Read ... not in love with Kale Eddison Online

Authors: Joanne McClean

Tags: #teen, #school, #actor, #fiction, #romance, #famous

... not in love with Kale Eddison (21 page)

BOOK: ... not in love with Kale Eddison
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Izzie felt
stupid now, she was very embarrassed by the confused look was
giving her until he started to smirk. “You’re a jerk, you know
that?” she hit him on the arm.

“Ow!” Kale
protested, “Look, I couldn’t resist.” He laughed and Izzie grinned
at him against her own will.

“So,” Kale
began, changing the subject as they made their way down the
corridor, “you see the review in the paper?”

“Yeah, seems
like Tess is still your number one fan.” Izzie smirked at him and
Kale chuckled.

“Well, she
seems to think a bit more highly of you. I’m sure you’re glad.”

Izzie half
smiled, “Yeah, it is nice not being made out to be a complete bitch
for once.”

Kale turned
serious, “I really think everyone already knows that you’re not
what the papers made you out to be. You know
never think
that about you; you really shouldn’t care what other people think

Izzie laughed
humourlessly, “Yeah, easy for you to say; the whole world loves

Kale shook his
head, “Not everyone … besides, what’s not to love about you? Who
else would keep me grounded and not let me gain a big head about

Izzie looked up
at him, surprised, and grinned, “Yeah, someone’s got to keep you in

It was Kale’s
turn to roll his eyes, “Yeah, because I
love myself. I
mean, how do you put up with my constant self praise?” He smirked
at Izzie, knowing she’d appreciate his sarcasm.

Izzie chuckled,
“Ok, you aren’t

“Good to know,”
Kale retorted back with a look of amusement on his face.


After the
school day had ended, Kale had wanted to ask Izzie for some help on
his English paper – really, it was a pathetic excuse to spend more
time with her – but his plans were scuppered when he discovered
Alicia had left him a voice mail asking him to meet her back at the
house. Kale sighed to himself, bade goodbye to Izzie and headed for
the house.

When he arrived
at the house, he noticed Alicia’s car already parked outside and he
went straight inside. “So,” Kale began as he flopped down onto the
sofa, “what’s the ‘big thing’ you have to tell me?”

Alicia was
definitely excited by whatever she was going to tell him; Kale
could see her fidgeting with nervous energy.

“Well,” Alicia
rushed eagerly, “I got a phone call shortly after you left for
school. I couldn’t get through to you all day so I hope it still

Kale was
curious, “What still stands?”

Alicia beamed
at him, “A lead in the new Sam Oliver movie.”

Kale wasn’t
impressed, “Sam Oliver? Let me guess, he’s directing another fluffy
movie and he needs his leading man?”

Alicia shook
her head, “Do you really think I’d be this excited over a role like
that – I know you’ve been looking for more challenging roles … and
I believe this could be it!”

Kale was
interested now, “Do you have a script I could look at? What part is
Oliver looking me for?”

Alicia grinned,
“I had him fax the script straight over … I’ve looked it over and I
think you’ll like it … he’s rooting for you to play the villain. He
says he heard about you expanding your range to Shakespeare and he
wants to take a chance on you!”

“Oh my God
Alicia,” Kale hugged her, “this could be my big break. This could
be the start of more serious roles for me! When does filming start?
Oh this is great … just wait until I tell Izzie.” Kale felt his
enthusiasm quickly evaporating now; Izzie.


Izzie was
sitting in the book shop, sorting through some new titles that had
just arrived, when she received the text message from Kale; ‘Meet u
at coffee shop in half hour?’

Izzie was
intrigued, she replied saying that she’d be there and told her
father that she had to leave early; he didn’t dispute it since they
weren’t very busy anyway. When the half hour was up, Izzie grabbed
her bag and waved to her father that she’d meet him back home and
made her way over to the little coffee shop across the road where
she could see Kale waiting at a table inside.

The door pinged
as she opened it and made her way over to Kale who had already
ordered her a cappuccino. She took a sip and looked at him, waiting
for him to spill the beans on this little get-together. Kale was
looking at her with animated eyes; he looked thrilled by what he
was about to tell her but Izzie could also see his eyes were tinged
with sadness and she wondered why.

“So,” Kale
cleared his throat nervously and continued on, “I’ve got a bit of
news … pretty big news. But I could really use your advice on

Izzie nodded,
“Ok, shoot … what’s the big news?”

Kale sucked in
a deep breath, “I’ve been offered a role … a really great

“Ok,” Izzie was
intrigued, “go on … what type of role?”

Kale beamed at
her, “I’m being given the chance to play a villain in the new Sam
Oliver movie!”

Izzie’s face
broke out into an ecstatic grin, “Oh my God, congratulations! But
wait, isn’t Oliver the guy who directs all those romantic

Kale nodded,
“Yeah but he’s taking a chance on a new script … this thriller and
he’s hand-picked me to be the bad guy. Can you believe it?”

Izzie smiled,
“Yeah, I actually can. He must have faith in you … you should too.
Now, what’s this about my advice? It sounds like you don’t need it.
Take the part Kale.”

Kale smiled
sadly, “I really want to, I really do but I also want to finish out
my school year. I mean there’s only four months left and I promised
myself to do this; to give myself a chance to be a normal guy but
now this opportunity comes along and they start filming in a week.
I don’t know what to do Izzie.”

Izzie smiled,
“Come on Kale, we both know you badly want this part … and I know
you’re going to take it. So stop putting it off and ring them up
and say that you’re on board!” Izzie felt slightly crushed as she
was saying that to him; finally she had made up her mind about him
… and it was really crappy timing! Judging by the ache she was
feeling in the pit of her stomach; she was – despite her many
protests to her grandmother and even Kale himself – totally
love with Kale Eddison. Wow, it had just taken her a heck
of a long time to admit it to herself but she couldn’t admit it to
him – not now; he had to follow his dream. If he didn’t, Izzie knew
he would regret it forever; this was the once-in-a-lifetime chance
he had been waiting for and she just
it would change
his whole career for the better. She had to make him take it … it
would be selfish of her to hold him back; she had to let him leave
without him ever knowing how she truly felt about him.

Kale grinned at
her, apparently oblivious to the battle that was raging inside
Izzie’s head, “You really think I should go for it?”

Izzie nodded,
“Yeah, you’d be stupid not to take it.”

Kale smirked,
“You seem very eager to get rid of me … I wonder why? It couldn’t
be that you’ll finally be left in peace, could it?”

Izzie smiled
but it didn’t reach her eyes; she just hoped Kale didn’t notice,
“How’d you guess? I suppose I have never hid how much I detest you,
have I?”

Kale grinned,
“No, you haven’t. But,” he suddenly turned serious, “if I do take
this role … I want you to tell you something before I leave.”

Izzie instantly
felt uncomfortable; she didn’t like the sound of this. She sighed
and started to protest but Kale cut her off.

“No – Izzie
please don’t say anything – I have to get this out. Ok, I couldn’t
live with myself if I didn’t tell you this before I go … Izzie
Frank, when I first met you I was instantly charmed by you … your
honesty was so refreshing and I found myself pulled to you – I
didn’t realise why but now I know. Despite your obvious loathing of
me, I wanted to spend every minute of my time with you. I love your
sarcasm and your ability to make me feel like a ‘normal’ guy … I
can be myself with you and I love that. I know I haven’t exactly
kept my feelings for you a secret since I kept practically
attacking you but when we kissed for the first time … it was unlike
anything I’ve ever felt. I don’t know if you felt it too and it
doesn’t really matter if you didn’t but I just have to tell you
that I love you … I’ve loved you ever since the first day we met
when you looked at me with that look of disgust on your face and
blatantly swatted away my attempts to charm you. I’m in love with
you Izzie Frank and I ask you this; if you feel the same way … I
wouldn’t hesitate to turn down this role and stay here. So, what do
you say? What’s your answer?”


Izzie had known
what was coming; she’d have been pretty dense not to realise it
when Kale had looked at her the way he did before he spoke. She
really despised him right now; why did he have to declare his
Izzie knew, with all her heart, that she felt
the exact same but she had realised it too late. She wasn’t going
to be the reason why he turned down an amazing career opportunity
and it was her own fault for not recognising her true feelings for
Kale until the last minute. She sighed to herself; no, she was
going to make him take this role. Even though it would kill her to
do it; she was going to have to reject him. She was going to have
to break his heart and turn his offer down and convince him that
she didn’t feel the same; even if it meant going against her true
feelings – no matter how strong they were.

“Kale,” Izzie
eventually began, “I don’t despise you … I know I don’t always act
like I don’t but I actually find myself warming to you – I don’t
know why but I do! Anyway, as much as I appreciate your offer and
how hard it must have been for you to keep your feelings bottled up
all this time; I have to tell you some bad news … as lovely as it
was to hear how strongly you feel for me, I have to confess … I
don’t feel the same. I’m really sorry Kale, especially if I have
ever given you the vibe that might suggest anything to the contrary
but I’m afraid I
love you as anything more than just
as a friend. So, you should take the job and go; there’s nothing
keeping you here.”

Izzie didn’t
know how she managed to lie so well but Kale seemed to be buying
it, judging by his crushed expression. It killed her – really
caused her physical pain – to see him look so dejected but she was
doing this for his own good; it was better for him to hate her for
rejecting him than hating her for ruining his career. Kale sat in a
stunned silence for several minutes and then merely nodded.

“I really am
sorry Kale.” Izzie repeated.

Kale shook his
head, “You know, it really kills me to hear you say all that …
especially when I know it is all complete bullshit.” He looked
Izzie squarely in the face.

Izzie found
herself shell-shocked but she managed to protest, “Kale, just
accept it … please don’t make it worse than it already is.”

Kale looked
angry now, “No Izzie, why won’t you admit you love me too? I know
you feel something for me. For someone who is so smart, you’re
incredibly stupid to not recognise what it is you’re feeling!”

It was Izzie’s
turn to be mad, “How dare you call me stupid! Just because you’re
some hot-shot movie star – that is no reason to patronise me … you
really are a jerk Kale Eddison!” Izzie was truly spitting mad and
she was glad; it made it easier to squash her true feelings. And,
if she made him angry in the process, then it would make everything
go a whole lot smoother.

Kale was
furious, “God you frustrate me! Now I really don’t know
I’m attracted to you! If you don’t want to admit it – fine – but
know this; if you change your mind after I leave, my offer no
longer stands.”

Izzie stood up,
“Good, maybe then you’ll finally understand that everybody is
in love with you … you aren’t God’s gift Kale! Trust you
to think that you can win me over but you just can’t accept the
fact that there is one actual human being who is immune to your
charms and does not love you and never will.”

Kale was
speechless at that and Izzie felt a stab of regret; there really
had been no need to be so harsh but if it made Kale accept the role
… then so be it. She decided to leave there and then without saying
another word. She grabbed her bag and quickly rushed out of the
coffee shop, leaving Kale sitting there looking extremely hurt.




The days that
passed after the row, Kale failed to turn up to school and Izzie
figured it was because he was getting reading to leave for filming.
She wasn’t proud of what she had told him in their heated
discussion; it was pure lies and she was torn up about it but it
had been a necessary evil. Even though it had been required to
persuade Kale to take the part, Izzie felt completely heart-broken;
she had probably blown a chance at happiness but she kept telling
herself that it had been for a reason more important than her and
her feelings for Kale. This was bigger than some High School crush;
this concerned someone’s career and she couldn’t – wouldn’t – be
the reason for destroying it. Besides, she frequently reminded
herself that this wasn’t one of Kale’s fluffy films that they were
in; this was real life and the majority of the time … there was no
happy ending.


On the second
day after their row, Izzie was feeling rather sorry for herself as
she made her way home from school. She just wanted to lock herself
in her room and not be disturbed for the rest of eternity. As she
threw her bag into the kitchen, she found her grandmother sitting
in the living room. She flopped down beside her and Izzie watched
as her grandmother turned to look at her with a worried

BOOK: ... not in love with Kale Eddison
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