My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1)
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You know we met when I went to Wallace’s football camp one day with him, but I didn’t think about him a lot afterwards. And the next year, I met you, and I never thought about another guy again. You were it for me. But, hey, you can be pissed off about him. I would be.”

I pull her on top of me and look at her beautiful face with her full lips and bright eyes and think I don’t know what I’d do without her. I can’t even admit how attached I am to her smile or touch. I feel like I need her to fucking breathe.

When anything threatens us, I want to destroy it. And Stanton and I are going to have more problems, I know it. He doesn’t respect me or what Reagan means to me. And until he does, he’s going to be causing trouble. But I’m not the scared guy that was in awe of Wallace and Reagan years ago. I live in their world now, and I’m not intimidated or scared of anything or anyone. I’d beat the hell out of Stanton if he gave me the chance. He was never going to take my girl from me.

“Hey,” Reagan was looking at me concerned. “You looked a little tense there. Is everything okay, Colin? I know you were pissed earlier, but I’d thought we were okay now?” I pull her down with my hand on the back of her neck and kiss her again and again until she’s gasping for air. “Everything’s fine now, baby, I was just thinking how much I need you, and it always gets me worked up.”

She smiles at that and says, “Hey, just like I need you.” But in my head, I think, no not even fucking close to how I need you. But I don’t need to sound like a psycho by trying to tell her how deep the needs for her goes. Nothing had ever been good in my life until I met her, and any sense of family or loyalty I had came from her or Wallace. She couldn’t even begin to understand the true level of my need. So I smiled back at her until she laid down on me, then I tickled her back until we both drifted off to sleep.

































Chapter 5


When I woke up before Colin, I always took the time to enjoy watching him while he still slept. It could make me feel like a stalker, but I knew if I admitted it to him, he wouldn’t mind. He’d admitted to me that he’s watched me when I went to sleep before him. He even took a picture of my face once to keep with him.

I didn’t know how my boyfriend could be so beautiful in the face and have such a sexy body at the same time. I know he didn’t know it, but all the girls at our school wanted him bad. He was a good guy who was extremely talented on the field, and he’d always been an amazing boyfriend that put my needs first.

I couldn’t have dreamed up anyone that would treat me better. But sometimes I’d get nervous at how we are. We weren’t supposed to love each other this much so young. How could it ever last? He looked at me like I was perfect in every way, and I knew that I’d fuck things up somehow, and he’d look at me then like I’d wrecked everything.

I couldn’t tell him my fears though. He was more scared that I’d lose interest or not love him anymore when that was the furthest thing from happening. I saw the way my so called friends watched him and us. They were waiting to find a weak point so that they could take advantage of it and get him.

I’d heard them talk to each other and make little comments about how crazy it was that we’d been together for over two years. I didn’t want to let them get inside my head so I tried to not let them bother me. But it could become overwhelming at times.

But I’d never seen Colin even glance at another girl. So their talking and my fears were not real. He was one of the only people I could trust in this life for a reason, and I wasn’t going to let my own doubts or spiteful girls ruin any of it.

Colin croaks out, “Baby, where are we?” As I glance up to his eyes and see that they’re open. “We’re in one of Brittany’s guest bedrooms, Co. Do you want to get out of here and go back to mine?”

“In a little while,” he tells me as I catch a familiar look of desire come over his face as he flips me under him. He has my bra unfastened and my boy shorts gone within seconds before sliding inside me while I moan out how good he can make me feel.

As he pushes in and out at the pace I love, he says, “I’ll never get enough of this, baby. You’re all that I’ll ever want and everything that I need.” His pace picks up while he talks, and I have to hold on to him to handle how fast he’s going. “Ahh, Colin, it feels so good.” “Who makes you feel this good, baby, tell me?”

I know what he’s looking for and I’m more than happy to give it to him. “You, Colin, only you.” I whisper as I start to climax while he puts his mouth hard to my neck and groans into it as I feel his body tighten up in unison with mine.

With his mouth still against my neck, he asks, “How can it be so good everything time. I think your body is an addiction that I’m dealing with, Reagan. I blame you for me wanting to screw at every opportunity, whether it’s school, your house, or when we’re with your brother. It’s all your fault.”

Pretending to be insulted, I say, “Oh, it’s all my fault that you have a filthy mind, huh? It doesn’t have anything to do with what you’re thinking to want it all the time, does it?” He chuckles and says, “Fair enough, but I don’t think it was me that suggested having sex last month really close to where everyone was swimming at the lake. That was all you, baby.”

Reaching behind me, I hit him hard with a pillow before defending, “Hey, I didn’t hear you protesting while all that was going on.” “Hell, no, Reagan, who would protest your legs wrapped around them in the water. It was one of the hottest experiences of my life.”

Giving me a look that says he’s up to no good, I start to try to get off the bed, but he tackles me before I can. I slam back into the bed hard, and he has my hands held behind my back before I can even fight back. With his other hand, he starts ticking me on my side softly until I’m screaming for mercy.

A hard knock suddenly sounds on the door, and my brother’s voice says, “Are you two decent. I need to talk to you both now!” Frantically, I get out of Colin’s hold, and we both dive for our clothes.

“Uh, wait just a sec, Wallace,” I say uncomfortably. I know my brother knows I have sex with his best friend. But Colin and I both don’t like to throw it in his face cause it makes us all feel awkward.

When we’re both dressed, Colin walks over and opens the door and gestures Wallace inside dramatically. Wallace punches Colin, “That’s enough of that, asshole. You were screwing my sister a few minutes ago so I don’t think you get to have the attitude here.”

Colin shrugs and mutters, “Fair enough,” before sitting down and pulling me into his lap. “So what do you need to talk to us about, Wall, that’s so important at…” I glance at my phone “six o’ clock in the morning.”

Wallace looks hesitant, and both Colin and I briefly make eye contact before looking back at him. My brother is not the type to hesitate about much of anything. My interest in what he has to say just shot up, and I tense and lean forward, ready to hear whatever he has to say.

“Well, there’s a girl.” There’s never been a girl before, and I don’t even know how to process what he’s saying. There’s always been hook ups but never a girl that meant anything. He’d never even started a conversation like this before. I could feel Colin’s interest in Wallace’s words too, and we both wait for him to go on.

“I met her last night. She was a tiny blond with the longest hair and the biggest brown eyes. She didn’t even know who I was but ran right into me looking for the bathroom. I got her to talk to me, but she got spooked when I said my name and disappeared soon after. She was so sexy but sweet. I’ve got to know who she was. Did you two see her at all last night?”

Colin says, “Man, I’d love to help you out, but I had my hands full with you sister getting hit on by her middle school crush in front of the whole damn party.” He squeezes my waist before adding, “And blondes really aren’t my type.” I lean over and kiss him hard for that one, and when I bite his lip, he starts to growl at me in response.

I giggle, and Wallace stands and says, “Don’t fucking worry about it. I can tell you two won’t be any help until you get some more time together.” Guiltily, I pull back from Colin and frown. My brother’s always there for me, and I need to listen and try to help him. He never needs anyone for anything, and he wants our help right now.

Elbowing Colin, I ask Wallace, “When did you see her last night, Wallace? Was it before or after the guys from Randall crashed the party?” Wallace answers quickly, “It was after that, Reagan. Do you think she was with that crowd?”

Colin jumps in before I can, “Uh, yeah, man, I think she was with them. She got spooked at your name, and you’d never seen her before. I think that means there’s a very good damn chance she’s from Randall.”

I jump up and say, “Well, that means we’re going to have to go Randall today and ask around. See if anyone knows her and how we can find her.” Colin’s scowling at that discussion and tell me immediately, “No fucking way, baby, are we going to Randall after what that asshole did and said last night. I don’t want him to think that there’s a chance in hell that you’re interested.”

I scoff at Colin, “What the hell are you complaining about, Colin? You won that fight! And I could care less about Decker. But I do want to help Wallace find this girl.” Then I glance over at Wallace before laying on the guilt. “If my brother hadn’t of asked you on the team, who knows if we’d ever gotten together and met like we did. We owe him a lot.”

Colin looks down and I can tell he’s battling with his loyalty towards Wallace and his hatred for Decker. “Fine, we’ll go there for a few hours this morning and see if we can locate where his girl lives or works. But that’s it. I don’t want you in that town for very long and never without me.”

Wallace stalks to the door, but I can tell that’s he’s relieved that we’re coming with him for this. I meet his eyes and say, “Give us two hours to get home and ready. Then we’ll figure out where to start, kay.” He nods and walks out.

“You’re a genius, Colin, to think that she might have a job.” Grinning, he says, “That’s what I’m here for, baby, to think like a poor man.” I shoot him a dirty look and say, “We need to go or we won’t be ready in time to help Wallace find his mystery girl, and I can tell he’s ready now.”

“Alright, baby, let’s go. I can think of much more pleasurable pursuits this morning, but let’s go find your brother a blonde. It’s not like he has every girl in school throwing themselves at him constantly, oh wait, he does.”

As we walk down the stairs and step around bodies that are sleeping off their hangovers, I protest, “Hey, it doesn’t matter how many girls throw themselves at him if it’s not the right one. You should know.”

We reach the car outside before he responds, “Baby, what the hell do you mean I should know? I’ve only ever wanted you, and girls don’t throw themselves at me.”

I raise my eyebrow at him as he opens the passenger car door and wait till he climbs in before I ask, “Really, girls don’t try to talk to you and flash their cleavage every chance they get? That doesn’t happen.” Adamantly, Colin shakes his head and tells me, “Hell, no, they don’t. I’ve never acted interested in any of that, and all the girls at school are terrified of you.”

I shake my head at him in frustration and tell him, “Colin, you don’t see what the girls at school do, and I want you to so you don’t ever get trapped by it. I know that guys try to flirt with me. I can admit that. All I want is for you to admit the same.”

Uncomfortably, he chuckles before admitting, “Fine, they might flirt, but they’re all annoying. It’s just because I’m quarterback and part of your and Wallace’s crowd.” I shake my head at him in disagreement but don’t take it any farther. He’s never realized how good looking he is. I love him for all of his qualities, and I never want him to change. Maybe if he understood his own appeal, he wouldn’t be the same.

We get to the house and rush up to my room to get ready. “Shower?” Colin asks hopefully, and I agree quickly. “We’re saving time; We don’t have to take turns right?” Colin grins at me and nods as he pulls my boy shorts down and unclips my bra for me.

I step in, and he steps in right behind me and immediately starts caressing my breasts. For two long weeks, I’d missed his touch, and I sigh and lean back and let him have his way. After a few moments, I reach behind me and stroke his hardness again and again.

“Baby, you’re so damn hot. I want to be inside you all the damn time.” I lean forward and feel him fill me up, and I moan in pleasure as he holds onto my hips and starts a punishing rhythm back and forth until we both climax hard.

As he pulls out, I almost collapse to the floor but he grabs me and kisses my neck before whispering in my ear, “Okay, I think you’ve had enough for now. I love you so much, baby.” I gasp out, “I love you too, Colin. I’ve missed you so much.”

BOOK: My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1)
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