Read My Kinky Valentine Online

Authors: Liz Gavin

Tags: #bisexual, #lesbian sex stories, #threesome sex stories, #lesbian first time, #bdsm lesbian, #ffm threesome stories, #submission surrender

My Kinky Valentine

BOOK: My Kinky Valentine
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My KinkyValentine

A collection of steamy short-stories &



Liz Gavin



My Kinky Valentine

2016 by Liz Gavin



Published by Elessar Books


Smashwords Edition


All rights reserved,
including the right to publish this book or portions thereof
(except for reviews, news media reports, brief quotes with
attribution, and purposes of promotion of this book or other novels
by Liz Gavin (a.k.a. S.N. Kunt)) in any form


This book is a work of fiction. All
characters in this novel are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual
events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely




The material in this book is for mature
audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and is intended
for those over the age of 18 only.


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Volume 1 - In the Pink

Indecent Proposal



James Ferguson – the
bisexual billionaire from Craving Her – makes a comeback in this
new short-story as Liz Gavin tells us about his newfound lust for
untried young women.

Rita Collins is one such
young women. However, she is in a steady relationship with Sherri
and has never been attracted to men. When her life turns upside
down after she loses her well-paying job and finds out her mother
needs expensive medical treatment, she hatches an insane plan to
get extra cash. She won’t let her family down. She will do anything
to help them. Even if it means selling her soul to the

A business deal is struck
but Rita must first pass a very thorough assessment process. Will
Rita succeed? How will Sherri react to this crazy idea.

Rita’s decision to move
forward with the plan will bring consequences to all involved as
she battles her treacherous body when a golden goddess called Alexa
Harris shows up to conduct the assessment process. She will never
be the same after that!


Indecent Proposal

Liz Gavin


Published by Elessar Books






Looking out of the airplane window, Rita
didn’t see the dark clouds, but Sherri’s face instead. They had met
two years earlier in a crowded bar and the attraction was
instantaneous. They moved in together after a year of blissful,
romantic dates and scorching, hot nights. Their passion still
burned the sheets and their relationship grew solid roots. Rita
knew Sherri was the one. She loved her deeply and would never
intentionally hurt her. Rita dreaded telling Sherri about her crazy
plan until she couldn’t avoid it any longer. As always, Sherri’s
reaction surprised her when Rita finally told her about the plan a
couple of weeks earlier.

* * * *


“It’s your body. You do what you’ve got to
do, babe. I don’t care as long as you remain true to your

“What about us?”

“What about it?”

“It’ll ruin everything.”

“We’ll be fine, silly.”

Rita screwed her face clearly showing her
disbelief while keeping her mouth shut.

“Look, I know where you’re coming from,
Rita. You wouldn’t have agreed to this if you had another option.
We – will – be - fine.”

After another brief silence, Rita’s
expression lightened up and she heard Sherri’s low sigh of

“Besides, if you don’t try it, you’ll regret
it for the rest of your life. I’m okay with your decision. I know
why you’re doing this. I’ve got your back, babe.”


* * * *


Rita didn’t understand how Sherri could be
so sure of it when she was having second thoughts. If she weren’t
inside an airplane, thousands of feet high, she would turn around
and run back home. To Sherri. On the other hand, she felt stupid
for having an anxiety attack at that point of the process.

I’ve signed a damn contract. There is no
backing down now. Plus, mom needs the money. Desperately.

Rita fought the bitter memories but they
flooded her mind. Seeing her mother on a hospital bed day after day
for the last two months had drained her both emotionally and
physically. Her mom was a formidable woman as Rita was growing up.
The best role model a young girl could have wished for. A strong
and independent woman who was also kind and fair. Now she seemed so
fragile and helpless. According to the doctors, Mrs. Collins didn’t
have much time. Not without the procedure. So there wasn’t much
time left for Rita to waste on rethinking decisions she had already

Shaking her head to get rid of those gloomy
thoughts, Rita called up Sherri’s image to mind again and smiled.
Rita always knew she was lesbian. She was never attracted to men so
she never dated any. When she was fifteen, old enough to have ‘the
talk’, Rita sat down with her parents to tell them she was gay. She
expected them to be shocked at first but she was confident they
would eventually understand and support her. To her surprise, they
smiled and hugged her tight.

“We’ve known it for a long time. Probably
longer than you, kiddo.”

She dried a discreet tear on her father’s
shirt at his sincerity.

“We want you to be happy, hon. You won’t be
happy trying to be someone you’re not,” her mother added, cupping
Rita’s cheek in her soft hands and kissing her eyes closed, “We
love you, cupcake. Never doubt that.”

Those sweet memories took her mind back to
her mother’s condition and the family’s dire financial situation.
Her mom’s last chance was a complex and extremely expensive
surgery. Her father spent all his savings, sold everything he
could; but didn’t raised all the money they needed to pay the
procedure. Not to mention the treatment that would follow it.
Although they hadn’t asked Rita for money, she knew they were
counting on her. The problem was she had lost her well-paying job
at a law firm due to recent business setbacks. Her parents didn’t
know it because she didn’t have the courage to tell them that on
top of all that was going on with her mom. They also didn’t know
about her outrageous plan to get the extra cash. They wouldn’t let
her go through with it if they knew it. However, Rita had an acute
sense of loyalty. She couldn’t let them down when they needed her
the most. She would do anything to help her family. Even if it
meant selling her soul to the devil.


* * * *

When the private jet landed and taxied to
the hangar, she climbed down the stairs and looked around in awe.
The sunlight coming through the door and large skylights filled the
building and created an ethereal atmosphere as it bounced off the
immaculate white floor and walls. Rita didn’t understand how they
manage to keep that place so pristine.

It’s a hangar, for goodness sake! Well,
maybe billionaires do it different.

She smiled at her own joke as she remembered
she wasn’t used to rubbing elbows with billionaires. James Ferguson
was the first one she was going to meet.

You’re going to do a lot more than ‘meet’
A pestering voice inside her head reminded Rita, but she
ignored it.

She didn’t want to think about it. Just as
she didn’t want to face the fact she was about to betray everything
she believed in. Moreover, she was going to betray herself and her
soul mate. But she needed the damn money so badly!

“Good morning, Miss Collins,” she spun
around in surprise.

A tall, handsome man in a driver’s uniform
stood in front of Rita. He touched his cap in a formal

“Good morning.”

“Let me help you with that bag.”

He sounded very distant and didn’t wait for
a reply before grabbing the handle and putting the bag in the trunk
of a stretch limousine. She had to scurry after him, which was hard
to do wearing her new absurdly high heels. Rita had the worst time
adjusting to them but wearing that specific pair to the interview
was an order from Mr. Ferguson. As she climbed inside the car, the
hem of her short dress moved up her thighs to an almost indecent
height. She covered her read-end with one hand as a slow smile
played on her lips when she remembered Sherri’s reaction to that





At thirty-two, Sherri was ten years Rita’s
senior. Sherri was a well-regarded, successful pediatrician not to
mention an independent and gorgeous woman. When she was twenty
years old, Sherri married her high school sweetheart because she
thought she loved him. Many years later she found out the truth.
She married Phil because she thought her family expected it from
her. Trying to live up to other people’s expectations was her huge
mistake, which turned her life into hell. Her marriage was a
disaster. She ended up hating herself. Although she didn’t love
Phil as a husband, she loved him as a friend. She knew she was
hurting him yet she couldn’t avoid it. People would hint at that.
Her family would tell her that she wouldn’t find a better man than
her husband.

“I don’t get you,” her mother would reply
every time Sherri attempted to explain why she didn’t want to have
kids, “Phil is a handsome, intelligent and hard-working man. What
else can you ask for in a husband?”

After ten long, unhappy years, she decided
to talk to a therapist. In therapy, she found out why she would
have never been happy with Phil. That gave her the courage she
needed to break free. When Sherri met Rita, she was ready for a new
relationship. The last two years were blissfully happy ones. She
was in love. There was no doubt about it. She decided to propose to
Rita and planned it all. She was going to take her on a nice trip
to California, to a gorgeous Big Sur hotel she knew. She even
started looking for a ring but hadn’t found the perfect one. She
wanted a diamond as unique as Rita.

Her plans went south when Rita came home one
day and told Sherri about her idea to help her family. Sherri loved
Rita’s parents not only because they had received her with open
arms into their family but because they were amazing people. She
trusted Rita and supported her decision. At hearing Rita’s plans,
Sherri decided to wait to tell her about her own ones.

A couple of weeks later, she came home after
work to find her girlfriend wrapped in a tight red dress and silver
high heels. Rita loved wearing dresses and high heels but she never
wore anything as jaw-dropping as that outfit.

“Oh, I love it, babe! You look

Rita spun around and Sherri saw her
trademark smile brightening up Rita’s face as she tilted her head
to one side and raised a hip to the other. A hand rested on her
impossibly slender waist and a fake bored expression played on her
beautiful face.

“You think?”

“I know.”

Being the dominant, Rita rarely let Sherri
take the lead in their bedroom. She was so enthusiastic about
Rita’s tight cocktail dress and impossibly high heels that she
forgot that little detail and pulled her lover into a loose
embrace, grabbing her round ass in both her hands. The mirror
reflected that image, which excited Sherri even more. She rubbed
her body softly against Rita’s and drew in a deep breath, filling
up her nostrils with the sweet scent of an expensive fragrance. A
French perfume Rita never wore before but one that matched her
lover so perfectly.

“I don’t know what the special occasion is
but I like it.”

“No special occasion, Sher. Mr. Ferguson
wants me to wear this outfit to the interview. I was trying it

“Can you wear it tonight?”

Rita seemed hesitant.

“Please, pretty please!”

“I guess I can,” Sherri’s mouth stifled
Rita’s amused laughter.





The limo’s partition glass was closed so
Rita relaxed against the soft leather of the seat and closed her
eyes, squeezing her legs together to soothe the aching emptiness
she felt at the memory of Sherri’s softness against her body. Their
lovemaking was usually hot but the previous night was something
special. Her sex drenched and she moaned softly.

The driver pulled away and they moved
sluggishly through the morning traffic. Rita breathed deeply trying
to calm down her quivering insides. It was useless. She knew
nothing would relax her. Maybe a good, long, and fulfilling fuck
would but Sherri was thousands of miles away. Rita needed to take
matters into her own hands. Sliding down the soft leather seat
until her ass rested on the edge, she opened her legs and reached a
hand between them. Her folds got wet when she remembered Sherri’s
arms around her body the night before, the moisture covered the top
of her thighs. Hoping those memories would trigger a fast release,
Rita closed her eyes and let the images flood her mind. The scenes
played out behind her closed lids like a film.

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