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Authors: Jenna McCormick

Tags: #Romance, #Science Fiction, #Adult

No Limits (7 page)

BOOK: No Limits
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The word
made her breath catch in the back of her throat. Was he serious? “I don’t know anything about you. Other than you know your way around a woman’s body. “
He leaned forward, impaling her fully so he could whisper in her ear, “Not just any woman, Gen.
. You are who I need.”
Her heart pounded in her chest, eager to accept his offer, no matter how foolish it might seem. Pivoting back to the wall, she watched Steven delve deep inside Javier with sharp lunges. Javier’s hand curled over Steven’s, and he pumped his shaft until white jets of semen spurted out past their clenched fists. Both wore an expression of utter bliss.
Could she have that too? Was Marshal playing up some fantasy, or was he for real? “I don’t know... .”
“Do you want to see what I really am, know what I am capable of? I want your permission before I enter your body.”
Since she could feel the evidence of him deep inside her, she wasn’t sure what he meant, but curiosity and the need to keep him with her as long as she possibly could urged her to nod. “You can do whatever you wish to me.”
The vision on the wall died off as her lover turned into a shimmering gold mist and seeped inside her body. The world went dark.
hys opened his—Gen’s—eyes and sat up. The candle still danced merrily, unaware that its captive had possession of a real body for the first time in months. Her consciousness lay dormant, a passenger in the vehicle of her own flesh.
What demon had possessed him to take her over like this? Maybe it was her total abandonment in the throes of ecstasy. He’d reveled in her carnal delight even while he’d envied the joy she experienced. Jealousy was a forbidden emotion to one of his order, a serious violation of their moral code. Those they helped to heal entrusted them with their physical and mental selves, a most sacred honor. The brotherhood would strip him of rank, perhaps even excommunicate him if they discovered he’d used his abilities for sexual gratification. Even if it was not his own.
If that was what they decided, he wouldn’t fight their edict. But he had to free them all first.
Before he could do that, he had to get to know Gen’s physical form, literally from the inside out. Breathing deep, he tested her lung capacity, listened to the rhythmic
of her strong heartbeat.
Shifting his weight, he stretched and rolled to his side. First he focused on large motor functions, stretching limbs and contracting the muscles in her core to sit up. He surveyed the room through her eyes. Though his emotional resonance could perceive a three-dimensional world, the vivid colors and rich textures didn’t translate the same as when he took on corporeal form. Commanding his hands to trace over the comforter, he luxuriated in the soft fabric. Her hands were beautiful, with long elegant fingers, the hands of an artist. Reaching around, he traced sensitive fingertips over the skin on her forearm. Smooth, magnificent, and utterly glorious.
He had cohabitated his emotional resonance with willing souls more times than he could count, so being a woman was not exactly a new experience for him. But never before had he craved the emotional depth inside of one of his partners.
Earlier, as he’d pleasured Gen’s body, uttered the words he thought she wanted to hear, he’d watched her aura grow brighter, more vibrant until it shot through with purple and gold sparks. He’d tuned in to her frequency, and as with any choice drug, it made him crave more and more until he would risk anything to be closer to its source.
From inside her he could feel again, like a real person. Anger rose as he thought of how he’d been forced to survive, imprisoned on a whim by a greedy company eager to test the emotional controls the empaths could exert. Using them to ease the anxiety of nervous clients was just the beginning. Piecing together bits of conversations he’d heard, Rhys understood that the colony Illustra had enslaved was the tip of the iceberg. The ultimate goal was to control people in power, government officials, military leaders, all directed by caged empaths, who would feast on lust, pride, greed, and rage just to live. The humans they fed from would be imprisoned themselves, subjugated to their own overwhelming desires.
For the sake of his people and hers, Rhys had to proceed with Gen’s seduction.
Would she help him? She was such a startling mix of contradictions, bold and recalcitrant, passionate yet thoughtful and a little bit cagey.
“Gen?” He spoke her name aloud, eager to get back to their play. He used her hands to cup her breasts, the tips of which were still pebbled. Lube coated her luscious sex and the insides of her thighs, evidence of her arousal.
Marshal? What’s going on? Why can’t I see anything?
The apprehensive thought resounded in her brain, and he could hear her clearly.
“I wanted to play with you, sweetness. From deep inside you, I can better orchestrate your pleasure.” Dipping a hand down into the pocket of her robe, he fingered the rope Franco had used on her earlier. The knot was still pulled taut, and he imagined uncoiling the length and having her straddle it while he worked it over her wet folds, the friction rubbing her to climax.
He felt a tremble of excitement, and her heartbeat kicked into high gear. Gen could still sense what he did with her hands, with her body, and he needed to explore further, deeper, for both of their sakes.
“I don’t have enough coordination to do that to you right now, my sweet, but how about a bath?”
He could sense her eagerness. From this close range, she could keep no secrets from him. Even an idle thought would flash from her mind to his.
You promise to stop if I don’t like something you’re doing?
“I do,” he spoke the words aloud and meant it. Because of his training, he still kept his secrets from her, specifically his true identity. Again uneasiness gripped him, but he pushed it aside and focused on maneuvering her body.
Sliding his feet over the edge of the bed, he leaned forward slowly, so as not to overbalance. He caught sight of her reflection in the glass mounted above the dressing table. A few shuffling steps drew them closer. Rhys took his time, learning the way her form naturally moved. When he reached the dresser, he rested his palms flat on the wood and surveyed Gen’s body.
“You are absolute perfection,” he breathed, taking in the sway of her generous breasts, the taut nipples that stood to attention from the chill in the room.
Thank you.
He sensed her mingled embarrassment and pleasure at his heartfelt compliment. Such fascinating contradictions.
“Don’t you see it?” He watched as her eyebrows drew down in the mirror, telegraphing his frustration.
Her embarrassment unfurled, showing him the self-conscious center she kept hidden behind bluster.
It’s just a body.
“No, it’s so much more than that. The curves, the dips and hollows, so smooth. Gorgeous, perfect skin, soft hair,” Rhys murmured, enjoying the sound of her voice. The pitch grew lower, huskier when heard through her ears. He trailed his fingertips over her gently rounded belly, the flare of her generous hips. “You are the incarnation of what a woman ought to be, what every man desires.”
Not all men.
Her mind flashed him a picture of Javier and Steven. He smiled in understanding.
“I’ll grant you that. Should we go visit them?” He made the offer because he understood how much watching their play had distracted her from her mental composure. Truth be known, he didn’t want to share her, even just to watch the others. She was his task and his pleasure all rolled into one.
And as long as he remained inside her, he would be safe from the pull of his wax prison.
No. They have things to work out on their own. I’m happy where I am.
He sagged, surprised at how much that relieved him. “So, bath, then?”
I’d like that.
Using her hands, Marshal explored her body, building arousal in their wake. The warm water felt heavenly, and after all the touching, she couldn’t deny her craving for an orgasm or two or a dozen.
Hot water poured from the tap and lapped against her nipples. He’d also discovered the jets built into the oversized spa tub, the forced air maneuvering the water until it eased the knots along her spine.
“I need to get to know you, to better control your movements,” he explained as his hands again went to her chest. Marshal had her totally blissed out with the way he touched, pinched, strummed, and stroked. She’d had no idea her breasts were so receptive to that sort of stimulation. Still she felt the need to offer a token protest.
That sounds like a very convenient excuse to me, Marshal,
she all but purred.
His hands stilled and she sensed something had unsettled him. He didn’t speak, though, and she couldn’t read his thoughts the way he did hers.
What? Did I say something wrong?
After shutting the water off, he reclined her body back in the tub, letting the jets pulse against her while he continued to dabble. “I’ve never felt true arousal from a woman’s perspective before. It’s ... unique.”
So he didn’t want to play question-and-answer. His dismissal hurt, but she shoved it away. He wasn’t rejecting her, just the topic of conversation. She decided to retrench.
Now, why don’t I believe that?
The organic loofah he washed her with dripped little splashes of water over her puckered nipples. “Believe what you will, Gen. But I’m no ladies’ man.”
Though she might be a total fool, she believed him. Curiosity goaded her into asking,
So, how is female arousal different?
As if she’d given him permission, Marshal skimmed her hands down between her legs. “It’s more scattered throughout your body, though no less intense. I feel it in your head and belly, as well as in your reproductive organs.”
He made it sound so clinical, which was bizarre considering the tender way he stroked her clit, varying pressure and rhythm to see what her body responded to best. “How does this feel to you right now, Gen?”
she thought before she could help it.
“Don’t hide from it, sweetness. You have nothing to be ashamed of.” He stroked harder until her hips rocked up to meet the touch. The finger traced lower, beneath the waterline.
Ripples from movement caused the bathwater to lap against her engorged clit. They gasped as one. He propped her foot up on the cold edge of the tub, spreading her legs wider. Fingers crept down, thrumming her clit wickedly until her hips bucked. He pushed her finger in to swirl in the wetness there.
“Oh, Gen, this need to be filled, it’s unbelievable.” The fingers plunged deep again, exploring the delicate tissues inside her sex. “How can you stand it? It’s not enough and too much all at once.”
You get used to it....
She groaned when the fingers vanished, only to brush against her lips.
She felt him inhale, though she scented nothing. “The finest bouquet I’ve ever experienced. I want to taste you again, Gen. For real this time, not through dulled senses.”
The concept made her shiver, sharing this level of intimacy with him beyond even her most wild fantasies. But still, a good-girl token protest was in order.
Not with
mouth, you don’t!
She felt him raise one of her eyebrows. “Don’t tell me you never wondered what your lube tastes like?”
The lie became a line in the proverbial sand. She’d already had a taste of it when he kissed her after licking her to orgasm. But tasting her lube just for the sake of it was well beyond her comfort level. How far was she willing to let him push her, anyway?
Right over the edge, into multiple orgasms.
His smile spread across her face. “I know you want this, but I want to hear you say it.”
After a moment of gathering her resolve, she let it all go and took the leap.
Taste me.
“Yes.” The word still echoed off the walls when she felt him take her fingers between her lips. He sucked them deep, his tongue sweeping over the digits in a most erotic way.
Though she didn’t taste anything, her body tightened up and every cell went on alert. Marshal groaned, clearly lost in the experience, grazing the pad of her fingers with sharp teeth. When her hands slid back down to rub her clit more aggressively, she couldn’t help but ask,
“Sublime,” he replied, working her body faster. “Like nectar from a flower. Now I want to feel you come.”
Arching up, he spread her legs, letting the soles of both her feet rest on the cool porcelain edges of the tub. They let out a gasp as the cold air stroked her wet flesh. More, she needed more, harder, deeper, now. A finger found her clitoris and fondled lightly, teasing the bud out from its hood.
“So greedy and so shy all at once,” he murmured as another finger delved between her spread labia to play with the slick folds. “Hungry and yet afraid to be satisfied. Just like you.”
Her hips rocked up to meet the fingers, increasing the pressure. Gen shuddered in delight, relishing the languorous way he learned what her body liked, what it craved. Instead of a frantic rush to crest the hill she usually experienced while masturbating, he built the foundation for something much bigger. Every word had been chosen carefully, every touch a new threshold for pleasure, the possibilities limitless. It all added to her pleasure and increased her anticipation for what came next.
Gen couldn’t gather her thoughts. She was used to lots of downtime to process every experience, but since agreeing to become a mystery shopper, her life had spun out of control. Too much sensation, not enough understanding, and she felt like she was on a downward spiral into chaos. As though a two-ton anvil hung over her head, waiting to crush her to a bloody, twitching pulp.
Wait, Marshal. Stop for a second so I can think.
Two fingers swirled over her clit once more before delving through her saturated folds and circling the opening to her body. “Is that really what you want? To think?”
Torn between the demands of her mind and body, she hesitated. He took advantage of her indecision and maneuvered her so the pulsating jet of water from the tub was aimed right at her sex.
BOOK: No Limits
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