Read More than Temptation Online

Authors: Taige Crenshaw

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

More than Temptation (9 page)

BOOK: More than Temptation
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“It was something all right.” Morgan drove down his street then went to his driveway and parked before he got out.

He came to Bella’s door and opened it, and she placed her hand in his as he helped her out. Morgan lowered their joined hands and closed the door, afterwards leading her to his house.

“I remember that day and the adrenaline from the shoot was riding high in all of us.” Bella leaned against him as they walked. “We were so hyped we had to go blow off steam. We went to this little dive and hung out for hours, playing pool, darts and other games. Just having a great time.” Bella chuckled. “The next day on the shoot we were all dragging, but once we went up to shoot again that same adrenaline filled us again and we were hyped.”

“I can understand the adrenaline. Going up there today was…” Morgan blew out a breath.

“Exhilarating and frightening all at once.” Bella squeezed his arm. “Yeah, that’s the sensation I get every time. That initial rise in the air always makes me feel that, then the—”

“Adrenaline kicks in and you feel like you can fly.” Morgan laughed. “If you think about it, you are actually flying, since you are in a balloon.”

“Yeah.” Bella went up the steps and waited until they were across the porch and in front of the door before she said, “So how about the skydiving?”

“Bella.” Morgan laughed. “We barely just got finished with the balloon ride. Let me at least get over that first.”

“See, I knew it was a maybe.” Bella hugged him.

“You never give up, do you?”

“Nope. Not when it is something that counts.” Bella stared at him. “And any time spent with you matters.”

Bella held her breath after she’d said it. She meant it, too. Being with Morgan had quickly become something she looked forward to and she was always eager to see him.

“Yeah.” Morgan opened the door and stood back. She went in and he followed, closing the door behind him. Morgan pulled her into his arms and brought her to face him. “Time with you really matters.” He lowered his head and kissed her.

Bella returned it, pressing close to him. Morgan ran his hand down to her ass, yanking her closer to him. She moaned when she felt his hardened shaft through their clothing. He slid his fingers under the waistband of her skirt, pushing it down so cool air feathered her skin. Morgan put his hand under her panties and moved them down and off. Her clothing pooled at her feet and Bella groaned as she opened her legs, rubbing on his jean-clad body. Morgan gentled his kiss then stopped. Stepping back, he unbuckled his belt. Bella took over and unbuttoned his jeans then lowered his zipper before she took his erection out. She rubbed her fingers over the head of his penis, spreading the pre-cum before she lifted her hand and licked her fingers clean.

“Condom. Pocket.”

She reached into his pocket and retrieved the condom before placing it on his engorged member.

Morgan backed her up until she was against the wall. He lifted and she wrapped her legs around him. His shaft slid along her pussy lips. She rocked forward, wanting him inside her. Bella reached between their bodies and held his cock. Morgan surged forward, filling her in one thrust. Removing her touch, Bella gripped his shoulders, dropping her head back on the wall and whimpering. Morgan pounded into her in quick, deep and pleasurable motions.

“Bella.” The urgency in his tone made her meet his gaze.

Bella’s breath caught at the passion and possessiveness in his eyes. She placed her hand at the back of his head and clenched her fingers in his hair.

“Morgan. Fuck me,” Bella said between gritted teeth.

“Yes.” Morgan grunted with each movement then said, “So good.”

“Harder,” she demanded and tightened her inner walls, gripping him as he moved.

Morgan moaned, a long, drawn-out sound, and shivered as he continued to stroke. Sweat-slickened skin was along hers as they moved together. Through glazed eyes, Bella watched the fierceness of his face then she thought of the first time she’d seen him and had thought of him as a predator. The look on his face and his motions reaffirmed her impression. Morgan was taking her and laying his claim and as she’d thought earlier, she was willing to accept all he could give.

“Morgan.” Bella licked along his jaw and nibbled the skin. “Make me yours.”

“Mine,” Morgan said in a guttural tone.

“Yes.” Bella clenched and rocked in counter with his rhythm.

Morgan increased his strokes, making incoherent sounds as he filled her. Bella tightened her hold on his head, pulling him close, and kissed him as she moved with him. Morgan opened and kissed him urgently then they playfully tangled tongues. Heat pooled in Bella’s stomach and she rotated her hips, wanting the pleasure she knew was just out of reach. Morgan grabbed her ass and yanked her close, making her gasp. He held her while he moved faster and she stiffened as need overcame her. Shaking, Bella moaned as her release slammed into her sending her over the edge into bliss. Morgan groaned then he too climaxed. His grip tightened and he shook under the power of his orgasm.

“Bella,” he moaned.

“Morgan.” She kissed along his lips then to the side of his face, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

Morgan slumped against her, pinning her to the wall. Bella rubbed her hands up and down his back. His harsh breaths vibrated against the side of her face.

“Whoohoooo for adrenaline.” Bella chuckled.

“Yep, you are a strange, strange woman, Bella Locke.” Morgan snorted. “Most women would be whispering sweet nothings.”

“I know I am. But it’s what makes me who I am.” Bella leaned close to his ear. “How’s this for sweet nothings… Take me to bed and let’s get started on round two.”

“Those are my kind of sweet nothings.” Morgan changed his hold and held her firmly.

Bella tightened her legs around him and held on as he pivoted and did as she had bidden.


* * * *


Bella stared out of the one-way glass onto the sidewalk outside her office at Bella’s. People were shopping in the area of Duquesne Place that was open during the day. Since Bella’s wasn’t, she and her employees used the time before they opened to prep the club for the night ahead. Usually when she was working, she enjoyed the view from her office window that covered one wall. With her being able to see out and no one in, she could people-watch as she worked and make up stories about the people she saw outside. Yet today, the view wasn’t keeping her interest. Bella put her hand under her chin. If she were honest, lately her mind had tended to wander to Morgan and what they had done together or were planning. She smiled, recalling the night before. They had skydived during the day then they had gone back to her place and worked off some adrenaline. She laughed softly, remembering how fierce Morgan had been in his taking of her then after she’d again asked about bungee jumping. He’d said no, but she figured it was a soft maybe. Bella loved pushing his boundaries and getting him to go on adventures with her.

“There’s that goofy smile that’s become really familiar,” Michelle said.

Bella jerked in her chair, startled. “Mike, you almost gave me a heart attack.”

“I always wondered about that saying.” Mike propped her hip against the edge of Bella’s desk. “Who came up with it and why would they even think of it?” Mike scrunched up her nose.

“No idea and don’t care.” Bella tilted her head to the side. “Now why are you bothering me when I’m working?”

“Is that what you’re calling it?” Michelle made a dreamy, lust-filled expression. “Staring off into space and thinking of Morgan.” She changed back to her normal expression. “I wish I had a job like that. But my dreamy man would not be Morgan, because he’s like a brother to me.”

“Now you have me thinking what kind of man you would consider dreamy.” Bella pursed her lips. “I’ve never seen you date, or even show interest in someone.”

“He has to have a big”—Michelle spread her hands—“you know.”

“Mike. I am shocked you would let the size of a man’s package influence your attraction.” Bella grinned playfully.

“See now, Miss Mind in the Gutter, I didn’t say anything about his dick.” Michelle gave a wicked grin. “I was talking about his intellect. He has to have a big”—she spread her hands again to show a wide area—“imagination, and know how to use it so he can keep me stimulated.”

“Sexually. Many say that the best way to seduce a woman is through her mind.”

“That’s true.” Michelle leaned towards her. “Although, a man having a good-sized package as well as a big mind would be a plus. Ohhh, and he
to know how to use both effectively.”

“And with lots of sticktoitiveness.” Bella wiggled her eyebrows.

“Damn skippy.” Michelle smirked. “Love a man who doesn’t give up.”

“Uh-huh,” Bella said, thoughts turning to Morgan.

“There’s that look again.” Michelle rolled her eyes. “I just saw a man sitting at the bar with the same look.”

“Morgan is here?” Bella rose. “Why didn’t you tell me? We have plans for the rest of the day. It’s his day off, but he had to go in to work for a little while so I came here to work till he was done.”

“I just told you. I wondered why you were here on your day off.” Michelle rose.

“You could have told me as soon as you came in.” She shrugged into her light jacket—the late May day was slightly cool.

“I would have, but someone wanted a little time with Morgan.” Michelle smiled.

Bella narrowed her eyes and she wondered who it could have been, then it dawned on her. “Mallory. But why would he want to speak with Morgan?” She headed for the door.

“Nope, not him,” Michelle said cheerfully. “Actually, two someones. Tall, dark and luscious.”

Bella frowned at her then went down the hall to the door leading to the main dining room. She went out and stopped, looking across the room to where Morgan sat at the bar. She spotted the familiar men with him and groaned.

“Oh, Christ, what are Rowan and Sampson doing here?” Bella stared at her brothers—in order they were the oldest and youngest.

“They were cooking up something with Mallory,” Mike said as she came to stand by Bella’s side.

Bella glanced at Michelle, wondering what the men were up to.

“I have no idea what. And knowing your brothers and Mal, I don’t want to know.”

“Hmmm… Yeah, you’re right, I don’t want to know either.” Bella shook her head. “What are they talking about with Morgan?” She crossed the room.

As she got close, the men looked at her then stopped speaking. She paused by Rowan and elbowed him then did the same to Sampson before she came to stand in front of Morgan. She lifted her head and accepted his kiss. Morgan placed his hand on her waist, holding her close.

“My eyes. I’m blind.” Sampson groaned. “I’m too young to see such things.”

“Please, in three years you will be thirty,” Michelle said. “I’m sure you’ve seen other people kiss before. And kissed women yourself too.”

“God, I’m getting old. Yep, I’ve seen kisses, but she’s my big sister and it is my job to give her a hard time. Kissing is a fun thing.” Sampson’s tone was teasing. “Since I am getting old, I’ll need someone to take care of me in my old age. Maybe you’ll be willing.”

“Stop trying to pick up Mike.” Rowan’s deep rumble joined in the conversation. “You know if she was to ever actually take you up on it, you would run for the hills. You don’t do commitment, and Mike would demand that if she was interested.”

“Look at you getting all deep and shit, Rowan.” Michelle
. “Now say it again but deepen that sexy voice of yours.”

“Now, now, Mike. You know teasing me is a bad idea,” Rowan said in a deeper tone.

“Yeah, that’s it.” Michelle
. “You made me shiver.”

“Someday you’re going to be a handful for some man.” Rowan
. “And when you do find him, I’m going to buy him a drink because he’s going to need the fortification to deal with you.”

“Yep. He’s going to need several.” Michelle

Bella stepped back from Morgan’s embrace and glanced at the others. “Is there a reason the two of you are talking with Morgan?”

“Nope.” Rowan kissed her on the cheek then shook hands with Morgan and left.

Sampson did the same then followed Rowan. Michelle shook her head and went back towards the offices.

“What were you all talking about?” Bella pivoted to face Morgan.

“Man stuff.”

“You did not just say man stuff.” Bella glared.

“Yep.” Morgan slid his hand on her hip. “You ready?”

“Yeah.” Bella let him lead her out of the club to his vehicle. “I still want to know what was going on.”

“If I say man stuff again, will your eyes start to shoot fire as they did a moment ago?” Morgan smiled.

“My eyes did not shoot fire. That isn’t even possible.” Bella snorted.

“I could swear they did. I almost asked for a fire extinguisher, since I was afraid that I was going to be burnt up.” He held out his arm. “See, I even have goose bumps.”

“You’re silly.” Bella chuckled.

“Yep.” Morgan hugged her then opened the door to the passenger side of his vehicle. “I’m not telling you what was said. It’s fine. Let it go.”

Bella studied him, then, trusting him, she nodded although she was curious.

“Good.” He kissed her then helped her into his SUV.

Soon he had them on their way and Bella decided to instead focus on what they had planned.

“Where do you want to go first?”


“Let’s get to Kinsey Avenue then we can decide.” Morgan shrugged. “Since all the errands we have are in that area, we can just play it by ear.”

Bella hummed in agreement. “So did you get completed what you needed to at the station?”

“Yes.” Morgan briefly thought of the case he had just closed, which had been arson. A house had been burnt down with a family of five inside. Only the father had survived and the same man was now arrested for having set the fire. He’d got caught inside after he’d set it and had suffered burns. Morgan had gone to the station to finish his report so that they could make sure the man paid for killing his family. “It amazes me what people do to each other.”

BOOK: More than Temptation
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