Read Megan's Alpha Male Online

Authors: Becky Wilde

Tags: #Romance

Megan's Alpha Male (3 page)

BOOK: Megan's Alpha Male
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“Can you understand me, Nik?”

“Yes, Megan.”

“How the bloody hell is this even possible?

Doesn't it hurt when you change like that? Where do your clothes go? Does anyone else know of the existence of werewolves? What am I doing? I am just as crazy as you are. I am talking to a werewolf, or maybe I've been drugged and am hallucinating.” Nik's wolf began to shimmer once more and Meg quickly removed her hand. The cracking and popping sounds of his contorting bones, made her wince with sympathy. Once more Nik was standing in front of her fully clothed. He pulled the coffee table back within reach of the sofa and handed Meg her mug of coffee.

“Breathe. Drink your coffee and I will explain.

Werewolves have been on Earth since the beginning of time. We have evolved to what we are, just as humans have. We are the same as a human being, just, with more genetics. My parents were werewolves and everyone you meet here, in my home is also a werewolf. We have the power to change our body shape into wolves, but we do not have to wait for a full moon to do so. That is a myth created by humans. A werewolf cannot change shape until they reach puberty. The first few times we change can be painful, but we become accustomed, our bodies more supple. We don't really know what happens to our clothing. There have been a few theories regarding this, but I think they just, disappear when we change into our wolves and then reappear, when we become human once more. Do you have any other questions, Meg?” Nik asked as he took her hand within his own.

“What is a mate?”

“You are my mate. You are the equivalent to my

'wife' in human terms.”

“How can you say that? You don't even know me and I don't know you,” Meg stated with agitation, as she got to her feet once more; and began pacing.

“I can tell by your scent, Megan. You smell of vanilla, earth and woman. Your scent draws me to you,” Nik stated, walking toward her. “No. Please don't be afraid of me and back away. I would never, ever, hurt you.”

“I can't believe this. How can you expect me to believe any of this? God, I am losing my mind.”

“No, you are as sane as I am. How can you refute what you have seen with your own eyes? You know what I am saying is true. I showed you what I am.

How can you deny us?” Nik stated angrily.

“You need to give me some time to process everything. I didn't even know werewolves existed until moments ago. Next you will tell me, witches, vampires and ghosts exist as well.”

“They do exist, Megan. Not everything is fiction.

There has to be a little bit of truth to every myth, don't you think?” Nik asked.

“I suppose so. You have totally blown my mind, Nik. I just don't know what to think anymore.”

“Then don't think. Just feel,” Nik stated, as he pulled Meg over onto his lap and placed his lips against hers.

He slid his mouth gently over hers, seeking a reaction to his own passion. When Meg gave a sigh and breathed out, he took advantage and deepened the kiss. He slid his tongue over the seam of her mouth, seeking entrance. When she complied, Nik gave a growl of approval and devoured her. His kiss was so carnal, it was a wonder they didn't burst into flames.

When he felt Meg slump against his body in surrender, he slid a hand up her rib cage and stroked the side of her breast. When she didn't protest or move away, he moved his hand over her soft fleshy mound and kneaded her gently. She thrust her chest into his hand begging for more. He flicked his thumb over the hardening nipple, taking her moan of pleasure into his mouth. He wanted to lay her down on the floor and fuck her so badly, but knew she wasn't ready for that, so he weaned his mouth from hers until he was sipping at her mouth. He lifted his head and looked into her passion glazed eyes.

“We were meant for each other, Megan. Come, I will walk you to your room,” Nik stated as he lifted her from his lap. He held Megan around the waist as she wobbled on her feet, and had to hide his smile of satisfaction from her. He loved that he was able to make her boneless with desire.

“I can find my own way back to my room,” Megan stated haughtily, as she pulled away from his grip and headed to the door.

“Goodnight,” Nik stated, as he watched her leave the room. He had to hold in his mirth as she ignored his platitude.

Nik went in search of his brother and Malcolm. He had a problem he needed to deal with.

Chapter Three

Nik found his Beta brother, Stefan, in the kitchen with his other Beta's, (second to their Alpha), Malcolm, Seamus and Logan. Stefan was talking to his equals, as they tried to hash out a plan to confront another pack, which had apparently decided they wanted in on his territory. Harry was serving coffee and Nik knew he would inject his opinions to the conversation if needed. Harry had been his father's Beta, but had decided to retire and become his butler, when his parents had died. Harry was like a second father to him and Stefan, but Nik knew he could trust him with his life, if it was necessary.

“Do any of you know why the Malibu Pack has suddenly decided they want our territory?” Nik asked, as he took a seat at the kitchen table.

“No Sire, we have no idea. I have Stacey trying to hack into their computer system. Hopefully she will be able to give us a heads up,” Malcolm stated.

“Seamus, since you are the fastest and strongest of my Beta's. I would like you to be my mate’s bodyguard. I want you to follow her everywhere she goes. The only reason you will not be with her, is when I am. I want you to post one of the thirds, Omega's, to guard Meg's door at night. You can rotate them so they don't become too tired.”

“Thank you, Sire. You do me a great honor. It would be a privilege to protect your mate, my Queen,” Seamus stated, with a deferential bow.

“Logan, I want you to see if you can find out why the Malibu Pack are so interested in our territory.

There has to be a good reason. We've never had any trouble with them before. I want an update first thing in the morning. We'll reconvene here at seven am.

Thank you for the heads up Malcolm. I want you to help Seamus protecting my mate. I'll see you in the morning, guys,” Nik stated in dismissal, watching his male pack members leave the room. “Harry, you didn't have anything to add. Do you have any idea why the Malibu Pack would want to encroach on my territory?”

“Sire, there is only one explanation I can think of.

I may be wrong, but I have a feeling they have been watching us for some time. I think someone is after the Alpha position of the pack. Your mate will have to be watched as the Malibu Pack Alpha will probably try to get to you through her.”

“I thought the same thing, Harry. The question is why?”

“Well, there was a time when your father had first met his mate, your mother. The Alpha of the Malibu Pack, John Sampson, was courting your mom.

Everyone knew she wasn't his mate, but for some reason, he didn't want to acknowledge that fact. Your father met your mother in town one night. She was out with some of the other females of the pack. Your father took one sniff and look at your mom, and that as they say is history. Needless to say your father won your mother's heart. Ever since then the Malibu pack has been holding a grudge against our pack, Trinity Pack. Even though the Alpha who presided over the Malibu's is no longer alive, I would think he told his son, Travis the story and he is now trying to exact revenge.”

“Why have I never heard of this before? Why didn't my father ever say anything?” Nik stated with frustration.

“I believe your father thought the trouble was over. There have been no tussles between our two packs since you mother was mated with your father. I don't know why Travis Sampson would want to exact revenge now. But as I said, Sire, it is only a theory,” Harry stated.

“I have a feeling you are right on the nose, Harry. I want you to keep an eye on Meg as much as possible, as well, Stefan. She needs to feel comfortable with us now she knows what we are.”

“You told her? Bloody hell, Nik. You could have given her time to get used to you, before you told her about us. She is going to want out as soon as she can.

If I know Meg, and believe me I do. She is going to try and escape as soon as she can.”

“Why do you think I have asked Logan and Seamus to be her bodyguards during the day; and have some of the Omega's at her bedroom door during the night?” Nik said with a grin. “She is one feisty little woman. I can't wait for her to try,” Nik stated with a chuckle. “Let the games begin.”

“You are one sly man. You know that don't you?” Stefan grinned at his brother. He knew Nik was looking forward to every challenge, Meg placed in his brother's way.


Meg drew the curtains back from the window and looked out into the dark night. The windows were sliding doors and she could see a balcony attached.

She unlocked and opened the door; then stepped out into the clean, crisp, night air. She moved to the railing and clasped her hands around the cool, white metal.

She listened to sounds of insects and birds, hidden from view. Taking a deep breath, she peered over the side of the balcony. The drop to the ground was at least eight feet high. There was no way she could jump down without seriously hurting herself. If she could climb over and hang from the bottom of the metal rail structure, the drop to the ground would be much less harrowing.

Meg went back into her room, thankful she had for packed a backpack in her suitcase. She grabbed her wallet and shoved some clothes into her pack, then made her way back towards the open glass doors. She carefully climbed over the top of the railing and since she had changed back into her jeans and sneakers, had no trouble placing her feet.

She crouched down, breathed in deeply, grasped the bottom rail of the balcony structure and pushed her feet out slightly until they fell over the edge of the house. She was dangling by her hands and knew she had to let go so she could land on the ground. She let her breath out and let go at the same time. Meg landed with a thud and fell to her knees. She didn't hurt herself, but hoped like hell no one had heard her landing. She quickly gained her feet and took off across the grass. She ran as fast as she could, aiming for the driveway but keeping amongst the trees so she wouldn't be seen. She ran and ran, until she could run no more. She gave a smile of elation when she saw the iron gates within view as she slowed to a walk.

Meg was just about to put her hand on the gate latch when she heard a low rumbling, growl behind her.

She turned around slowly and stared into bright, glowing, green eyes of a wolf.

“Ah, nice doggy. Sorry, wolf. I didn't mean to insult you, whoever you are. Look, I don't belong here. I don't want to be here. Just let me open this gate and I’ll leave you to whatever it is you do,” Meg stated, turning sideways, keeping the wolf in her peripheral vision, as she reached for the gate latch.

“Alpha, you need to come to the front gate. Your
mate is trying to escape. I will keep her here until you
Seamus advised, using the mental like he had with Nik.

“I'm on my way. Don't let her leave, but do not
hurt or scare her,”
Nik replied.

Seamus moved in close to his Queen and latched onto her backpack with his teeth. He tugged gently, pulling her away from the gate.

“Hey, stop that you overgrown dog. That is my bag, you're trying to steal,” Meg stated, using all her body weight to pull back toward the gate.

It was a wasted effort. The wolf was so much stronger than she was. She felt herself being pulled further and further away from the gate. She only had one option left to her. She was going to have to ditch her backpack. Using the wolf's strength to her advantage, Megan slipped both of her arms from the backpack shoulder straps and let go. She turned around to see the wolf tumbling over. She gave a bark of laughter, then ran to the gate once more. Instead of wasting time by trying to open the intricate latch, she grabbed the iron rails and began to climb. There was only one horizontal rail to place her feet on. She was going to have to use her arms to pull herself up and over the gate. She was up the creek without a paddle.

She never had been strong enough in her arms to lift her body, using only her arms.

Megan gave a squeal of fright when she felt hard, warm, masculine arms wrap around her waist. She looked over her shoulder slowly, knowing who had her before she could see. As soon as he had touched her she felt a tingling down the length of her spine and goose bumps raised all over her skin, her pussy clenching and her clit throbbing with desire.

“What do you think you are doing? I can't believe you were going to leave. Do I scare you so much, that you would leave yourself vulnerable to strangers?” Nik whispered quietly into her ear.

He was too angry to listen for an answer. He hoisted Megan over his shoulder and began the trek up the long driveway, back to the house. It was time he claimed his mate. He had wanted to give her time to get used to him and the other members of Trinity Pack. Now he had no choice. If he didn't claim her and she ended up escaping, she could end up in the hands of the Malibu Pack. That was the last thing he wanted for his mate. He had no idea what the other pack would do to Meg; and he had no inclination to find out.

“Put me down you overgrown baboon. What do you think you are doing? You can't keep me here against my will. I am going to have your ass in jail for kidnapping me, holding me against my will. I can't believe you are doing this!” Meg finished on a sob.

“And I can't believe you would be stupid enough to try to leave. You have no idea of the danger you would be putting yourself in. I can't let you do that, my mate. It is my job and the job of my pack members, to keep you safe at all times. We can't very well do that if you leave, now can we?” Nik stated, smacking Meg's ass.

She was wriggling around on his shoulder and thumping his back at the same time. Nik was worried she would injure herself. He smacked her butt again.

“Ouch. Stop hitting me you bastard. I can have you arrested for abuse. Don't think I won't.”

“Stop being so melodramatic Meg. I only smacked you. There is a big difference between a disciplinarian smack to abuse. Learn the difference. I told you I would never hurt you; and I meant it.”

BOOK: Megan's Alpha Male
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