Read Micah's Mate (Dark Sky) Online

Authors: Beverly Leahy

Micah's Mate (Dark Sky) (15 page)

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“He likes you.” Katlyn saw the shine in her eyes as she spoke of him. She liked him even though he was annoying.

“Do you think so?” Linsey looked over at Stochi and found he was watching her. Blushing she turned away. She felt a crazy kind of excitement from the looks he was giving her. It was as if he could see what she was feeling. It was uncanny.

“He does.
” Katlyn looked up at Stochi and smiled. “He is a good man.”

Linsey looked back at Stochi and smiled softly, “He seems so.”

Turning toward Jonas Katlyn listened to his recanting of what had happened after her and Micah had left. It seemed that not only had the government begun looking for more aliens but they had found a way to search for them.

Jonas looked intently to Micah, “They have this scanner that will allow them to do retinal scans. It seems that ours are slightly different from what I have heard, although how they know this I don’t’ know. I hadn’t heard of any of our people being captured.”

Jonas looked down at his plate and back up, “When we left they had begun going house to house with this scanner. We barely got out of there before we were caught. I warned the others before we headed out and two of the four were leaving right after we did. The last two refused to leave just yet; they said that the women they had chosen were not ready. I hope that they got out in time.” Jonas looked over at his mate and smiled, “God willing they will return.”

After dinner Micah and Katlyn returned to their room to relax.

“How are
Jewel and Linsey taking the move?” Micah walked into their bedroom and moved to the stream where Katlyn was bathing. He would never get tired of watching her.

Arching back to rinse her hair Katlyn looked up at Micah, “They seem to be doing fine. Jewel is an artist and is itching to get some paints. Can we send some over there, as a welcoming gift?”

“Of course. I will see to it first thing in the morning. And how is Linsey doing?” Micah pulled off his clothing and moved into the water next to her. “Is she okay with being here with only her sister?”

“Linsey is okay but she is very different from her sister. Jewel has an inner strength, she is a survivor. You can see it seconds after meeting her. Linsey is softer, kinder.” Katlyn paused, “I think Stochi has taken a real liking to her.”

Micah helped wring out her long hair, “I think he has to. I hope that it develops into something for the both of them.”

Katlyn moved behind Micah to wash his back. “I hope so to. He would do well with her. She is kind and sweet but I don’t believe she will allow him to walk on her either.”

Micah turned toward her, “You will miss him.”

Katlyn began soaping his chest. “What do you mean? I will gain a sister, not lose a brother.”

Micah rinsed off and pulled her against him, “Good answer.” Slowly he leaned down and took her mouth with his.

Katlyn moaned as his need washed over her. One kiss was all it took to be completely overcome by him. She tangled her hands in his hair as he lifted her against him.

“I have been thinking my Niflet.” Micah ran his lips down her neck.

“What have you been thinking of?” Katlyn panted. His need covered her as he continued to run his lips over her. 

“I have been thinking of how I could possibly make today up to you.” Micah carried her out of the stream.

“Ahh, a man that keeps his promises, I like that. And what have you come up with?” Katlyn teased him. Licking his neck and gently biting him causing him to chuckle under his breath.

“My dear, I am more of a show than tell kind of man.”

Katlyn laughed as he laid her on the bed, “Then by all means baby, show me.”

“That sounded like a challenge.” Micah moved her hands to the headboard and wrapped them with the cloth he had tied to the top of the bed. “Don’t move.”

Katlyn immediately felt need pool between her legs. He had tied her to the bed. She didn’t realize that this kind of thing would be such a turn on but it was. As Micah pushed her legs apart she pulled at the ties and found they were completely secure.

Micah licked over her softly then with more force loving the taste of her as she became wetter. He wasn’t sure if it was from what he was doing or because she liked being tied to the bed but it was something he was going to have to look into later.

As she moaned he swiped his tongue over her again then in her. He thrust his tongue deep then pulled back to suck her into his mouth.

“Oh God, Micah.” He had never taken her like this before; he had always been gentle and loving. This time was hotter, faster; and it was setting her on fire.

Micah growled against her as he felt her tighten further, “You like this.”

Katlyn pulled on her binds and moaned again. She needed to touch him but the binds on her wrists prevented much movement. The fact that she had absolutely no control was edging her excitement higher.

Micah chuckled softly, “Oh no my dear. You do not get to touch me just yet. Just enjoy.” Micah eased two fingers into her and suckled her at the same time causing her to arch off of the bed. “Tsk Tsk. You are not supposed to move.”

Katlyn forced herself to lay flat as he licked her one more time before moving over her. “You like this don’t you?”

“Yes.” She gasped trying very hard to lay still.

“What do you want?”

“I want you to let me loose.”

“But I don’t want to let you loose. I want you just like this.” Micah sucked her nipple into his mouth hard causing her to moan. “You like that to. What if I bite down just a little right here?”

The soft sting of pain had Katlyn gasping. “Yes. Please Micah”

“Please what?”

“I want you.”

Micah leaned up and untied the binds around her hands. “Then take what you want baby.”

Katlyn smiled mischievously at him, “You shouldn’t say that, it sounded like a challenge.” Katlyn rolled him to his back and slid down his body. “You are in trouble now.”

She leaned looked down and sucked him into her mouth deeply and moaned at the taste of him. Easing back up she smiled up at him, “You like that don’t you?” Now it was her time to play with him and he was in trouble.


“And what about this?” She asked as she licked over the head and sucked just the tip of him inside her mouth. “You taste so good.”

“Katlyn.” Micah threaded his hands in her hair holding her head as she sucked him deeper into her mouth. Her mouth was so hot and wet surrounding him. He jerked as she moaned, causing her throat to vibrate around him.

“I could do this all night but I need you Micah.”

Growling Micah pulled her up beside him. Moving between her legs he was inside her with one thrust. Watching her face, feeling the need and desire circle them Micah pushed deeper and faster into her.

“I can’t hold back this time. Come for me Niflet. Let me feel you clench around me.”

“Micah, harder. Yes! Micah!” Katlyn arched up taking him deeper as her body closed around him tightly.

Micah pushed deep and let loose deep inside of her









Chapter 10




“Stochi, have you seen Katlyn?” Micah rounded the house quickly looking for any sign of his mate. Something was wrong, something was very wrong. He couldn’t find her anywhere and this was not like her to be gone so long with no word.

Stochi looked up from where he was training Jewel and Linsey with the fireballs. The two of them were getting the hang of forming the fireballs pretty quickly. Idly he wondered if it was their genetic make up that allowed them the control or if it was pent up aggravation. Chuckling under his breath he wasn’t sure he really wanted to know.

Katlyn had been right when she had said the other women would want this ability.
Jewel and Linsey had been adamant against Jonas’s refusal that they be able to defend themselves. Micah had finally stepped in and agreed once Katlyn had pulled rank and spoken to him.

I haven’t. Is everything okay?” Stochi moved away from the women and walked over to Micah still keeping an eye on what they were doing.

“I have looked everywhere for her.” Micah looked toward town then over toward the woods. Surely she wouldn’t go into the woods by herself, he had warned her about that when they had first come here. The woods here were dangerous here; there were too many animals in there that she was not familiar with.              

Stochi walked closer to him, “She may be down by the creek; she likes to talk with old man Walker down there.”

“That’s not it; I know she isn’t out there with one of the villagers.” Micah paused running a rand through his hair, “Stochi? I can’t feel her.” Micah said under his breath looking into the woods worriedly.

Stochi stilled, the connection their males had with there mates was strong. Their men could usually sense their mates for miles unless they were asleep. The connection between Micah and Katlyn was even stronger; Micah not being able to feel her was a huge issue, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I did for a bit earlier, but it was weak I had assumed she was taking a nap. Now, nothing.” Micah paced away from his brother. He should have known something wasn’t right earlier. Never was the link between them weak; fuzzy if she was dreaming but never weak. Their connection was different than the others of his world. Where the others had a connection with their mates if they were close theirs was not the same. His and Katlyn’s connection was stronger. No matter the distance it was always as if she was standing right in front of him. He could tell her mood, her feelings; if he stretched it sometimes he could tell what she was thinking. If something had happened to her he didn’t know what he would do. She was his soul.

“When did you see her last?”

“Breakfast. I had some business in town and got tied up there until lunch time. I have been looking for her since I got home about two hours ago.” Micah was worried, never since he had met her had he not been able to sense her. In some way or fashion she had been a part of him since that first day. Now, nothing. It didn’t make sense.

“Jewel, Linsey, I believe we are going to have to cut practice short for today. We can continue tomorrow if you don’t mind.” Stochi turned to Micah, “Let’s go inside.” Stochi spoke softly into his communicator calling the rest of the family to the house. “We need to find out who saw her last and where; it’ll give us a place to start looking so that we don’t waste time.”

Once inside the house they moved into the living room and waited for the rest of the family to come in. Micah perched on the edge of the couch and tried to keep his agitation down. Stochi was right; they would waste time if they went off half cocked but the sitting still waiting was stretching his nerves thin.

Stochi stood next to him waiting. Watching Micah was like watching a caged lion, “Micah, I saw her around eleven headed into town, I had assumed to see Maria for her doctor’s appointment.” 

“She postponed it until tomorrow.” Micah ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

His father, mother and Maria entered the house and moved quickly over to Micah and Stochi.

“What’s going on?” Micah’s father looked over the family and moved to stand behind his mother as she sat down.

“We will explain as soon as everyone gets here.” Stochi stood next to the window.

Once the rest of the family entered Micah stood pacing.

“I am unable to find Katlyn. I have been searching for her for over two hours and she is no where to be found. I need to know when everyone saw her and where.”

Maria smiled, “Micah, I am sure that she is fine. She may be taking a walk. She came by the office this morning around eleven thirty just to talk. She left there around noon, said she wanted to get back and have lunch with you.”
              “Maria, she never came back.” Micah looked over the rest of the family, “Has anyone else seen her after this?”

The silence that fell over the room worried Micah. She had left the clinic two hours ago and no one had seen her since.

“We need to start
searching. Now.” Micah headed toward the door without looking back and began heading toward town. He would start at the clinic and speak with the people on the way, someone had to know something. Somewhere between the clinic and here she had disappeared. But people didn’t disappear here without a trace; he just needed to find someone who had seen her. She was a chosen one; someone had to have seen her.

Beginning at the clinic Micah retraced the steps Katlyn would have made as she came through town. He stopped at a few of the stores that were open along the way asking them about her. As Micah talked with the store owners he found that they all knew her by name. It seemed his Niflet was very well liked in town; funny how he hadn’t known how much time that she spent with each one of them.

Each of the store owners had spoken with her
as she had come through. At the end of the road Micah paused and rubbed a hand over his face in aggravation and worry. She had made it here to the bridge; there was nothing left between here and the house a quarter of a mile down the road.

Stochi joined him as he was crossing the bridge that led out of town. “Wait Micah, let me talk to Walker; I’ll see if he noticed her coming through.”

Micah waited as Stochi moved to the cabin in the woods off of the road. The old man there was more of a hermit than anyone he knew. Since the old man staid away from everyone he was sometimes forgotten. Except by Katlyn, Micah smiled thinking of it, her trips to see Walker was one he knew of. She made it a point to stop and speak to the old man whenever she saw him. She brought him bread and gifts as she passed through town, many times asking what he needed as she came into town and dropping if off as she left. She treated him like she would her grandparent; kind and considerate.

Micah had watched her closely with the old man, he was a little too eccentric for Micah’s tastes and he worried about the old man’s mental abilities. 

Micah looked up as Stochi exited the little house looking grim. “What is it?”

“He saw her as she was coming down the road but she was stopped by Dr. Wallis. Walker said she never came past his house, he was watching for her. It seems he has taken a liking to her.”

“Dr. Wallis? What in the world could he have wanted with Katlyn?” Micah wondered under his breath. There was something about the doctor he should be remembering but is was just out of his reach.

“I don’t know but we are going to find out.” Stochi got on the communicator and spoke with Maria quietly.

Micah racked his brain about Dr. Wallis and it all of a sudden hit him. “Stochi, he was an obstetrician.”

“He’s after the baby? That doesn’t make any sense; he couldn’t very well hide it. It’ll be the only child in the world, literally.”

“No Stochi, he doesn’t know she’s pregnant. He is after her for her eggs. Somehow he found out what Maria had been doing and wants to do the same.” Micah felt fury and rage fall over him in wave. That bastard was trying to capitalize on the baron women of this world. The women here had been through enough without having to deal with a man like this. And if this man hurt Katlyn or his child, he would kill him.

Stochi closed the communicator, “Maria just confirmed that he was one of the specialists that she had consorted with before starting the test. Micah, we need to find her now, the bastard has already had two hours with her.” Stochi’s face was devoid of emotion as he started back through town.

Together they walked toward Dr. Wallis’s place. The building had been vacant for the last ten years or so since there were no babies to deliver. Seeing the building in the distance Stochi slowed looking it over.

Someone’s there.” The place was quiet but there was a vehicle sitting outside and fresh tire marks. Taking a step forward Micah was hit all of a sudden with Katlyn.

Stopping he looked over at Stochi, “I don’t know what was blocking her but I feel her now.” Micah closed his eyes and reached out to her, trying to feel what she was feeling, trying to gauge the situation. She was frightened but more than that she was pissed. He smiled at the rage she was sending out, if he knew his Katlyn she was going to do some damage to the doctor. The fact that she was more mad than frightened eased his worry a bit. If she was in eminent harm he would feel it.

“Stochi, she’s there and from what I am feeling she’s pissed.” Micah smiled slightly and walked with Stochi the rest of the way to the building.


              Katlyn shook her head; it felt like she had a ton of cotton in there. What the hell had that bastard given to her? Trying not to move much she peeked through half closed lids and looked around. She was in a white room surrounded by medical equipment with one lone man sitting in a chair across from her. Where the hell was she? And who was that man? It was the same guy that had grabbed her off of the road but she had never seen him before today.

“I know you
’re awake. You’re blood pressure and respiration is elevated.”

glanced over at him and saw the man studying her. Trying to clear her head she took a few steady deep breaths.

Who are you and what the hell do you think your doing?” Katlyn was pissed. If he thought she was going to be an easy target he did not know who he was messing with.

“I am Dr. Wallis. Maria called me in to be a consult about egg donation. She was pretty vague but it didn’t take genius to figure out what you two had cooked up.” He sat across from where Katlyn was tied to a chair making notes on a clipboard.

Katlyn cautiously looked him over as she twisted the ties at her wrist. “Why did you bring me here?” She was afraid that she knew the answer to that. If he had talked to Maria about egg donation then this was what he was after. With there being a very small amount of viable eggs on this planet he could charge a bundle for them. What would happen when he found out that she was pregnant and he wouldn’t be able to harvest eggs?

“Because I don’t believe that donation should be limited to just your family. This miracle should be given to everyone.” Dr. Wallis continued to write in the clipboard hardly looking up at her.

Feeling her head clear a little more, Katlyn all of a sudden felt Micah. He was close. Thank God, somehow he found her. She felt him as if he was standing right next to her, and knowing how close he was gave her the courage to stand up to this monster for just a little longer.

“We are keeping it to the family to ensure that it can be done before we release it.” She didn’t think that he would understand why. Men like this didn’t care as to the why, they cared about how they could profit. The men of this world were not very different for the men of her world.

“And not get paid for it? Now that is a travesty. I think that we should make quite a bit on this. Considering that there are very few donors world wide.” Dr. Wallis chuckled, “It will make up for all of my loss over the past years. I am very glad you thought of it. I’m sure that one of us would have come to this conclusion eventually though.”

Katlyn snarled at him, “You can’t do that. You can’t barter human eggs to the highest bidder. The women here all deserve a chance to be parents.”

BOOK: Micah's Mate (Dark Sky)
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