something else.

“Please, Alex…”

He heard her, moving his hand and settling into position behind her. The broad head of his cock pressed against her entrance and with one slick, wet thrust, he claimed her. She sucked in a breath as her body stretched, forced to accommodate his thick length.

He reached around, finding her clit again and then started to move. Coordinating his thrusts with his strokes over the small bundle of nerves, he ruthlessly took her higher and higher, until…

“Oh fuck, I’m going to come…”

“Good,” he nuzzled behind her ear, making her pussy clench hard around him. “Come for me, and be mine.”

A final rub of her clit was all it took. She cried out, shattering in his arms as she came in hot, liquid spurts over his cock buried deep inside her.

He growled and struck, driving his fangs deeply into the fleshy part between her neck and shoulder. If she’d thought she’d known ecstasy before, it was nothing to the feelings that flooded her now. Complete and utter pleasure rolled through every cell in her body as her soul meshed with his.

Mates finally.

For life.


The End


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About the Author



Mina Carter is a USA Today bestselling author of romance in many genres. She lives in the UK with her husband, daughter and a bossy cat.


Connect with Mina online at:


BOOK: Mated to the Billionaire Werewolf: BBW Paranormal Bad Boy Billionaire Werewolf Romance (Kingwood Pack Book 3)
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