My Deepest Desire (Hidden Desires) (2 page)

BOOK: My Deepest Desire (Hidden Desires)
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Naira ignores Dante’s last comment, but f
eeling better about her decision to go out with Vincent, she says, “Thank you D.”

“You’re welcome S
weetie.  I’ll talk to you later.”

As Naira
walks into the restaurant she sees Leah sitting at their favorite table.  She slides into the opposite chair with a huge smile on her face, “Hey lady.”

“Hey Ara,
I ordered for us.”

The waiter comes over with two glasses of Sangria and two salads.  Once he leaves Leah asks, “What is with the Cheshire cat smile?”

“This gorgeous and I will even say
hella sexy
man came into the shop today to buy a suit and he asked me to go to a banquet being thrown in his honor.”

“That’s great! Who is he?”

“His name is Vincent Kincaid.  He just moved to town and he’s the new head of pediatrics at San Diego General.  The banquet is to welcome him to the hospital.”

“Oh, a doctor huh.
  That’s nice.”

“That’s what I said and he’s built like a Mack truck.
  Oh and he knows Dante. ”

  That’s nice.”  Naira attempts to keep a straight face as Leah’s cheeks flush at the mention of Dante.  She continues, “So does this mean you’re taking my advice on finding a man?”

“I don’t know but I would like to
spend some time with him.  He seems cool and there’s nothing wrong with making a new friend.”

Leah holds up her drink prompting
Naira to pick up her own glass, “Here’s to making new friends.”

taps Leah’s glass then tells her about everything else that happened before she realized Vincent was in the shop.  She inquires about Leah’s day commenting on an issue Leah is having with one of the attorneys at her office.  After they finish eating they both head back to work.

Naira gets back to the shop Lisa has already left for lunch.  Sarah is handling the register and Ruby is helping customers, Naira puts down her bag so she can help out with the customers and relieves Sarah for lunch.  Shortly after, Lisa returns with Sarah in tow.  Naira watches the two women happy to see how much they care for each other just by looking at them. 
Another great match
she thinks to herself.  The four of them work the shop until late afternoon when the crowd slows down.  While they work Ruby, having heard from Lisa, teases Naira about the morning’s events.  Lisa tells Naira that she left the fabric for Vincent’s suit in her office but she only had time to cut the materials for his jacket.  Naira thanks Lisa and goes up stairs to start working on the suit.  Naira loses track of time and realizes just how late it is when Lisa comes upstairs to say goodnight.  She locks the money bag in the office volt and tells Naira not to work too late.  Having already completed the suit jacket Naira decides to pack up and leave with Lisa.

walks into her house a half hour later and steps out of her shoes.  She heads to the kitchen to feed Cheeky, warms up some left overs and goes into the living room to eat.  After dinner she takes her cup of tea out to the terrace so she can work on some designs.  A few hours later Cheeky jumps onto her lap, laughing she picks up the fluffy cat then heads to bed.  She dreams of intense blue eyes, dark hair and a marble chiseled body.

In the middle of the night
Naira is awaken by a creaking sound.  She gets out of bed to go check it out and as she reaches the doorway a tall guy in a black ski mask pushes the door closed.  He covers her mouth before she can scream then walks her backwards until she falls on her bed.  He lays his muscle laden body on hers and all she can see is piercing blue eyes.  The stranger uses his knees to push Naira’s legs open, his unyielding thickness pressing against her crotch.  She tries to fight him off and in the ruckus she pulls the mask off his head.  Naira instantly freezes to see Vincent, “What are you doing here?  How did you get in?”

“I’m here for you.  I saw how attracted you are to me and I know you want to play.”

“What do you mean I want to play?  Do you break in to people’s houses often?”

“You know what I mean
Naira.”  Vincent rubs his lower body against her making sure her clit feels the most pressure.  Naira bits her lower lip trying not to show how good his body feels.  Vincent rubs against her licking where she is biting her lip.  Her eyes glaze over and he says, “Tell me to move and I will.”  He waits for her to speak; when Naira lifts her hips grinding her clit into his cock, Vincent kisses her.  He pulls her cami under her breasts allowing the material to prop them up. He clasps his hands with hers, sucks her nipple into his mouth and lightly glides his body across hers.  Naira whimpers her back arching, causing her to press against him.  As Vincent moves faster, rubbing her harder, all the pleasure shooting through Naira’s body pulses in her clit.  Just when it’s getting ready to explode something hits Naira’s stomach and she sits up in her bed.  Cheeky meow’s, petting her Naira says, “You couldn’t have waited fifteen seconds longer?”  She kisses Cheeky’s head and places the cat on the bed next to her then goes back to sleep.

Chapter Two

Naira paces the boutique floor anxious for Vincent to arrive.  The desire to know whether he’ll like the suit as much as she does gnaws at her.  As a designer sometimes her ideas are more contemporary or abstract then some people like and usually that’s not a problem for her but this piece is different.  Two hours later Naira is on the verge of climbing the wall when Vincent walks in.  That surge of heat shoots through her body and all she can do is smile when she sees the same heat in his eyes.  Naira shows him the dressing rooms and gives him a garment bag.  When Vincent exits the dressing room Naira, Lisa and Sarah all sigh, “Damn”.

Vincent asks, “Does that mean it looks good?”

All three ladies shake their heads yes.  Naira regains the ability to move, she walks around him smoothing out nonexistent wrinkles.  Standing in front of Vincent again she asks, “So do you like it?”

“Given all of your reactions, yes
, this is exactly what I’m looking for.”

women who want to ride you like rodeo stallion?”

Lisa exclaims, “Naira!” 
Sarah giggles.

Naira covers her mouth, “Did I say that out loud.”

Vincent bites the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.  “No, a suit that makes me look good and says thank you for welcoming me to the team, but isn’t overkill.”

Out of the corner of her eye
Naira sees Lisa and Sarah slip into the storage room.  “Well you will definitely make an impression.”

specially with you by my side.”

“Always the
charmer aren’t you?”

with you.”

“And why is that?”

“I want you to know with all certainty that I interested in you.”

Vincent I think it’s only fair that I tell you even though I am very attracted to you that I don’t know if I can agree to see you exclusively.”

Why is that?”

Because I don’t know if I can trust you.
Naira says,  “Normally after guys find out what I want in a relationship they don’t want to see me anymore and I’ve grown tired of putting off prospects for someone I won’t be with in two or three weeks.”

“What do you want in a relationship?”

Naira shrugs, “Two men to call my own.”

Being sure not to show a reaction Vincent asks, “Why?”

“It’s just what I want.”

“I’m letting you know where I stand.  I intend to make you mine.”

“I believe I’m going to enjoy getting to know you.”

Me too.”

changes the subject by asking where and when they are supposed to be meeting the next day.  After a little discussion, Naira reluctantly agrees to let Vincent pick her up at her house but she advices him that if he kills her, she will come back to haunt him.  Vincent laughs assuring her that he is not a murderer, He laughs harder when Naira adds “That’s what a murderer would say.”

“You’re a little peculiar.”

“I’ve been told that a time or two.”

They finish making plans and before Vincent leaves
Naira gives him a shirt, tie and socks to go with the suit.  Lisa and Sarah come out of the storage room smiling.  Naira shakes her head at them, “You two back there making out again?”

a winks, “Us never.”

playfully taps Lisa, “We were trying to give you privacy but your responses were making us laugh.”

rolls her eyes, “I’m going upstairs.”

As she
heads up to her office she hears Lisa and Sarah laughing.  Sitting down to work Naira thinks about how much she’s attracted to Vincent but she feels it’s only fair that she be honest with him about how quickly things fall apart for her.  She knows this is the best way for her to handle the situation; he won’t be willing to fulfill her desire.  What man would agree to date a woman who wants to be with two men? 

The rest of the day goes by quickly.  After leaving the shop
Naira stops by Le’Bistro to pick up dinner then heads home to relax.  She watches TV while she eats and after dinner she curls up on the couch with a book.


Naira stretches as she wakes up on the couch.  She places the book in her lap on the coffee table and stands to stretch.  She decides to eat breakfast before she showers since she is closest to the kitchen.  After eating, she showers and runs out to do her Saturday errands.  She returns in time to do some cleaning before getting ready for the banquet.  At six pm the doorbell rings, Naira opens the door and tries not to swoon at the sight of Vincent.   “Wow!  You looked good yesterday but you look amazing today.”

Vincent looks her up and down taking in the way the blue cocktail dress hugs her plush curves.  It isn’t lost on him that her dress is the same color as his eyes.  He leans forward and brushes his lips across hers.  On a second pass
Naira opens her mouth on a moan and Vincent slips his tongue inside.  The longer they kiss the hotter it gets until Vincent has her pressed against her front door.  When he finally breaks the kiss Vincent says, “You are gorgeous.”

tries to compose herself, letting out a breathy, “Thank you.”

He guides her down the short pathway of the courtyard that leads to her front gate and compliments the design of her home.  As they drive Vincent comments,

“The Spanish eclectic architecture of your house is beautiful.”

In his peripheral vision
he sees her tense up.  “Is everything okay?”

What, are you wondering how I can afford it
. Naira forces herself to relax, “Yeah everything is fine.  Thank you, the style is what attracted me to it.”

Curious as to if he’s right that she’s sensitive about the topic of her house he says,
“It seems huge for one person.  I bet it is pricey too?”

Trying not to cringe and n
ot wanting to get defensive Naira replies, “It’s a nice size for a single family house.  What about your house?”

“I’m currently sharing an apartment with my brother which is convenient because neither of us is ever home.”

“Is he a doctor too?”

“No, he’s
in law enforcement.  He’s been working a case that takes him back and forth to the east coast.”

that sounds interesting.”

“He seems to enjoy it.”

Vincent expects her to continue talking, when she doesn’t say anything he lets it go.  He turns on the radio and Naira immediately perks up and starts singing along to Katy Perry’s ‘Roar’, all her anxiety forgotten.  Fifteen minutes later they stop in front of a large banquet hall.  The valet opens Naira’s door to help her out then goes around taking the keys from Vincent.  Wrapping his arm around her waist he escorts her inside.  A slightly balding, ginger haired man in his late-fifties approaches them with a smile on his face.  “Vincent!  You have perfect timing.  I want to introduce you to everyone.  Who is this lovely lady?”

George, this is
Naira Cahill.  Naira, this is Dr. George Braithwaite, he runs San Diego General Hospital and he is my boss.”

holds out her hand to shake the doctor’s own, “It’s very nice to meet you Dr. Braithwaite.”

Smiling he
kisses the back of Naira’s hand, “It’s my extreme delight to meet you Naira. “

“Are you looking to replace me so soon?
” A blonde woman in her mid-fifties cheerily asks while walking up to them.

Dr. Braithwaite pulls his wife close to him and kisses her
cheek, “You could never be replaced.  Emma you remember Dr. Kincaid.”

“Of course it’s nice to see again, I know our pediatric department will be in great hands.
Who is your date?”

“Emma this is
Naira Cahill.”

and Emma shake hands.  Emma studies Naira then says, “Your dress is beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

Vincent adds, “She made it herself.  She owns Alluring Designs in the Gaslamp District.”

Emma glows excitedly.  “I’ve passed your store several times and I’ve wanted to come in but I wasn’t sure the styles are for women my age.  Some people believe that a woman of a certain age should only dress in a particular way.  I on the other hand, feel that though I maybe seasoned it doesn’t mean that I can’t have fun with my attire.  The blue in that dress and the damask print around the hem just pop.  Not to mention, it looks phenomenal against your skin tone.

“Thank you.  I’m always glad to meet people who appreciate my designs.
  I understand your concern; I have many clients who are seasoned as you call it.  I have a line designed especially for those who want something that’s sophisticated and fun. “  Naira takes a business card out of her purse and hands it to Emma. “Call me when you want to come in and I’ll pull different outfits in an 8 and have them waiting for you.”

Emma gasps, “How did you know my size?”

Naira smiles, Vincent and George walk off and leave Naira and Emma to talk.  George takes Vincent around the room introducing him to various members of the staff and hospital board.  Emma leaves Naira to go supervise the catering company preparing the buffet.

After dinner Vincent goes to
walk the room and talk to more people.  Naira sits at a table checking her email on her phone when she feels like someone is watching her.  She looks up and intense green eyes meet hers.  There is an instant attraction and Naira’s body heats up.   She glances down his body and bites her lower lip.  The man across the room doesn’t move he just stands there staring at her.  Feeling more than a little uncomfortable, especially because she’s there with another guy, Naira turns her head and looks right at Vincent.  The sight of him sends a hot flash through her body and starts a hard throb in her clit.  She squeezes her legs together and closes her eyes while slowly counting to ten.  When she opens her eyes Vincent is standing in front of her.  He casually pulls her up and over to the dance floor.  His calm demeanor belies the protrusion pressing against Naira’s stomach. 

nips her ear causing Naira to shudder, “How am I supposed to concentrate when you look at me like that?”

“Like what?”

“Don’t play with me baby.  I see the desire in your eyes.”  He presses closer to her, rubbing his erection into her body.

moans and inquires, “Will you think I’m easy if I ask if you’re ready to leave?”  She leans into him, “I’m this close to begging you to fuck me.”

stops dancing and walks away from Naira.  She watches a little confused as he walks over to George, says something, shakes his hand and heads back towards her.  When Vincent reaches her he doesn't stop he just takes her hand then continues out the banquet hall.  He gives the valet the ticket but doesn’t say anything while they wait.  Once they are in the car Vincent takes off down the road.  Naira asks him to slow down, a short while later he pulls into a vacant parking lot.  Before she can ask what he’s doing Vincent moves the seat backwards then lays it down until it touches the rear seat.  He kisses Naira as he drags her to the back seat with him.  He swallows her moan; she automatically opens her legs straddling his body. He squeezes her bountiful ass allowing his silk covered groin to press against the V of her body. 

Unable to think all Naira
can do is whimper, “Please.”

Her plea is more than Vincent can handle.  He
helps her sit on the seat now lying flat so he can flip up her silk and chiffon skirt.  Sliding Naira’s panties down her legs, he pulls them off.  He spreads her thighs then gently rubs his fingers over the soft, trimmed curls on her mound.  As he leans forward Naira tries to slide backwards.  Looking in her eyes Vincent’s voice deepens as he says, “Don’t move”. 

Naira stops and stares at him, a chill running down her spine.  He spreads her legs a little further then leans forward, “Hold them there”. 

She presses on the inside of her knees to keep her body open to him.  Vincent rubs his mouth across her bare pussy lips enjoying the feel of smooth, satiny skin.  He slips his tongue inside her tasting the sweet syrup leaking from her pussy.  “Hmm, sweet and spicy.” 

He flicks her clit with the tip of his tongue then sucks it into his mouth.  Naira releases her legs to cover her mouth muffling the “Great shades of Elvis” she screams.

Vincent smiles at the sight of Naira’s eyes glazing over, she feels his fingers at her entrance and freezes as she grabs his hand.  Vincent asks, Are you okay?”

He gives her a hard look but Naira doesn’t move her hand from his.  When he sees fear in her eyes but she still doesn’t respond or move Vincent gently removes her hand from his, “Red to stop, yellow to pause.  You knowing Dante means you know what that means.”

Naira replies, “Yellow”.

“What’s wrong?”

Naira turns her head, “I’m uncomfortable with that.”

“Look at me” Naira turns her head to him, “
There is no need to be embarrassed.  Do you want to stop?”

BOOK: My Deepest Desire (Hidden Desires)
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