Read Norrington Abbey Online

Authors: Josie Dennis

Norrington Abbey (8 page)

BOOK: Norrington Abbey
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Chapter 10

Catherine sat in the formal gardens, blessedly alone. Isabella had spoken of nothing but Frederick all morning, and if Catherine had to listen to one more sonnet to the captain’s eyes or hair or physique she was going to scream. She knew she herself had been smiling like a bedlamite since she’d awoken this morning and it was only a matter of time before Isabella finally looked at her. However would she explain the silly expression on her face?

Oh, what they’d done to her! Henry, with that gifted tongue of his stabbing at her. John, with that big cock of his deep inside her pussy. And then she’d brought Henry to climax herself! With her hand, true. But it was amazing to see what John’s cock had undoubtedly been like deep inside of her. She’d wanted Henry to take her as well, but after a good night’s sleep she’d woken a bit sore and knew her men had the right of it. More than likely, if she’d taken Henry’s lovely cock inside of her she wouldn’t be able to walk today.

What if she put her mouth on his cock next time? The general seemed to enjoy the maid’s lips on him. Perhaps she could ask John or Henry if they would like it as well.

“What are you about, out here all alone?” a masculine voice drawled.

She looked up to find Frederick strolling toward her. She couldn’t help but picture him as she’d seen him in the secret chamber, naked and thrusting into the maid’s willing body. Now that she’d seen her men naked she knew the captain had nothing on either John or Henry. Henry was a bit leaner than John, but they were both so beautifully wrought she’d nearly cried when they’d disrobed. Just the memory of their strong shoulders, their muscled arms and legs, their broad chests swirled with hair, all combined to make her want them so much she ached even today.

“Good afternoon, Captain,” she said with a nod.

He inclined his head. “I believe you’re a paid companion to Miss Thorne. How did you escape your duties today?”

She bristled at his comments but managed to hold her countenance. “Miss Thorne allowed me a bit of a reprieve this afternoon.”

“What of her brother, then?” He smiled then sat close to her. “Or mine, for that matter?”

She pursed her lips. She would not speak of either gentleman with him. “Was there something you needed, Captain?”

He shrugged. “I’m afraid I’m at sixes and sevens. The general has gone to a house party and won’t be back until tomorrow. I find myself with little to occupy myself on my own.”

She felt her face heat at his words. He couldn’t know she was aware of just what sort of mischief he and his father got up to together. In her mind she saw them again, naked as the day they were born and both having their way with the maid.

His smile turned oily as he ran his gaze over her. “I can see what Thorne and my brother see in you.”

She came to her feet. “If you will excuse me?”

He didn’t rise as she did, not that she needed more proof that he was no gentleman. She turned and walked quickly away from him. How could Henry and this man come from the same parents? Frederick was the very image of his father, in look and deed. Henry must be more like his late mother. That poor woman. No doubt the general had bedded the maids right in her own home!

She froze on the staircase. Had Frederick thought to bed her? She might be nothing more than a paid companion at present, but she was not a servant. She was surely not prey for the captain or his father. She belonged to only John and Henry, and she would never think to lay with any other men.

Frederick’s words struck her. The general would be away this evening? That would leave his compelling chamber unoccupied. A delicious notion struck her. Would John and Henry want to make use of the general’s leather and shackles?

She had to think of the best way to make the suggestion. Giggling, she blushed again. She’d only lost her virginity last night and here she was, already anticipating exploring more delights with the two of them.


* * * *



“Capital idea, love,” John said. He turned to Henry. “Did you know about this place?”

Henry shook his head. “I know my father and Frederick seem to talk in code now and again. Now I realize what they spoke of in cloaked terms.”

Catherine stood trembling in the darkened chamber, her every nerve stretched taught. She wore her nightdress, but her men were still dressed. Pity, that.

Henry eyed the large bed as John crossed to the wardrobe. He pulled the doors open and let out a low whistle. “Your family is twisted.”

Henry joined him, his eyes wide. Catherine could guess what he was thinking. No matter. Her attention returned to the cuffs tethered to the bedposts. She longed to give herself over to her men and had no desire to wait a moment longer.

“You’ll take me tonight, Henry,” she said softly.

Henry turned to her. “I will, indeed.”

“I daresay the whips and paddles have seen some use.” John closed the doors with a click and faced her and Henry. “The straps, however? I have no problem using them on your wrists and ankles, if that is what you desire.” At her eager nod he turned to Henry. “What do you say, Henry?”

Henry fingered the thick leather. “They are supple and soft. No wonder I’ve never noticed marks on any of the maids.”

His words brought the image she’d stumbled upon once more before her mind. She stretched out on the bed, leaning up on her elbows. “What are you waiting for?”

John laughed and Henry blinked. They were soon naked at last, their cocks standing at blessed attention. Coming up on her knees, she drew her nightdress over her head and stretched out on the bed again.

“Henry, you take her wrists.” John ran his hands over her legs, teasing her skin. “I’ll take her ankles.”

Her breath caught as they fastened the cuffs on her wrists and ankles. She was completely at their mercy and she could not wait to see what they did to her.

Henry traced his fingers over her belly, her ribcage, finally circling her breasts. Her nipples pebbled, and he leaned down to slowly lick one. “Ah, your taste.” He closed his mouth and began to suckle.

Sharp wanting stabbed her from her breasts to her center. “Henry!”

John’s fingers trailed up from her cuffs to stroke so close to her pussy. Her skin prickled and her legs clenched. “Do you want us, Catherine?” he asked.

It was what he’d asked in her dream, when she’d had no idea who held her from behind. She felt her pussy swell, her juices flooding her. “Oh, yes.”

John climbed up on the bed and settled between her thighs. “Henry has spoken of your pussy’s flavor, love.” He kissed her inner thigh so close to her damp curls she nearly screamed. “I have to taste it myself.”

Henry licked and fondled her breasts as John began to eat her. It was like Henry’s kisses yet different. John was determined to make her come, that was obvious. His tongue stabbed deep inside her, making her long for his cock.

“John, please.” She gasped. “Please.”

“I could eat you all night,” he said, his voice low.

“Make her come,” Henry breathed.

“Do you want that, Catherine?” John asked. He licked her clit with the edge of his tongue. “Do you want to come?”

“Desperately!” she cried.

He sealed his mouth to her pussy then. Sucking, licking, nibbling until she could concentrate on nothing but his tongue and Henry’s mouth. She could scarcely move her arms or legs, tantalizingly trapped by the cuffs. She made the tiniest movements, but it was enough to send her over the edge. She cried out as she came, trembling in her restraints.

Before she could do more than catch her breath John drove his cock deep inside of her. She felt full, stretched, and it was marvelous. “Take me, John!”

He grunted in answer, hastening his thrusts. “What of Henry?” he bit out, holding himself up to grind his pelvis against her swollen clit. “Do you want him, too?”

She nodded, so close to climax she could hardly breathe. “In my mouth, Henry!”

He released her nipple with a tug then straddled her waist. She didn’t know quite what to do, but she’d seen the maid suck the general’s cock. How difficult could it be?

Henry eased close to her, and she wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock. “Christ!” he cried.

She sucked hard as John plowed her pussy. Soon Henry moved in accord with him, in and out of her mouth until she began to taste something different on her tongue. It was remarkable, and she licked him. He shouted his release, flooding her mouth with the salty cream. She swallowed then lost herself in another climax. John buried himself deep inside and shuddered, filling her as Henry had filled her mouth.

John continued to move however, easy now as he reached down to touch her aching clit. She came again as she pulled at her restraints.

“You are amazing,” Henry murmured, dropping down to kiss her lips.

“Indeed,” John said on a breath. He pulled out, leaving her feeling decidedly empty, and released her ankles. “This exceeded anything I could have imagined when you suggested this, Catherine.”

Henry fell to her side and worked her wrists free. He kissed her palms and drew her close. “Your mouth!” he said. “I had no idea.”

“Truly?” John asked, stretching out on her other side. He grasped her chin, running his thumb over her parted lips. “I’ve known that particular pleasure but I daresay our girl’s mouth will surpass any I’ve experienced.”

She couldn’t think of anything to say to any of their comments, still lost in the aftershocks of all they’d given her. It had gone so far beyond any of her fevered fantasies and she wished to hold on to this satiated feeling as long as possible.

“We had better get you back to your chamber, love,” Henry said.

“Blast,” she murmured. He chuckled as he climbed off the bed and handed her nightdress to her. “We’ll set this room to rights.”

John helped her up and slipped the garment over her head. He kissed her mouth and smiled. “Go to bed, Catherine. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

Fear clutched at her belly. About what, pray? “Talk, John?”

He shook his head and urged her toward the doorway where Henry was peering out to make certain no one would see them. “Go to bed,” Henry repeated.

She could do nothing more than nod as she slipped from the secret chamber. She could still taste Henry’s passion, could still feel her muscles pull where John’s amazing cock had been buried deep within her. John said they would talk. She could well imagine what that conversation would entail.

She’d given them everything and they had no use for her any longer.


* * * *


“Do you believe this, Henry?” John asked as they smoothed the counterpane. “Our girl is remarkable.”

Henry shook his head. “I cannot. She gave us everything, John.”

John smiled. “You seem surprised. She cares for us, friend. Can’t you see that?”

Henry carefully placed the cuffs on the bed as they’d been when they came into the chamber. “Do you think she’ll accept us?”

John just grinned wider, and Henry laughed softly. “I mean, forever.”

John fell silent, a look of worry on his usually carefree countenance. He’d told Catherine they would talk. Well, they needed to clarify what that would entail. Henry drew in a breath. Catherine’s sweet orange scent still hung in the chamber, and he felt himself grow hard again.

“I hope my father and brother never find out about this,” he said as he followed John out of the chamber.

“Why? Do you believe they would be shocked by your behavior? After what their own has been?”

Henry scoffed. “No. I don’t want Catherine’s reputation sullied, is all. I have little hope they’ll change their opinion of me.”

John stopped him in the corridor, his hand on his shoulder. “You are your own man, Henry. Don’t think yourself unworthy of the future you desire.”

“And if I want a future with Catherine?”

John patted his shoulder and urged him away from his father’s chambers. “If I’m included in that particular future, I daresay you have a damn good chance of it. Hell, if we approach our girl in precisely the right manner we can all have the most remarkable life.”

Henry felt that shift in his chest again. John was the brother he’d never had, and Catherine was the woman they both wanted. If this were to somehow work out as they desired he would have everything.

Chapter 11

The general finally deemed them worthy of his company at dinner the next night. He sat at the head of the table, an imperious air about him. Catherine hadn’t described what she’d seen in that secret chamber, but John couldn’t look the man in the eye. Yes, he’d shared a wench or two before Catherine. But to include your son in the threesome? It felt…unseemly.

Catherine had avoided them, leaving their inevitable conversation unspoken. John again saw that worried expression on her face that he’d glimpsed that morning, though this evening it was more pronounced. He couldn’t wait until this blasted dinner was concluded so the three of them could discuss their futures at last.

“I take it you have been continuing your studies,” the general said to Henry, derision in his tone. “Readying for that living?”

Henry nodded at his father’s interrogation, keeping his mouth shut. Frederick laughed, elbowing John as he did so. “My brother is so straitlaced he’d never consider anything else.”

“Consistency is not a sin, Captain,” John said. “There is something to say about a steadfast character.”

If Frederick caught his meaning he didn’t show any indication. He smirked, then turned his attention to Isabella. “What say you, Miss Thorne? Do you find consistency as boring as I?”

John’s sister blinked at Frederick, her mouth agape. Evidently, she was still smitten with the dolt. His belly clenched. Let the man think to take her to that chamber with his father. John would gleefully cut the man’s cock clean off with his own sword.

“Miss Thorne,” the general cut in. “Do tell us how you came to employ Miss Morris.”

John started then looked to Catherine. She held herself still but he could read the concern on her face despite her frozen expression. He managed to keep his seat as he leaned forward.

“Miss Morris is not precisely an employee, General,” he said. “We have come to regard her as family.”

Isabella nodded, sending a fond look in Catherine’s direction. “I would be quite lost without her company.”

“I daresay my brother would concur,” Frederick quipped.

Catherine bowed her head, obviously unable to look the general or Frederick in the eye.

“State your meaning, Frederick,” Henry said.

“Not here at the table,” the general said. “Miss Morris, what is your
family’s situation? Can you anticipate any fortune in the future?”

“Really, Father,” Henry said. “Catherine’s inheritance is of no concern to you.”

“Her lack of one surely is,” Frederick said.

“I find the discussion of money in company quite distasteful,” John said.

“That is a fine sentiment, coming from a man with considerable money of his own,” the general said. “Your sister has a substantial dowry, I wager?”

“General!” John shouted.

“I am merely looking after my sons’ interests,” Henry’s father said smoothly. “If she has designs on either of my sons I need to know about her situation.”

Isabella gasped. “I have no designs on Henry!”

That was a telling statement indeed. Isabella flushed red, looking to Catherine for assistance. As for Frederick, that man dared to look quite smug.

“I am not without an inheritance,” Catherine said, drawing attention from Isabella.

The general’s brows shot up and he faced Catherine. “Is that so? How much can you expect?”

“That is enough,” Henry said, coming to his feet. “Come, Catherine. Miss Thorne. What say you to a game of cards?”

John silently thanked Henry for his support. Isabella was indeed an heiress, but she would throw neither money nor affection on Captain Frederick Tilman if he could help it. As for Catherine taking the cannon fire from the general in his sister’s stead? If he hadn’t loved her already—His lungs seized. He loved Catherine? When the devil had that happened?

He surged to his feet. “Henry, a word.” He bowed to the general, ignored Frederick, and looked to the ladies. “Forgive us, but we shall join you in the parlor momentarily.”

Isabella exchanged a look of confusion with Catherine, who thankfully lost that haunted expression. They came to their feet and at last the general stood. “I bid you good night, Miss Thorne.” He flicked his gaze in Catherine’s direction but said nothing.

The snub was clear but it didn’t seem to affect Catherine. She followed Isabella from the dining room, and the general sat back down to finish his wine.

“She carries herself well, I’ll allow,” he said. “High breasts, tight little bottom.”

“Father!” Henry cried.

John ran at the general and grabbed him by his lapels. “How dare you speak of her that way!”

The general fixed a steely gaze on him. “I wasn’t speaking of your sister, Thorne.” He took John’s hands from him. “I was looking at the little companion.”

“Miss Morris is not for your perusal, either.” John fisted his hands. “Do not speak of her.”

The general looked at Henry. “Will you allow your guest to speak to your father so?”

Henry fairly shook. “I am too ashamed of what my father said about another of my guests to give him my consideration.”

Frederick’s brows shot up, showing a grudging respect. About bloody time. John sketched a quick bow and left the dining room.


BOOK: Norrington Abbey
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