MILF Cream: Feeding The Guy Next Door (6 page)

BOOK: MILF Cream: Feeding The Guy Next Door
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They watched her disappear into the darkness, her red safety light pulsing in the blackness. A groan escaped Veronica as she palmed her face in embarrassment.


“Holy shit, I can’t believe that happened!”


“Don’t worry about it, Roni,” said Jane as she squeezed Veronica’s hand. “There’s no way she saw what was going on.”




Veronica climbed from the pool, the chilly water dripping down her body. She tugged at her borrowed bikini top, shifting the far-too-generous cups back and forth to cover her breasts. Kim had leant it to her, and it was made with her generous curves in mind.


Veronica tightened the straps, her mind vaguely aware of the fact that Kim’s big, soft nipples had pressed against the same fabric, that her sex had warmed the skimpy bottoms. Again, images and sensation from years ago crowded her mind, of Kim and her swimming in the dark, of their bodies brushing against each other in the warm night, igniting something inside her she never knew existed. She blushed and shook her head, trying unsuccessfully to rid herself of those thoughts.


That morning, Kim had greeted her with coffee and a smile. They stood in the kitchen, whispering as Jane and the baby, Brady, slept upstairs.


“Did you girls sleep okay last night?” asked Kim with a little smile.


“Yeah, we did. Jane’s still zonked.” Veronica sipped on her coffee, letting the hot liquid warm her tongue.


“I bet, poor girl. That’s a long drive.”


They’d chatted for a while, a warm current of energy passing back and forth between them. Veronica hadn’t remembered her new stepmom being so nice, so easy to talk to, and she was pleasantly surprised. Maybe it was distance that made them so natural and easy together, or maybe it was freedom from Veronica’s ultra-conservative dad, who’d left for a week-long conference in Washington that morning.


“Roni…” said Kim with a questioning look on her face. “Are you and Jane, you know, more than friends?”


Veronica choked on her coffee and set it aside, coughing into her hand. Her mind raced. She wanted so badly to tell them, to tell them who she really was, but she was frightened. Her dad was so scarily conservative and Kim… well, Kim was a mystery.
Just do it
, she told herself as her heart thundered in her chest.
Just tell her


“No… well, yes. Kind of.”


Kim smiled and stroked her arm, raising goosebumps on her skin.


“I thought so,” she replied. “Don’t be scared, I won’t tell your dad until you’re ready to. I was in your position once, you know.”


The shock must have registered on Veronica’s face because Kim burst out laughing, her white teeth flashing.


“Don’t look so surprised! I did my fair share of experimenting in college. Well, it was more than just experimenting.”


“But—but, how? How’d you end up married to my dad? He’s so…


“You’d be surprised,” was all the older blonde said as she poured a little more coffee. “Enjoy Jane, honey. No one will pleasure you like a woman. I promise you that.”


Veronica’s heart skipped a beat hearing her say that and seeing the look of dreamy bliss on her face at whatever memory she was revisiting. She felt warmth rekindle between her legs, and she found herself scanning the older woman’s body, imagining her tanned body open and flushed with desire, her nipples dripping milk down her flat belly.
Christ, get it together, Roni
, she chastised herself, but the image kept flashing through her mind again and again.




Veronica snapped back to reality, her cheeks flushed pink. She smiled shyly and set her cup aside.


“Why don’t you go for a swim? I have to run Brady into town. He’s gonna spend some time with his grandparents. It’ll be just us girls until your dad gets back.”


Veronica wrapped a towel around her body and headed back toward the house, leaving the sun-spangled swimming pool for the shady lawn. She picked her way along the leaf-strewn path, mindful of her bare feet on the rough gravel. Quiet settled heavily over everything, broken only by the high, distant whine of airplanes flying overhead. There was no telling if Kim had returned from town, if Jane was awake.


The sliding door opened with a rumble and a squeak as she stepped inside. She blinked hard as her eyes adjusted to the dim interior. Somewhere down the hall she heard voices. She followed them into the sunken den where Kim sat curled up on the sofa watching TV, her back to the door.


“Hey,” said Veronica softly as she entered. Kim jumped in her seat, startled by Veronica’s sudden appearance.


“Oh my gosh, you scared me!”


Veronica smiled wickedly to herself as she stepped into the sunken room and turned to see Kim’s top open, her breasts bared in the afternoon sunlight streaming through the open window. Her heart leapt into her chest.


“I’m sorry,” she stammered, her eyes darting around the room. “I’ll go.”


“No, don’t be silly,” said Kim with a laugh. “Come sit down. I’m just pumping. It seems like whenever Brady is gone, my milk goes into overdrive.”


Veronica wanted to stay, desperately, but she couldn’t… could she? Kim watched her with big, blue eyes, urging her to sit down and keep her company. She felt the moisture from her towel and knew that her dad would have a fit if she sat on the sofa in a wet bathing suit.


“I need to change out of my suit really fast,” she replied, her voice tight in her throat.


“Okay, honey. Don’t be long, it gets boring being hooked up to the pump.”


Veronica dashed down the hall to the laundry room and pulled a cami and a pair of boy shorts out of the dryer. They felt so soft and fresh against her moist skin. She glanced at the empty hall and scooped her hand down between her legs, pressing against her sensitive sex and making herself shudder. She was so horny she could hardly stand it, but she’d have to wait to take care of it.


“Do you ever watch this show?” Kim asked Veronica as she came back in and flopped down on the couch. “It’s so trashy… I love it.”


Veronica settled in, uncomfortably conscious of Kim’s naked tits just inches away. She glanced sidelong at the older blonde, seeing the pale melon-sized mounds contrasted against her tanned body. Dark pink and puffy, her nipples jutted off with little beads of milk swelling at the tip. She licked her lips and glanced back at the TV, trying to maintain her composure.


“Is Jane up yet?”


“No, I peeked in and she’s still sleeping. How late were you up last night?”


Veronica shrugged. “I fell asleep around midnight, but I think Jane was up reading for a while.”


“Ouch!” hissed Kim. “Dammit!”


“What’s wrong?” Veronica took the opportunity to look over.


Her big, red nipple filled the suction cup, straining against the clear plastic. Veronica’s breath caught in her throat as the first gush of white cream filled the cup, obscuring her red, wet flesh for an instant before flowing into the plastic reservoir.


“Oh, nothing. This damned thing hurts!”


“I bet,” said Veronica in a low voice. Kim’s other nipples was hard now, too, its tip dripping with milk. “How often do you have to do that?”


“Two or three times a day. I swear, I thought weaning the baby would put an end to it. Boy, was I wrong.”


The pump whirred and slurped, drawing out voluptuous waves of thick, rich cream that splattered in the reservoir. Veronica felt warmth spreading through her as she watched the pump fill up, as she saw the pink flush spreading over Kim’s big, milky tits. She squirmed in her seat, squeezing her thighs together rhythmically in time with the pump’s incessant sucking.


“But doesn’t it feel kinda good?” whispered Veronica. Kim’s eyes flicked up and met hers for an instant before returning to the pump. She palmed her other breast, lifting its incredible heft in her slender hands. Veronica imagined just how hot and silky it must feel, how heavy with cream.


“Yeah… kind of. It feels good to be empty, but the pump is really the worst job for it. What it really needs is something soft and warm, like a mouth.”


A jolt went through Veronica, shooting from her pussy up her spine. Her tits tingled deep inside and she remembered Jane between her legs on the side of the road, her sweet, hot mouth tugging greedily at her nipples. Heat prickled her scalp as Kim’s eyes lifted and met hers, pinning her in place. She felt faint. Unfocused. Kim squeezed her breast gently, showing Veronica just how soft and pillowy the flesh was beneath her fingers.


“That makes sense,” whispered Veronica, breaking the silence. Her head swam… she could hardly string words together. “What—what do you do with the milk?”


Kim shrugged and pulled the suction cup free. It made a smacking sound as it disconnected from her nipple, leaving it all long and red and hard. Milk dribbled down the deep, half-moon declivity beneath her breast and onto her flat tummy. She moved the suction cup to the other breast, making the skin taut between her
-ed fingers as it latched on and started to pull. She made a throaty little moan and shifted in her seat, her legs falling open as the first spurts of milk came out.


“Some I save for the baby, but mostly I just toss it out. It’s a shame. I mean, it tastes good and it must be good for you, right?”


“It tastes good…” Veronica echoed her words, letting them wash over her.


“Yeah,” laughed Kim as she rested her head against the back of the couch. Her body was unfolding, opening up in the noonday heat. Flushed and pretty, she smiled easily as Veronica, her scent hanging in the air between them like perfume. Her finger swirled around the tip of her nipple, picking up a smear of milk and holding it out toward Veronica. “Want to taste it?”


Veronica’s eyes went wide. Her heart pounded in her ears as she stared at the creamy white smear on Kim’s fingertip, then at the bare swell of her tits all dripping with cream. All she wanted in the world was to taste it, to savor her sweet flavor, but not off her finger—she wanted it directly from the source.


Slowly, she leaned in and took her finger in her mouth. It dragged slowly along her tongue, depositing her milky gift. It tasted subtle and sweet, with an indefinable flavor that made her swoon. Kim pulled her finger free, softly tracing Veronica’s pouty bottom lip.


“You have a gorgeous mouth, Roni. It’s so pouty.” Kim’s voice was warm velvet. Veronica shuddered and her eyes fluttered shut for a minute, savoring the heat and spark between them. “Did you like it?”


Years of fantasies about her, about feeling and tasting her, were coming true—but it was wrong. So wrong.
I have a girlfriend… this woman is my stepmother
, she thought in frustration.
I can’t… I can’t…


“Yes. So sweet,” she replied. The heat in her pussy was overwhelming. She held her legs together, trying to obscure the wet spot forming between her legs. Her eyes slid brazenly over Kim’s tits, her gaze hungry for them.


Kim shifted and palmed them again, squeezing them so a fat drop of milk formed at the tip. Veronica couldn’t help herself; she leaned in, her eyes never leaving Kim’s eyes, and opened her mouth, catching the drop as it fell. Kim giggled.


“You’ll never empty me out like that. One drop at a time,” she whispered.


Veronica trembled at her words.
It’s happening… finally
. Her tongue darted out, licking her lips as she leaned in again. Kim’s eyes melted into her, urging her on. Veronica dragged her bottom lip up the underside of Kim’s nipple before closing her mouth over the stiff little peak and giving a long suck. A burst of cream flooded her mouth, coating her tongue with its richness. Kim gasped and gave a little murmur as she plunged her hand into Veronica’s hair.


, Roni. That’s it, baby, drink it all down. Oh god, it feels so good,” she hissed as Veronica latched on, sucking and slurping the cream until it dribbled down her chin.


Her hand cupped Kim’s massive tits, squeezing and toying with them as she filled her mouth with her flesh and milk. Every nerve in her body lit on fire as she straddled the older blonde, feeling her curvy body pressing against her inflamed pussy. She gathered up her tits and pressed them together, pulling off the pump and tossing it aside.


Kim pulled her close and pressed her face to her breast, stroking her hair as the younger girl suckled her greedily. Bliss flooded Veronica and she closed her eyes, immersing herself in the feel of the woman’s body and her sweet taste. A hand slipped beneath Veronica’s body, cupping and stroking her oh-so-sensitive pussy through the moist fabric of her shorts.


“You’re so wet, baby,” whispered Kim with a wicked purr. “Your little pussy is drenched. Let me feel it. Go on, take those off.”


Veronica pulled free from her tit and stood up, easing the flimsy little shorts over her lush hips. Kim slipped her hand inside her yoga pants and stroking herself as she eye’d Veronica’s swollen, red pussy.


“Isn’t it pretty?” came a voice behind her. Hands slipped around her and down between her legs, parting the slick and swollen lips. Veronica startled as Jane’s arms closed around her, holding her in place. “You were right about Kim, Roni. She’s hot. She and I had a long talk last night after you went to sleep.”


“Yes we did,” said Kim with a growl as she scooted to the edge of the couch. Her lips were so close that Veronica could feel the warmth of her breath against her pussy.

BOOK: MILF Cream: Feeding The Guy Next Door
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