Read No Letting Go: Man-Maid, Book 2 Online

Authors: Anne Rainey

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #motorcycle, #alpha, #public sex, #contemporary, #small town, #waitress

No Letting Go: Man-Maid, Book 2 (9 page)

BOOK: No Letting Go: Man-Maid, Book 2
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He took her hand in his own and intertwined their fingers, “Don’t be sorry, baby. I’m just glad you’re okay. We’ll find out when you can go home once the doctor makes his rounds.”

At the word home, Emma’s first thought was of Jason’s big strong arms holding her through the night. She knew that without him, her bed would never feel the same again. Still, she’d declared her love, and he hadn’t said anything back. Not a good sign. Emma closed her eyes to avoid looking at him. He probably felt sorry for her. Terrific. That thought definitely didn’t improve her mood.

“I know what you’re thinking, baby. I can see those emotions all over your face.”

Her gaze shot wide. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re feeling shy for having opened your heart to me.” He leaned closer and murmured, “I love you too, Emma.”

Her breath caught in her throat her gaze shot wide. She stared at him, trying to find the proof of his words, hoping she’d heard him right. Praying she’d heard him right.

“I think I’ve loved you forever. I just didn’t realize how much I loved you until I saw you lying so lifeless on the ground after that asshole hit you.” His eyes closed tight, and he cursed. “I had no way of knowing if you were okay.” When he opened his eyes, he dipped low and kissed her warm cheek.

Emma sighed as she felt Jason’s lips against her skin. She would never get tired of his kisses. She said the first thing that popped into her mind. “I love you. I’ve always loved you.”

Jason jerked upright and grumbled, “Dammit, woman, took you long enough to say it again. I waited all night for you to wake up and say those words to me again. I wasn’t sure if I’d imagined them.” He pointed to a table at the far end of the room where a dozen roses sat in a beautiful crystal vase. “I went out and bought all these smelly flowers and everything, hoping that when I said those three words, you’d go all gooey-eyed and fall madly in love with me.”

She smiled, thrilled that Jason had taken such care with her. “I was afraid. Afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way.”

“No chance of that.” At once, Jason was vibrating with sexual awareness. “And you should never be afraid. Not with me.”

She smacked his hand away when it began creeping up her side to her breast. “You’re insatiable.”

“For you, Emma, only for you.” He looked her over and said, “If you are a very good girl, there will be more of that later,” he whispered, even as his mind was playing with all the possiblities.

“Mm,” she moaned, “I can’t wait.”

“The thing is, I thought at first that I simply needed to get you out of my system, in order to think clearly again.”

“And now?”

“That’s not quite how things worked. I think the only way to keep me thinking clearly is to keep you close.”

Emma smiled shyly. “Well, I wouldn’t want you to walk around in a fog.”

“Exactly,” he murmured. He leaned down, bracing himself on either side of her, and whispered silkily, “Think you can handle being all mine?”

Emma’s arms crept around Jason’s neck. “Oh definitely,” she said, giving him her heart.

“Good, because I’m definitely not letting you go.” He leaned close and kissed her cheek gently, leaving her breathless.

The words were music to Emma’s ears. Sure, it might have taken her a while, but she finally had the man of her dreams. And she aimed to keep him.

About the Author

Anne grew up in a small town in central Ohio the only girl with three rowdy, older brothers. When she wasn’t playing tackle football with them she could be found tucked away in her mother’s book room getting lost in mysterious worlds created by authors such as Martha Grimes and Andrew M. Greeley. She’s had a variety of odd jobs including Chiropractic Assistant, Frame Stylist, Restaurant Hostess, and Nail Technician.

Anne now lives with her fabulous husband, two gorgeous teenage daughters, two ornery dogs, three snooty cats, a tree frog named Gus, and a snake named Salizar. When Anne’s not dressing, feeding, cleaning or spending time with them, she can be found at the computer writing stories hot enough to make your toes curl!

Anne loves to hear from her readers. You can find her on Facebook at
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Look for these titles by Anne Rainey

Now Available:

Haley’s Cabin

Seduce Me


Turbulent Passions

Dare Me

A Little Bit Naughty


Touching Lace

Tasting Candy

Taking Chloe

Tempting Grace

Cape May

What She Wants

What She Craves

What She Needs


Sam’s Promise

Breaking Brodix

Vance’s Rules

Reilly’s Wildcard

River’s Redemption


No Turning Back

No Letting Go

Coming Soon:


No Regrets

Sometimes you fall in love. Sometimes it mows you down.

No Turning Back

© 2014 Anne Rainey

Man-Maid, Book 1

Several beers into commiserating over their boring nine-to-five jobs, financial analyst Jensen Kershaw and his buddies come up with a brilliant idea: open their own house-cleaning service. So what if they don’t know which is the business end of a mop. What could possibly go wrong?

Getting run over by a runaway truck, that’s what. Fortunately, Jensen is knocked off his feet—and his heart is knocked sideways—by the sexy blonde who saves his life. And when he learns she’s the artist behind a line of fiery custom motorcycle paint jobs, his interest rockets off the charts.

After a bad relationship and miscarriage that left her shattered, the only way Marquetta gets through her days is sinking herself so deep into her art, her brothers are worried about her. Yet the sinfully sexy charmer who winds up in her lap begins to thaw her long-frozen emotions, and it scares the hell out of her.

A long time ago, she swore “never again”. Too bad her heart isn’t in the mood to listen…

Warning: Contains a sweet-talkin’, tattooed hero, a heroine with a chip on her shoulder, and the creative use of a feather duster.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
No Turning Back:

Jensen had expected for her to be beautiful, but he wasn’t prepared for the immediate rise of heat when he saw her getting out of her Jeep. She’d been distracted by her phone call and hadn’t noticed him waiting at the far end of the porch. Jensen had taken advantage to get a good look at the woman who’d saved his worthless hide.

She had on a pair of tight, faded, ripped-in-the-knees jeans. They emphasized her small, womanly hips and all but begged a man to reach out and touch. A flesh-colored tank top stretched across small, round breasts. Her hair was a riot of golden curls that tumbled down her back. Blondes weren’t usually his thing, but this time he’d be willing to make an exception.

She had the cutest mouth with a full, pouty bottom lip jutting out, and a petite oval-shaped face. He closed the distance between them and reached a hand out in greeting when he noticed her shaking. Had he frightened her? “Ma’am, are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m just…” She stopped and closed her eyes tight. “Just not feeling up to par.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

She frowned. “Do I know you?”

“Yesterday you saved my life.”

She looked him over, then her eyes widened. “You’re the suit that nearly walked in front of a semi.”

He chuckled. “Uh, yeah, that’s me.”

She stepped closer to the front door, a look of apprehension clouding her eyes. “How’d you know where I live?”

“This is going to sound a little strange, but I tracked you down from your license plate.” He quickly held both hands in the air. “I swear I’m not a weirdo or anything. I promise.”

She hesitated before saying, “Seems to me like that’s exactly the type of thing a weirdo would say.”

He could see he was getting absolutely nowhere, and with good reason. He’d shown up on the woman’s porch, for Christ’s sake. A total stranger. What the hell did he think would happen? “Look,” he said, attempting to allay her fears, “I know how this must seem, but I really only came here to thank you. I’d be dead if not for your quick thinking.”

“You’re welcome, but I—” Suddenly, she shook so bad Jensen was afraid she’d lose her balance.

He caught her beneath the elbow. “You’re obviously very sick. Is there someone I can call?”

She closed her eyes tight. “No, really. I just need to lie down.”

“At least let me get you inside,” he offered, but she only squinted up at him as if he had some nefarious plan. “You can trust me.”

A few seconds ticked by before she handed him the key to her front door. Once Jensen had the door open, he asked, “The couch?”

When she nodded, he put his arm around her waist and led her across the room. She collapsed onto it and muttered, “I feel completely ridiculous.”

“Don’t. I’m glad I could help.” Jensen spotted a throw on the back of the couch. He yanked it off and laid it over her, but she still continued to tremble. He sat down beside her and laid his palm on her forehead. God, she was burning up. “You’re really feverish. Are you sure you don’t want to call a doctor?”

“What’s your name?” she asked as she stared at him in wonder. Jensen couldn’t help noticing that she had the most incredible shade of green eyes. Jensen had the crazy notion she could see right into the very heart of him.

“Jensen Kershaw,” he answered. “I work in an office building downtown near where you saved me.”

“Marquetta Hayes.” She smiled and closed her eyes. “There, now we’re not strangers,” she mumbled as she drifted off to sleep, her body still clearly racked with chills. When he started to get up, she whimpered, and a sudden spurt of protectiveness filled him. Jensen sat at the other end of the couch and watched over her.

The sun was going down before her fever seemed to finally break. He yawned and glanced at his watch, surprised to realize he’d been sitting there for a good two hours. She was fine now, and he knew he should leave. Instead, he closed his eyes. Just a few minutes, then he’d go.

Marquetta raised her head, instantly aware of a heavy weight against her calves. She scanned the length of the couch and found Jensen Kershaw. His brawny arm rested on her legs and his head was against the back of the couch. Asleep? He snored, and Marquetta frowned. What on earth? The man was a total stranger, and yet he acted as if he’d crashed on her couch hundreds of times.

Pushing his sexy ass out the door ought to get his attention, but some inner devil stopped her. He was sound asleep and completely at her mercy. Tempted beyond reason, Marquetta took the opportunity to look him over. Like, really look him over. Who knew when she would have another chance? Because there was no doubt she’d soon be tossing his gorgeous six-foot-plus frame out of her house and her life. For good.

He wasn’t classically handsome. Jensen Kershaw had more of a rugged, weathered look about him. As if he’d been through the very bowels of hell and had come out with a scratch or two. She took a moment to investigate him further.

His short dark hair framed the rough angles of his face. The five o’clock shadow covering his chin and jawline was sexy as all get-out. Still, it was his mouth that drew her attention. Not even an artist could draw a mouth as lush as his. Not straight and thin, but almost girlish in its fullness. In particular, though, was the little curl of his top lip. Intrigued, Marquetta wondered how a man could come by such a soft mouth surrounded by such a harsh face. In all, his features shouldn’t have worked when they were put together, but somehow on him they did. Very well, in fact.

She drifted her gaze down over his strong shoulders, then his biceps. She noticed a string of tribal tattoos that traveled the length of his arm, only to disappear beneath his shirt sleeve. She wondered if there were more on his chest and was tempted to take a peek. His ripped abs underneath the tight T-shirt didn’t escape her notice either. He was so hard and muscular all over that Marquetta nearly melted right on the spot. But he was a man, which meant he was trouble with a capital T. And too damn good-looking for her peace of mind. But before she could stop herself, Marquetta’s gaze moved south, over the bulge in his faded jeans. He was completely and unabashedly turned on. When her gaze landed on his face again, Jensen was no longer asleep. Instead, he was wide awake and staring at her as if she were lunch. The sneak. Just how long had he been watching her watch him?

“Don’t stop on my account,” he growled.

Well, shit. Marquetta stood and pointed toward the front door. “Leave.”

For her sexy Dom, she’ll open up…but only love will take her all the way.

She’s All In

© 2013 Cathryn Cade

Club 3, Book 1

When Daisy joins Big Iron Fitness, it’s to get fit and more comfortable in her skin. But what really makes her sweat is gym owner Dack Humboldt. Watching him pump iron sets off an endorphin rush that has nothing to do with exercise.

Dack isn’t looking for love, and doesn’t usually waste time on vanilla even when it’s packaged in a bombshell blonde. Until he hears Daisy’s been asking questions about the goings-on at his private sex club. He’ll be happy to show her the ropes…on his terms.

Daisy gathers the moxie to ask Dack out on a date, and gets an offer she can’t refuse. The chance to explore some of her most private fantasies and move beyond her fears about her body.

As Dack leads Daisy by the thong into the Dom/sub world, she feels as if she’s finally in her element…until Dack issues a command that brings her up hard against her last emotional barrier. And Dack must decide how far he’ll go to bring his bombshell back into his arms.

Warning: Body builders showing off their physiques, blondes looking to have more fun, and members of a private club sharing more than conversation.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
She’s All In:

“Hey, Dack, what’re you doing chatting up my girl?” It was Mason, appearing at Dack’s elbow, a frosty salted margarita in each hand. He was scowling.

Daisy blinked. His girl? She’d agreed to have a drink with the guy, that was all.

Now Dack was scowling. At her. “Daisy?”

She could only handle one disgruntled male at a time. “I’m not sure why you’re upset,” she said to Mason.

He gave her a what-the-hell look. “Because you accepted my key,” he bit off.

“What? She took my key.” Oh, great, now the blond guy, Kevin, was back at Dack’s other elbow, and he was looking daggers at her as well.

“Hey, I don’t know what all this fuss is about,” she protested, her voice quavering embarrassingly.

“Daisy.” Dack cut her off, his deep voice full of authority. “Explain.”

She wanted to quail before the three alpha males glaring at her. Stiffening her knees, she faced them, glaring back defiantly. “Explain what? I don’t even know what you’re so mad about.”

“Yeah, right.” Kevin shook his head in disgust.

Mason eyed her, his head cocked to one side. “No, hold on. I think she’s telling the truth.”

“Daisy.” She looked at Dack, willing the tears clogging her throat not to fall. She’d finally gotten the courage to follow through on her fantasies, and now her exciting adventure was going to hell for reasons she didn’t even understand.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the pretty blonde sitting with her arms crossed, watching. She shook her head as if unable to believe how much trouble Daisy was in.

Dack took her hand in his, lifting it so the key hanging from her arm was displayed. “You don’t know what the keys mean? Rochelle didn’t explain that to you when you came in?”

“No. Wait, she mentioned keys, but she—she wasn’t feeling well.” Daisy didn’t want to get the receptionist in trouble. Seemed like she had enough. “She didn’t finish whatever she was going to say. I thought she was going to faint. She waved me in and ran for the restroom.”

Dack grimaced. “I’ll deal with that in a bit. Now, where are their keys?”

Daisy handed him his sunglasses and dug the other keys from her purse. They lay in her palm.

She tried to hand them to him, but he shook his head, shoving his sunglasses on the top of his head. “Daisy, when someone—a guy or a gal—offers you their key, it means they’re a dom. And they’re asking you to be their partner, to submit to them for the evening.”

Her breath froze in her throat, her tears forgotten. He held her gaze, his quizzical. “And when you take it, you’re agreeing.”

“Oh.” The work came out in a squeak. Holy crap, all three of these guys thought she’d agreed to—to let them do stuff to her, with her?

Dack rose, towering over her. “Now choose. And hurry your ass up about it. I’ll be back in a minute.” He turned and strode away.

Oh God. Daisy watched him go. Was he coming back? Did she even want him to? Well, one thing was for sure, she had to deal with these two guys first.

She turned to Mason and held out his key. “I’m really sorry.”

He nodded, looking as if he were trying not to grin. “’S okay. Put it in my pocket, eh?”

She looked at his tight jeans and blinked at the size of his male package. She was not going there. Instead, she tucked the key in a small pocket of his vest.

“You’re not getting one of my margaritas,” he teased, waving the drinks enticingly.

Daisy smiled back, feeling a twinge of regret. “There’s a blonde behind you who looks like she needs a drink.”

His eyes gleamed. “Good idea.” He turned away.

Daisy turned to Kevin. He gave her a cocky grin as if sure she’d choose him. He was handsome, but he was not someone Daisy would consider actually hooking up with. With an inward shudder, she held out the black key to him. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I, um, hope you have a great night.”

“Oh, I will,” he said, grabbing the key from her. “Hope you can say the same.” He turned his back on her.

Well, okay. So he wouldn’t be forgiving her anytime soon.

She sank onto the sofa, leaned her forehead on her hand. Geez, what a night. Was this going to work for her? She felt like there was a whole secret rulebook someone had forgotten to show her.

The music started again, a bluesy number with lots of saxophone. Daisy leaned her chin on her hand and looked around. Mason was perched on the arm of the blonde’s chair, his back partly turned to Daisy. They were sipping margaritas and smiling at each other. The woman’s eyes were sparkling as if her dreams for the night had come true.

Daisy felt Dack’s presence before she saw him—a kind of electric awareness. She sat up straight as he resumed his former perch on the arm of the sofa. He said nothing, and her nerves sizzled with anticipation. Finally, she could stand the wait no longer and looked up at him.

He was looking down at her over his crossed arms, like a potentate regarding a recalcitrant harem girl. His sunglasses had disappeared. Oh, man, the pose highlighted his huge shoulders and gorgeous biceps. She wanted her hands all over those arms.

“Still here, I see,” he rumbled.

She shrugged. That was a no-brainer.

“Stand up.”

Scooting forward off the sofa, Daisy rose and turned to him. Was he going to ask her to dance?

“So, now that you know what my key means, you gonna wuss out?” he asked her, one corner of his mouth pressing in, as if he was trying not to grin.

She scowled at him, planting her hands on her hips. “No.”

“Good.” He uncrossed his arms and crooked his forefinger. “Then c’mere.”

Daisy took the single step that placed her between his spread knees. He took his key from her wrist, stretched the choker with both hands, and lifted it over her head. The warmth of his big hands ruffled her hair, ghosted over her cheeks.

The choker settled into place around her throat, a light caress, the key dangling in the hollow of her throat. He eyed it with satisfaction, his hands spread on his knees.

Disappointment trickled through her. She’d hoped he would put his hands on her, maybe kiss her.

He looked up into her eyes. “Now, since you won’t take your top off,” he said, “let’s have your skirt instead.”

BOOK: No Letting Go: Man-Maid, Book 2
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