New Year's Kiss (One Night in New York)

BOOK: New Year's Kiss (One Night in New York)
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New Year’s Kiss

(One Night in
New York)




A Short Romantic Story







Jayn Wilde


Warning:  This book contains scenes of graphic sexual nature and it is intended for mature audiences 18 and over.  All characters depicted in this story are over 18 years of age.


This book is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.


Copyright 2013 by Jayn Wilde. 


All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute or transmit in any form or by any means.  For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.



Edited by:  Wilde Romance Publishing

Cover by:  Samantha Holt


“I know.  I know.”  Haylee reached over and slaps her cell phone, temporarily stopping the sound of the alarm she’d set.  “Just five more minutes.”


“Night, Haylee, Happy New Year!”  Mr. Bosner called out as he left the office. 


Haylee mumbled a delayed sentiment as her boss disappeared through the door.  She typed a few more words, hit the spell check and save functions, then emailed off her article.


“I’m leaving work now.”  Haylee left a message for her best friend Krista as she shut her laptop and grabbed her jacket. 


She slapped the phone closed and glanced up at the wall clock.  She had just enough time to get to the bus stop.  She’d have to hurry though because the Saturday schedule was different and if she missed her bus, she’d end up missing the train to NYC later. 


Mumbling as she made her way to the corner where she’d catch the bus, she muttered about having to shower and dress quickly.  The article she'd been working on had taken longer than she anticipated, but now it was done, she was free to enjoy the next couple of days. Haylee stifled a yawn. She loved her job as a journalist but sometimes the hours were too long and the work was daunting.  She'd busted her butt all week just to get off early today and have a few days off.  Taking in a few deep breaths, Haylee let her thoughts focus to tonight...and her goal.  This could be a really nice mini-vacation if she found a decent guy. 



Hurrying up the
walkway, Haylee let herself in to her small home.  She still smiled every time she turned the key in the lock.  Her own home.  After moving from town to town, and foster home to foster home as a child, it had become a firm goal that she would own her own home by time she was thirty.  She’d exceeded even her own expectations, when she signed the closing papers at the age of twenty-four.  She'd run herself  in to the ground going to school full-time and working three part-time jobs.  Now, she was reaping the benefits.  Sure, she had big debts, but with her job, she was paying them off at an incredible rate. 



wiped away the steam and looked in the mirror as she stepped out of the shower.  Her shower had been short, but that was okay since she had spent last night waxing, shaving, and plucking every inch of her body while she soaked in the bath.  Tonight, she just needed to freshen up.  Plus, her long hair took so long to straighten; she needed all the extra time she could manage tonight. 


She slipped on the silver cocktail dress over her black lace bra and panty set.  The heart shaped bodice curved around her breasts perfectly and her strapless bra held the girls up nicely.  The sleeves were sheer, so even though they covered her shoulders and arms, you could see the lines of her upper body well.  Turning around in front of her bedroom mirror, she was pleased with the way her thong left no panty lines.  She'd even been working out over the past year...the day she made her resolution.  When her schedule allowed, Haylee hit the gym and took either a Zumba or Spin class.  She loved the way her body was now toned and sleek, not bulky or worse, flabby.  She felt sexy and prayed that she could carry some confidence with her tonight.


Slipping on the black velvet bridal heels she bought last week, Haylee admired her slim calves and ankles.  Fumbling with the strap, she finally secured both shoes without ruining her manicure.  Kiki would be proud.  Just last Sunday, Kiki had lectured Haylee about how to maintain the mani/pedi for a week.  Sure enough, her scarlet nails still looked phenomenal, even the little bit that poked through the peep-toe of her heels.  Standing, Haylee wobbled on the short heels.  Grumbling about skyscrapers and insane women, she straightened up and made her way over to the make-up table.


Straightening her hair took awhile, but she loved the final look.  Her red hair slipped back and forth over her shoulders as she started on her make-up.  Not one for extravagance, Haylee went with simple blush, eyeliner, glittery silver eye-shadow and mascara.  Dabbing a few drops of Clinique’s
perfume on her wrists and behind her ears, she returned to the bedroom mirror.  Giving herself a once-over, she grinned.  “You look HAWT, girl!”


Haylee left in her diamond stud earrings, slipped on a silver choker chain with a dangling heart and a few simple silver bangles.  She couldn’t afford to waste anymore time as she noticed it was almost five.  Grabbing an overnight bag from the closet, Haylee threw in jeans, a shirt, a sweater, her Keds, make-up bag and a red bra and panty set.  Just in case she wasn’t coming home until tomorrow, she wanted to be prepared. 
Nothing like making the walk of shame in the previous night’s clothing.
  Giggling to herself, Haylee tucked her phone, ID and some money in a black and silver clutch and headed out the door. Tucking the spare key under the potted plant on her porch, she was all set to have the night of her life.


“Girl, you look fabulous!”  Krista shrieked as she grabbed Haylee in a bear hug.  “Yum.  Is that fruity smell


“You know it is, you goof.  You gave it to me for my birthday.”  Haylee laughed and extracted herself from Krista’s death grip.


“Hey, sexy!”  Niall kissed Haylee on the cheek.  Niall, an English transplant, was the flirt of their little group.  Shyly, Mack and Logan also gave her pecks on the cheek.  Haylee took in her four close friends and smiled.  “You all look amazing.  Wow.  There are going to be some hearts broken in New York tonight.”


Haylee looked over the guys one at a time as she spoke.  All three could pass for brothers or cousins at least.  They each were six foot tall, or more, muscled, with goatees, tattoos, button down shirts and tight jeans. 
Maybe more like members of a biker gang.
Haylee chuckled to herself as she realized all three had black leather jackets with them.  They were a hot bunch of guys and she’d crushed on each one at some point since Freshman year of high school.  Now, they, along with Krista, were her best friends and more like family to her.   Something she’d lacked growing up, but now was precious to her.  She’d never jeopardize that for a fling with one of the guys.  In fact, it had become one of her strict rules. “Never date a friend.”


“The train doesn’t come for a half-hour, Lee,” Krista tugged on her arm.  “Let’s go over to the bar and grab a drink.”


“Stop calling me that, Kris.”  Haylee shot back.  They’d always found ways to tease each other over their names since high school.  Most common were the male names of Kris and Lee.


Niall laughed and squeezed between the girls, throwing his tree trunk arms over their shoulders.  Mack and Logan flanked the girls on the outside.  One thing about the guys, they were extremely protective over Krista and Haylee.  The girls loved it and Krista often played it up to grab the attention of other men.  Because, after all, males love competition and seeing two girls and three guys always seemed to catch the eyes of others.   Haylee giggled as the guys joked around about some football star’s latest scandal.  They’d think she was laughing with them, but in reality, she was thinking of what strangers must think of their close group.  A ménage plus two?  She laughed out loud as they entered the bar and everyone turned to look at them.


A few shots of Jager later, the group headed back across the street to the station.  The trains were delayed due to snow somewhere along the line, so they huddled together to keep warm as they waited.


Krista’s phone rang and she broke from the group to answer it.  “That was Beth.  She, Cara, Melissa, Jake and Kyle will meet us at the next station. Apparently the storm is worse the further north you go, so they just headed up to Hazlet.”


Haylee felt her tummy twist.  Kyle.  She didn’t know him very well but she had seen him in pictures.  Jake and Kyle owned a computer company in Holmdel creating software for businesses.  They were on a softball team together and at Thanksgiving, Jake had been showing the group pictures from last season, over pumpkin pie.  They had spent Black Friday shopping at the outlets and then went back to Haylee’s for their own Thanksgiving dinner.  It had become a tradition after high school, since Haylee didn’t have a family to celebrate with.  That’s how awesome her friends were.  Family on Thursday and Haylee on Friday.  Tears glistened in her eyes.




“Uh, what?”


“Train is here…you coming?”


Haylee simply nodded and followed Krista on board.  They grabbed some seats together as Jake went on about some program he and Kyle had just sold for a few million dollars.




He would be the black sheep of the group.  Not because he didn’t go to high school with them, but because he had buzzed dark red hair, was clean-shaven and he had a lean, athletic build.  Kyle looked more like a runner or swimmer, whereas the other guys looked like body builders or bouncers.  Haylee wiped away the silly grin forming on her face.  Kyle was so different to the guys and his pictures would have made the cover of Sports Illustrated.


“Lee, what the hell?”


Haylee snapped out of her fantasy, picturing Kyle in a Speedo on the cover of SI and glanced at Krista.  “What?”


“Um…the girls.”


“What?”  Haylee repeated, confused. She noticed Krista was looking at her chest and she glanced down. Even through the sheen material covering her collar bones, her skin was bright red.  Through her bodice, her nipples were showing.  “Just cold,” she muttered and yanked her coat closed.


Had she really got all hot and bothered over some gu
no, the memory of a photo of some gu
who she didn’t know?  She let out a breath and focused her gaze on the floor of the train.  Perhaps she needed to find someone to help her with her sexual frustration tonight.  A kissing partner would only make matters worse and she didn’t think she could handle that.  As it was, she’d forgotten to pick up batteries at the store the other day.  A muffled groan escaped her throat.




“Hey!”  Cara yelled as she boarded the train in Hazlet. 


Behind Cara was Melissa and her husband Jake, and bringing up the rear a gorgeous specimen that could only be Kyle.  Holy shit.  He was freaking gorgeous.  Haylee’s heart started racing and she her mouth went dry.


“Shut.”  Krista said as she tapped under Haylee’s jaw.  No wonder her throat was dry, she was standing there with her mouth hanging open, probably drooling in public.  Heat infused her cheeks and she audibly snapped her mouth shut.  Krista laughed and Haylee couldn’t help but smile despite the glare she cast at her best friend.


“Hay-leeee!”  Melissa screeched as she came over and hugged her.  “Holy shit, you look hot!” 


Haylee didn’t look over, but somehow, she knew Kyle was staring at her.  Her cheeks heated as she hugged Melissa back.  Her head was over Melissa right shoulder and Kyle was standing there, only a couple of feet away.  She smelled his cologne.  It had to be his because she knew Jake didn’t wear any.  He had always joked about it being too pretty for guys.  This stuff, it wasn’t pretty.  It was musky and it teases her senses, and made her tingly all over.  Maybe it was on Melissa’s coat.  Yeah, that was it.  No way could she smell a guy ten feet away from her.  Not possible.

BOOK: New Year's Kiss (One Night in New York)
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