McKenzie, Cooper - Autumn Healing [Welcome to Sanctuary 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - Autumn Healing [Welcome to Sanctuary 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Yep,” Frank said with a vigorous nod. “That would be so hot!”

Evan wanted to slap his brother, but instead smiled at their woman. “Think of it as a game. We’re going to lay here and fight our overwhelming need to throw you down and fuck you until you can’t walk. You, on the other hand, will be trying to break our restraint. If you get off before we touch you, you win.”

“And if you break and touch me first?”

“You win then, too,” Frank said.

“But…I don’t understand,” she said as she paced from the wall to the railing and back again. “Don’t you want to touch me? Fuck me? I thought that’s what mates did.”

Evan growled and shifted on the bed as his cock twitched again, pressing even harder against the fly of his jeans. “We want you more than you’ll ever know, sweetness. But after our playtime this afternoon, you still need some time to recover. We don’t want to hurt you.”

Autumn thought that over and nodded with a sexy smile. “So instead, I’m going to play with myself and try to break through the wall of composure you seem to have built since then?”

“Something like that,” Evan said.

Autumn nodded as she continued to pace, though he wasn’t sure he liked the devilish smile that crossed her face. Stopping at the end of the bed in the center, she began to hum to herself.

When she closed her eyes and her hips began to sway, Evan had to grit his teeth. She moved with the fluid grace of a dancer. Glancing at his brother, he wasn’t sure how long either of them would hold out, especially once she started discarding her clothes.

* * * *

Frank wondered how long it would be before either his balls or his head exploded with his lust or his dog pushed forth to demand he tackle satisfaction. He knew there was a good reason behind Evan’s instigating this game, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to know what it was. Sure, their mate was tired and tense and hiding something, but why was his brother determined to cripple him?

Watching Autumn sway to the song as she hummed softly was a thing of beauty. Even wearing clothes that were sizes too big, she looked like an angel dancing to the music of the heavens. As she toed off her sneakers and flipped them into the corner, he reached for his jeans. If he didn’t loosen the stranglehold the material had on his cock and balls, he might suffer permanent damage.

He sighed once the pressure over his groin eased and he wasn’t in danger of imminent insanity. Then he turned his full attention to his mate.

Chapter Ten

Without a thought as to her actions, Autumn kicked her sneakers into the corner next to the trunk. Along with being the strong one, she’d also been known as somewhat of a neat freak. As she continued to sway, she pulled off one sock then the other and sent them flying as well.

She fought down a grin as she watched her mates through half- closed eyes. Their gazes were glued to her hips as she slipped into one of the dance routines she’d learned. Her mates didn’t realize it, but this little game of theirs was about to backfire.

She’d been taking dance classes since she was old enough to follow her sisters to the dance school four blocks from their house. Though not an expert at anything, over the years she’d taken classes in every form offered from ballet to jazz to hip-hop. After joining the Army, she widened her horizons even further by taking classes in ballroom dancing, belly dancing, and how to strip and pole dance.

Nope, her men didn’t stand a chance.

She watched Frank open his pants and free his cock and balls and wasn’t surprised when a few seconds later Evan did the same thing. Putting a little more swing into her hips, she turned a circle and showed them her back. Reaching for her belt, she opened it and pulled the leather from the loops holding it. After slowly sliding it back and forth across her back from shoulder blades to waist, she tossed the belt away.

Turning back to face her men, she planted her feet and shimmied her shoulders, which brought their attention up her body. Evan’s jaw dropped when she leaned back ever so slight and began to swing her hips in figure eights as she dealt with the button and zipper holding her pants on.

She couldn’t help but smile as she danced her way around one side of the bed until she stood behind Evan. She met Frank’s eyes as she took hold of the waistband of her pants then dropped them as far down as her arms would go. She wiggled and shook until Frank began to pant, and his hand wrapped around his cock.

He groaned when she pulled them back up then danced her way around the bed. When she moved behind him, Frank flipped onto his back to maintain eye contact. She giggled as he nearly fell out of the bed. Only quick reflexes kept his ass from landing on the hard wood floor.

This time she turned her back to the bed as she lowered the pants. She released them as she bent down and laid her palms on the floor in front of her. Twin growls of hunger sounded behind her as her hips continued to move back and forth. Reaching up under the T-shirt that still covered her ass, she pulled down her panties. That earned another tortured sound from the men. Glancing between her legs, she saw both men had begun to stroke themselves, though she wasn’t sure either of them realized what they were doing.

She slowly slid her hands up the back of her legs. When she reached the hem of her shirt, she took hold of it in both hands. Lifting it up, she gave them a glimpse of her ass and then pulled it down again as she slowly straightened.

Someone muttered a curse, but she couldn’t be sure which one it was. Once she was standing upright again, she began to sway again, then slowly turned.

Both men were panting and stroking as they watched her dance. “Had enough yet?” she asked.

Neither man answered, though they exchanged a quick look between them before returning their full attention to her.

Raising her right hand to her lips, she took two fingers into her mouth and sucked on them for several seconds as her hips continued moving. Then she used those fingers to slowly draw a line down the center of her body until she reached her pussy.

“Mmmm,” she moaned.

She closed her eyes as her fingers cupped around her pussy over the fabric of her shirt. In seconds, the material that touched her puffy lips, clit, and opening to her cunt soaked through with her juices.

She couldn’t take any more.

“So what happens if I touch you first?” she whispered as her hand shifted over her pussy, driving her closer to the edge of orgasmic insanity.

“We win,” Frank said, his tone deep and growly.

“And what do you win?” she asked, edging closer until the front of her legs brushed against the mattress.

Her fingers never stopped moving, and as her men continued watching and stroking themselves, an orgasm bubbled up out of her clit and overwhelmed her. She cried out softly as she came then collapsed forward onto the bed. Her hand remained pressed between her legs, prolonging the shivers of ecstasy that rolled through her.

“Oh, fuck, that was beautiful,” Frank said then growled deep in his chest as his cock sent jets of release to cover his chest.

Evan didn’t say a word. He just roared his completion as his cock exploded.

Once her orgasm settled, Autumn melted into a puddle of goo. As she caught her breath, the soul-deep weariness she’d been trying to keep at bay since returning to “the world” swept over her, joined by the exhaustion of the busy and eventful day.

When one of her twins picked her up and moved her to the middle of the bed, all she could do was sigh and roll onto her side. A moment later someone lifted her head and slid a pillow beneath it. Then a soft blanket settled over her, and she slept.

* * * *

Once they’d tucked their sleeping mate under a blanket, Evan followed his brother down the stairs.

“Damn, that was the hottest thing I’d ever seen,” Evan said softly, his knees still a bit shaky.

His cock twitched at just the memory of Autumn dancing and driving herself and them to an orgasm he would not soon forget.

“You got that right, brother,” Frank replied as they entered the kitchen. “Where do you think she learned to move like that?”

Crossing to the refrigerator, Evan got out a pitcher of juice while Frank retrieved two glasses. He chuckled as he poured them each a glass. “I have a feeling that there is a lot more to our little mate than even her family suspects.”

“I, for one, can’t wait to uncover all her secrets,” Frank said before draining his glass.

Evan nodded his agreement then finished his juice. “I’m going to jump in the shower.”

“Okay,” Frank said, rinsing the glasses while Evan put the pitcher away. “While you do that, I’ll run up to the Wash House and get some clothes for the morning.”

“Bring me some, too. Tomorrow we’ll move our stuff down here and unload Autumn’s truck,” Evan said as he headed for the bathroom.

Yes, their little mate had secrets, but given time and patience, she would reveal all to her mates. Of that he had no doubt.

Chapter Eleven

Autumn woke up feeling strange. For the first time in ages, she felt well rested, relaxed, and the horrors of the past seemed very, very far away. Opening her eyes, she was shocked to see daylight streaming in the window. When was the last time she’d slept through the night without waking up screaming? Or slept through sunrise? Was this new, relaxed change because of this place or the men who’d come into her life?

While she usually woke up alone in a twin bed, she was surprised to find herself alone in the oversized bed. Then she remembered her arrival to Sanctuary and mating Evan and Frank. But where were her men? She figured that at least one of her men would be lying with her.

All at once, doubts began to creep in. Were they upset because they hadn’t had sex the night before? They couldn’t be. After all, it was their idea to play the pleasure yourself game. She’d just done what they’d asked of her. How could that upset them?

Now, nervous and worried, Autumn climbed from the bed. Looking around, she realized all of her things were still packed in her truck. She pulled on the clothes she’d worn the day before, leaving off the underwear. Shoving bare feet into her sneakers, she descended the stairs and wondered where to search for her mates first.

She smelled coffee and followed the trail to a coffeemaker on the counter in the corner. It took a moment to find the mugs, but when she did, she grabbed the biggest one on the shelf. Pouring it half full, she lifted the steaming brew to her face and breathed deep. Just the dark, smoky aroma was enough to wake her up these days, so she took several more deep breaths before setting the mug on the counter by the coffeemaker.

After using the bathroom, she walked into the living room and stopped to look around again. It really was a beautiful room with windows that looked out onto the garden that was nearly finished for the season and the bookcases that were built into the opposite wall.

This room deserved to be decorated by someone who knew what they were doing, not a woman who had lived in dorm rooms or barracks for the last six years. Her idea of redecorating was to rearrange the books on the shelf or buy new sheets for her bed.

Opening the door, Autumn stepped out onto the porch and took another deep breath. The air smelled clean and fall-like and cold. Someone muttering to her right drew her attention, and she found her men without even looking for them. They were walking down the path from the Wash House. Each carried several boxes piled in their arms while large plastic bags hung from their shoulders.

“You’re supposed to be sleeping,” Evan said as they reached the bottom of the steps.

Autumn couldn’t fight the excited feeling that bubbled in her causing her to grin widely. When he smiled back, his green eyes glowing, her insides melted and liquid heat filled her pussy.

“I haven’t slept this late since I joined the Army unless I’d pulled an all-night shift. And even then I would have seen the sunrise,” she said as she moved to open the door. “When I woke up, I was all alone and cold.”

“But ladybug, we’ve only been gone twenty minutes,” Frank said as he dropped his bags and boxes in the middle of the living room then crossed to her.

She immediately stepped into his open arms and snuggled into his solid body. Pulling in one more deep breath, she sighed as Frank’s scent filled her lungs. He smelled so good. Lifting her head, she pursed her lips and waited until he dropped his head and kissed her.

When he finally lifted his head, they were both breathing hard, and Frank had run his hands down her back to cup her ass cheeks.

“Good morning,” she said with a smile.

“Mmmm, yeah,” was all Frank could say in response.

When she pulled out of his arms and turned to Evan, he reluctantly released her. Stepping up to Evan, she looked up and winked. “Good morning.”

“And good morning to you,” he replied.

He pulled her body tight to his so she could feel his long, hard cock press into her belly. Then he bent his head and kissed her as well. By the time Evan lifted his head, all she could think of was stripping down and fucking them. Her pussy clenched as she turned and walked away.

“Where are you going?” Evan asked.

“I think it’s time for a nap,” she said without looking back.

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - Autumn Healing [Welcome to Sanctuary 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
10.1Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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