Mia's Submission (The Satin Rose Experience)

BOOK: Mia's Submission (The Satin Rose Experience)
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Evernight Publishing






Copyright© 2012
Sandra Bunino





Cover Artist:
Sour Cherry Designs


JS Cook







The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.  No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or
in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






Thank you for giving me the wings to fly.





The Satin Rose Experience


Romance on the Go


Sandra Bunino


Copyright © 2012




Chapter One


Mia Lavender raked her fingers through her damp hair as she walked out of the bathroom in the pink robe that dangled on a padded hanger from the hook on the door.

“Asher, I don’t get it. Where’s the—“

She scanned the empty suite. Asher Cane was gone but in his place was a silver tray with a bowl of cut fruit and a thick stack of French toast covered with a generous sprinkle of powdered sugar. A glass of orange juice and a steamy silver carafe of coffee completed the decadent meal which perched on the perfectly made bed. The aroma wafted to her nostrils and instantly made her stomach grumble.
How does he do it?
She picked up the long stemmed rose from the crystal bud vase on the tray and brought it to her nose when the red envelope leaning against the vase caught her eye.

Mia flopped down on the bed with a big grin as she ripped open the envelope.




Training begins today.


Last night was for fun, but understand I won’t be so easy on you today.


Eat. You’ll need your energy for the session I have planned for you. After you’re done go to Suite Five where there will be further instruction.


Since this will be your first real training, let’s think of it as a trial period. We’ll meet on equal footing in the lounge at midnight tonight. You have until then to decide if you’re in or out. I’ll need an all-in commitment from you.




PS ~ Last night was amazing.



Mia reread the letter while nibbling on a piece of French toast.
Last night was amazing
. Her heart fluttered as she pictured him writing the note.

Pouring a cup of coffee, she shook her head in amazement. In just twenty-four hours, Mia Lavender went from an administrative assistant for Rosebud Resorts to Vice President of Client Experience at the exclusive Satin Rose Experience or SRE division of Rosebud all because of her slip. Leaving her Twitter site open to Asher Cane’s very sexy eyes led to a slew of direct messages with @MandAGuy. Mia opened up and told him the most intimate details of her fantasy to submit her body to a Dominant. Those events landed her in submission training for the job Asher was convinced she was born to do. More importantly, she was in training to be his partner,
. She wasn’t exactly sure what Asher had planned for her but there was only one way to find out. She popped a couple of pieces of fruit in her mouth, grabbed the access card Asher left in the envelope and padded in her bare feet to the door.

Mia cracked the door and scanned the hallway. Even though she imagined the private SRE twentieth floor had seen its share of scantily clad women since its opening last year, the act of walking around a hotel in a flimsy and very short bathrobe was foreign to her. Thankfully, Suite Five was just across the hall. She tiptoed to the suite and slid the access card into the slot above the doorknob. As she pushed the door open, the fine hairs of her arms stood on ends and her skin pebbled while chilly air from the room poured into the hallway.  Mia hugged her arms tight against her body and flipped on the light switch.

Suite Five couldn’t have been any more different than the warmth and luxury of Suite Eight where Asher fulfilled a fantasy she’d only dreamed about before last night. After she was blindfolded, he’d secured her wrists and ankles with silky restraints. Warmth flooded her pussy when she recalled the slow tracings of the riding crop over her sensitive skin. Mia sensed her first real training session would be a different experience. She shivered as her gaze darted around the small windowless room, settling on the large, black-framed bed dominating the suite. A simple, stark white quilt covered the bed. The half dozen fluffy pillows lining the black wooden headboard were the only indication of luxury. Two small side tables with matching lamps flanked the bed. A floor-to-ceiling armoire completed the set. The only color in the room was another red envelope taped to one of many mirrors on the pale eggshell walls. She peeled the envelope from the largest mirror; her name was written neatly on the front.

She slid her index finger under the flap to break the seal and unfolded the page.




Welcome to training.

You’ll find clothing hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Wear your hair in a tight bun at the nape of your neck. You have thirty minutes to get prepared. Stand in the far corner facing the wall and do not move or speak until you hear further direction from me.




PS ~ Don’t forget our safe word.


Mia’s mouth went dry while she read the letter. Sucking in a deep breath, she carefully folded the note, slid it back into the envelope and headed toward the partially open door on the other side of the suite. The bathroom was not as posh as the other suite but was well-appointed. The black granite counter contained a basket of cosmetics, body lotions and her favorite hair products. She leisurely picked through the basket when she remembered the letter on the counter.
Thirty minutes!
She straightened her back and pushed the door closed to reveal her uniform for the day. Expecting to see a stereotypical BDSM leather and chains getup, she was surprised by the white blouse and red plaid skirt which hung from padded hangers. Removing the shirt from the back of the door, she spotted a creamy lace strapless bra dangling from the hook. She smirked at the lack of panties provided in the ensemble.

Mia shimmied into the outfit and secured her hair as requested. She twirled and examined herself in the vanity mirror. The skirt was so short she could see the bottom of her ass cheeks peeking out from the hem of the wool skirt. 
Shoes, what about shoes?
She scanned the tiled bathroom floor and spotted a sticky note stuck to the bottom of the door.


Open the armoire and take your pick of heels.


The edges of her lips upturned as she bounced to the armoire and swung one of the heavy doors open. Swallowing hard, she glanced over the contents. Whips, floggers, ropes, collars and chains hung neatly inside. She flipped open the second door, containing more of the same paraphernalia including implements she’d never seen before. Mia stepped back and shivered when her gaze came to rest in the middle of the armoire. No shelves or hooks adorned the space, just a black padded satin background with buckled straps at all four corners and one large leather belt attached in the middle. She fingered the cool material, then spied a panel of switches built into the side of the cabinet. She flipped one of the switches, wondering what would happen. A soft motor purred and the bottom half of the back of the armoire protruded into the room. The rumbling stopped when the middle strap lay flat on the newly formed platform. Mia’s heart raced as the purpose of the armoire feature registered in her mind.



Chapter Two


Asher’s leg bounced under the conference table. His pen tapped a matching beat on his leather folder in an attempt to fast forward to the end of the presentation. The Satin Rose Experience was expanding into Rosebud’s Vegas location and his presence as president of SRE was required at the monthly status meeting. Normally, the detail driven Asher would’ve had a legal page full of questions written out, but his pad was clean. The thought of Mia waiting for him in Suite Five clouded his senses and his cock twitched, imagining her knockout legs extending from the schoolgirl skirt he picked out.

“…in closing, the project is moving along and will open on time in December…”
After making the rounds with the usual handshakes he pulled his suit jacket from the back of the leather chair and marched to the bank of elevators. Slipping the jacket on, he straightened his tie in the elevator’s mirrored doors. He hadn’t been able to wipe the grin from his face all morning. His assistant, Margaret, even made a comment about his unusually happy mood. He’d been charmed by Mia from the moment she walked into his office. Her pencil skirt and mile high stilettos accentuated every curve of her toned body. He’d yearned to touch the delicate alabaster skin of her neck below her glossy dark hair worn in a neat bun.

Asher fingered the access card in his grasp as he sauntered toward Suite Five, stopping only at the control room before continuing to the door. He knocked once and was buzzed into the room. One of his most trusted security guards, Nate, sat at the control desk and nodded to Asher.

BOOK: Mia's Submission (The Satin Rose Experience)
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