My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 15 "Finale" (5 page)

BOOK: My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 15 "Finale"
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She removed my cock from her mouth
and climbed between my legs, lying down to suck me. I watched her mouth move up
and down my shaft, the sight intoxicating. I could also see her
clenching, making me realize she was rubbing herself as she blew me. It just
turned me on even more, amping up the pressure inside of me, building it higher
and higher, every second counting. The warmth was now moving down my stomach,
heading for my groin. She did something with her tongue, making me gasp, “I’m
going to come.”

Groaning around my cock, she grabbed
my balls, making me yell out, the orgasm coming hard and fast. I shot into her
mouth, my woman swallowing my cum, the pleasure taking over my mind, blanking
everything else out.

Camila gave me a few extra sucks,
then let go. I didn’t move, my body tired, but satiated. She moved up over me, blanketing
my naked body with her clothed one.

“You taste good,” she murmured,
kissing my neck.

“Your mouth felt great. Wish you
came too.”

“I did.”

“I didn’t hear you.”

“Your cock was muffling my groans. I
peaked right before you came inside my mouth. I almost choked on your cum.”

“I did warn you.”

She smiled. “No
, it
was worth it. If I’d pulled away, I wouldn’t have come.”

A window shutter sliding across grabbed
my attention. I looked at the cell door, wondering whether we’d been watched.
Sounds came from the other side, suggesting we had. My attention returned to Camila.
“Lucky you kept your clothes on, one of the agents was watching.”

“Not so lucky for you.”

“I came, so I’m happy, and those
men weren’t gay. They were more interested in looking at you and Teodora.”

She pushed off of me, worry now
creasing her brow. “They have her alone.”

I sat up. “They won’t do anything untoward.
They looked more interested in getting information than sex.”

“They were watching me suck you.”

“It was probably just the buzz cut
guy. He kept staring at you.”

“That’s not a comfort.”

“He might’ve just been checking on
us, one look, nothing more, and if Teodora was being hurt we would’ve heard
something. She’s in the next cell.”

Camila nodded, looking partially
relieved. She leaned over and grabbed my pants, placing them on top of me. “You
should get dressed.”

I slipped them on, then pulled her
down next to me, giving her a kiss. “
for the blowjob.”

A smile lit up her face. “Well,
since you’re being polite,
for making me come.”

“I didn’t do anything, you did all
the work.”

She smiled wider. “Just looking at
you makes me want to come. Your cock in my mouth, plus my hand on my
equals a guaranteed orgasm.”

“You’re welcome then,” I yawned.

She raised her eyebrows. “Am I
boring you?”

“No, coming made me sleepy.”

“Then sleep. I’ll watch over you.”

I closed my eyes, strangely feeling safe.


I jolted awake at the sound of
gunfire. Camila pushed up and ran for the door. Though, she didn’t bang on it
or demand what was happening, just stared straight ahead. She was probably
scared it was the Landi. No doubt they were coming to check on their missing
soldiers, running into the FBI as a result.

I got up and grabbed my shirt,
slipping it on without doing up the buttons. I headed over to Camila, wrapping
my arms around her, the both of us now staring at the door, listening intently
to the shouts and gunfire upstairs. Then footsteps sounded on the other side. An
Italian voice barked in the hallway for someone to check the cells, confirming
it was the Landi.

I stepped back, pulling Camila along
with me, knowing we were both fucked, unless they’d killed all the FBI. If they
had, I could push the deaths of the three soldiers onto the agents.

Teodora screamed in the next cell.

Camila broke free from me and
started banging on the door, yelling, “Leave her alone!”

Teodora went silent a second later.

“Teodora!” Camila cried. “Teodora!”

“She’s fine, Camila,” a raspy voice
said on the other side of the door. “She just saw one of my ugly soldiers.”

“Christo?” Camila gasped.

The bolt pulled across, then the
door swung open, revealing Christo’s smiling face. “
, Camila.” His
eyes went to me. “And it’s very nice to see you too, Fuck-toy.”

Camila screamed like a banshee and
ran at him. Christo shoved her back, knocking her into me. I wrapped my arms
around her before she could get herself hurt. She struggled against me to get
at her uncle, only stopping as he pulled out a gun.

He raised it to her forehead. “Don’t
think I won’t shoot you, Camila. I don’t like you enough to care if you live or
die, so let Fuck-toy hold onto you tight.”

“Don’t insult him! You’re the one
who deserves to be called names. You sold your own niece!”

“For more than she was worth.”

She continued to struggle against
me. “I hate you, you
! I fucking hate you so much. You and your
sick brother are why our
fell, Matteo too. You only have
loyalty to each other. I would die for Andriena, Nino, and the others, but you,
you sell us, put us in danger, even threaten our lives. What is so wrong with
you that you treat your own
worse than strangers?”

“The worthy members are treated
well, and to tell you the truth, I actually admire you somewhat. You have fire,
and even knowing I could kill you, you still struggle against Fuck-toy to get
at me. I like that, whereas Andriena’s a complete waste of space. She was more
concerned with childish dreams of finding her prince charming in Alessandro.
She was always a pathetic child. She deserves to get a taste of real life,
instead of the fantasy world she lives in. I hope the Black Russian fucks the
fairy dust out of her. And Nino,” he snorted. “Pathetic. He deserves to die for
getting himself caught. He isn’t even half of what his brother was. He’s more
concerned with acting like a man than being one. He’s as weak as Andriena in
that respect. If anything, the Landi will be improving our gene pool by killing

“I hate you, I fucking hate you!”
Camila screamed in my arms.

“And that’s why I might not kill
you. You speak what you think without fear. If you didn’t have a
you would’ve made a great Don, even more so than Matteo. Don’t get me wrong,
he’s clever, just a bit too smart-mouthed. He also has no respect, other than
for me. Unfortunately, he’s the only one with any real balls to take the helm.”

“Carmine is better than Matteo. He
should become Don, not that egotistical

“Carmine is too noble.”

“Which is why he’s better than
Matteo, and don’t say he’s not cutthroat enough, because he is. He isn’t afraid
of killing for the

“True, and if the Black Russian
goes against his word and doesn’t return Matteo, I’ll call Carmine to return
home. Though, it’s just a matter of whether he’ll accept being my successor,
since he’s said on numerous occasions he doesn’t want to be a Don.”

“He would take the role if he has
to. He’s a good man.”

“I still think Matteo is better.” His
eyes went to me. “And by the way, why are you holding Camila like a lover? I
assumed she was obsessing over you, I didn’t expect to see you returning her

“She’s my woman.”

Christo snorted out a laugh. “Is
that so?” His eyes moved to Camila. “Looks like you finally succeeded in
winning a D’Angelo. Pity for you, you can’t keep him. The Black Russian wants him
in his bed.”

“No!” Camila snapped. “He stays
with me.”

“He can’t, I need him for a trade.”
His eyes moved to me. “Thierry is part of the trade. My brother wants the boy.”

I stiffened. “If he forced Thierry—”

“Unlike you, he doesn’t need to
force your brother. Strangely, Thierry likes Michael fucking him.”

“You’re lying!”

“No, which means Thierry’s betrayed
you.” He laughed. “Oh, that makes this so much better. Your brother likes your
abuser fucking him. The last time I saw them together, they were hugging each

I let go of Camila and took a step
towards Christo, furious with what he was saying. He had to be lying, because
Thierry wouldn’t do that to me.

Christo shifted his gun to my face.
“Take one more step and you’re dead. And I’m not lying about Thierry. You’ll
see the truth about your brother soon enough when we make the exchange. It’ll
make everything so much more enjoyable. Alberto betrayed Frano, now Thierry’s
betraying you.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Again, you’ll see the proof
tomorrow, so I don’t really care.”

“What have you done to the FBI?”
Camila spoke up.

“Killed all but one. My soldiers
are questioning the survivor right now.”

“You idiot! Now the FBI won’t help

“Nino has an appointment with
Death, nothing will stop that.”

“No! They were negotiating his
release from the Landi.”

“And probably right into a US prison
after what he’s done. Even his son won’t be able to help him. So, it’s better
he dies now than spend the rest of his life locked up and surrounded by men.”

Camila went for him again. I pushed
her back. “Calm down; fighting him won’t change a thing.”

“A D’Angelo with a brain,” Christo
said. “I didn’t know one of those existed. Anyway, out of the cell, we’re
heading somewhere else.”

I turned to him. “Where are you
taking us?”

“A safe house for now. Tomorrow,
I’ll hand you over to the Black Russian.”

“I’ll free up the bank accounts if
you let me keep him,” Camila said.

“No, you’ll be freeing up the bank
accounts if you want to live. And I’ll give you a nice Spinelli to keep your

“But, the Spinelli are related to


“You’re sick.”

“No, that’s my brother. So, what will
it be, Camila? A Spinelli cock or death?”

“Marry me to whoever you want, but
let me keep Jagger as a slave.”

My eyebrows shot up. “What the
fuck, Camila?”

She indicated for me to be quiet. “So,
what’s your answer?” she asked her uncle.

“No, because Jagger’s destined for
the Black Russian’s cock.” Christo glanced over his shoulder as an overweight
man appeared behind him. “Put Jagger in the same car as the Black Guard.”

The soldier moved past Christo. Camila
backed up, forcing me to back up too. “No, leave him alone!” she yelled.

Christo stepped aside, allowing another
soldier to enter the cell, this one looking no older than a teenager. I knew I
could take out the younger one, possibly even the older one too, but not
Christo, especially since he had a gun. I moved out from behind Camila, her
attempt at protecting me sweet, but pointless.

“Jagger!” she said, trying to block
my way. “You’re staying with me.”

“Like my life, I don’t have a say.”

She shoved me. “No, you’re


“No! You’re mine!”

I held up my hands. “Again, I don’t
have a say in the matter.”

She spun around and pointed a
finger at the fatter of the soldiers. “Stay back or I’ll kick you in the

“She’s a weakling,” Christo said. “Just
shove her aside and get Jagger.”

The two soldiers moved forward.
Camila ran at the fatter one. The man covered his groin, probably thinking she
would follow through on her threat, but instead she took a swing at his face.
Her fist connected with his nose, making him yell out. The teenager went for
her. I shoved him back, sending him sprawling across the floor. A gunshot drew
my attention to Christo. He barked. “
, out!” The teenager and
the fat man scrambled for the door.

“Maurice!” Christo snapped. “In
here. Now!”

A few seconds later, a large man
stepped inside the cell. “Take my niece to the car. Knock her unconscious if
she gives you trouble.”

The man headed for Camila. She
backed up quickly. I wrapped my arms around her. “I’ll take her out, as long as
you let us go together.”

“Okay, just do it now,” Christo
said, “before my patience wears thin.”

I directed Camila out of the cell
and up the staircase. A few dead FBI agents were sprawled out in the foyer, one
of them the man with the buzz cut. My gaze went to another agent, who was very
much alive and had a gun pointed at his head. He was the blond who’d been
questioning Teodora. I glanced around, searching for the head agent, but
couldn’t find him, along with a few others. I wondered whether they’d gone
searching for Rita.

BOOK: My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 15 "Finale"
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