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Authors: Grace Goodwin

Mated to the Warriors (7 page)

BOOK: Mated to the Warriors
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I wanted to taste her, lick her, fuck her, and fill her with my seed in every tight hole while she called me

That would not happen. It couldn’t happen if I were to keep her. The connection was too powerful to deny. When she slipped the collar about her neck, our bonding had begun. I felt her lingering pleasure, the pulsing hints of arousal that continued to course through her veins. She’d liked the pleasure, yet disliked how it had been wrought. That had been from a testing probe, not my mouth or my fingers or my cock. If she’d disliked a simple spanking and a medical test, then she would certainly hate being forced into true submission.

I’d disliked her exam as well, but for a completely different reason. I did not want the doctor to see her pleasure. I settled with being content knowing she was healthy, easily aroused and ripe for breeding. Mordin had confirmed she found pleasure in having her ass and pussy filled at the same time, a requirement for a Prillon bride. Just a little training and she’d be ready to take both Dare and me together. The claiming could not occur until then.

In the meantime, we could fuck her and train her. It was our duty to teach her about being claimed by two men; I knew Earth custom did not allow it. That alone was enough. Based on the way she resisted the medical examination, I was expecting her to resist Dare, to resist the idea of a second mate. That was why he had been instructed to wait in my quarters. If she could not handle my second, she would never be able to accept my true desires.

Her response to her second mate would be apparent soon enough. And when the door slid shut behind us and we were finally within the privacy of my own rooms, Dare was an unknown no longer. He stood from the long chaise placed in front of the wall of display monitors that currently showed a vista of space.

I looked around the room quickly. These were new quarters, and the ship’s crew had moved mine and Dare’s belongings into our new, mated quarters when Hannah arrived. There was a full lounging area with a chaise, two large reclining chairs, and a long couch. The walls were draped with soft fabrics meant to soften the austere look of the ship’s hard, blank walls. Unlike in the single males’ quarters, the walls were decorated with images of my home world’s mountains and famous landmarks. A full-sized S-Gen unit was in the corner of the sleeping area, close to a bed that was three times larger than anything I’d slept in before.

Big enough for three. The dark red blankets were the color of our family line, and placed on the bed out of respect for the next generation that would be created there.

My gaze travelled to my second, but Dare only had eyes for Hannah. She had noticed him on our entry, but when I set her gently on her feet she did not speak to him, but moved to stand in front of the glass, seeing space, I assumed, for the first time. As she stared, the sheet slipped off her shoulders to reveal her pale skin and the long line of her neck. Dark hair curved over one shoulder and the back of the collar was visible.

Dare glanced at me and I nodded once. I heard him sigh, relieved. The collar about Hannah’s neck proved she was well, but also gave us authority over her body for the next thirty days. Now that she had accepted the claiming period, she belonged to us, at least for a few weeks. It was our job to convince her to stay forever.

Perhaps it had been fortuitous that Harbart and the prince had come to the med station. While she might not have realized it, she’d placed the collar about her neck as a sign of trust in me. She knew, subconsciously through our bond, that I would keep her safe from the vile court elder.

I lifted the box for Dare to see, then placed it on the dining table. Dare’s eyes widened at the sight of it just before he reached down and adjusted himself in his pants. The idea of training our mate was as arousing for him as it was for me.

“It’s so beautiful,” she murmured.

I’d seen the vista my entire life and saw nothing unusual about it. I could understand her awe, but she would have the rest of her life to look.


When she didn’t turn, I repeated, “Hannah.”

Dare cleared his throat.

“I want you to meet Dare, your second mate.”

As I’d anticipated, she spun on her heel and looked between me and Dare. “My second mate? I’m sorry, I’m confused.” A deep V formed in her smooth brow.

Dare stepped toward her, bowed his head to show her his deepest respect, then met her gaze. “I’m Dare, Zane’s named second, Hannah.”

She looked up at my friend and distant cousin, the long line of her neck visible. How I wanted to kiss along that length, taste her skin there, feel the fast thrumming of her pulse. I could see the blood frantically pulsing through her veins from across the room.

“You said… second mate?”

Dare spoke before I did.

“Prillon women have two mates.” Dare tilted his head in my direction. “You were matched to Zane through the bride program, but he has chosen me as his second. I have been waiting just as long to meet you. And I find you to be lovely, Hannah.”

She waved off the compliment and came around Dare’s large frame to stand before me. “You said I belonged to you.”

“You do,” I replied. “But I have chosen Dare as my second, so you belong to him as well.”

She tugged at the collar about her neck, but it would not budge. “And the collars? I
a connection to you. Warden Egara assured me that I was only matched to one mate. I was not matched to two of you.”

“That is true. You were
to me. Only me. But I choose my second and because of that, you are
to both of us,” I clarified as Dare came to stand beside Hannah.

He held up his new collar, currently black; it lay limp over his palm. When she turned to him, I stepped up behind her and placed my hands on her bare shoulders as Dare spoke. She was between us, just where I wanted her.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Hannah,” he murmured. “I wanted to be with you when I put this on and made us all one.”

Dare wrapped the collar about his neck as Hannah watched. The ends sealed and it turned a deep red. I felt the jolt in my body and Hannah’s gasp let us both know that she felt the connection as well. With Dare joined in our bond, the connection with Hannah was stronger. I could smell the scent of her wet and eager pussy even more blatantly than before. In return, she was now feeling both of us, and our desire to pleasure her. Dare’s eyes flared as he felt the first pulse of Hannah’s rising arousal. I knew he could scent her, too. “I feel you now, my mate. You and I are connected, just as you are linked to Zane.”

Hannah stepped back until she bumped into me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders so that my forearm rested just below her chin. I wanted her to know that I had her, that I would always have her.

She reached up and wrapped two small, trembling hands around my forearm, but I noted that the panicked racing of her heart began to slow, and she did not push me away. She clung to me, as if I were already her true match, as if I were the only safe haven in the room. “But I can’t have two mates!”

I leaned over, eager to bury my face in the silken strands of her hair, and asked my question with my lips pressed to the back of her head. “Why not?”

“It’s just not done!”

Dare crossed his arms over his chest and I caught his eye to make sure we were in agreement. Yes, we would have a discussion on this topic—for a short time—then we would persuade her to accept the idea in other ways.

“On Prillon it is the only way a woman can mate,” I added.

“Why?” she asked, her voice shaky.

I settled my cheek against the top of her head as Dare answered her. “Zane is commander of this ship, of an entire fleet of ships. I am a combat pilot. If something were to happen to one of us in battle, you would need a second mate to make sure you would not be left alone and unprotected. We are a warrior race, Hannah. We do not expect to live long lives and we do not fear death, but we do believe in safeguarding our mates and our children. Our mating rituals were created to protect you. You will not be less than a Prillon bride simply because you are from Earth. You will be gifted with the sanctity of a double bond to ensure your future, and a future for your children.”

“So, I was matched to Zane, but now I’m to just accept you as well?”

Dare grinned. “It would be easiest if you did, but I will certainly enjoy persuading you should you have doubts. Just think, Hannah. Two men to cherish you. Two men to see to your needs in and out of the bedroom.”

Her hands tightened their grip on my arm as she thought of that possibility.

“Is it normal for her skin to turn that pretty shade of pink?” Dare asked me.

“Mmm, it’s called blushing.” I lifted my head and turned her in my arms so I could watch as the color spread from her exposed shoulders, up her neck, and into her cheeks. “Her nipples are that same shade and when she comes, her pussy flushes a slightly darker color.”

Her face flushed even more at those words. “Zane!” she cried out, clearly mortified.

“There will be no secrets between us,” Dare said. He touched his collar. “With the collars, there can’t be. I know that the idea of being with both of us frightens your mind, but your body is excited by the idea. I can feel your pussy’s ache and the heaviness of your breasts with Zane’s arms rested right above them. And so can Zane.” Dare licked his lips slowly, as if he couldn’t wait to take a soft globe into his mouth.

Her mouth fell open and she tightened her grip on the sheet.

“I don’t believe you,” she whispered.

Dare undid the front of his pants and pulled out his cock. Hannah turned her head away and squeezed her eyes closed.

“You do not need to see me to know how I feel about you.” Dare gripped the base of his hard cock and began stroking it, his thumb brushing over the flared head.

While my collar was programmed to mute Dare’s feelings, Hannah’s was programmed to fully experience the physical link with both of her mates. She would know the intensity of both our desires, both our needs when it came to her. There was no question she could feel Dare’s arousal, feel the rush of pleasure just looking upon her brought to him.

She gasped and turned her head back in his direction as I rubbed her bare shoulder with my palm and whispered in her ear. “The connection, Hannah, is powerful. It can’t be denied.”

Dare continued to stroke and she continued to stare at him, her skin flushing impossibly darker. Her pussy was dripping wet with her arousal; I could scent it in the air. Her racing heart, her aching backside, the heavy weight of her breasts, and the throbbing demand of her pussy… all sensations came through the collar with the utmost of precision.

“I don’t understand,” she replied, her voice hoarse.

“You will adjust, Hannah, not only to space, but to me and Dare,” I told her. “Only time will give you the knowledge you need to accept your new life. In the meantime, we will begin our life together as we mean to live it from now on. Remove the sheet.”

Hannah’s eyes remained on Dare’s hand stroking his cock.

“Hannah,” I warned. “Do as you are told.”

When a bead of fluid dripped down the crown of Dare’s cock, Hannah licked her lips. The subtle scent of Dare’s pre-cum was an aphrodisiac, an arousal tool used to bring about desire and eagerness in our mates.

Having Dare stroke himself not only let Hannah see he had desire for her, but initiated her arousal response to him. Once the pre-cum touched her skin, seeped into her silky flesh, the connection between them would only enhance. The sensual side effects of the pheromones in our cum would create an even deeper bond once our seed was buried deep within her.

History had proven that even if a female mate was reluctant to fuck right away, they would usually at least allow a man to show his cock and hence, be exposed to the pre-cum’s sexual effects, just as Hannah was right now. She didn’t know it, but her mating connection had begun. She would be eager for both of us, her pussy continually wet, her body on edge and hungry. Our desire would feed hers through the mental link forged by the collars we wore. Her mind might try to fight our lust-filled desires, but the collar and the connection we shared was strong. Dare and I were powerful warriors and even we couldn’t fight it—nor did we want to.

Some cultures argued that the link was a form of coercion, a way to use a woman’s own body against her. But that argument was for the unmated people on our world, for once mated, none voluntarily gave up the bond. It gave too much pleasure.

Hannah was my match. There was no need for her to fight what would ultimately bring her great happiness and safety. Neither Dare nor I wanted to waste time before claiming her. Even now the ship headed for the war at the front. We had to get past Hannah’s defenses quickly and with precision. Only when we had completed the claiming ceremony and her collar matched ours would her safety be ensured.

I stepped back and dropped my hands from her shoulders to cross them over my chest. Hannah stood rooted in place, watching Dare stroke his cock. She didn’t move, almost as if she wasn’t sure what we expected of her. I was more than willing to remedy that.

“Turn around, Hannah, and show Dare your ass. Let him see the bright pink handprints from your punishment.”

Her eyes tore from Dare’s ministrations to meet mine. She could hear the implication in my words. Continue to defy me and she would be spanked again.

She didn’t move and I took one small step closer, but kept my voice smooth and gentle. I was not angry with her, and I needed to be sure she knew that.

“Take off the sheet.”

As she swallowed, she released her tight hold on the covering and it fell to the floor.

Dare groaned at the sight of her. Dark hair fell over her shoulder to brush against one pink nipple. Her breasts were full, more than a handful, with large, plump tips. As we watched, they hardened into tight peaks. She wasn’t slim like Prillon women, but soft and round. Her waist was slightly curved and her hips were wide and a perfect, lush hold for our hands as we fucked her.

BOOK: Mated to the Warriors
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