Read Mr Badger and the Missing Ape Online

Authors: Leigh Hobbs

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Mr Badger and the Missing Ape (2 page)

BOOK: Mr Badger and the Missing Ape
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Or, worse still, when no one was looking, Sylvia would open the glass door of Algernon's case and give him a kick.

‘I tell you, Grandma, that thing poked its tongue out at me!' Sylvia would cry.

‘Don't be ridiculous,' Lady Celia would snap. ‘It's stuffed. I wish your grandfather would throw it out.'

An Alarming

o one, guest or employee, seemed to remember a time when Algernon
been there in the foyer.

This made Mr Badger's discovery early one morning all the more alarming. For when he arrived at the hotel, walked up the stairs and turned to say hello to Algernon, he saw that there
no Algernon.

Algernon was…GONE!

Algernon was gone, but where?

At this stage, Miss Pims did not want to ask questions.

It was a dreadful shock. Mr Badger knew that everyone would be upset by Algernon's disappearance. In particular the children. Algernon would have to be found as soon as possible, so Mr Badger began looking straight away.

When his assistant, Miss Pims, arrived at work soon after, she found Mr Badger searching for clues on the floor with a magnifying glass.

‘Good morning, Mr Badger,' she said, as if Mr Badger was always on the floor of the foyer peering through his magnifying glass.

‘Hello there, Miss Pims,' said Mr Badger. ‘I am afraid we have a problem. A serious one. It's Algernon – he's gone!'

Naturally Miss Pims was startled by the news. However, like Mr Badger, she knew better than to panic. She too leapt straight into action.

For a start, she checked Mr Badger's diary. Obviously he would need to be completely free of engagements that day so they could focus on finding Algernon, the missing ape.

The Big Disappointment

y mid-morning a small crowd had gathered in the foyer, and it was a very sorry sight. Disappointed children were arriving and forming a queue, pressing their faces up against Algernon's empty case and fogging up the glass.

Algernon was sorely missed.

Mr Badger and Miss Pims decided that the feelings of the Boubles Grand Hotel's little guests and visitors were of the utmost importance. So, after asking everyone to step back, they covered Algernon's big case with a curtain and hung up a sign that said: ‘Algernon is away but will be back shortly.'

Better that the children believe Algernon had gone on holiday, thought Mr Badger, than they be upset by the truth, which was that he'd disappeared.

‘That leaves us to do the worrying,' whispered Mr Badger to Miss Pims. ‘I think we should plan our search.'

During morning tea in the dining room, the most pressing topic of conversation amongst mothers and fathers, grandpas, grandmas and children alike was Algernon: ‘Where do you think Algernon has gone for his holiday?' and ‘When do you think Algernon will be coming back?' they said.

A Big Mystery

n their tiny office crammed with bookshelves and filing cabinets, piles of notes, diaries, two desks and chairs, not forgetting all the official Boubles Grand Hotel records, Mr Badger and Miss Pims got to work.

Firstly they listed all the places in the hotel where an ape might fit, or could be hidden.

There were endless possibilities as the Boubles Grand Hotel was big and old, with many guest rooms large and small.

As well, there were staircases, attics, a library, cellars, storerooms, cupboards, bathrooms, four kitchens, the Boubles Grand Hotel Ballroom and two dining rooms.

There were also offices, including the one used by Mr Badger and Miss Pims.

‘Well, that's
place we don't have to search,' said Miss Pims, looking around. ‘We'd certainly have noticed if Algernon was hidden in

BOOK: Mr Badger and the Missing Ape
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