Read Not So New in Town Online

Authors: Michele Summers

Not So New in Town (19 page)

BOOK: Not So New in Town
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Shee-it. Brogan tried not to picture Lucy naked in his shower, using his soap and his shampoo, but the longer the water ran, the wilder his thoughts ran. He uncorked a bottle of Pinot Noir with more force than necessary. He wondered what she’d do if he just happened to open the bathroom door, peel off his clothes, and join her inside the steamy shower. The same shower with swiveling showerheads and adjustable body sprays.
Dammit. Get a grip.
Lucy didn’t need bucking Brogan tapping on her door or anything else right now. He’d promised her a good meal, conversation, and to get to know her. Not hot, slippery, up-against-the-wall shower sex with a wet, soapy Lucy. Sweat beaded his forehead. He tore off a paper towel and swiped his brow, and got busy plating their food: creamy mac and cheese, a healthy, organic version; fresh salad with raspberry vinaigrette; and pork tenderloin with balsamic glaze. Not the Angus beef he’d been craving, but still tasty. He carried their plates to the screened-in back porch and set them on the table. He lit three candles and picked up the bottle of wine.

Brogan’s thoughts tumbled around in his head, all centered on Lucy. He knew her better than she gave him credit for. She was hardworking, smart, and funny. She constantly brainstormed, but instead of dumping her ideas on someone else to execute, she took the initiative and put the ideas in motion. And beneath the snark beat a heart of gold that wanted to reconcile with her stepsister, even though Julia had stomped on Lucy’s heart more times than she could count. And despite his teenage attitude and disrespect, Lucy showered Parker with love and patience. Lucy offered more in one day than most people did in a lifetime. He truly believed that, but he didn’t think Lucy did. Her insecurities from her past kept her from believing and trusting in herself. Spending this time with her, Brogan hoped to change that before he shoved off to New York.

As he picked up a wineglass, the sound of Lucy padding toward him, fresh from her shower, lifted his head. His hand wobbled, spilling wine on the table. She wore his large T-shirt that hit midthigh, and wet hair knotted on top of her head. Loose strands were already starting to curl around her face. Curls he remembered from back in high school. This side of Lucy was soft and lush and edible. His mouth watered, and he lost all interest in the food cooling on their plates.

“Hope you don’t mind, but I used your shampoo.” She glanced down at her slim bare legs and small pink feet. “Sorry, I don’t look very nice for our date, but I couldn’t wear that stained dress a minute longer.” She looked incredible. Brogan had trouble swallowing what felt like a ball of steel wool. Pulling out her wicker chair, he tried hiding the painful erection straining the back of his zipper.

“Mmm, this looks yummy.” She slipped into her seat and picked up the paper napkin with delicate fingers. Brogan gave his head a vicious shake.

“Wow. You went to a lot of trouble. Little votives and clear plastic plates. I must be special,” she teased as she sipped the wine he managed to finish pouring without spilling another drop.

“Only the best for my guest.” He grinned at her rosy cheeks and spiky eyelashes.

“It’s delicious, and really perfect,” she said after tasting the pork. “I mean this piece of property.” She gestured to the back of his wooded lot. “Can you see the lake from here?”

“Yeah, in the winter when the trees are bare.”

“Too bad you’re selling. I’d be tempted to stay after all these beautiful renovations.”

He’d be tempted to stay too, if—
ball, dumbass. You have a job to do in New York…not Harmony.
“You could buy it. I’d give you a real good deal.”

Lucy scrunched her pert nose. “If Julia’s handling the sale, believe me, I’ll be raked over the coals. Anyway, I’m leaving Harmony, just like you.” She spooned mac and cheese in her mouth and groaned, licking her lips. “I’m officially your slave for life.”

He gulped more wine. He’d never survive watching Lucy get orgasmic over mac and cheese. Burning the retinas in his eyes held great appeal. Anything would be less painful than watching Lucy make love to a plate of noodles.

Unaware of his sexual frustration, Lucy asked, “When you finally get married, where
you plan to settle down?”

worked. Brogan would rather eat expired sushi from a gas station vending machine than think about marriage.

“I’ve been married and have zero plans to repeat the performance.” Lucy choked, almost spewing wine. Brogan gave her clap on the back. “You okay?”

She reached for her napkin and blotted her mouth. “You were married? I had no idea. When? How long?”

He shrugged, trying to dislodge the stones burying his heart. “Several years ago. It didn’t last long. We separated after a few months.” Lucy drilled him with her undivided attention. He sighed and settled back in his seat. This was old news, and really, he’d made no secrets about his life. “During our separation, we tried working it out for about three years. But after the miscarriage, there didn’t seem to be much holding us together.”

Concern softened her expression, and she whispered, “A baby. I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” She covered his cold hand and squeezed. “You must’ve been devastated. Is that why you don’t want to be a dad? Because you lost your baby?”

No. Yes. Maybe. Hell, he didn’t know. “Look, I won’t lie…having a baby scared the crap out of me. I would’ve stood by my child, but I wasn’t looking forward to fatherhood. I didn’t have a great role model.” His laugh sounded raw. “I had
role model, and from what little I know of my dad, I’m sorry his blood runs through my veins.”

Surprising him, Lucy jumped up and planted her palms on the table. Her damp hair had fallen from the loose knot and tumbled around her shoulders in glorious curls. She looked soft and sweet and mad as hell. “Brogan Freakin’ Reese! You listen to me. You are not your dad, and you never will be. When have you ever shirked your responsibilities or run from a challenge? Take Parker”—she gave a huge eye roll—“
, take him. Because of you, he’s walking taller and actually working hard toward something.”

“That’s the football. Has nothing to do with me.”

“Moose muffins! You’ve made a difference, whether you see it or not. And you’d make a wonderful dad.” Lucy leaned forward and poked his chest with her finger. “You know, dipweed, your mom was a great woman. She didn’t raise a dummy or a coward. I think she raised a pretty darn good man.”

Brogan pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her hips. “Did you just call me Brogan
Reese?” Lucy wiggled her butt to get comfortable and made his ever-present hard-on ache. He clamped down on his back teeth.

“Is that all you got from my impassioned speech? I call you that when I’m angry…in my head.”

Clean soap and warm Lucy, a phenomenal combination. His gaze dropped to her vulnerable neck, where he wanted to plant his mouth. “Is that all you call me?” he murmured as he inched closer.

“Mostly. I can think of a few other choice names. Want to hear them?”

He cupped her smooth bottom, making her jump. “You’re not wearing my shorts.”

She shrugged as she worked the buttons loose on his shirt. “Too big. They kept falling down. Figured you wouldn’t mind.” Storm-cloud gray darkened her eyes as he slid his hands up her waist and along her sides.

“Are we going to do this, Little Lucy?” His face lowered to the curve of her exposed neck, and he opened his mouth against her hot skin. Her pulse leapt against his tongue, and her hands curled into the fabric of his open shirt.

She nodded, making her curls bounce on her shoulder. “Yep. No strings attached. I’m not interested in being your girlfriend. And I don’t want the Harmony busybodies chirping and cheeping and picking it apart, morsel by morsel.” What she left unsaid, he still heard. She didn’t want Julia to know. He didn’t either. He didn’t want to be the cause of any more frantic emergency room runs, and he didn’t want to create more friction between Lucy and her sister.

Small puffs of air escaped her pink lips as he brushed the sides of her breasts covered in lace. “No strings attached. You got it. Let’s make the most of our short stay in town.” Tunneling his fingers through the damp curls at the base of her neck, he slammed his mouth against hers.

* * *

Crazy thoughts careened through Lucy’s head as Brogan kissed her like she was his last lifeline and he was dying. No-strings-attached sex? Where had that come from? How was she going to pretend he meant nothing to her after making love? Impossible. She’d already fallen halfway in love.

“I can feel you thinking,” he murmured against her lips. “Having second thoughts?”

“No,” she breathed. She cupped his face and swirled her tongue in his hot mouth. No more thoughts. Loco Lucy Doolan was going to have her man…if only for this one perfect night.

“It’s not too late. We can talk some more or play Parcheesi.” He rained kisses around her jaw and down her neck. Lucy’s head fell back to give him better access.

“Do you know how to play Parcheesi?” she panted.

“Heck no. I don’t even own the game.” He lifted his face, eyes glazed with lust. “Please tell me you’d rather have sex than play some stupid board game.”

Her hands slid to his shoulders, and she nibbled kisses across his strong chin and over his bottom lip. “I want you. Now. Tonight.”

Brogan suddenly stood with her in his arms. “I’ve been dreaming about this moment since the first day I spotted you.”

He gave her a little toss in the air, and she squealed, clutching his neck. “What are you doing?” He strode through the dark great room and down the even darker hall.

“Having fun. That okay?” He grinned.

“Only if you don’t drop me.”

He pushed open the door with his shoulder to a shadowy bedroom. The open draperies allowed the moon’s glow to illuminate the lone chair, sitting next to a small chest beside the large unmade bed. “At some point, I’ll have to drop you.” He covered the carpeted floor in three strides and then tossed her high in the air.

“Squeee!” she screamed before landing on his bed with a bounce. “If this is your idea of foreplay, you need some work.” She laughed.

Brogan crawled on top of her, pushing the T-shirt up and over her head before she could stop bouncing. His hands moved to her shoulders, and he slid the straps to her silver bra down her arms.

“Damn, you’re pretty.” His fingers skated across the lacy cups, pebbling her nipples and then flicking open the front clasp. Pushing the cups aside, he sat back on his knees and stared. A sudden shyness came over her. Brogan must’ve sensed Lucy’s discomfort, because he snagged her wrists, pinning her arms by her sides. “Don’t hide anything.” His voice was rough. He lowered his mouth to hers, and the kiss grew wild and hypnotic.

Lucy struggled to stay afloat. She was sinking and drowning in a harsh sea of physical and consuming need. His deep-throated groan matched hers. She pushed him back, panting. “Brogan.” The longing in his dark green eyes made her feel desired and wanted. Something she’d never felt. She loved his nice, caring side, and she loved this side, the sexy, tantalizing, tough guy all concentrated on one thing…her.

She stroked the stubble on his jaw. “You need to lose some clothes. I want to see you.” Bouncing from the bed as if spring-loaded, he undressed so fast that Lucy started to chuckle. “You’re so easy. I can’t believe the Happy Hookers didn’t have you stripping tonight.”

He pulled her on her side to face him, stroking her back with his warm fingers. “Don’t bring up Happy Hookers, Harmony Huggers, or Jo Ellen Huggins unless you want my dick to shrivel up like a raisin. Nothing could get me out of the mood faster than those people.”

would not be the word she’d use to describe the hard erection pressing against her stomach. “No. We don’t want that, do we?” she whispered, flattening her palm against his chest and rubbing her fingers through the light dusting of hair. She worked her hand down his spectacular, washboard abs and over his lean hip. Brogan gave a vicious groan and moved her hand to his shoulder. His green eyes burned bright, locking on hers.

“Not so fast.” He pushed her back on the mattress and followed. “I want to make this last.” He lowered his head and gave her another blistering kiss, claiming her mouth like he owned it. Liquid heat pooled between her legs. She clung to him, begging for more, urging him on with her legs wrapped around his hips. He dragged his hot mouth down her throat, licking her skin, telling her she tasted like juicy fruit, and how she made him hard. He moved lower until the tip of his tongue swirled her nipple before sucking it inside his wet mouth.

She jolted from the sizzling heat, gripping his shoulder and running her fingers through his soft hair. Her breath grew choppy, and her skin caught fire. “No…no more. Please.” He looked up through sexy, heavy lids, wearing a wicked, carnal smile that promised more. A lot more. Lucy threw her head back and groaned. “I’m not kidding, Brogan. I can’t take it,” she gritted out through her teeth.

“I’m just getting warmed up.” He trailed kisses down her sternum, around her belly, tickling her navel with his moist tongue. Her head thrashed as she gripped the sheet with her fists. “Do you like that?” His fiery breath heated her oversensitive skin. She swallowed hard, nodding. “Good, because it only gets better.”

“Oh God,” she moaned and dropped her head. He trailed a row of kisses right above the narrow elastic of her silver panties. He nipped at her hip and his breath grew labored. “What are you doing?” she panted, watching him slip his fingers underneath the elastic.

“Getting ready for dessert.” Lucy’s eyes crossed, and she bit her lip. He peeled her panties off and knelt between her legs, leaving her exposed. “I’ve waited forever.” His voice held almost a reverent quality. He lifted her bottom with his big, capable hands as Lucy’s legs shook. Chuckling, he bit the inside of her thigh. And then he brought his mouth down and feasted.

BOOK: Not So New in Town
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