Read My Masters' Nightmare, Season 1 / Episode 13 Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #kidnapping, #mafia, #italy, #human trafficking, #mobsters, #drama action

My Masters' Nightmare, Season 1 / Episode 13 (2 page)

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Throw your guns
on the floor,” I

hey dropped
them. If I managed to escape, I knew they would come after me with
a vengeance. I just had to make sure they didn’t catch me, because
their expressions were murderous.

placed a hand on Julio’s waist and
backed him out the front door, making sure no one jumped me from
behind. His men outside raised their guns.

Drop them!” I yelled. “Or
he’s dead.”

They threw them on the ground.
The agents from inside joined them, all of their eyes on me. I
backed up with Julio
, stopping in front of the bushes. The agents were now
standing in a line, looking ready to rush me at any second. I just
had to hope I was faster than them. No, I
to be faster. My brother was depending on
me, and there was no way these bastards were going to stop me from
saving him.

I’m sorry, I would never have
shot you,” I said
, feeling bad for what I was about to do. I brought my gun
down on his head, knocking him out. As he crumbled to the ground, I
spun around and shot into the bushes. Within seconds a bullet
whizzed past my head, his men’s reflexes fast. I continued pushing
through the bushes, the small branches scratching my arms. Another
bullet whizzed past me as I burst forth into a grassy clearing.
Without looking back, I sprinted across it as fast as I could,
knowing the FBI was now gunning for me.





Matteo prodded my back with
“Inside, gorgeous,” he said.

I headed into the new hideout. It was a
two-story white farmhouse with fields of green surrounding it. We’d
left the other hideout in a rush. They hadn’t even let me put
clothes on, just yelled at me that they didn’t have time. On the
ride over, I’d found out it was because Leo had betrayed the
Donatelli to the FBI, the Americans one step behind us.

I stopped a few feet
lounge, noticing blood on the floor. My eyes moved around the
place. Plastic covered the couches while food bowls sat on a coffee
table, along with glasses, some half full. It looked like a party
had been held here, the blood on the floor telling me it hadn’t
ended well.

fat soldier pushed Andriena towards a
room on our right. Her hands were tied in front of her like mine.
The soldier gave her another shove.

Don’t touch her!” I

Smiling at me,
e shoved
her again. She stumbled and fell to her knees.

I moved forward, ready to
the fucker.

The soldier lifted his gun, pointing it at
my face. “Back off, Santini scum.”

I gritted my
imagining tearing him to pieces. Something cold and metallic tapped
my ass, making me spin around. Matteo raised his gun, giving me a
sly smile.

Don’t fucking touch me!”
I yelled at

His eyebrows rose
“First it’s
don’t touch her
, now it’s
don’t touch you
. Make up your mind.”

Don’t touch either of

How about this, then? I promise
not to touch you again if you touch yourself.” He pointed his gun
at my cock. “Go on, it’s not me touching you.”

I’ve got my hands tied,
you pervert.”

I’m sure you could get a
good enough grip.” His grin widened. “You’ve got big

glared at him. “How about you untie
me and I’ll show you what I can do with my hands.”

Ooh, that’s tempting, but I
don’t really want to kick your gorgeous ass. I’d rather you fuck me

I’ll fuck you over, all

You seem a bit confused with
this whole ‘fucking’ thing, so be a good porn star and go lie down
on the bed in that room,” he said, pointing at it. “I want to ride
your cock.”

I took a threatening step towards

He lifted the gun higher. “Stop this
bullshit, Alessandro; we both know you can’t take me out with a gun
in your face. So, do as you’re told before I lose my patience with

I’ll lie on the bed, but
you’re not going anywhere near my cock.”

Who’s the one holding the

I can’t get hard over
males, so fucking stop coming onto me.”

Let me work on your cock
and I’ll prove you wrong.”

Matteo,” Andriena said, pushing
to her feet. “Stop harassing him, he’s not interested.”

I can make him

No, you can’t,” I snapped. “Get
it into your thick head, men make me soft.”

grimaced. “You’re a cunt.”

No, I’m just not
interested in yours.”

His grimace dropped, a smirk
replacing it.
“Yeah, I do have a man cunt. You wanna lick it? I’ll return
the favor.” He flicked his tongue out at me.

I screwed up my face.
disgusting.” Having had enough of him, I turned and headed for the
room. Andriena followed me inside along with Matteo and the fat
soldier. I sat down on the bed, Andriena sitting next to

Lie down, Alessandro,” Matteo

I remained where I was. “Not until you

Again, I’m the one with the
gun, so lie down before I decide to plant it up your ass.” He
smiled. “And I was referring to my gun.” He made a fist out of his
hand and pushed the gun through the hole, moving it back and forth.
I wanted to wipe the smirk off his face, but instead I moved my
legs around Andriena and lay down on the bed.

Move onto your side,
facing me,” Matteo said.

I did what he asked, nervous over what he
was up to.

His gaze
moved to Andriena. “Lie on the
bed, facing Alessandro.”

Why?” she

Your wrists are going to
be tied together.”


He rolled his eyes. “So you don’t skip
around the room, holding hands like two rejects,

Don’t be rude!” she yelled.
“And I was asking why in that position? You can just tie our hands
to the bed.”

doing you a favor.”

What are you talking

If I tie your hands together,
you’ll be a kiss away from him, and since the bastard won’t let me
kiss him, you might as well go for it.”

I wouldn’t take advantage
of him.”

Matteo rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t;
he’s got a hard-on for you.”

Her eyes shot to my cock. “No, he

I meant it figuratively,

She glowered at him. “Stop insulting

Only when you stop being
stupid. If I was in your shoes, I’d be on his cock before you could
blink. And I know you want him. You couldn’t be more obvious. So
say thank you, Matteo, for giving me a porn star and get your
groove on.”

No, get out.”

Don’t worry, I
will. You can have
all the privacy you want with Prince Albert.”

Why are you doing this? I
stabbed Uncle Michael.”

That’s precisely why I’m doing
it. I’m rewarding you. Just a pity you didn’t do a better job of
it. If I was you, I would’ve stabbed him in the heart or neck, or
at least the balls.”

I didn’t think.
I just

That’s your problem: you don’t
think.” He shook his head. “Trust me to get stuck with the dumb


Matteo, Matteo,” he said,
imitating her voice.

You’re an immature

And you’re an irritating
banshee, so shut the hell up; your voice is giving me a

Then stop insulting

Not going to happen, now get on
the bed before I make Alessandro perform for me.”

With a grimace, she
climbed onto the

Face him, not me,

She turned over.

Tie them

Matteo said, his eyes now on the fat soldier.

The soldier moved forward, joining our
wrists with rope.

Take her pants off,” Matteo

No!” Andriena screamed, kicking
out at the soldier. The man took a step back, looking to Matteo for
further instruction.

Matteo’s gaze moved to
. “You
can’t fuck Alessandro with them on.”

I’m not fucking

Matteo exhaled dramatically.
“You really are the thickest person I’ve met. Well, I can’t cure
dumb, so I’ll leave you alone with
el porno.
” He left the room, the soldier following
him out. The soldier closed the door, leaving us alone with the
light on.

,” I said to Andriena.

Andriena’s eyes moved to

For protecting me against

That was

Not to me. You stabbed
your own uncle for me.”

I would’ve stabbed him for
Matteo, so that’s not saying much.”

I frowned. “Don’t downplay it. You
protected me, which means I’m in your debt.”

She shook her head. “No, you helped me, so
we’re even now.” Her eyes widened. “Not that I did it for any debt.
I just didn’t want him touching you.”

I know.”

She breathed out. “I’m really sorry about
all of this, Alessandro.”

No need to apologize, it’s not
your fault. You’ve done the best you can.”

Unfortunately, my best isn’t
good enough

You stabbed your uncle for

I would do anything for

Not really,
ou didn’t
set me free when I asked earlier.”

It was for your own protection,
and you’ll be with your
soon and...” she breathed out, looking sad, “I’ll
never see you again.”

Come with me.”

won’t let me.”

Do you want to come with

I’d go anywhere with you.”

I smiled at her. “You’re the nicest woman
I’ve ever met.”

lowered her gaze. “I’m not nice, I’m
a fraud.”

No, you’re not,

You wouldn’t think that if you
knew the truth about me.”


looked back up at me, her expression
full of shame. “I haven’t been completely honest with

About what?”

She frowned.

Trust me,
you don’t want to know.”

I do, you’ve made me curious

You won’t be happy when I
tell you.”

Then spit it out, because I
won’t stop asking. I don’t like secrets. They cause trouble in the
long run.”

She shook her head.

Andriena, please.”

She opened her mouth,
it, giving me the impression she wasn’t going to tell me. I went to
pester her again, but before I could speak, she blurted out: “I’ve
watched all of your porn videos.”

My eyebrows shot
, not
expecting that. Not from her, anyway. She seemed so prudish and far
too sweet… Hell! With my experience, nothing should surprise me,
even Andriena’s confession, especially since the sweet ones were
often the wildest in bed.

She squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m sorry.
You probably think I’m a pervert now, and you’re right, I am one.
I’m as bad as Matteo.”

I hook
ed my little finger around hers. “No,
you’re not, so open your eyes.”

She shook her head.

You shouldn’t be
I watch porn and fuck all the time, so you watching me is
no big deal.”

It is to me. I watched you
” She blushed. “And when you were asleep, I was staring at
your body.”

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