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Authors: Black Warlock's Woman

Mysty McPartland (8 page)

BOOK: Mysty McPartland
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Heart pounding and riddled with guilt, Rieph
turned the handle, pushed the door open and found her standing over at the window, her back to him. He stepped inside and softly closed the door, moving across the room, he stood behind her. Gently placing his hands on her shoulders, he felt her flinch from his touch, but he would not remove them. “’Tis sorry I am, my sweet, that ye had to hear such a thing the way that ye did. If ‘tis true I was going to tell ye, but I am verra sure that if she carries a babe it ‘tis nay mine.”

Trista had been standing half way down the steps; she’d actually been feeling very happy and wanted to see her husband. When she heard what he and his lover were discussing, her pleasure died as well as her dreams of a happy future. So disillusioned, it was as if someone just tossed a bucket of cold water over her and she was now fully awake and living a horrendous nightmare. He had given his lover a child and now he cold-heartedly intended sending her away.

ow could he be so callous to the woman who carried his babe? And not only that, she felt betrayed. Turning around, she raced back up the stairs to her room wondering what she should do now. But she was not left alone for long to ponder the horrific situation, he had followed her.

hen he touched her, she flinched away loathing his touch. She was sick to her stomach when she heard his cold unfeeling words. It was humiliating how easily she’d been fooled again and realized that he was not the caring tender man he’d shown her earlier when had had made love to her and that hurt just as much. He was truly the Black Warlock, cold, unfeeling and a heartless monster.

Patiently standing behind his wife with his hands still resting on her shoulders, he waited for her reaction, but when none was forth coming he frowned. He wondered what could possibly be going through her head. “Speak to me, lass. I ken ye are upset but what is between Devena and I has nothing to do with us.”

Shocked and horrified she gasped at his emotionless, insensitive words and shrugged out of his grasp. She moved away from him before she turned to face him, letting him see how much she loathed him. “You disgust me. You’re no better than a rutting stag and I never want you to touch me ever again. As far as I am concerned, this is a marriage in name only. Now get out and leave me alone you unemotional, heartless heathen.”

Infuriated over her scathing and insulting reply, he straightened and glared at her. “I dinnae ken what ye think ye have to be angry about but I tell ye, wife, I am ye laird and ye husband and I willnae be spoken to with such disrespect. This time I will forgive ye, but willnae do so again.”

She threw back her head and laughed harshly. “I don’t give a fig if you forgive me or not you unfeeling, filthy cur. I meant what I said. You are nothing but a pig and I want nothing else to do with you.”

Chest heaving, he was furious at her verbal abuse and disrespect. He gripped his fists at his sides. “Ye go too far woman and I willnae listen to another word until ye are ready to apologies. Ye can have what ye desire for until ye ask for my forgiveness ye can have ye cold marriage.”

ithout another word, he turned and stormed to the door with fury; he opened it and nearly ripped it from its hinges. Once he stepped out in the hallway he slammed it behind him, sending the sound echoing throughout his home.

Once the rutting fiend left, she sank to her knees and sobbed out her anguish and shame. She now knew that she could never open her heart to a cold and unfeeling beast like the Black Warlock. It was a harsh and cruel lesson, but at least it would save her from even more heartache.

In a black rage he stormed out of the keep and called for his horse. He needed to get away before he made a complete fool of himself, went back upstairs and begged his wife to forgive him. Even if he did not have any idea why he should.

amn females and especially this one in particular. When his horse arrived, he mounted and raced away not waiting for his men to follow and follow they would, t’was not safe for a rider to be out alone.


Trista spent the day in her room trying to sort out her feelings, but everything just seemed to be going around in circles. Her stomach growled and  she sighed sulkily. She would have to go down stairs and have something to eat.
No man was worth starving over
, she told herself and so with great reluctance went down to the hall.

hen she reached the huge room, she took a swift glance around and sighed with relief when she found no sign of her despicable husband. Moving over to the high table she sat down, she tried not to squirm in her seat while members of the clan kept their wary gaze fixed on her before they started their evening meal.

he smiled gently when a young servant girl approached with a full trencher and placed it in front of her. “Thank you.” She said softly, she saw the surprise on the girl’s face and gave a smile of reassurance and relaxed when the girl gave a shy one in return. “What may I call you?” She asked the young maid.

“My name is Janey
, Mistress.” Janey blushed and ducked her head.

Well I thank you, Janey, for bringing me my meal it was most kind of you.” Trista spoke to her with sincerity.

Janey curtsied. “’Tis my job, Mistress, but I took special care selecting ye meal for I ken ye have nay eaten all day.”

Feeling a slight blush warm her cheeks, she just nodded and watched the maid curtsy again and hurry away. She knew that she was being stared at but even though it made her uncomfortable, she was too hungry to worry about it.

he had nearly finished with her meal when the doors of the great hall were thrown open and her husband strode inside. Once his eyes gaze found hers, he glared across the room at her. Not at all intimidated and glaring back, she rose to her feet and with head held high, left the hall and went upstairs to her room. Caring little what her husband or his clan thought about her rude behavior.

Once she was settled on the leather chair in front of the fire staring into the flames, wondering if Rieph would follow her up, but after a few minutes, realized that he was not going to and was relieved. Suddenly, she sat up when she heard a knock at the door and panicked. After the first frantic thought passed, she relaxed.

What a
silly twit she was, of course the Black Warlock would never knock on his own bedchamber door. She gave a grimace at her own foolishness. “Come in.” She called and when she saw that it was Mary and two lads with buckets of steaming hot water. She silently groaned knowing that he must have ordered himself a bath.

Mary saw to the lads pouring the water, but every now and then snuck a glance at her mistress. She felt sorry for the young lass when she saw the pain in the
lady’s large grey eyes. Once the lads finished she ushered them out went over to her mistress and curtsied. “Beggin ye pardon, me Lady, but ‘tis sure sorry we are that ye have had to face such a thing on ye weddin and if there be anything that I can do for ye, ye just have to let me ken.”

Grateful for the understanding, Trista reached out
,  clasped the maid’s hand in hers and smiled weakly up at her. “I thank you, Mary, and I am sorry for all the trouble, but I don’t think there is anything anyone can do that would help.”

smiled reassuringly. “Aye, my Lady ‘tis a sorry thing but dinnae stay locked away and alone.” She knew that she might have over stepped her bounds, with a quick curtsy let go of her mistress’s hand and left the room.

unshed tears stung her eyes at Mary’s kind words, how much more shame must she suffer. It seemed the whole clan knew of the trouble between her and their laird. Fighting back the desire to cry, she glanced around the chamber and her eyes fell on the steaming bathtub. Quickly, she rose to her feet.

No way in hell did she intend to stay here and watch her loathsome husband bath in front of her.
Hastily she left the room. Glancing down the passage and to the stairs, she knew there was only one option, because she would not go back down to the great hall where her husband sat.

Quietly moving along the hallway, she opened one door after another. Until she came to the end one and she found herself looking at a set of steps. It was dark, but she did not hesitate, she moved up the stairs and stood in front of another closed door.

Her curiosity growing, she wondered what she would find. Slowly opening the door peeked inside, her breath caught in her throat. The room was flooded with moonlight and so large. She took the final step inside and with awe looked around.

Against one wall sat a large bed, even larger than Rieph’s.
On the opposite wall a massive fire place with two large chairs and a table sat in front. There were three large glass windows and underneath those were seats covered in cushions. Not able to help herself, she went further into the chamber and whirled around, so much space.

Without thinking, she went over to the fire and smiled when she saw that it was ready to be lit. Her gaze searched for tinder and spied it sitting on the mantle. Snatching it
up, she soon had the fire blazing in the hearth.

r tossing a few logs on the burning kindling, she straightened to get a better look at the room and she noticed that the walls were painted a soft apricot color. At each window were lush pillows of blue and dark sapphire curtains hung on each side.

Her gaze moved to the bed and she saw the same colored material in the bed hangings and the spread upon the feather mattress. At the foot of the bed, were two beautiful crafted chests that also matched the tables beside the
massive four-poster.

There were large dark blue mats scattered around the floor. Though it seemed that no one was using the chamber she did wonder though if it belonged to someone. Why
, she wondered would it be kept clean and ready for occupancy, suddenly she grinned.

Well, since it did not seem to be in use by anyone else, she would claim it as her own. She went over to gaze out one of the windows when she spied another door. Frowning, she opened it and laughed happily when she saw that it contained a large tub and toilet facilities. Yes, most definitely she would claim this
lovely chamber for her own.


Rieph rode hard all day; he ignored his men’s grumbles not just because they missed their meals but because of the cold rain that continued to fall late in the afternoon and now, nearly too late for the evening meal, they all hurried inside.

The very second he entered the hall, his eyes searched for his wife
and when he saw her sitting at the high table eating her supper, the rage started to burn deep inside him. Another open defiance and his mouth twisted in anger.

It was her duty to wait for his return to start dinner, his eyes met hers and he could see no softening in their grey depths. When he saw her rise and walk away, he wanted to shout loudly demanding for her to remain and with great strength, he fought down the words.

, he strode the length of the room and took his seat. Dissatisfaction burned his chest as he sat alone at the high table; he gazed around the hall and frowned when he noticed the subdued talk and the occasional worried glances sent his way.

e wondered if they all knew what was going on between himself and his wee wife and sighed heavily, knowing that nothing ever went unnoticed for very long among a close knit clan. He waved for Mary and when she reached his side, he noticed there were no welcoming smile and frowned in displeasure. “See that a bath is ready for me and tell one of the lads to bring me some wine.” He turned away from her, not liking to see the condemnation in her eyes.

Damn females
, he was laird here and they better not forget it. His meal arrived and as he ate he pondered his day. During his ride, he kept going over the words that were last spoken between Trista and himself. It had taken him some time to realize exactly what he’d said wrong; he shook his head and once more cursed his stupidity.

Even now he couldn’t believe what a fool he’d been. To have said to her that what was between Devena and himself didn’t have anything to do with her. What a great idiot to utter such a
foolish thing. But still, the things she said and the contempt she’d shown him was not something he could allow.

With a shake of his head, he had hoped by the time he arrived home she would make some attempt at an apology. He would have forgiven her, but she hadn’t made any
effort at all. No instead, she rudely ignored him and had eaten without him. Damn her stubborn hide, if this is the way she wanted it so be it and until she apologized she could have her cold marriage.

Only when the last candle guttered out he raised his head and scowled.
Damn, how late was it?
He glanced around the darkened hall and noticed that it was completely empty. Where in blazes had everyone gone and how long had he been sitting immersed in self-pity? What in the hell was wrong with him? His mouth twisted up disgust. It was long past time to retire, he realized. Damn, he hoped his bath would be still hot; he did not want to go to bed with his wife, while he was stinking of horse and sweat.

He rose to his feet and swayed, he grabbed the edge of the table to keep from falling. Blast it all, he needed to throw off this drink if he intended going upstairs to his bedchamber. With a great shake of his head and a few deep breathes, he staggered his way across the hall.

BOOK: Mysty McPartland
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