Mirin, Christelle - Morgan's Protégé [Bonding Camp 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (8 page)

BOOK: Mirin, Christelle - Morgan's Protégé [Bonding Camp 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Of course,” he said, crossing the room to pick up a phone from the end table. He punched in some numbers. “Rachel, would you please bring a fruit and cheese plate to my quarters? Thank you.” He hung up. “Food is on the way.”

“You actually woke her up to bring us food?” Grace placed her hands on her hips.

“Yes. That’s part of her job.” Morgan turned and walked through a doorway on the left. “She gets paid very well for what she does. And what she doesn’t do,” he said from inside the room.

Grace padded across the carpet to the doorway he had entered. Without bothering to knock, she walked into what turned out to be Morgan’s bedroom. “Don’t you think it’s a bit above and beyond the call of duty to call her to bring food at this time of night? It must be past midnight by now.”

Morgan had dropped the robe he wore onto the floor and was sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling on a pair of silky-looking pajama pants. “Rachel does many things ‘above and beyond,’ if you must know.” He stood, pulling the pants up. “Why, does it bother you?”

“I guess because I’m a woman and I wouldn’t want to be called in the middle of the night to serve food to someone.” She tilted her chin up and crossed her arms over her stomach. “Even though she’s a servant here, you should have a little respect for her time off.” As soon as she said it, she wanted to take it back. What right did she have telling him how to handle his staff? Oh boy, he was going to blow up at her. She just knew it. He wasn’t the kind of man to take orders from a twenty-two-year-old intern who hadn’t really even started working for him yet. Her stomach clenched as she waited for the backlash.

Morgan stood looking at her for a moment then suddenly burst out laughing.

“What is so funny?” Grace struggled to keep herself from stomping her foot. Heat rushed into her face. “Morgan? Want to let me in on the joke?”

He dropped down to sit on the bed, still chuckling. Waving a hand at her, he said, “Come here, Grace.”

She chewed the inside of her lip for a moment then crossed the room to stand in front of him. “What?”

His gaze met hers, his eyes sparkling. “You look like a petulant child, standing there with your chin up and your eyes blazing.”

“I’m no child.”

“Oh, I definitely know that.” Morgan reached out and stroked her arm. “Sit down.” He patted the bed beside him. “I can see we need to have a talk about how the business runs and how we handle staff.”

“Are you going to ‘handle’ me?” She didn’t know whether to be angry or turned on. The thought of being “handled” wasn’t really such a bad thing now that she’d seen what being handled meant when it came to make love.

“Come here.” He snatched the sleeve of her robe and drew her toward the bed.

She plopped down beside him, turning slightly sideways so she could see his face. Was he poking fun at her expense, or was he going to lay down some rules about her behavior? Either way, it was going to kick in her inner bitch.

Morgan looked at her, the corners of his mouth curled up in a small smile. “This is how it is. Rachel and Missy and Rodgers all love their jobs here. They do whatever is asked of them, and we repay them with not only monetary rewards but also by helping them achieve things they couldn’t manage without our help. They don’t mind if we call them in the middle of the night. They don’t mind if we ask them to participate in bonding camp. In fact, they enjoy it immensely, as you’ve seen with Rodgers. Now, I don’t know what has gotten to you about the whole situation, but you really don’t need to be concerned about it.” He reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Things are great here. Everyone gets along. Everyone does their job. You’ll see.”

Grace sighed. “Maybe I was out of line, speaking to you that way, but I just don’t like to see people forced to do things that they don’t want to do.”

Morgan chuckled. “I like your spunk. That’s what drew me to you. You’re the only person who doesn’t seem to be intimidated by me. And as far as me forcing people to do things, you sure acted like you liked it earlier.” He gave her an evil grin.

A knock on the door stopped their conversation. Morgan stood. “Looks like the food is here.”

Grace followed Morgan into the living room. Morgan opened the door, and Rachel stepped inside carrying a covered tray. “Just put it on the coffee table, Rachel,” Morgan said.

Grace pulled the robe tighter around her. “I’m sorry we’re bothering you, Rachel.”

Rachel smiled at her and placed the tray on the table and lifted the cover. A platter filled with strawberries, melon slices, grapes, and pineapple chunks sat beside a smaller platter that held assorted cubes of cheeses. “It’s no problem. I was still awake.” She looked at Morgan. “Will you be needing anything else, Mr. Moss?”

Morgan brushed his hands down Rachel’s long, strawberry-blonde hair. “No, thank you. We’ll be fine the rest of the night.”

Rachel nodded, smiled at Grace, then left through the door.

The way Morgan caressed Rachel’s hair wasn’t lost on her. She sat down on the huge couch. “Tell me, Morgan, have you and Rachel been together?”

Morgan joined her on the couch. “Depends on what you mean by ‘together.’” He chose a piece of cheese and popped it in his mouth.

“I’m just trying to understand this whole situation,” Grace said, plucking a grape from the fruit platter. “Have you had sex with Rachel?”

“Not yet but I will be remedying that soon.”

She stopped chewing the grape. His answer had come so quickly and naturally she didn’t know what to think. “Am I in competition with the staff?”

Morgan frowned. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

“It’s just I’ve never been in a situation like this, and I don’t know if this is normal or if I’ve stumbled upon something that is so far out there I won’t be able to handle it.”

Morgan lowered the hand that held a piece of cheese. “We’re fine, Grace. What we do, here and at the office, is only between us. I’m speaking for all the staff.” He took her hand in his. “If this is too much for you, I need to know now. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want you to feel compromised in your beliefs either.”

Grace felt so conflicted. On the one hand, she knew in her heart that even though she’d just met Morgan, she loved him and wanted to be with him. On the other hand, was this situation going to be too much for her to deal with in the long run? Thinking analytically, she was going to have to weigh the pros and cons. “Morgan,” she began, resting her hand on his leg, “I need you to understand something. I’m a small-town girl. This is all new to me. I need to think about what this sort of life is going to mean to me. Do you understand?”

Morgan placed the piece of cheese he was holding on a napkin. “What are you telling me, Grace? Are you leaving?”

She shook her head. “No, I’m not leaving.” She sighed. “I want you to know, I love you. I can feel it deep inside me that you are the man I want to be with for the rest of my life. It may sound silly, since we just met, but I’m the sort of person who knows when something is right. And you are right for me. I hope you feel the same way about me.”

“Grace, I’ve been looking for you all my life.”

“I remember, you said you were looking for a protégé. I thought that was for the law firm though.” Her heart was beginning to sink. Was that all she was to him?

“That is
what I meant.” He stood, pacing to the other side of the room. When he turned back toward her, Grace now saw the formidable lawyer standing before her. His eyes blazed, his presence intimidating. Except to her.

She stood, parking her hands on her hips. “Well then, what did you mean?”

In two steps he was in front of her. Taking her by the shoulders, he focused on her eyes. “What I meant was, I have never found a woman more intriguing than you. One who could stand up to me one moment and the next, be putty in my hands. You are perfect for me, Grace. I want you to stay.”

“What if I can’t handle this?”

He smiled down at her and cupped her cheek in his hand. “I think you’re the kind of woman who can handle anything that’s thrown at her. Am I wrong?”

A swell of happiness flowed through her. He was right. She could handle anything. “No, you’re not wrong.” She rose up on tiptoe, placing her hands on his chest. “Now, kiss me,” she ordered.

His smile turned ornery. “That order I will follow.” He picked her up and held her to him, her feet a foot off the floor. She slipped her arms around his neck just before his lips claimed hers in a molten kiss.

Grace was amazed at the wealth of feeling that filled her. She parted her lips, opening for him, and he tasted her mouth. Their tongues tangled, the heat between them increasing. Grace pulled back from his hungry mouth, and her gaze found his. “If we don’t stop, I’m going to feel the need for more than just a kiss.”

“I already do.” He let her slide down his body until her feet touched the floor. “But you need some food and rest. After that”—he wiggled his eyebrows—“I will require more than a kiss.”

“Sounds like a plan.” She stepped back and clapped her hands together. “So, let’s eat and get some sleep.”

After they had eaten half of the cheese and fruit, Morgan led her to his bed, and Grace crawled beneath the covers. Morgan slid in beside her, and she curled up against his side with his arm around her. It only took minutes for her to fall into a much-needed sleep.

Deep, low voices murmured somewhere near. Grace shifted in her sleep, straining to hear what they were saying. She couldn’t quite make it out. The voices continued, lulling in their cadence. Then she was cold. Lying on her side, she reached for the covers, but there were none.
Am I dreaming?

A warm hand slid up her back, starting at the base of her spine in her lower back and stopping when it reached the nape of her neck. She opened her eyes, but it was pitch black. She couldn’t see a thing. Someone moved closer to her, his warmth pressing against her back. The hand moved from the nape of her neck to her shoulder. She smiled, pressing her ass back against the hard cock that poked her from behind. “Morgan,” she whispered.

“Yes,” he answered from in front of her. Then he moved closer to her front, his hand caressing her breast.


“Shh, don’t speak,” Morgan said, his stiff shaft pressing against her tummy. He slid his hand between her thighs, urging her right leg up. His fingers separated the folds of her mound and found her clit.

Grace sucked in a breath, her body coming fully awake.

The cock behind her nudged the cleft of her ass, the hand moving from her shoulder to her hip, its warmth burning her flesh. The fire ignited the flame inside her, heating her pussy, causing her nipples to tighten.

Morgan’s fingers tugged and pulled on her swollen clit, sending her pussy quivering and creaming. Beads of sweat broke out on her upper lips. She swiped at it with her tongue, and then her mouth was assaulted by Morgan’s hungry lips. She moaned, deep in the throat, and slipped her arm around Morgan’s neck. Arching her body, she pressed her breasts against Morgan’s chest and her ass back against the heated flesh of whoever was behind her.

What a wonderful way to be awakened. Two men, hands moving over her, bringing her awake so sensually that her body came fully awake before her mind. She felt almost primal, letting her senses lead her, not even making an attempt to think. She didn’t know who was behind her, and it didn’t matter. Morgan would only allow someone he fully trusted to be in bed with them. Her role in this erotic scenario was to do what they asked and to enjoy it. She smiled beneath Morgan’s lips and lifted her right leg, bending her knee and parking her foot on the inside of her left knee. She wanted to give them full access to any part of her body they wished.

While Morgan’s expert fingers still toyed with her clit, a hand came from behind and two fingers were inserted into her wet pussy.

She sucked in a breath as they began to stroke in and out, wiggling inside her. Morgan thrust his tongue into her mouth and pinched her clit. She jerked, her pussy clutching at the fingers inside.

BOOK: Mirin, Christelle - Morgan's Protégé [Bonding Camp 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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